

Latest answers from cybercryptid

English is my second language so maybe that’s why I didn’t know what the word propel meant off the top of my head which is when I asked a classmate what it meant and he looked surprised. Was it weird that I didn’t know what it meant during my sophomore year in high school (being raised in the US)?


Are you bias towards “less attractive” people? (not here to judge, just to observe)

Not really, attraction really only matters to me with finding a partner

Have you ever had a crush on a coworker or a coworker like you? I’m pretty sure one of my coworkers has a thing for me. I can’t blame her because , well come on😎! But one , I’m spoken for , and two it’s not good to date a coworker. Could cause problems

eyehavebadgas9’s Profile PhotoGO KNIGHTS GO!
It could be a problem with anyone one dates but how people find someone to date is by being around them so it's natural. I don't think there's anything bad about dating coworkers. Yes I've had a thing for a couple and a couple had a thing for me but never went anywhere

Language: English