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13 posts


What do you think about a 23yo girl dating a 17yo boy who likes her?

cringe? cause if I were her, I wouldn't date someone younger than me, esp a minor. Not appealing, even if the genders are to be switched.

What do you think about a 23yo girl dating a 17yo boy who likes her?

Kung nagmamahalan kayo at kung matured naman si boy, Why not? 1 year na lang nasa legal age na siya.
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Ari dala na insta fotku s popisom 'when youre cute but youre also the most hardworking 23yo people on earth' Vsetci sa do nej pustili?ze ako si to dovoluje o sebe povedať a aj DailyMail na snape zverejnil clanok (vcera) kde z nej robil uplnu trapku?a napisali ze jedine o co jej ide su peniaze?nazor?

Jo, děkuju za otázku, dnes jsem se k tomu chtěla vyjádřit. Jedná se o tuto fotku ?https://www.instagram.com/p/BPN1brAFbW0/
No, můj názor je ten že je to opravdu trapné. Pochopím když někdo hatuje lidi podle toho jak se chovají mluví a tak, někteří lidé jsou prostě takoví. Ale hejtovat někoho kvůli POPISKU?! Vážně kvůli tomu že Ari napíše že je nejvíce pracující 23yo člověk na zemi, protože točí dva klipy a připravuje se na celosvětové tour. Samozřejmě že to musíte brát trochu s nadhledem a ne to pitvat jestli pracuje víc tahle nebo tamhleta..nebo já to vážně nechápu už. Prostě každý si najde tu sebemenší věc kvůli které by někoho zhejtoval. Takže teď prostě lidé na světě budou plýtvat svůj čas popiskem u instagramové fotky. Potlesk?.
A mimochodem pokud si myslíte že se Ari jen válí tak to vážně není pravda a i když možná není nejvíce pracující 23yo člověk na zemi pracuje opravdu velmi těžce. A to co bylo na Snapchatu bylo nanejvýš trapné.
Takže asi tohle je můj názor?.
▶Fakt: Nejoblíbenější slovo Ariany je 'love' - 'láska' ?

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Ari dala na insta fotku s popisom when youre cute but youre also the most

Hi Belle. Im single 23yo college student n I like to watch like online vids when masturbating but it feels like all the content these days w/ blk women is so degrading, are there any sites not like this ?

Search "couples sex". It's usually less abusive (for lack of a better word) and the woman looks like she actually enjoys it.
I only got to one porn site. Sorry. Not well versed on what's out there.

kak milk, aku 23f, pernah ml.. ada gak ya laki yg mau marry me nanti.. apa aku kudu bilang ke dia kalo aku pernah ml?

Hi anon,
Gazillion of 23yo women in this world, not virgin, yet still manage to score someone to be married with.
What's so wrong with asian and the overrated values of virginity? Seriously??????

Hai El, I'm a female 23yo young adult. Currently working in Jakarta after spending her entire life in Jogja. Let's say, I don't have friends here. Any advice? Thank you.

1. Tentukan satu hobi.
2. Google komunitas yang memiliki hobi sama.
3. Kunjungi komunitas tersebut.
4. Masa bodoh apakah kamu pinter ngobrol atau enggak, karena saat orang berbicara dan berdiskusi tentang hobinya, seorang pendiam sekalipun akan jadi bawel.
5. Berikan kontribusi ke dalam komunitas tersebut. Minimal jadi aktivis. Sukur-sukur jadi pengurus atau punya otoritas. Lakukan karena kamu enjoy dengan hobimu, bukan untuk disukai orang lain. Memberi dalam komunitas lebih untung daripada menerima, karena kamu memberi satu, tapi menerima dari komunitas (banyak).
6. Setelah tiga bulan, tentukan satu hobi lainnya.
7. Ulangi nomor 2.

Good evening kak Selphie :)aku baca FAQ daily facial skincare utk newbie. Is it okay if i use Viva milk cleanser&face tonic, masker mustika ratu, dan clean and clear fairness moisturized instead my Natasha Skin Care day and night cream dan facial foam dari natasha nya? Thank you for your kind kak:)

Btw Viva milk cleanser and face tonic are good tho. Kalo aku lg ga make up, aku ga pakai milk cleanser Clarins & toner SK II, aku cuma pake Viva aja utk membersihkan makeup and I'm just fine with that. Angkat kotorannya jg bagus.
Btw I can't really suggest actually karena skincare cocok-cocokan sama kulit orang masing-masing. Aku tipe yg cuci muka pake apa aja ga jerawatan, jd di FAQ itu aku tulis products yg menurutku fine-fine aja tp itu kan balik lagi ke kulit kalian. Kamu cocoknya yg mana cuma km yg bisa cari tahu. You know your skin better than I do :)
Btw talking about skincare, so I wanna review SK II. Jadi di SK II itu ada magic ring, a tool that examine your skin utk mengetahui kesehatan kulit wajah kamu dari 5 titik: texture refinement (kekenyalan), firmness power (kekencangan), wrinkle resilience (kerutan), spot control (flek hitam), dan radiance enhancement (kecerahan). Plus skin age yg bisa dibilang nilai rata-rata keseluruhan.
Jadi magic ring ini ga cuma menilai dari kesehatan kulit kamu dr lapisan luar tp jg lapisan dalam, istilahnya "bibit-bibit" kerutan/dark spot/etc yg memungkinkan keluar.
Dia menilai pakai presentase dan perkiraan umur. Misalnya aku 24 tahun, tapi skin age aku malah kayak 30 tahun misalnya, ya aku artinya punya kulit yg kesehatannya seakan lebih tua dr umurku. Tentunya kalo terdeteksinya makin muda ya makin bagus.
Aku membandingkan kesehatan kulit wajahku di bulan September 2015 (baru 2 minggu pakai SK II) dan November 2015 (sudah sekitar 2 bulan pakai SK II)
(Sept 2015 ==> Nov 2015)
Texture Refinement= 23yo => 18yo
Firmness Power= 31yo => 25yo
Wrinkle Resilience= 31yo => 25yo
Spot Control= 24yo => 23yo
Radiance Enhancement= 27yo => 24yo
Jadi secara keseluruhan,
Skin Age= 27yo => 23yo
Terus kupikir ada peningkatan jadi bisa dikatakan aku cocok pakai SK II, kalian boleh coba tuh. Kl skincare lain blm ada yg di counternya ada teknologi yg bisa detect your skin begini.
Oh ya terus lagi promo kalau beli Facial Treatment Essence yg 250ml, kamu dapet free Facial Clear Treatment Lotion (250ml). Udah gitu dapet botol FTE nya yg limited edition ❤️ senang.

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louis confirmed apa sih? briana sekarang hamil ya? ato gimana? ato louis bakal nikah?? ku masih gak ngerti..

Sumpah ngageting bgt😭😭😭 louis😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭whyy?????? You are still 23yo and having a baby with briana??? Im crying now😭😭 but np it means you are normal! Bagi yg blg One Direction maho ga punya bukti mampus lo HAHA tpi memang kaget sih dan katanya louis bakalan nikahin briana secepatnya😭😭 padahal lebih suka louis sama elanour 😭 briana fckkkkkkkkk😭😢😢😢😢💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔

14.me caias mal 15 siempre peleamos 16sienpre no disculpamos 17max💙 18la de los piojo en las cejas 19Te gustaba ja... 20Ya no 21Le dio like a mi foto😍 22.Diana te ama 23yo tambien 24dejamos a diana plantada 25tu mama me odia 26te gustaba harry 27amas the maze runerr 28no se como se escribe😰👆

mi madre no te odia
solo le cais bien insatisfechamiente

Hello name is sanjit wbu just a 23yo guy from India jaipur looking to mingle with u sexy baby girl yeah I talk with speed I am knowing this lol but damn baby u r sex and look tasty 😉

What the acc fuck hahaha😂
Liked by: Anna bedford Reece Aim

Men have feelings...I know. The thing is, (well I hate to say that, when I'm sure both of us have trust issue and I'm pretty aware that I got "baper" overtime...) I want to turn things around and get comfortable as genuine friends with him first. I made wrong moves like late replies & mixed signals

And your second question:
"(Same girl who asked about declining proposal and hitting a 23yo guy here). Still, apparently I'm afraid of falling for him more than he might be. Last time we chatted, I *could* tell that he cared about how "that was" to me. Only I'm too stupid by kept replying much later... Advice for me? Thx"
Quite a complicated situation you have there. I think my previous answer on the proposal thing, on honesty is the best policy, can be applied here.
I know how hard it is to talk about uncomfortable issues we encounter in a relationship; whatever relationship that might be. But in the end, you'd be glad you have a talk about it.
We are not mind-readers. Mixed signals and wrong impressions can only make things worse. So I think the best thing that you can do is tell him exactly how you feel. It's never too late.

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mel, kalo lagi down/stuck biasa ngapain to cheer up your mood.. please dont answer go out with your bf.. because i dont have any.. be kind to this 23yo single mingle over here •-•

1. Listen to some good music.
2. Read some good books.
3. Eat some good food.
4. Have some rest.
5. Hang out with your friends.
6. Draw something.
7. Sing to your heart's content.
8. Swear in a karaoke room.
9. Do some good deeds.
10. Just forgive.

Language: English