
Danny young

Ask @spookydragon

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I tell him I want him but leave and run to another man . Is that cheating ?

Yes, and its wrong. Pick one leave the other.

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What's going through your mind right this very second? Be honest!

Alpha, beta, and theta waves. CSF, glucose, blood, and that stuff.

Do you like gossip and drama? Of course who doesn't? Can we all agree it's very entertaining?

No. Instead of talking about the person's problems, why not talk with the person and help them with their problems?

I really wish you would call me at least one last time so I could hear your voice, it would make my day better, but all I can do is remember your pretty smile when you used to look at me with loved


If a question is Anonymous how do you know if it’s directed towards your account or if it’s just a general question

Based on the information being requested and how personally specific it is.

What websites do you go to everyday?

youtube.com/ssj7warrior (just look up fpsfalcon on youtube.com

What would you do if you woke up and all the other people were gone?

i would miss few people, mostly my wife. i would live in the woods and hunt and farm. i would build things to keep me busy.

What is your favorite music band?

Hard to tell. I like a lot. Iwabo ptv bvb killswitch nonpoint deadmau5 gorillaz blink182 suicide silence.


Language: English