

Ask @saggitariusgarden8

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I can’t stop thinking about you and it’s driving me crazy..

send this to the person directly and not everyone 🙄
Liked by: Solomon

What’s the last thing you ordered from Amazon? What is the next thing you’re thinking of ordering?

GlindaBells’s Profile PhotoPumpkin Spice Glinda
last thing was skincare, thinking of buying some chips that they dont sell in stores anymore

Why do you get my shoutouts if you blocked me.

ive only blocked one person and i would hope you arent him lol

Have you ever liked someone and knew that they liked you back but something stopped you from pursuing them/being in a relationship with them? If yes, do you feel comfortable admitting what it was that got in the way of you two?

i cant relate to this off the top of my head but if you provide more detail i can answer better

Do you feel sad when people don’t like your posts on here or do you not care for likes?

just happy to be here

I miss you all I can do is think about you, can’t eat can’t sleep can’t listen to music can’t do art….im such a coward for not calling ugh

TEXT ME i guarantee its mutual


Language: English