

What changes in urself do u see now that ur more active with religion again

More peace. As mentioned before, I get a little clouded with thoughts but I feel much more peace.
I remember a quote from when I was younger in church school:
No God, no peace.
Know God, know peace.

Latest answers from Emily

Do yu get jetlack, and howndo you handle it

Of course, travel is always tiring, even if it's in the same timezone lmao. I don't think there's any trick, just embrace the time differences! Lots of iced matcha lattes of course helps.
If you get to naturally wake up early as a result of the time difference, that's great! If you have to force yourself to wake up early to acclimate to the new timezone...you just gotta do it and treat yourself to a coffee or matcha. Usually the excitement and adrenaline from traveling and being a new country kicks in and you'll be fine.
The worst part of jetlag is when you return home LOL.

Top 2 fav boba driniks

I love a strawberry banana smoothie or an avocado smoothie,
or, a matcha or hojicha latte!

Utah is such a cute annual tradition. What r some other of your traditions?

Ice skating! MP and I ice skated for Christmas even when we were just dating and not yet bf/gf and so we try to go every year.

Is living in the USA expensive? Do you live comfortably?

Yes, the USA is so expensive!! Of course it varies depending on where you live, but still the infrastructure in the US is just very expensive. From ridiculous home prices, insurance, cars, gas, food, inflation, it's crazy!
But yes, I am very blessed and live comfortably.

Does mp also thrift

MP likes to thrift even more than me! He can thrift for hours and loves it even if he doesn’t find anything.

where do you typically thrift

Goodwill is solid because it’s mostly clothes (and that’s what we like to thrift). That’s pretty much the main chain we go to (American Cancer Society thrift shops are good too if you see one), besides that we will go to whatever random thrift shops we happen upon! We also sometimes have “thrifting days” where we will drive around and hit up a bunch of thrift shops.
LA of course has amazing thrifting.

Cant wait to await to see ur costume this year!

Haha thank you!! I don't think we can ever beat Kamaji, but it's still fun!!

Do you habe your own gel nail lamp

I do not! I've thought about it, because getting nails done can be so expensive. But I'm really not good at doing my own nails >.<

Have you already started your xmas shopping?

Yes! I xmas shop all year long lol, but I've a couple more I need to get.

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