
Zara | IG: @sskeletale

Seberapa penting kah mengenal latar belakang seseorang dalam konteks berteman/mencari pasangan? Misal; mengetahui ideologi politik, standar moral, keyakinan, dsb.

problematic opinion ahead: most people on my LINE timeline are so fucking annoying it's like they follow one or two ~social justice~ official accounts and they start calling out the same damn problematic issues like a broken record which might sound great in theory because this approach prevents people from getting away with being ignorant and discriminatory but for the most part it includes shaming, pushing, and punishing the people being called out, repeating the same tactics of the systems of oppression we’re trying to move away from. i feel like it has now become a way for people to simply show how educated they are and to attack others online--trying to knock each other down to be crowned the movement’s Best Activist instead of educating and creating discussions. this ain't gonna do us any better bitch sit down
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Latest answers from Zara | IG: @sskeletale

Yang kerja jadi PA orang tajir melintir???? Di twitter gitu ada

its 2018 extravagant display of wealth should not impress us anymore my friends

Someone from your past came back to your life after months, or years trying to apologize for what he’s done. He made you feel some kind of way again and then went off changing his mind so suddenly that he’s the one who cut you off this time. What do you think about it and what would you do?

is this ask.fm @ me

Kak pernah ga sih merasa kecewa sm hukum alam yg ada di dunia ini? Misal org kaya kemgknn bsr jodohnya org kaya jg, org cantik jg jodohnya org ganteng, atau hal2 yg semacan itu mmg terjadi dlm hidup gitu kak:( Atau ada org yg sempurna bgt hidupnya likre udh cantik,pinter,kaya,baik,pny pacar ganteng

itu namanya privilege bebi begitulah cara kerjanya

zara pindah curiouscat dong

aku bingung kayak tbh aku masih pegang akun ini buat selesaiin skripsi aja...... terus minggu lalu skripsiku udah selesai terus enaknya akun ini kudelete atau kutinggal aja ya?
terima kasih teman-temanku atas waktu dan bantuannya di sini sepertinya dalam waktu dekat aku ga bakal main ask.fm lagi jadi follow IGku saja ya: @sskeletale see u!!! ??✨

KAK ZARA, have you heard about the "Twitter serial killer" that lived in Tokyo suburb and is now in prison? That somehow makes me scared to walk around Tokyo in the morning nanti pas ke Tokyo. Please enlighten me kak ??? I like your opinions..

i have walked around rly drunk and passed out on the streets of tokyo but here i am

Language: English