
Sameera Shaakunthala

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What do you think about vegans who feed their dogs vegan dog food? Do they have the right to force their diet on their carnivorous pets? BQ: I've seen vegans say they don't trust meat eaters to look after their pets but would you trust a vegan to look after your dog properly, in terms of feeding??

That's utter stupidity. Animals deserve their freedom to choose what they eat.
I will not trust a vegan to look after my carnivorous pets if I will be having pets.

Where is the funniest place you have ever fallen asleep?

A computer table/ keyboard in the university computer lab.

Have you ever visited a place where it made an emotional impact on you? How did it make you feel?

Yes indeed, the small house where I spent first four years of my life. I felt like I want to experience the environment and stay all day!


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