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Ladies a man knows if he want to marry you within 6months ... and this statement was from men esp married over 30years .. Fellas ladies are going play house for so long before they align with someone meant for them....

Ladies and gentlemen, every relationship is as unique as the people who are involved and when it comes to such journeys, your mileage may vary. Buckle up and have a safe trip... 👍
Ladies a man knows if he want to marry you within 6months  and this statement

30years of marriage n my father treats my mom like shit.We've got name, fame, wealth. You name it I've got it.I'm the girl that's got the perfect life but can't even dare to say this without being anonymous.So I am sorry if I choose not to date.Sorry that I have trust issues and hurt you MASCULINITY

: প্রথমত আমি খুবই সর‍্যি আপনার আম্মির সাথে এমনটা হয় জেনে। আমাদের সবার জীবনেই কিছু না কিছু সমস্যা আছে কিন্তু ছেলে-মেয়ে হয়ে বাবা-মা নিয়ে কোন কমপ্লেক্স থাকলে সেটা খুবই পেইনফুল।।
আপনি যেহেতু মেয়ে, আমার পক্ষ থেকে আম্মিকে এইটুক বলতে পারেন যে, দেখো মা ; আছিয়া আঃ এই দুনিয়ার ইতিহাসের সবচেয়ে ভালো নারীদের একজন ছিল। কিন্তু তার স্বামী ছিলো ফিরআউন ! শেষ পর্যন্ত অসম্ভব অত্যাচারে নিজের দ্বীনদার স্ত্রীকে হত্যাও করেছে সে। আল্লাহ্‌ সবাইকে এই পৃথিবীতে সব দেন না, তারপরও তুমি আব্বুর জন্য আল্লাহ্‌'র কাছে দোয়া করো যেন উনি তাকে পালটে দেন।।
৩০ বছর আপনার আম্মি কস্ট সহ্য করেছেন, এখনও হয়তো করছেন। যে কস্ট উনি আপনার বাবার কাছে পেয়েছেন, আপনাদের উচিত তাকে অনেক আগলে রাখা ! আর আপনার কোন ছেলেকে বিশ্বাস বা ডেট করতে হবেনা, আমি দোয়া করি আল্লাহ্‌ যেন আপনার কপালে খুব ভালো একজন বর রাখেন।। :)

30years of marriage n my father treats my mom like shit.We've got name, fame, wealth. You name it I've got it.I'm the girl that's got the perfect life but can't even dare to say this without being anonymous.So I am sorry if I choose not to date.Sorry that I have trust issues and hurt you MASCULINITY

people are so lame these days.. 🤦‍♂️

If you live to age 90 years and could have the body or mind when 30 years old, which one do you choose? Body or mind?

Of course a mind of 30years old of me. I want to keep all the good memories (with people I love) and to all experiences I had been through/ to all blessings I have gotten for the rest of my life. A long-lasting memory is way too important than a physical look in my humble opinion :)

Truste me in 30years we wont have changed alot 😉skaters stay skaters il be 30years old still ridding my board

Malaunez’s Profile PhotoNicolas Maloney
still braking bones , still smocking weed , still have an ask account , still say "jaws homoki is amazing , i want to be him" , show your kid to skate , still hate scooters , throw rocks on mall grabers and eat tacitos while watching trippy videos that makes us realized that the fam is life and we got our backs til the day we die

http://i.hizliresim.com/J3M9JB.png İngilizce performans notu olarak sayılacak fakat bir türlü düzgünce çeviremedim. Yardımcı olursan gerçekten çok minnettar kalacağım.

Sorunu yeni görüyorum. Çevirmeyi denedim biraz; IMHO schools will be much more cool than now in the future. The devices like phones, tablet pc and etc. School uniforms and rules will be more relax and comfortable. In 30 years we will be more comfortable in school hands down but people will try to raise us like soldiers. They'll want us to do everything perfectly and they gonna force us to do this, we will have mental broke downs. They teach us the subjects that they were teaching it on the universities. That's gonna be worse after 30years

Yeah :'( he's a drug addict and alcoholism and like he's been to jail alot got caught with weed in school almost served 30years in jail for stealing 7guns with his friends it's just crazy but thank you for listening don't wanna bore u with my problems lol

ScreamMaker15’s Profile PhotoKarli bItch
noooooooooo its okay); im sorry about all that. that sucks
Liked by: Karli bItch

Your recent pic on insta, is ugly 😪😪 you look like a 30years old lady and your got one ugly face you look old sorry lady 👋👋 you're not pretty

send karne sei phelay eik dafa par liya karo.
aur agar itna masla hai tou unfollow karne ke paisay nai lagtay.
leken stalk tou karna hota hai na?😘

First impression: shit this guy looks like he's 30years old and he looks confident better not joke around with him. Realizes he's same age as me; mindfucked. Super chill Persian guy

HAHAHAH respects homie
Liked by: Mostafa

QOTD: Some people say it's immature watch cartoons when you reach a certain age, what do you think about that? Do you care about their opinion or you don't care and you still watch them?

Nooo , I don't care what they think. xD I love cartoons and im pretty sure i will watch them when i will be 30years women xD
QOTD Some people say its immature watch cartoons when you reach a certain age
Liked by: LITTLEFAN11 saniiღ

imaginate that you are 30years old.. One day, on a sunny morning, your daughter exclaimed "Hey Mom/Dad! I've found your askfm page and i've scroll down till many much years ago!" Then, what will you say?

Anjay langsung ngebayangin. Seru seru
Liked by: yulia

imaginate that you are 30years old.. One day, on a sunny morning, your daughter exclaimed "Hey Mom/Dad! I've found your askfm page and i've scroll down till many much years ago!" Then, what will you say?

?: Gue
?: Anak
?: "Mom!! Aku ketemu ask.fm mom trs aku kepoin sampe bawah bgt loh!!"
?: "Ohya? Kamu lg aktif main ask.fm ya? Kalo gitu mom juga mau aktif lagi deh, buat mantau kamu."
?: "Ha... Emm... He... Eng... I.. Iya mom, tp ini mau deactivate. Mom gausah mainin lagi, percuma."
?: "Oh gitu, okay."
?: *yes untung mom percaya*
?: *lu pikir, gua bisa diboongin. Gua pernah muda kali*
Beberapa hari kemudian.
?: "NAK!!!! Maksud pap kamu yg ini apa???? Kamu lg pgn di cium2 makanya posting foto orang bule lg ciuman????"
?: *dih kok mom jd aktif* "Ha... Itu dibajak mom...."
?: "Dasar kamu sepik mulu kerjaannya."
?: *kicep*

ci aku skrng bnr" benci sm ayah, dia suka main tgn sm keluarga, gapernah peduli sm keluarga, tp kalau sm orng lain mlh kebalikannya. bahkan dia pernah ngomong mau bunuh aku dan itupun dia udh bawa pisau, kalau aku ngebela ibu jg dia langsung main pukul, pengen rasanya masukin dia ke penjara :"

Sorry to hear that....
Seorang ayah harusnya bisa kasih figure penuh kelembutan, teges, bertanggung jawab buat keluarganya, dan jd tempat berlindung buat anak istrinya..
Aku ngga tau ya... Tapi aku diajarin si kalo semakin dibenci, dia bkn malah jd melembek baik tapi ya malah merasa diasingkan dan bakal gt terus.
Tapi kalo walopun sering nyakitin, dia ttp dihormati.. Disopanin.. Anak istri ttp menunjukkan mrk sayang banget dan pingin si bapak berubah, bisa berubah bnr malahan..
Tp ya it's a long journey.. Ada yg setaon dua taon sadar langsung baik. Ada yg took 30years jadi jahattt banget baru akirnya jd baik.
Ada jg yang langsung dilaporin aja ke pihak berwajib.. Dan cerai..
Ada yg kabur aja daripada di bawah tekanan terus.
Tergantung gmn keluarga masing2 menangani.
Gimanapun itu.... Semoga km ttp bertumbuh dengan baik ? ngga dipenuhi dendam sampe jd merusak diri dan masa depan km sendiri

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So Miss 'So Called Ghetto girl' - Fucking full of yourself arent you. Your too young yaar bhaini haru bhayera 30 years old jastoh dekhne lols (Dont be like idk Nepalese im from london) cause thats bullshit -

Loool I'm acc not Idek why you judging me through ask fm sorry dd it's 21st century what'd u want me to act like a freshie? No way ✂️🏃🏿 thing is I don't look 30years old so you're chatting lies to yourself, you must be a paigon thinking I can't speak my own countries language ma dumba Haina ta hos fuck it idec if I disrespect you, Idek who you are so tapai bhana Ali garo bhayo malai. 'Don't be like Idk Nepalese I'm from London' I've never claimed I'm from London wow funny g. I'm too young? But I'm way more mature than you bc if you had a problem or wanted to tell me how to live MY life you would come to chat to me privately not tryna act big on ask +++ on fucking anon no way😴✂️🏃🏿😂

Tbh jangz cn do much better than u. He's so buff now and your not his standard anymore he cn get loads of buffer girls and I notice you two have been having problems in school so u might aswell let him go

iwas never his standard dumbo ive been saying this for the past 30years ah and you're clearly bored with your life i'd love to baptise you in your own blood, its so obvious who this is and guess what babes you're a clapped piece of shit too 'i notice you two having problems' WHY YOU PREEING FOR once again;clearly bored go update your eyebrows

Do you even still talk to anyone from simon? it seems like you forgot about your "best friends" I don't think Lydia and Mackenzie like you anyways

I don't talk to them because I'm not allowed not because I don't want to. I will never forget them in 30years I'll tell my daughter about the things that her mom,lydia and mackenzie did. I love lydia and mackenzie so much we're all platonic soul mates. I never want to loes them. It may seem like I have but in reality they're in my heart and they will always be there. Lydia and Mackenzie aren't the type to stick around for no reason with someone and make good memories,share secrets,clothes and food if they don't like them. So anon I don't think they didnt like me. I don't just think about Lydia and Mackenzie I still remember ALL of the simon kids. Cause they made my last year elementary extremely memorable. Sure they were bad times that hurts to think about but life is about letting go of the bad and focus on the good :D
Here is a pap of Lydia&Mackenzie+Landon cause he's their baby boy. (taken during the strathcona trip because a ton of good memories were made there) #asianovaload

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Liked by: kenzz t

are you sure? i have a really round, chubby face. and i feel really fat altho i weigh a lot less than other girls. people consider me fat too. how should i dress to make myself look slimmer?being made fun of for being fat is the worst thing ever.

omg who made fun of you. I will cut them.
and listen, it doesn't matter, okay? you're skinny and even if you weren't, it's okay, fat is just a word, it doesn't define anything. it's just a word.
I wear a lot of demi coats and blazers around my waist for that curve.
Also belts! So flattering.
You don't need it, trust me.
Avoid wearing flowing clothes, since you said you have broad hips, it might look the best.
and a chubby face is a cute face. you don't wanna look 30years old with a defined face.
try looking cuter rather than sexy. Being sexy is occasional, cute is for life.
if you're THAT insecure, try contouring.
I love you :*

okok, I have another question for you.. If you had to be stuck in a room with someone for 30 years, and could not leave that room even for a second. Then after the 30 years you had to kill them afterwards. Would you choose someone you like or someone you hate?

Someone i love, then i could spend the happiest 30years with them, and if i had to kill them, id kill myself to and spend another billion years with them :p

لو كنتي شاب ، إيش ممكن تتخيلين *اسمك * وظيفتك * سيارتك ولونها * شنب ، دقن ولا سكسوكه * متى بتقولين لامك تخطب لك * كم عمر الي بتتزوجينها :) * بيكون عندك استراحه وشلة * بتسافرين ووين ومع مين * تدخنين ، تشيشين ؟ * هوايتك وش بتكون؟ * بتلبسين سروال وفنيلة ما غير في البيت * شماغ ولا غترة - خيال ترا بس :)

bader’s Profile PhotoBader Abdulaziz
1, lw tft7 3ml alshy6aan ;p lw t5ylt ymkn t9eer blawy =D.. so bjawb;p
amse mdrii bs ma abe ykonn mn l,asmaa l,mutkrra :)
w'6efty,, wzeer sfeer wla alr2ees altnfee4y llmmlkah l,8ab'9h ;p
syarte,,mezarati black B)
ummmm 30years w 3umr alii b56bha 25years !
suree abee ashoof l,mut3aa ali t7son feeha >.< lool
3la 7sb l,mkan wl jww ba54 alii m3e :D
sheesha ;;)
kl shii bsweeh X.x
mfroooo'3 mnha xD Hhhhhhhh
alii lonha a7mr mdrii he '3trah w shmaa'3? ;$

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