

Ask @skyler5098

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I gave my crush a compliment and she has been very nice to me since that I gave her a compliment does this mean anything

It can just take it slow don't rush things or jump to conclusions

I hate my self I feel ugly 😭 me odio me siento fea 😭

nacycarlos’s Profile PhotoLa Queen G
You are only as cute as how you preach it out loud so if you're saying you're ugly then yeah you are but if you say you're beautiful as you are and work for improvement if that's really what you want then you'll be beautiful

Do you eat or drink soup

Depends if theres stuff in the soup but no matter what when it starts to get low I drink it

Should I get back with my ex who had to think about breaking up with me but he really meant something else but can be very rude at points

Stressing yourself over another person to that extent just means its not worth it and no matter how much you might want it to work and be perfect thats just not going to happen so take a break from dating so you can heal and reflect then go back to dating when you're ready


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