

Ask @stardust09128374

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What’s your twitter and IG name?

Twitter: longboard_sarah
Instagram I have 4 accounts
Here are 2:

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Is it most likely love, lust or something else if I have intense feelings for them one day and then feel almost nothing for them the next day?


If someone apologizes to you for what they did would you forgive them or would you continue to carry that burden on your shoulders and continue to bring it up?

anonomously50503’s Profile PhotoSheye30
I forgive people without an apology. I would definitely appreciate the conversation. I want to enjoy my time. I am very understanding.

U are having great sex and he or she screamed another person’s name watcha gonna do?

That would be terrible.

Would u rather be in long distance relationship for a year or bad sex for 3 months?

Long distance relationship

You morons always say body positivity and acceptance for fat people? Wtf s wrong w you people? FAT ain’t healthy. Guess what? FU! I’m fat, unhealthy and IDGAF 🤪!

Who says?

3. James bought crayons for $2.50 and erasers for $4.50. How much change did he get back if he paid with a $20 bill?


Would the right guy ease a girl’s anxiety and nerves merely with his presence or does it not work like that?

I believe it works that way. The right person will feel like a well maintained home. Relaxing. Easy. Comfortable.

Don’t men know that some women know when they are interested in men? Talking down on women nonstop but praising other men is a clear indicator 🤣

Gay men pretending to be straight is terrible for women's confidence.

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