

Ask @shahcknngts

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How salty can you get when you into an argument?

alpharean’s Profile PhotoChatter Box
I tend to be incoherent and illogical, overwhelmed by emotions and the need to be right, but after cooling off, I would try to apologize and engage in open communicqtion.
I used to be a tad toxic and did many regrettable things but yeah, am working on it.
I found that walking away or distracting myself with other things keeps me from saying or doing something that may worsen the situation.
I still struggle with that, though.

If you were to shut off your phone a week with no contact, who (not a name but how they are connected to you) would come find you? (imagine you are still doing your normal weekly activities…just no calls, text, social media, email)

Neo_gs’s Profile PhotoNeo
Family, work colleagues and clients.


shahcknngts’s Profile Photoshahpotato
4 essential skills to master:
1. Learn to be silent — refrain from impulses to respond to anything you hear.
2. Learn to articulate — your ability to speak with clarity is directly tied to how people respect you.
3. Learn to say no — saying No Is your ability to preserve your resources for what matters. Stop splitting your time and energy all over the place.
4. Learn to keep your word — Say what you mean and mean what you say. Break your word a few times, people lose trust in you.


shahcknngts’s Profile Photoshahpotato
"What assets do you have right now that you are not taking advantage of? What answered prayers are going unacknowledged, what glimmers of progress are going unrecognized? What little sparks of interest, or possibility, are attempting to grasp your attention, and which heavier weights of fear and decided failure are bearing down upon them and extinguishing your consideration before they have even been really been seen?
In what ways are you shortchanging your potential, in what ways have you taken yourself out of the arena before you were ever really in? In what ways are you guarding your heart by hurting it, as though you could safeguard by desensitizing, when your disproportionate focus upon the ways in which you might not be enough are scar tissuing them into your head enough to start fighting with your heart?
In what ways are you already playing dead?
If you could imagine that it was all taken away from you tomorrow, what would you most regret not being grateful for? Not seeing for what it was, while it still was there? In what ways are the doorways of opportunity outlining themselves along the closed walls of your perception, and what courage might you need to muster in order to realize that this very moment contains within it the the unlikely entryway to what you’ve been asking for all along?
We live as though it’s all a given, an endurance game — that life is something that is only to be tolerated. As though we could shield ourselves from the hurt by not taking the risk when the only real risk is not giving it all, while we still could. Failing to live on the edge of our hope, our faith. Not doing what we wanted to do, while we could still do it. Not loving the people who were in front of us, while they were still there. Not being who we had the capacity to be, while we were still in the moment.
No longer waiting for the breakthrough, but understanding that it is only a micro-shift that can set off a domino effect within our lives — that the biggest things begin with the smallest ones, and they’re all around us, quietly asking us to realize. To see."

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shahcknngts’s Profile Photoshahpotato
Sick Century - Winter Rain
https://youtu.be/1UWEdvDIbDA?si=5LQ7pVw6CYhzmQ7eshahcknngts’s Video 174231788926 1UWEdvDIbDAshahcknngts’s Video 174231788926 1UWEdvDIbDA
I long to imagine a change
But my heart is frozen by the winter rain
Long ago it was all a mistake
Now my heart is finally frozen
By the winter rain
Winter rain
By the winter rain
I feel, though I could change
You found me in the grey
And I been living on the run, living like a renegade
If our wa-If our waking life can seem
We rise to roam
Let the rain fall
Liked by: Lex Talionis Justice

Do you still listen to the radio?

alpharean’s Profile PhotoChatter Box
Not really, unless I am in a car and the radio is turned on.
Used to love listening to a Malaysian radio station called Era FM and catch up on Malay pop songs.
Liked by: Lex Talionis Shh

Could someone explain Hawk Tuah to me? I see it sliding into various memes and such.

Neo_gs’s Profile PhotoNeo
It's the sound of spitting on something.
Why Hawk Tuah?
Well, imagine an aged man trying to spit.
Haaaaawk Tuaaaah!

What have you achieved first half of 2024?

alpharean’s Profile PhotoChatter Box
A lot haha but my two biggest are being employed and gaining a bit more of Mobility Independence, the former having a longer list of mini accomplishments.
Alhamdulillah for all of the blessings and support.

There seem to be many “tests” done on men…the orange test, the ketchup test, the bear-in-forrest test, the “would you love me if I was a worm” test. Are these coming from one demented woman or is there some secret group?

Neo_gs’s Profile PhotoNeo
It happens when women are given too much freedom and time.

Do you mix friendship and colleagues together?

Nope, I draw tight boundaries between personal and professional life. Once I'm out of office, no colleague needs to know anything about me.
Liked by: Shh Merve Lex Talionis


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