
intan syahira

Ask @sierrakadri

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“Masing-masing menjauhi, agar tiada siapa yang tersakiti”. Tapi kenapa makin sakit?

sebab too attached. jasad jauh, tapi hati masih attached

What is the most important lesson you’ve learned in life?

Never put a high expectation on something or someone . It would make you feel so f*****g frustrated/super sad if the outcomes are not like whats you expected . But you know ... its easy to say but difficult to do . Ive been there . Its hurt my heart so much even until now . Now .... i learnt my lesson ?

If someone you like ignore you, what would you do? Still show your efforts or leave?

Showing efforts while i still can .

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How to make someone fall in love with you?

Being yourself . Sooner or later someone that meant for you will come to your life and love you just the way you are .

Bila ada perasaan rasa serba salah.. apa yg korng buat ?

Buat taktau walaupun sebenarnya rasa bersalah . Nampak tak keras hati nya tu cane ?
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Kau ada rasa serabut x dgn perangai siblings kau? Mcm dia suka amek harta kau pastu buat mcm xde papehal eyy

Serabut yalll .Itu paling setan punya perangai . Setan tahap iblis . Tak kesah laa adik tak adik pun barang aku takyah ahh main suka2 guna, amek, tanpa izin do . Mmg kena carut dgn aku satu hari tu . Hm satu hari je laa pastu okay balik tp benci tu ttp ade . Rasa nak cepuk byk kali tp tak boleh sbb tak sampai hati plus nanti aku yg kena cepuk balik dgn mak aku alahai

is it worth to fix the past?

Yessssssss it is . I hope i could fi the past too but it seems like....hm nothing .but i'll never lose hope

Aku nak tanya. Susah sangat ke kau mula dulu? Aku rindu tahu tak ?

Hmm ego gais .. ego could kill everything . Ko pun ego . Mulakan jelaa dulu . Tp tulaa kang kata kita je yg terhegeh2 kan .i feel u beb . Hmm i feel u

Ape nk buat klau member ske kentut merata? Bau plak tu

Lol ko kentut balik sesenyap pastu tekup pakai tangan ko pastu pergi kat dia , bukak tgn ko depan muka dia . Biar padan muka dia hahaha

What do you do if you can’t sleep at night?

Awake. Hahahahahahaahahah. Kalau takleh tido nak buat apa lagi, berjaga laa pebenda laa sepak kang hahaha


Language: English