

Ask @saviraivanka

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Unfortunately you lucky than me. Your surrounding support you to speak. Kakak sekolah dimana sih?

Hehe kamu sering ngobrol aja sama temen temen kamu pake english! Aku juga amburadul kok bahasa inggris nya lol. Aku di sma plus PJ :)

Dont you realize? Ben close his life with thinking of you. Thinking how much he loves you sav!

Ah anon thank you so so much for saying this. You made me realize that everything happens for a reason. God bless you man :')
now i miss him like cray..
RIP Benji <3

omg im so sorry to read abt Ben, you both amazing❤ god bless

Hey thank you so much, it means a lot <3 God bless u! Thanks for the support.
RIP Benji ❤️
Liked by: Monika Aditia Jeje

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I like your english even everyone judge you about that. It' okay. Minta tips dong kak gimana bisa bahasa inggris selancar kakak?

Makasihhhh, aku juga masih belajar kok hehe. Mostly, nonton film dan subtitle english nya di on karena listening itu menurut aku paling efektif. Terus kalo di sekolah aku kan english subject nya ada dua. Nah english plus subject ini nih ngebantu banget soalnya sering listening terus retell story etc. ngobrol sama temen jugaa :)

God have the best plan for us. I trully know this is hurt but He knows what the best for you. Stay positive:)

Amen, thankyou so much anon <3 i really wish i could be there to see him for the last time and be there for ben's mom... Gosh i wish.
RIP Benji <3

How old are you? I'm sorry that i had to say this but your english is so bad.

16 going on 17 and soz i know that mate. I was about to say this to everyone.. MY ENGLISH IS SO LAME GUYS SOZ. MY TOEFL AND IELTS SCORE ARE SO ZAYYUM LOW. My grammar doe, damn.

Sav, I don't even know who you are. But I am truly sorry for your loss. It kinda remind me of something in my situation, and I am so sorry for your loss. It must be really tough, I can feel you. I'm sure Ben loves you that much.

Marsya K. Azzahra
Hello! Nice to know you though :) thank you so much for your kind thoughts, it means a lot. And stay strong for you too for whatever happend to you because you're amazing!
RIP <3

jerry dennis tuh siapa?

Oh hey i remember who jerry dennis is.
He's a young surfer from GC. he died while training with lifesaving team-mates at Mermaid Waters. Respect, RIP <3

loh kok belum cukup umur bisa masuk? how?

There's always a way. Gue liat yang lebih muda dari gue juga banyak

cerita lengkap ttg ben dong.. waktu dia meninggal reaksi lo gmn

My first reaction was.. I thought he pranked me. Gue ketawa pas this woman messaged me on facebook telling me his mom wanted to call me because ben is not okay. Besides, it would cost a lot to call from the U.S to indo. Because i know how ben loved to prank me people. Jadi instead of calling thru phone, i gave her my email. Itu hari senin kan, i waited for his mom to reply my email. Gue positif ini pasti prank karena no news on ben's facebook and stuff ((udah positive thinking aja dia nge prank karena dengan no news itulah gue nge prank ben :( )) i told his mom i'm not okay and stayed in the hospital because i'm actually WORRIED AF.
Until wednesday morning, i literally just woke up at 8 Am and there's an email notification, when i opened it, his mom included a link.. I'm just so speechless there's ben's full name, age, and his Uni name in the article.
RIP Benji <3

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i once go in an online dating like this, but you guys are so cute together, be tough cause ben is already in peace right now :)

Laa.. Kehapus.. Lol sorry
It's ridiculous how we met like the first thing i said to him was.... I like chicken nuggets :') we were planning to meet up even tho i know how ben hated to travel :p he's saving money to send me stuff and to see me someday :( and btw thank you anon, Rest In Peace Benji <3

omg stay strong. I just cried my eyes off reading your story. be happy ok? try and live your life. that's what he would have wanted :) he's in a better place now

I'm trying to. Aww don't.. And will do anon, i will try to. Before ben's passing, he always told me to be happy and i didn't expecting he would say i'll be okay without him. I will be a better person for him! Thank you so much anon <3

Hello Sav! It's Tada here, you don't have to answer this. I completely understand what you're feeling now. I was in that position too only that we pulled ourselves away from each other accidentally when we're still in love with each other. I'm sorry for what happened in your life, stay strong. :)

Hello kak tada! I don't really know what to say rightnow.... But thank you so muchhhh, it means a lot hehe :)


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