

Latest answers from Serena

you favorite players in ctb??

Byeol Spectator Kohaku ExGon Mentali Yukiteru Amano Keine
Well, its not in order though

장래가 촉망되는 CTB 유저 top 5 를 뽑자면?

Evangeline Keine Nyong- superw7 [ Larc ]
에반젤린님은 처리력좀만 키우시면 모든곡 논 1등휩쓰실꺼같고... 케이네님은 뭐 ar9히더상향=캐치원탑 나머지 3분은 성장속도가 엄청나셔서 가능성이 무궁무진한...

would you mind if someone ask you to play his map? (the map is horrible)

almost always open for test plays :D (only ctb) If i am multiplaying or trying to fc a song, i might test it later though

요즘 뜨고있다생각하는 유저분들 있으신가요?

라크님 뇽님 쉐이미님 정도? 굉장히 빨리 성장하고계셔서 무섭...

What do you think about Ttobas ( Mentali ) quit ?

I really miss him. I personally thought of him as a rival as well as my roll model in ctb. We both are one of the few players that didnt play HD that much and covered it with DT/HR. Though I didn't know about him very much, he was definitely the player that influanced me the most except Remilia-. I really hope that he will comeback someday ;w;

Language: English