

Ask @shatterfront

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Also will he be on a top 3 team? Or middle of the pack?

I think top 3 teams will be TSM C9 and GBM's team, so middle of the pack is more likely

Would you like to see WeiXiao back in competitive play and do you think he'd do well?

I would love that and Weixiao would slit throats, dude had a renaissance in S4 but was held down pretty hard by "Team WE" prison.

If you had a cat, would you name it Karsa or Hojin

Hojin because I hate the cat my brother has and likewise I think Hojin sucks

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Do you think Sukim is here to stay or are WE trolling

I don't even know, it's probably likely SukiM plays for whatever offseason tournaments there are before WE finalizes their 2016 roster

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