
Sentai Filmworks

Ask @SentaiFilmworks

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Favorite Akame ga Kill character?

This changes from time to time, but I'm gunna have to go with Susanoo right now. He's just so freaking handy! Imagine having this buffed up beefcake dude doing all of your cooking, cleaning, and all the other chores you're too lazy to do, all while being a kickass bodyguard AND being at your beck and call at all times. That's the life I want, that Susanoo life.
Liked by: Erin

What new anime are you looking towards licensing next?

Anything and everything! Every season we look at all shows available to see what to scoop up. Right now there are a few shows we have our eyes on for the next season...but of course we can't say what they are now haha. But yeah, we look at every single thing.
Liked by: Palsa Erin

Do you have any titles as of this moment that have been released sub only that you have plans to re release with a dub like you have done in the past?

There have been some names floating around. I couldn't really say with certainty, though, as talk is just talk until it's put down on paper, but we are always mining for past shows that could get a dub treatment. The best way to try to get a previous show dubbed is to let us know what you would like us to look into further on our social channels. We're always around and always reading what you guys have to say. :)

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Hi Mr. Sentai, are there any plans to release short animes like Wakaba Girl?

Yep, we actually licensed this show last season. It's super cute, and since the episodes are so short it's easy to enjoy when you have a spare few minutes. Eventually this will be available on home video. Thanks!
Liked by: Erin Antonio Bravo

What are some good ways of letting Sentai know that people want a certain LE of a title, or even if they want a certain title licensed?

Social! We're always on, we're always listening, so make sure to let us know what you're thinking.
Liked by: Palsa Erin

So you guys got The Perfect Insider and Beautiful Bones? Ready to solve some mysteries?

These two are the shows I'm personally most excited about, because I love a good mystery. So far they have not disappointed, and we are eager to see what roads the shows take. What do you all think of them so far?
Liked by: Palsa Erin Student no.0

I'm sick and the only cure is the second season of Love, Chuunibyo and Other Delusions on BluRay. Can you help a guy out?

There have been discussions here and there about Chunibyo Heart Throb in the office, just like every other show, but nothing has been set into motion juuuust yet. We'll let you know as soon as something starts happening!
Liked by: Palsa Timothy Eggert

That Chaika trailer is SO COOL. Will we be able to hear something with the voices in it soon? Or maybe a cast announcement?

Chaika trailer in question: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nkcmxEbTEm0SentaiFilmworks’s Video 131537904861 nkcmxEbTEm0SentaiFilmworks’s Video 131537904861 nkcmxEbTEm0
Yes, cast announcements for Chaika the Coffin Princess are on the way! We've already got an idea of what we want to do with them, so it's just a matter of scheduling them out on our end. So, long story short:
Liked by: Palsa Erin Recca S

All of your recent dubs have been outstanding. So, is there any plans on Food Wars getting a dub!!?? Please let it be true!!!

Thanks, we're glad you guys are into them!
Food Wars was a big surprise. We had a strong feeling that it was going to be something really good, but the level at which the show took off with you guys was amazing. That always bodes well for a title when it comes down to deciding whether or not to dub it, so it's already got one feather in its cap. :)
Liked by: Palsa Erin

Is there a good likelihood that more older shows that have sold well for you guys may get CE's in due time?

A lot of things figure into whether or not a box set gets made, even with shows that have never been released. One of the big ones is demand. As you know we are forever looking through forums, tweets, FB posts and the like to figure out what kind of demand there is for our titles. If there's enough demand for a show to get a CE we will definitely give it a long look, weigh out the possibilities and see whether or not it is possible at that time. Good question, thanks!

Is there a set date for when Akame ga Kill will be released on dvd/bluray?

This is a question that people have been asking since it started airing on Toonami, and it seems that it's not going to stop haha.
As of the time of this writing I believe there is, but it has not been announced yet! So watch out on our social media channels for an official announcement.
Liked by: Palsa Erin Josef

Do you guys get excited when a currently airing series you license does well in Japan?

We get more excited about how a show does here in the States, actually! When we see how much love a show is getting on social and the rest of the web, it's a big indicator of what kind of show we have on our hands. For example, all of you out there asking for a Nozaki-kun box set lately has let us know, "hey, there's a big demand for this", so we are always watching for reactions from you guys.
Although, the popularity of a show in Japan also has a lot to do with whether or not it gets a second season, so we are always rooting for some hometown popularity as well!
Liked by: Erin

So many new dubs! Black Bullet! Brynhildr! And I loved those! Will there be more action dubs coming?

We're glad you're enjoying our stuff! As far as action shows coming down the pipeline, I believe we have RE: Hamatora slated for a January 2016 release. I see a few more coming out after that, but nothing has a concrete date yet. Nevertheless, more is on the way!
Liked by: Erin Recca S

Can you share anything on My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU season 2?

The SNAFU fans absolutely loved the new season. You literally couldn't get them to shut up about it. :) SNAFU TOO was definitely a big success for us, and our staff's sentiment seems to be the general feeling about the new season, which is great!
As far as a release date, it's a little too early to tell, although the time to talk about it is coming up sooner rather than later. When we know for sure what's happening with it, we'll be sure to let you all know!
Liked by: Palsa

Will Shirobako get a bluray release?

Yes, eventually SHIROBAKO will be released on Blu-ray. Right now we don't have it scheduled for release, but I'm thinking that it will be showing up sooner than later! Stay tuned!

What's the next CE you guys have coming out after Beyond the Boundary? I hope you guys do Nozaki-kun!!

We DO have something lined up after Beyond the Boundary, but it's a bit of a secret! And yes, we are trying extra hard to make that Nozaki box set happen, and it would totally help the cause if we heard more people demanding it!

Any news about a DanMachi, Shokugeki collector's edition?

Right now all of our energy is going toward trying to make a Nozaki-kun box set happen (cross your fingers!), but those two titles are definitely popular enough to warrant it. Right now we don't have a definitive answer, but keep asking, we're always listening.
Liked by: Paco Garza Palsa

How's reception of Gatchaman Crowds around the office?

Around here? We LOVE Gatchaman Crowds. This newest season has further cemented it into one of our top shows. Love those White Ash OPs, too. ;)
Liked by: Leona

First, I am so happy that you licensed Young Blackjack! Second, do you have any other anime to announce for this season?

Thanks! And yes, we definitely have more shows to announce. I believe, excluding today's announcement of Beautiful Bones -Sakurako's Investigation-, that we have 5 more shows to reveal. Stay tuned!
Liked by: Erin Palsa

I heard that Parastye was going to premiere on toonami very soon! I can't wait! But what I wanted to ask was are you guys going to come out with a dvd for the series? A collectors edition maybe?

That actually happened this weekend, and it was AMAZING! As far as a physical release of the series, this is a 100% possibility. As far as a collector's edition, I really couldn't say definitively, but if I were to speculate I would give it a good shot of happening.
Liked by: Duelist

Are there any never before licensed shows, preferably from the past couple years sentai has acquired rights to or will to soon?

We have a couple of titles that have yet to be announced, yes. I don't have our release schedule in my face right now, but I'm pretty sure there are some from some recent seasons that we are waiting to release to the public.
Liked by: Erin Palsa Craigo


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