

Ask @saqib_c

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What do you usually forget?

When i was a teenager, i never thought I'd have open pores, dark circles or permanent bruises on my ankles. I always thought my hair would grow back long and healthy no matter how many times i cut it; my feet won't ever be tired, my shoulders won't ever hurt. But the truth is, feet get tired and shoulders hurt.
Our bodies remind us of how far we've come. More often than not, our bodies tell our tales better than our words.

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Ribos2018AA’s Profile PhotobeerA
It's not that we're all a bunch of paranoids; it's just most of us don't get to adulthood without having been burned by people who we thought were trustworthy. Emotional betrayal makes us much less naive and more cautious. While we all would like to believe that people are generally trustworthy, most of us have abundant evidence to the contrary.


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