

Latest answers from Tiara

Desc tentang teman?

apa ya. ngomongin ruang lagi dah. ruang teman ini lumayan agak didepan-depan. yang ga terlalu butuh pengamanan ekstra. di ruang teman ini kita masih mempelajari. karakter ruang itu seperti apa, terbuat dari apa, ada apa aja, dll gitu. kita bisa menghargai isi-isi dari ruang teman ini, tapi ya tergantung kita nantinya mau merawatnya dengan kasih sayang apa ga. ceileh.

Why can't we forget the ones we loved?

yeah bcs it's already locked in our memories. and memories has rooms. every single person you have loved before has their own rooms. so it's quite impossible to replace their rooms. instead we make another one to the ones we've just fell into.

Would you rather get noticed by the hottest person at party or have perfect abs?

have perfect abs haha

If you could be another person for a day, who would you be?

my mom or my dad. so i know how hard it is to raise this freaking ungrateful child

Language: English