
Sabrina Tay

Ask @sabsterette

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If you could spend the next year living anywhere in the world, where would you go?

next to leno hehehe

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who was your best childhood friend since you were born?

since i was born..? i dont remember knowing anybody since i was born xD

Do you prefer cinema or theatre?

Cinema shows should stay in the cinema and theatre performances stay in the theatre

dude you just said hi to me like twice. i deactivated my ask.fm ha ha ha #studiouskid (lisa get in line i'm the c00lest pls)

HAHAHAHHA hi rachel. Yes i going away

you r going overseas!!!!!!!? how dare you not tell me FRIENDSHIP OVER (this is your c00lest church friend btw just casually stalking ok bye)


um xcuse me i think u spelt my name wrongly the coolqueen iz here (let me answer for lisa and you) (it's rachel) (thank u)

Hi rachel xD whats you username ah, then i can follow you

Thoughts on VEREHNA

HAHAH Verehna is the most awesomest kewlest kat couzin ever. The most caring and thoughtful person known to human kind.

ugh stop going overseas :-( :-( lucky duck!! but if there wasn't tv then PLL wouldn't be able to air so...

I dont watch TV, i watch computer xD and no! i cant

Hi sabbie dabbie WHO IS YOUR COOLEST CHURCH FRIEND (here I'll tell you the answer: starts with L ends with A)

errrrrmmmmmmm i have to say Lisa? though i doubt it, cause she just aint that cool......

you do!!! what about PLL :-( aw yeah go for sec 3 camp and you can see me (-;

Yeah but not on TV! i watch on comp xD i cant :( flying off on the 14th of June :( so i cant even go for sec 2 D:

hey sabzsterzxc waaasssup how can you live w/o tv :-( :-( :-( -rachel k

RACHELLLLL!!!!!!! hiiiii!! and cause i barely watch TV now adays xD do you?! havent seen you in forever


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