I no problem child 3 Junior in love was bad how did you feel about part 2 I watch this movie 8 years old I did not like it the beginning yes March 15, 2023 never watched it + 11 💬 messagesread all
I give good massage March 15, 2023 maybe, probably, likely we’ll never know if you give good massages + 2 💬 messagesread all
Batman or Superman Kyle_Enders March 14, 2023 batman’s cooler but superman slams but also with batman he slams when he got that prep time but superman slams fr
Any guys available for fun Bro Lynn March 14, 2023 ur dad probably, like take you out for some ice cream or an amusement park. I mean unless he’s dead then you have my condolences
Would you rather live without sex or food? Idk I’m bored lol March 14, 2023 FOOD MF this question stupid. Like bro you need food to live + 9 💬 messagesread all
Hi! Can I be a teen and like older guys? March 14, 2023 Def like if you got crushes and shit but don’t act on to it like a relationship or smth cause that’s a lil weird
Is 13 and 15 a weird age difference March 14, 2023 nah not really as long as y’all aren’t like 18 and 15 type shit but it is pushing it a lil