
Sabrina Tay

Ask @sabsterette

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What is your idea of a romantic evening?

going to a grocery store and walking around the whole evening looking at food.

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What should I do if my parents are not for me having a relationship but the guy that I like are both serious about dating together?

Errrrrr, you either can be very honest with them but be aware that they won't like you being with the guy or keep it from them hahaha. Better to be honest (duh) but if they will make you guys break up then i'd say to just keep it secret for :\

Is ib stressful

I think it depends on what subject combo you take. For me it actually isnt that stressful hahaha, it's just that some of the subjects can be quite difficult

How do u know if a guy is serious about you?

Hahaha you don't really. I guess you kinda both have to talk about it and if he tells you he really is serious about you than you should trust him. If you dont talk about it, it can be kinda hard to tell cause people show their emotions in different ways. So if you really do want to know, you should ask him :)
But then again if he does stuff to makes you feel special (eg, buy a lot of food :P) you probably are important to him

How do you see yourself spending your time in your old age?

Whaaaaat hahaha
Maybe, i'll just be a fat old lady with 200 dogs and cats. Surrounded by food. That's very likely actually

What does it feel like to be in love ?

ermm deep question hahaha.
Fall in love with Jesus first and you'll know the answer :)

Describe ur bf

Hahaha wow. He is weird, mean, funny, odd, special, crazy, cute, sweet, nice (sometimes). hehe

How did u meet ur bf? You guys so cute (:

HAhaha sorry for the late answer hehe but awwwww thank youu!!!! hahaha we met in church then started talking through twitte and whatsapp

How do you define yourself?

Define myself?
Ermmmm hahah idk I guess I'm like a smileyish person who likes being happy and making other people happy. But to my friends I'm jokingly mean xD I like giving advice but no one really asks me for advice hahaha
I guess I'm a irritable person too hahaha
And most importantly I am a Child of God and I love my Him so much :)

Would you rather be a lonely genius, or a sociable idiot?

I think I already Qualify for the idiot part so.. HAHA

What is your opinion about same gender relationships?

Errr idk. I don't think it's weird or anything but I'm against same gender marriage cause marriage is kinda a catholic tradition.
But then again, they say God is the love between and man and a woman, so how can the same gender relationship be truly centred on Christ?
Deep confusing question hahaha


Language: English