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What is the one thing u look for before following a profile here?!? Humor? Intellect? Short but funny answers? Long but thoughtful views? Or sad/dark vibes?

starrynighttt’s Profile Photosara
It depends on what I am looking for, usually, I love exploring intellect ones, cause I love discovering new thinkers and learning from their insights. However — If I want something lighthearted and funny, then humour is definitely the key. But if I am feeling introspective or curious about someone's thoughts and ideas, then intellectual vibes are more my speed like I said it broadens my perspective And of course, if I just want some eye candy, lets just say that aesthetics can be important too and how some people maintain there feeds here beautifully is 10/10. ✨️🌻

Do you think the aesthetics of the past were better? My family keeps old photographs, some as old as 100 years. My great-great-grandmothers would go to bars in the 20s and 30s with live musicians. The outfits were to d*e for—the pearls, the luxurious furs, the hats. I'd d*e to live a day those time

Ehh, it's not really my jam, but I'm a firm believer that fashion trends are daft and you should just wear whatever you like and feel good in

How long can someone appreciate beauty if they can't connect with it on an emotional and intellectual level?

I think appreciating beauty is more than just an emotional or intellectual connection — It is also about our senses and intuition. Sometimes we can be moved by something simply cause it looks or feels pleasing to us, even if we don't understand why. But I do believe that connecting with beauty on a deeper level can give us a greater appreciation for it and help us see its value beyond just aesthetics. It can make the experience more meaningful and fulfilling in the long run. 🌻

Äääääähm… 🐞🐊⭐️🐈‍⬛ na wie kommst du denn nun ausgerechnet auf diese Emojis? Was steckt dahinter? Wirst du den angenommenen OCs auch welche verpassen? Ist es rein für die ✨aesthetics✨? Gibt es einen tieferen Sinn? Antworten bitte! 😂

somewhatunpretentious’s Profile PhotoHitchhiker
Ich antworte, ich antworte!!
1. Wenn die angenommenen OCs nicht schon mit fandom-baggage ankommen (sprich, auch emojis), dann werde ich ihnen eventuell eiskalt nach eigenem Ermessen einen verpassen. :D
2. Das ist hauptsächlich Ästhetik, nebenbei unbedeutendes mich-Erheitere, und ein wenig meiner Angewohnheit geschuldet, JEDEM meiner OCs einen Emoji zuzuordnen. (Ich hab' dafür eine dedicated note in meiner samsung notes app. don't mess with me.)
🐞 Wittgenstein: Zum einen ist August der Typ Mensch, der jede Spinne und jeden Käfer in der Wohnung behutsam nach draußen trägt, statt einmal mit dem Schlappen draufzuhauen oder mit dem Staubsauger zu drohen. Zum anderen verfolgt ihn seit Jahren die Behauptung, er hätte einfach unsagbar viel Glück, mehr als Verstand und Talent (und Vaterlandsliebe, danke an Ralf für den Banger an Zitat). Was liegt da näher als ein Marienkäfer? Nur irgendwie hat sich das nie wirklich durchgesetzt...alternativ und tierlos hätte er auch noch: 👑. Auf der einen Seite für ihn als Weltmeister, und auf der anderen Seite für Liechtenstein.
🐊 Seneviratne: Ein Fandom-Insider? Akila und sein Krokodil gehen zurück auf F3-Zeiten, er hatte auch schon mehrmals einen Special-Croco-Helm! Zum einen gibt's in Sri Lanka schön viele Krokodile (ja, Akila ist in UK geboren, aber interessiert das wirklich jemanden? Eher nicht), zum anderen passt das Tier auch einfach zu Akila's Fahrweise. Schön auflauern und dann zubeißen, wenn das Opfer sich gerade in Sicherheit wiegt - nicht immer mit Erfolg, aber versuchen kann man's ja, oder?
⭐️ van den Heuvel: ✨ boy's a star! ✨ boy fährt aber auch für Heineken und heißt eigentlich auch Heineken und wenn es einen roten Stern als Emoji gäbe, dann hätte er den abbekommen. Nervt Felix absolut zu Tode, und zu seinem Glück hat das auch noch nicht wirklich Wurzeln gefasst. Ganz obligatory hätte er viel lieber auch'n Tier, und dann bitte einen Wolf! 🐺 Leader of the pack, family-oriented, woof woof!
🐈‍⬛ Ono: Ist der teuflische Symbolismus mit der 66 als Nummer schon genug? Nicht für Ono! Dabei hat er sich ausnahmsweiße die schwarze Katze nicht selbst ausgesucht, sondern schon vor Ewigkeiten "zugeordnet" bekommen...ergo, irgendjemand hat ihn in jungen Jahren mit seinem bisschen düsteren Style gesehen und beschlossen: joah, schwarze Katze. Charakterlich passt das sowieso ganz gut - auch Ono würde jemandem aus Spaß an der Freude irgendetwas umschmeißen, nur um dann so zu tun, als hätte er absolut gar nichts gemacht.

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In welchem Hogwartshaus war dein OC? 🏰

somewhatunpretentious’s Profile PhotoHitchhiker
Marigold war eine Ravenclaw, auch wenn ich sagen muss, dass mir diese Entscheidung sehr schwer gefallen ist, denn sie hätte ebensogut zu Hufflepuff kommen können. Am Ende habe ich mich aus zwei, vielleicht etwas zu naiven und kaum durchdachten Gründen für Ravenclaw entschieden.
1. Ich wollte ihr nicht schon im Alter von 11 Jahren die zusätzliche Bürde so eine große Enttäuschung zu sein, aufdrücken. Denn gewiss hätte Magnus keine Freudensprünge gemacht, wenn seine kleine Tochter ein Hufflepuff geworden wäre. Mit Ravenclaw beweist sie wenigstens, dass sie clever ist.
2. Ich fand die aesthetics auf Pinterest ansprechender für das, was ich mir zu Marigold so überlegt habe 💙

An welche ✨aesthetics✨ denkt man, wenn man an die Jungs denkt? Was würden die Booktok girlies alle für visuals in ihre Edits deiner Jungs packen? :D

Ich habe beschlossen für die frage einfach mal kleine Edits zu basteln und die ersten beiden sind auch schon fertig und kommen gleich im Anschluss :D
Alaric mit Light Academia und Valerian mit Corporate Aesthetic - kind of :)

Du kriegst 100€ wenn du deinen instagram Account löschst, du darfst dir danach keinen neuen mehr erstellen. Würdest du es machen?

Nein, ich nutze die Seite vordergründig als visuelle Reise-Collage durch die Jahreszeiten bzw. fokussiere mich auf diverse Aesthetics bei der Bildbearbeitung und stehe auch hin und wieder in Kontakt mit Menschen, die ich mag. Ich sehe auch gerne den kreativen Input anderer Menschen und es wäre für mich mehr als schade, wenn das plötzlich für irgendeinen kapitalistischen Tribut wegfallen würde. Nicht immer ist Social Media ein "Hort des Bösen", der redundant und austauschbar ist. Manche haben auf diversen Seiten ihre Safe Spaces und möchten das ungerne aufgeben.

[✨🗝️🕯️date aesthetics🕯️🗝️✨] ~ поделись фоточкой с последнего свидания и отметь человека, с которым ты его провел(-а)

я подарила Брайану обучение яхтингу на новый год, он учится, а я наслаждаюсь отдыхом 😁 это считается свиданием?.. ахах
date aesthetics  поделись фоточкой с последнего свидания и отметь человека с

what’s the first thing you notice about a girl?

haileykfinlay4’s Profile Photohaileykfinlay
I'm not around people much, at all, so noticing women isn't a regular occurrence for me.
But when it happens, it depends on various factors like my mood, location, etc.
Eyes are my go-to, but if I'm too far away to see those, probably legs.
If a conversation is taking place, I try to discern personality type and get some idea of their interests, as that stuff is more important than aesthetics.

Do you love some vintage things? I do. Everything from the victorian era to mid century. Just vintage aesthetics, not to be conflated with vintage values and mindset, those shall stay in the distant past

Yes! There's a vintage / antique shop in the next town over that I love to go to :3
I've bought ornaments, jewellery and books from there! It's just a lovely atmosphere in there as well! The couple who run it are lovely :3
Do you love some vintage things I do Everything from the victorian era to mid
Liked by: B. Matilda. Trin.

Aesthetics of the Caribbean Sea

Cerber2099’s Profile Photo₴₮Ø₦Ɇ_₵ØⱠĐ™
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Aesthetics of the Caribbean Sea

Sofia_Borovik’s Profile Photosummer vibe shastun
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Do you drink coffee or tea?

I like both but I have to admit ... that I love coffee more because I ridicilously romanticize everything about it - white, foamy milk entering the vast blackness as fog and thunder clouds; the creamy porcellain adorning the soft and delicate brown liquid and the whole house just smells wonderfully. I swear, I have written dozens of poems just about the aesthetics of coffee which tea could never afford to me the same way. Whereas tea equals peace and tranquility, coffee is the aquivilant to chaos; the kind that follows every sleep-deprived dreamer and creative mind - in stains, drops, sips and flows. ☕
Damn, I'm so cringy. xd

Что для тебя эстетика и красота, от чего, не знаю, сердце замирает, и ты хочешь смотреть на это вечность?

daniilchirkov8’s Profile PhotoДаниил Чирков
aesthetics is the ability to perceive beauty, and beauty is not always a universal concept, what is beautiful for some people is ugly for others.
personally, I have traditional classical ideas about beauty and its perception.

Have you ever cheated on someone because another guy was hotter?

I mean... lust is a part of it. Like, I'm not gonna go sleep with someone I'm not attracted to just because I'm bored with my relationship- he has to really get me going. At the same time, if my relationship is healthy then I'm not gonna be cheating, period.
In college, I cheated on my boyfriend at the time with my crush from high school. This guy had been in most of my classes and was always hot and cold. He'd come talk to me during every break for weeks, then ignore me for weeks. We were out drinking at a bar, and the opportunity came up. I told my boyfriend, we got over it, and dated for 6 years, during which most of the time he was cheating on me, actually. I never cheated on him again. Not with him or anyone else. In the first 3 months of dating my most recent ex, a man that I am still ridiculously attracted to was in town. We met and had lunch. There was more than ample opportunity for something to happen, it was clear that he also wanted something to happen, but I was good, even though it was really hard. He was leagues hotter than my ex - the kind of guy who usually dates models, etc.
I've never cheated, ever. And if I was in a relationship and felt that drawn to someone else that being with this other guy seemed like it would be more gratifying than my relationship then I would have to look at my current relationship and see where the problems were. The only time I came close to this was in high school with my first boyfriend. I broke up with my boyfriend and hooked up with a co-worker the same day, then felt horrible about it and told my ex the morning after. He was hurt but credited me for my honesty and 10 years later we're still good friends.
I'm also kind of put off by the comments that are being made here. I think some guys come here looking for validation that women are fucked up. SOME women may be fucked up just as much as some men may be fucked up and shitty people do shitty things but it is incorrect to think that we're lying. The reason why you're not getting a million answers is because not many women leave perfectly happy relationships to fuck a hotter guy. Aesthetics can be important but I can promise you that every woman with a brain knows that aesthetics are hardly the most important thing. Sex for most of us is attached to emotion and we enjoy sex with the people that we are in relationships with and subsequent emotionally bonded with. Still holds true for me, though: I have never cheated on a significant other, and have never even been tempted to cheat (i.e. been in a situation where I was seriously considering cheating and/or was tempted to put myself in a situation where cheating would be possible). When I'm in a relationship, I truly only do have eyes for the person I'm seeing. The second I realize my eyes are wandering and I wonder what it would be like to date someone else, I evaluate those thoughts/feelings.

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Liked by: ceylan Celestial

favorite historical era?

In terms of aesthetics, I particularly like the Rococo and Romanticism eras, so early 1700s through to the mid 1800s. It’s when (to me, personally) art is at its peak, both in a literal sense through the decadence and elegance of the Rococo period, and with it being seen as a way of life through the Romanticism era; aspiring to being the best one could be, spiritual enlightenment, actively finding and seeking the beauty in everyday life through nature, etc. It’s something I admire greatly and it aligns with my values.
Both eras influence my work a lot too, it’s what I’ve always gravitated towards even as a child, exploring art museums.
History in general is often fascinating though, so I couldn’t pick a certain time! :)
(Painting is by John Martin) 💫✨
favorite historical era

Who has Pinterest? 😊 if you do, what kind of boards do you tend to create? 📌 if you want, you can follow mine: @ YentlGrande and/or YentlGrandee

LunarHuntress’s Profile PhotoYentl (only English and Dutch)
I do! I don’t use it to actively gain followers or anything like that, but I tend to pin any image I find inspiring in some way; whether that be travel related, aesthetics (like light/dark academia), or history/art, as references to refer to :)
I’ll check yours out! Mine’s https://pin.it/5LYmv7B :)

Say you were gonna be a speaker, what would you choose to talk about? 🎤 Why that?

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I would talk about literature, poetry, philosophy, and art and I am not sure why .. maybe because I consider art my home thus I want to talk about the thing I love or maybe I just want to talk about something meaningful and inspiring and that is aesthetics, poetry, etc. In discussing literature as a speaker I would tell people how we can - through literature - discuss all cases: political, religious, etc.
Say you were gonna be a speaker what would you choose to talk about  Why that

Do you easily accept compliments? Or do you get awkward like I do? 😬🖤

FiaSaif’s Profile Photoفریحۂ
I have learnt over time that how to feel happy for others... Its not difficult, its just a little tricky... sometimes just a thanks can save you from all that awkwardness... And if you truly feel thankful, its not possible that what you would say after, would hurt or sadden someone... Just dont think too much on compliments... Its only how do they feel out of their own individual aesthetics... Stay dope 🙏🏽🌸

Moodboard à la @lilalucy143 zu Silver Spears

HotaruAn’s Profile PhotoHotaru An
Dachte ich mach es meinem Twin mal nach und erstelle ein Moodboard zu meiner lieben Lu 💜
Falls ihr auch Bock darauf habt, bin mal soweit zurückgescrollt bis ich die Vorlage bei Ask gefunden habe - hier der Link, denn ich interessiere mich auch sehr für die Aesthetics der anderen Duellant*innen und natürlich MÜSSEN @jawfracture , @SiDEzz und @artofaveline uns die Genugtuung geben das auch für ihre Lieblinge zu erstellen: https://www.pinterest.de/pin/550424385705467295/feedback/?invite_code=3898d946ac724d0aa1968c3f9acbe35c&sender_id=717902134259185288#_=_
P.S. Ich habe 2 Accessoires meiner kleinen Draufgängerin eingebaut. 👀
Moodboard à la lilalucy143 zu Silver Spears

Glaubst du, dass das Internet einen Menschen formen kann bzw. den Charakter? Wenn ja, was für ein Mensch wärst du ohne Internet?

ShortMan679’s Profile PhotoSaturas
Ja, ich würde dem Internet durchaus eine große Einflusskompetenz vermachen, da sie auch in gewisser Hinsicht eine (virtuelle) Umwelt repräsentiert, der wir mit unseren Sinnen schonungslos ausgesetzt sind. Das beginnt für mich schon mit den unterschiedlichen Verhaltensmustern, die Social Media unterschwellig fördert. Um einmal einige Beispiele zu nennen:
Wenn man einmal in die Instagram-Bubble gerät, und ich rede hier jetzt bewusst von "Blase", weil manche Menschen sich nur peripher in diesem Dunstkreis bewegen, ohne bestimmte Verhaltensmerkmale zu adaptieren, dann nimmt man seine Umwelt oft anders wahr, durch die Instagram-Linse. Das durfte ich schon selbst bei mir bis zu einem gewissen Teil merken. Man ist auf der Pirsch, um die Quintessenz eines ästhetischen Bildes zu erfassen und wer von Natur aus ein:e Perfektionist:in mit einem ästhetischen Auge ist, der ist ganz besonders dafür anfällig. Bei einem Spaziergang will ich oft am liebsten das Handy zücken, irgendeinen schicken Filter darüber klatschen und den Aesthetics meines Feeds anpassen. Wer dann noch anderem, ähnlich schönen, vielleicht für einen sogar noch anspruchsvolleren Content ausgesetzt ist, entwickelt, wenn das eigene Selbstwertgefühl nicht so rosig ausgeprägt ist, oft Komplexe. Generell sind wir im Internet, insbesondere auf Social Media, permanent einem Bestätigungswahn ausgesetzt, besonders, wenn ein Like-System existiert. Viele Menschen generieren dadurch ein so perfides und zum Teil ungesundes Verhältnis zu sich und der eigenen Internetpräsenz, dass negative Gefühle verstärkt werden können, wenn sie denn schon latent in jemandem existieren. Wir sind seit Jahren dem Internet ausgesetzt. Die/der normale Durchschnittsbürger:in in einem so modernen Staat wie unserem spürt die Selbstverständlichkeit der Digitalisierung. Auf dem Arbeitsplatz, in Schulen, Unis, ü b e r a l l. Menschen, die heutzutage keine Smartphones oder gar einen virtuellen Fußabdruck besitzen, werden oft als sehr ulkig angesehen, dabei finde ich diese Menschen unglaublich bemerkenswert, weil diese vermutlich noch keine Aufmerksamkeitsspanne von 60 Sekunden besitzen und auch nicht den Drang verspüren, sich selbst auf irgendeine Art und Weise darzustellen, um virtuell schnell Bestätigung zu erhalten. Das Internet fördert dieses Denken, genauso wie es den schnellen Informationsaustausch festigt. Diese Schnelligkeit ist es eventuell, die uns geistig paradoxerweise langsamer werden lässt. Heutzutage muss man nur einmal mit dem Finger über ein Display swipen, um etwas zu bekommen, um etwas zu lesen und etwas zu teilen.
Ich weiß nicht so ganz, wie ich mich selbst ohne Internet empfinden würde, da es bereits ein sehr bequemer, unerlässlicher Teil von mir geworden ist, aber bestimmt um einiges stressfreier, mit weit weniger Minderwertigkeitskomplexen, mehr Aufmerksamkeit und realem Bezug, dafür aber ohne virtuelle Freunde und Austausch, weil ich in der Wirklichkeit noch provisorisch daran arbeite. Schwierig.

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What feeling do you enjoy the most?

I think it would take me forever to pick something specific from all the different feelings I whole-heartedly cherish, since I tend to romanticize my life and the tiny details in it, so here is everything that comes up to my mind randomly:
ೃ Experiencing lazy and quiet days that pass without much noise or action. Days when I just lie in bed with my cat, light a candle, read something, make myself comfortable and enjoy a delicious snack. My favorite thing to do is drink tea or coffee from my favorite cup and enjoy not having to be productive or show off my skills to society (because I have none to begin with). ೃ
ೃ Due to my depression and social phobia, I constantly question whether I am a burden to certain people or whether I am annoying or simply superfluous. If I am then spontaneously proven wrong, I suddenly feel something indescribable. As if I suddenly have a purpose. ೃ
ೃ The feeling when I encounter several cats at once is beautiful. Or if I encounter any cats at all. ೃ
ೃ I really like writing poetry and creating things; be it journals, photographs or other knickknacks. ೃ
ೃ When little "miracles" happen to me in life that I don't expect, I stop for a moment and am very happy about it. ೃ
ೃ I like to give gifts to others and write letters. The delighted reaction of people important to me warms my heart. ೃ
ೃ That feeling when you go to a restaurant, order something totally delicious and just enjoy every bite. ೃ
ೃ Daydreaming makes me very happy. Especially in combination with music or ASMR. I love ASMR, which combines soft sounds with nature. ೃ
ೃ There are certain "aesthetics" that make me feel good. Be it Dark Academia, Cottagecore, Vintage or other things that are very specific. ೃ
ೃ Laughing with friends until your stomach and your cheeks hurt. I haven't had that for ages. ೃ
ೃ I like tapping on things, touching them or listening to their sounds. I'm probably really too influenced by ASMR. ೃ
ೃ I like to wander through undiscovered corners, forgotten places and mysterious alleys. It always makes me feel like a protagonist in a fantasy novel. ೃ
ೃ I generally like different atmospheres and moods that come about in different seasons, in the presence of different people and cultures and life situations. Every time it is a new kind of wonder that is unraveled. ೃ
ೃ Once a girl in my former school looked into my eyes for a very very long time and, as if hypnotized, listed - in a very quiet voice - all the colors she noticed, and for me that had something very ... magical and unusual. I got goose bumps and was very moved. ೃ
I'm afraid I've reached the character limit. I tried to look for more unusual emotions because the ordinary ones didn't really come to mind. This was really funny, thanks for the question! ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ♡‧₊˚

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When you were a child, what were typical adult things to you? Like what activities or behaviours made an adult an adult in your eyes?

LunarHuntress’s Profile PhotoYentl (only English and Dutch)
"When you were a child, what were typical adult things to you?"
👜 owning a big handbag
🖩 using a calculator
👡 using sensible (yet fashionable) shoes
"Like what activities or behaviours made an adult an adult in your eyes?"
given that I like to take after my mother as a child (I still do, in some regard), all of the things she did were considered "adult" behaviours. she managed our household so smoothly, and she was my very first role model since the very beginning of my existence.
when I was little, I remember accompanying her to her workplace. I was always fascinated by the working world. yet, somehow she managed to keep me and my older sister entertained with the things she carried in her handbag.
I would ask her for things like paper and all sorts of stationery to keep myself busy. I remember someone commenting,
"wow, your handbag is like a store,"
to my mother, and I couldn't help but to agree. everything we wanted was in that bag. snacks, sweets, paper (this was gold to me — absolute gold), pens/pencils — my mama had it all.
I remember associating the pocket calculator she had on hand as something only adults used. to see her fingers fly over the keypads as she was working was absolutely fascinating to me.
lastly, the shoes;
as someone who grew up learning that "heaven is under the feet of mothers**", and who was always massaging her mother's feet after a long day of work*,
I learnt how crucial it was to own and use sensible shoes. given that I place a high value on aesthetics, finding the right pair of shoes can make or break an outfit. which is why I now have a better understanding as to why shoes are priced the way that they are.
*it's our informal love language. when I was younger, she would call me on the house phone (using her mobile phone — because she would be in her bedroom, while I was in my own room) to ask me to massage her.
if I feel like I've missed her, I'd offer;
"mama? do you want me to massage you?"
or she would just have to ask me in the middle of my daily routines, "can you massage me?" or leave a casual comment, "you haven't massaged me for so long."
and my heart instantly knows. you know? there's just this sacred bond between a daughter and her mother — and I have a treasure trove of stories around the conversations that I've had with my mother over the countless of massages I've given her over the course of my existence. ☺️
I hope that this answer is sufficient, yentl! writing it has certainly brought me down memory lane. 😌💛
**read also: https://ask.fm/nurbzee/answers/166374177991

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When you were a child what were typical adult things to you Like what activities

What makes you happy?

-ˏˋ ꒰♡꒱ long evening walks ꒰♡꒱ smelling flowers ꒰♡꒱ talking to friends and laughing with them ꒰♡꒱ yankee candles ꒰♡꒱ videogames [FFXIV] ꒰♡꒱ friendliness ꒰♡꒱ pasta, a lot of pasta ꒰♡꒱ animals [cats] ꒰♡꒱ music [lo-fi] ꒰♡꒱ plants ꒰♡꒱ japan | japanese culture | japanese language ꒰♡꒱ anime ꒰♡꒱ the sun in your face ꒰♡꒱ rainy, cozy days with books and huge sweaters ꒰♡꒱ autumn ꒰♡꒱ wind chimes ꒰♡꒱ anything cute and girly ꒰♡꒱ anything not cute and not girly ꒰♡꒱ ghibli movies ꒰♡꒱ a good sleep ꒰♡꒱ cicadas ꒰♡꒱ astronomy ꒰♡꒱ geography ꒰♡꒱ sea waves ꒰♡꒱ researching stuff I'm interested in ꒰♡꒱ cheering people up ꒰♡꒱ writing [poems, stories] ꒰♡꒱ drawing [fantasy stuff - even though it looks awful] ꒰♡꒱ mutual feelings ꒰♡꒱ aesthetics [dark, light, romantic academia, cottagecore, fairies, vaporwave] ꒰♡꒱ thoughtful discussions about politics, philosophy etc. ꒰♡꒱ "You recommended me this, so I gave it a try" ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭꒰♡꒱ kaomojis ꒰♡꒱ probably a whole lot of other stuff I am not able to think of right now ꒰♡꒱ storms ꒰♡꒱ ˊˎ-

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➥ What do your powers, if you have any and/or magic look like? Describe colours, smells, physical sensations, aesthetics etc.

Some call it "the eagle vision", other Assassins just call it their "talent". This particular skill is in our blood line, not every Assassin possesses this ability. But in a sense, you could describe it as a better eye sight, much like a sixth sense. You see the world differently, in black and white mostly. Those who possess this vision are able to instinctively sense how people and objects relate to them, which is shown as a colored glow... uh, just like an aura? Red is for enemies, for example. Blue indicates allies, white is mostly uninteresting and sometimes an opportunity for sources of information orhiding spots, but almost everything... is white and grey or black. Buildings, furniture, civilians- it shows me what's important for survival and what's not. However, the colors are important, especially gold because it indicates targets or objects of interest. I can "mark" targets from very long distances, see the way they went, see them through their own home walls. (No, thankfully I can't see through clothes.) But feelings can influence this sight, so it happened that I got fooled a few times, seeing a supposedly ally in blue who turns out to be an enemy later. That's why the Assassins keep telling you that it's important to not let feelings get in the way of the mission or cloud your judgement. It's a very useful ability.

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➥ What do your powers, if you have any and/or magic look like? Describe colours, smells, physical sensations, aesthetics etc.

Practicing witchcraft always feels like I am doing what I was destined to do, there’s honestly no better feeling than being able to use my magic. I could definitely make someone smell like bacon when I use my pyrokinetic powers lol and they probably wouldn‘t even fight back because I‘d turn them into my personal puppets by controlling their minds. Whenever I use any of my powers I feel electrified, almost as if I am on d r ug s or dr u n k minus feeling hungover afterwards. It feels good to be that powerful and I love when I can overpower people by merely snapping my fingers. Using my magic is a sacred practice to me and I am using it very wisely these days.

Emaan you seem to be one wise person here so help me out with this, I have gained 18 extra pound.. Should I lose my weight?

Well, extra pounds aren't bad unless they're in your bank!
⛔️ All puns aside, embrace & love yourself dearie. Learn to breath in your skin! Stop comparing yourself to others & stop worrying if you're a little chubbier than people. You shan't lose pounds for others or for the sake of 'aesthetics'.. Please don't! Don't shed your pounds or kilos to impress other people. Topmost foremost, people who love you genuinely won't make you lose weight! Second, homo-saperas are ungrateful by nature & they can't be satisfied so easily, they just can't be impressed by anyone's 'body transformation' either. But if they have such calibre / standard to accept or like a person then straight up kick them out of your life. Just cut them off asap for being a toxic influence, reminder & a negative inspiration to lose weight! Shake them body-shamers off or at least distance yourself from them if by chance you live in their house. It's 2021, c'mon don't let any negativity take over your life!? I'M NOT COMPLETELY AN HEDONIST AS OF YET BUT LIVE THE LIFE 'YOU' WANT!!!
But again, (I shall put pause to that TEDtalk about body-positivity lol) In case you've hit the borderline.. you should def lose your weight! Only if 'you' believe that you're about to turn into an obese, because that 'extra fat' isn't good for anyone's health anyway. Don't wait till you become an emergency case, don't forget health is wealth so pls take care of yourself!
P.s It'd have been better if you mentioned your BMI. I'm not sure if you're already a skinny person, normal or chubby person. You must have a normal BMI. Btw your muscle & water weight plays an important role, many others things play a vital role too & you must have knowlegde regarding to all of it in quest to begin your ' extra weight' loss' journey! I won't dive deeper in detail. Google your queries about all of that! There're several apps to help you track your progress & calories, they show you your stats & some apps & sites offer diet plans according to your BMI too. You should learn what's your body type as well. (TIP: Don't try trendy 'fad' diets ffs, portion control is way better then doing something for a brief span of time and quitting it, always go for the long term commitments!💁) Remember google is great source of knowledge, if you really want to learn, if you use it purposefully. Do it & then ask me a question if you get stuck again, till then good-luck, goodbye & god bless anon! 💕⚡️

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How'd you describe your general "aesthetic"? Like the way you choose to dress, decorate your home etc. 👕🛋🖼

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
My personal aesthetic varies on my mood! Fashion-wise, I usually go for a casual ethereal aesthetic — I like wearing clothes that are cute, charming, and romantic. Sometimes I like to go for a sort of modern punk look, but it's not usually my go-to.
As for interior decorating, I like such a wide variety of aesthetics! Cottagecore is a really big one, because it has really cozy vibes that just say "home". I'm also really into furniture that's retro, like really funky designs.
Howd you describe your general aesthetic Like the way you choose to dress

oki, des is suuuper random, aber ich war gerade nochmal auf der kismet website (soooo freakin pretty i CANNOT) but like, die loveseiten sind soooo pretty und da wollte ich dich fragen, woher du eig. die pretty pics hast, die jeweils unten auf den loveseiten sind? they create such nice atmosphere! 💕✨

dundunduuuuuuuuuun’s Profile Photoe u p h o r i a
Also zuerst einmal danke dass dir die loveseiten und die Website allgemein gefallen 🙌🏻 ich kann mich noch dran erinnern, dass ich extrem frustriert war wegen dieser Website. Ich hatte versucht eine komplett neue Art von Website für meine Verhältnisse zu machen und als ich dann endlich ein Design hatte...hätte ich echt heulen können vor Freude😂
Die Bilder für die Loveseiten sind alle von pinterest. Ich weiß nicht mehr genau wo nach ich gesucht hatte, aber sowas wie cottagecore, nature aesthetics, starcrossed lovers, medieval aesthetics etc. war bestimmt dabei. Allgemein suche ich eh immer nach ... aesthetics, dafür ist pinterest wirklich sehr gut😂 viele der Bilder hatte ich aber auch schon gespeichert, weil ich ja ganz viele moodboards vorab gemacht habe, die es aber nie auf die Website geschafft haben😌🖤
(Weil du ja eine große Stay bist, zeig ich dir mal Felix moodboard, die ich irgendwann 2019 gemacht hatte)

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oki des is suuuper random aber ich war gerade nochmal auf der kismet website

Do you have a crush with someone on here? Or do you think you have a secret admirer?🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️

Crush is much too superficial a word. There are many people here that I have so much respect for because of their intellect, wit, and how they always care for others. Remember substance, not aesthetics.
There are people here I care about very much because of our friendships and that they are so genuine.
There are people here I would love to be seated across a coffee shop table from sharing a cappuccino or Panda Bum Latte with. I’m sure the laughter would set off seismographs!
I don’t know if I have any secret admirers here. I would be flattered and quite embarrassed I think. So please no one like this answer and spare a Lama from a power blush. 😊

Omg dein OC bei time sieht ja mega interessant aus. 💖🥵 Wir haben sogar den selben studiengang hihi. Magst du etwas zu ihr erzählen oder gibts etwas das du posten willst? Vielleicht ja sogar Aesthetics oder ein Moodboard? 😍

Taquaria’s Profile Photomadeleine bane
Ahh, danke :DDD Evangeline sieht aber auch richtig toll aus :D (Rachel yesss) Stimmt, wir haben unseren Ladies beiden einen eher männerdominierten Studiengang gegeben, finde ich echt klasse :D (und big love für Moses :D)
Mein Pinterest Board für Mai ist bisher noch sehr wip, weshalb ich leider noch mit keinen moodboards aufwarten kann 😅 Aber dafür ein paar fun facts zu Mai:
•Ihre Biografie ist von weiten Reisen gezeichnet.
•Sie ist das zweite von drei Kindern. #middlechildsyndrom lol
•Sie und eines ihrer Elternteile teilen sich einen konkreten Beruf.
•Sie ist bilingual aufgewachsen, spricht daneben aber auch noch 2 weitere Sprachen (mehr oder weniger gut😅)
•Sie hätte nie damit gerechnet, dass Vân sich einmal in dieser Form stabilisieren würde. Ein Mönchsgeier könnte nicht weiter weg von den früheren Formen ihres Dæmons sein.

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When you read, do you consciously read each individual word, or do you visualize what you are reading like you are watching a film? Apparently the difference between people who don’t enjoy reading vs those who do

GlindaBells’s Profile PhotoPumpkin Spice Glinda
Good question. I usually concentrate on encoding each individual word and absorb the structure of the sentence slowly so as not to miss context.
But I also think it depends on *what* I read. If I'm reading a novel then I do try to imagine the aesthetics and the characters in action, but if I'm reading theory or philosophy (which constitutes a good 90% of my library) then I'm simply just trying to comprehend the abstractions, which does require utmost concentration. :)

Signes FC hat in dem Bild auf at choice ja den coolsten Style überhaupt :D (werden diese fashion choices für Signe selbst beibehalten oder ist das nur aesthetics für die webseite? :D)

sol_koroleva’s Profile PhotoUyen
Also teilweise werden die Fashion Choices definitiv beibehalten, ich hab' viiiiel zu lange nach dem fc gesicht, nur um dann ihren coolen Style einfach zu ignorieren! Außerdem passt das zu Signe. (Ist nur noch zu wenig eyeliner. we live that goth life over here ✌🏻😔)
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— do you have any fakevz crushes? (people you fangirl over, no matter if you’re friends already or if you admire them from afar)

I'm going to try to show some new characters that have caught my eye lately. Positive ones of course.
@belleamex: She is really one of the newer discoveries I have made here. Not only is her charisma like a beauty, but the aesthetic she has on her blog and askfm is just beautiful. It's all very cohesive and I like it. In addition, I have already been able to exchange a few words with her and she seems to be a woman who has remained grounded due to her studies.
@raniyela: It will always be in this list, whether you like it or not. She is a strong, independent woman and doesn't shove it in everyone's face. She shows that it is also okay to show weakness. It's just admirable what she has managed to do. Her aesthetics in Tumblr and Askfm are also very nice - you can see she puts a lot of effort into it and if it doesn't suit her, she creates a new blog. It can be that easy!
@xPinkRidingHood: It has always had an interesting history and effect on me. Sometimes our paths had crossed but I can say I was not really in contact with her. (And if it was, it was a long time ago) However, she is a woman who speaks her mind, which I quite approve of. You shouldn't get so many favors - and she shows that. In addition, she also shows as much as she wants and remains with her blog also very similar to her character. There is a deepening of her character which I like.
@konkluxsions: She has a very coherent Askfm page and seems to give some impressions from her life. Like Luuna, she doesn't let herself be told much and speaks out what comes into her head. She also keeps her life private and I like that. Not everyone needs to hear everyone's shit. Privacy is important and she shows that on her blog. She also shows publicly that she likes both genders - and that doesn't seem to be just a put up. #girlsarethebettermen

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