

Ask @sitinorelysah

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You know what, i failed one of my subject for this semester. So i need to repeat it for the next semester. Ive never failed before.Im soo down. Is this the end of life?

of course not... i already faced this situation, kita muhasabah diri balik n cuba kita lihat hubungan kita dgn Allah, parent n friends...mesti ade silap kat situhh, so betulkan lhh
in syaa Allah dipermudahkan

friend: ur bf likes other girl's pictures me: so what?

depends gamba perempuan jenis apa yg dia like kot even nak rasa jealous...if that girl yg dia like tu kita kenal, i dont feel nothing but if he likes kpop girls tu mcm dh scary kot (for sure, i feel like 'geli' if boy follow up kpop girls on their social media)
kalau kita stalk semua activiti bf, nnti kita kongkonglah apelahhh...
but if kita x stalk, kita dibodohkan plak sbb percaya buta"...
so then which one is the right way to know each other for the real relationship ?

Apa pendapat korang tentang Samsung Note 10? (Tak payah buat lawak hambar ‘sedekah lagi baik’, ‘phone nokia 3310 aku elok lagi’, etc)

AminBaha’s Profile PhotoiamAmin
alahhh x tau lahh

Kenapa kalau ikut kem, kita cepat rasa sunyi

of course sbb belum familiar... once bila dh ade member, kita jadi okay but not me? even rasa okay but still homesick

My neighbour just told me that he had a crush on me. what shud i do ?? I felt so awkward .. can u imagine? someone that used to grow up with u since u were little suddenly told u that he had a crush on u??

if i were u...i dont want to meet him or her ???
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