

Ben itu siapa jelaskan

A best friend, also my boyfriend.
Around April 2014
I met Ben on this college site because i was curious about college in the U.S. Ask i asked him a lot of questions and he answered all of them very detail. We started to add each other on line, and we talked a lot.
May 2014
Ben always be there to keep me company even tho its late for him. Our time difference are between 11-12 hours. So day time in indonesia (ahead), and night time in Hunstville, Alabama. We share things and talk about random things. Ben asked me out via call on may 4th 2014 and i said yes
June 2014
We broke up on June 15th because the distance is too painful and i was thinking about we're just different,like Ben is bule lol and we just have no idea how our parents would react about this. But yet, we still talk everyday afterwards and be a good friends. Ben is not that religious i can say and me either. but i still do what i have to do in my religion right like i have to do fasting. Ben curious about this fasting thing so he tried to fast with me once (walaupun sebenernya di U.S durasinya 21 jam tapi dia ngikut 13 jam sama kayak di indonesia haha).
July 2014
On July 5th i pranked Ben because his birthday getting closer so i told him it was my dad whos talking and i tell him that i was dead, he's very worried. Until July 10th i surprise him with mini cake and ugly candles and recorded a video my wishes for him.. He seem very happy. And then on July 12th 2014 Ben wanted a second chance so yeah we're getting back together. I would say.... He's the only guy who accept me just what i am, he doesn't care about my imperfections. And he just so amazing you know he always made my laugh and smile.
July 21st 2014 (11 pm for ben)
We were send each other silly faces. We talked about random things.. Until we were kinda had this argument about him making bad decisions like being drunk and stuff. But i won't stop him for anything he wanted to do so i allowed him to drink.. Tapi ternyata he just made that up dan mau ngetes like do i care about him or nah. But i really do care about him because i love him so much. Until 1 AM (his time) he told me that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with me and talk about our future later, talk about college again, talk about our parents, and how he tell his mom about me, and then he added me on facebook.. We were about to change our statuses but i wasn't ready because idk how my family and friends would react. So i want to wait until our 1st month together. Aaaand around 1:10 AM... It was the last time we talk. I told him to go to sleep because it was so late for him.. I waited for him to to wake up and say "good afternoon" but he didn't. Until the next day his mom emailed me and telling me that ben is passed away peacefully in his sleep. Yesterday was his memorial day. be happy up there Ben i love you so damn much, Rest In Peace :'( <3 (so much to say rightnow but there's no enough space here)
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Latest answers from Sav

Kok hobi zina sih? Ortu lo kemana? Gak di urus ya? Ati2 bunting beb

Kok hobi fitnah sih? Ortu lo kemana? Gak di urus ya? Ati2 dosa nya banyak beb. Btw kalo bilang ga di urus, coba dicek gue gapernah ga deket sama ortu gue dan keluarga besar gue jadi yaaa kasian aja sih sama lo he he

Kak, aku lg dalam kondisi saling syg sama dia, sama2 nyaman, udh kyk org pacaran tp ga punya status. Tp dia punya pacar, sdh tau sejak awal. Sdh pernah mencoba untuk pergi, begitupun dia. Tp akan slalu kembali berhubungan. Tolong kasih "tamparan" atau cara spy bisa pergi menjauh kak. Tp msh syg

Ku tampar virtual aja ya ?? He he aduh maaf sebelumnya ku gabisa kasih saran atau apapun.. tapi yha menurut gue sih bener2 harus block dia dari hidup lo gitu he he

Sav mau nanya dong sorry kalo tersinggung, just ask... Itu mata kanan sama kiri lo beda gitu ya?

Never open up about this but yes. Udah dari lahir.

Sav tempat ngopi enak dibintaro dimana aja sih? Lo paling sering kemana kalo ngopi dibintaro? Thx

Halooo! Kalo pw nya gitu sih gue senengnya ke routine, enak juga sih kopi nya. Saudagar kopi juga enaaak, tapi akhir-akhir ini lagi sering ke linggih karena suka aja disitu buat ngopi bareng temen enak juga kopinya nyehe ☺️

Vira, dateng pensi PJ tidak? Dateng dong ada Teza Sumendra ?

Nyehe mau sih cuma blm tau juga nih soalnya mau ke mugal ?

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