
Shanice Tambe

Ask @shanzzz29x

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You don't talk to Deborah u guys don't even know each other

she went my primary but yunoo lol you're bored go and sleep

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Why don't u like Christabell

Relax who said i don't like her, i just don't chat to her so how am I supposed to have an opinion come on bruvv 😒.

Ops on Jessica olc yr 8

Mini mee bruvv 😂💕
Baree rude 😒💍
Baitt 😂😒
Always in trouble 😂😵
Needa go lessons faster.
Lol she short but she'll break your teeth cuz 😂😂😔
Cute smile thoo 😊😌
Little sisterr😂💓😏👭💪

Opss on Esther yr 8 olc

New levelss of adorable bruv😭😭❤
She's so sweett aswearr 💕
Gorgeous smilee😊☺
Peng and alla datt 😊💖
Personality bangss 💞

Ops on cindy yr 8 olx

Awww onaa my first ygss in olc
Baree cuteee
Lightyy and dahh
She's bravee bruv 😂😂👊💗

Fave ygs? Olc year 8/7

Year 7: Ermm disnata, mia&sophiee 💕
Year 8: Ahh baree ermm mainss... Jessica 💍😒💘 Cindy, Esther, Danielle, othersss cebaa to name 😌💎😭❤

You can only hear one song for the rest of your life. Bohemian Rhapsody or Ring of Fire?

Lol haven't heard of either


Language: English