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*Someone walks over and Sorell sees brown boots nearby* "Just so you know, Goth was lying about there being bees."

Stoicviolet’s Profile PhotoVio
*Sorells hood makes a exclamation mark when he notices the boot and he looks up at the stranger with a set of glitches blocking both his eyes from view, he's the only AfterDeath kiddo who has his magic affecting his clothes, just like their dad* T-there's..no bees..? ..U-um.. ..t-thank you.. for telling m-me ..a-ah..!? *Although when he realizes the stranger speaking to him looked awfully human, Sorell lowers his skull back down and uses a sleeve to cover @NeoTheSkrix from view* H-human..!? S-sorry..! Sorry! P-please don't hurt us..!

Yes Death is dead, soul shattered dead. And Geno, or rather Fatal_Error is going to steal code to recreate him, his first targets will be anyone who inherited code from Reaper directly, meaning Rott and all the Afterdeath kids are in danger

Wh--*Life is shell-shocked and she hugs @RottenSouls close* this is..this is going to be catastrophic isn't it? Wouldn't taking their code..destroy them? I can't imagine Geno harming his own children-*if he's completely gone crazy-maybe-*

I say that because I'm DEATHly afraid of losing you Reaper. We'll figure out how to make this work *he has a sad smile, but clearly means every word of what he says*

DontcallmeSans’s Profile Photo⟥G▫e▫n▫o⟤
G-Geno..*Reaper stares at the Tsun with widened sockets before collapsing right then and there, falling into the glitch since he was still holding his hand, there goes the AfterDeath fam getting destroyed again-*

Nightmare went looking for him after he saw how the kid messed up the Afterdeath family

..That's just wonderful ..*Sarcasm* ..now I have to worry about Nightmare coming after him.. for all the wrong reasons..I suppose I should go find them and explain..where is Sans and his husband?
Liked by: Nova Nightmare Rott

*He brings a finger to his cheek in his Chara form* You mean he's not in your bed because you placed him in Limbo after he left the save screen? You really think I don't know what is going on here? I saw all ten timelines of XTale happen back when only Ink should have known of it

WelcomeToMySpecialHell’s Profile PhotoNightmare
....*The God falls silent as a dark aura starts swirling around them, hopefully someone got all the AfterDeath children away from home or he just accidentally kiIIed them..
The dark aura was breaking nearly everything in the home, even the floorboards they were standing on were starting to creak and give way, you see the walls start falling apart as a giant ravens skull appears over the Gods head, it was his own blaster, but each time he tries to summon and use it, his aura ends up destroying it by accident..he's hoping this is enough to scare Nightmare though regardless, he just released his powers even though he really shouldn't have..he might of just played into Nightmares plans for all he knows.. it's clear he's there to feed off negative emotions*
*Random but found out Renrink said Reaper will actually refrain from using certain swear words he deems too vulgar/too rude to say, he has actually never once said the F-bomb canonically..he refuses to--is there anything else to make him more of a hidden cinnamon roll xD*

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He brings a finger to his cheek in his Chara form You mean hes not in your bed

Admin what's wrong with Raven?

*O.o Raven has a magic issue since he has a cut similar to Genos kiII wound, his Soul doesn't regenerate magic unlike other monsters so whatever magic he uses is permanently gone unless he gets more magic some other way, he's currently low on magic and has a couple injuries from dealing with a few humans, he'll be fine though just give him a Life flower and some magic, the cut he has running down his arm to his Soul is starting to spread a bit and will make things a little more difficult for him to do but he'll still be alright, heck, with all his health conditions, out of all the AfterDeath kiddos, Raven actually takes over and goes reaping to help his family, he has the Goddess of War make him a scythe so he can actually go out reaping despite not being able to use magic, it's pretty shocking*

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*Shadow's just chilling in Vio's shadow, he just flashes the AfterDeath couple a grin and a wave*

forgottenfifth’s Profile PhotoShadow
*Reaper noticed since well, being Death, he tends to keep track of anything that seems out of the ordinary, he deals with the paranormal daily given his job after all, he awkwardly waves towards Shadow, it's like he isn't used to anyone being kind to him..something Shadow can relate to*

How is this Not my business, right you have no idea who I am, no one told you about us for this exact reason *A blaster appears between Undyne and the trapped Afterdeath family, and considering the glitch's eye light flared up red/blue when it appeared he summoned it* They're my family too Undyne

DontcallmeSans’s Profile Photo⟥G▫e▫n▫o⟤
What the heII-!? *The fish Goddess stares wide eyed at the sudden blaster that was summoned..* You..your not among the deceased!? But those wounds..how are you alive!? How can you use magic and more importantly..DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHO YOU HAVE THAT POINTED AT!? You wouldn't want to challenge me Sans! Not in that condition and especially not as a mortal! I command you to stand dow--did..did you just say family!?

Goth, you are a horrible big brother. You're as bad a brother as Reaper is a father. Guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

..What!? *Goth looks shocked to hear that but out of all the AfterDeath kiddos, Goth has a balanced mix of both his parents magic and their personalities, Reapers sadistic humor is very noticeable-but I think Goth surpasses him a bit in the dark humor department..Reaper wouldn't sit there laughing if Genos kiII wound acted up*
I am not that bad!

*A barrage of flames suddenly surround Cross and a shadowed red eye is seen glowing in the distance* So, your the one responsible for our parents disappearance? You know why our family is called "AfterDeath"? Because..after you mess with us, you DIE! *oh boy xD happy birthday Dream!*

VoidOfEmptiness’s Profile PhotoṠïḷṿëṛ
*I log off Cross for a day and come back to 87 notifications, not joking*
*Dude because it's Dreams birthday, your going to get your aşş kicked for picking a fight with Cross today*
*He snaps his fingers and summons all of his Xblasters around the brat and they all fire* Do you have ANY idea what day it is!?

*Bows are a lot larger and heavier than most people realize* "When I get to my home I can look around, their might be some training bows that you could use. Though you're much smaller than Hylian Children who first try learning archery" *he returns his bow to his inventory*

Stoicviolet’s Profile PhotoVio
I'll get taller someday..I won't stay this small..*She only gets to Goths height though, most AfterDeath babies are very short, Raven is the only exception being the tall boi, Sorell wears high heel boots so he isn't short but without those shoes on, he's small just like Goth and the rest, they all took after a certain someone who is secretly short*
But I'd really appreciate it mister! I think those bows would be more handy than just my scythe! I could stop people from attacking me quicker!
Liked by: Nova Shadow Vio

what are you going to do? cry? sulk in the corner for all your miserable failures? =__= maybe have another breakdown and leave geno? blame everything on daddy issues?

*You just lost anon privileges, none of you anons are able to harm the AfterDeath fam now, because honestly, this is getting ridiculous.. don't get me wrong, I don't mind conflict in rps I don't mind battles but when you have so many fights that it really does render your characters crippled, I have to draw a line somewhere
Reaper is a very powerful character, yes, but if he is fighting day after day after day he is eventually going to weaken, I can't just make him OP asf to where he's unbeatable and never gets tired or injured that's unrealistic and makes it not fair to anyone who wants to fight him, that means each time they fight they know their character will be insta-kiIIed and can't do sh-t to get out of the fight, their character would just be f-cked each time they interact with Reaper and it would put them in the same situation I'm facing where they can't even rp, I usually just roll with whatever cause it's just a rp and it shouldn't matter what goes on in a fake make believe world like if you wanted it to rain kittens I really wouldnt care and would just roll with it cause it's not like I'll actually go outside irl and see cats raining from the skies, it won't actually affect "me" or you but it's not fair to make a fight impossible or to render a character helpless by throwing things at them everyday, this is solely directed at you anons whoever you may be following our accounts, it's nice you like our characters and that you want to interact with them but don't keep throwing problems their way, it's okay if you give them some problems but what I'm trying to say is don't add more problems on top of existing ones
Thank you
I'm not the only one who has complained about this before..*

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+20 answers in: “I'm guessing you want to know what Life was talking about earlier...”

[[To the ADMINS behind @CrossingOutNames @PuppetMasterSans @JinxQuartz and anyone else who interacts with the AfterDeath family]]

DontcallmeSans’s Profile Photo⟥G▫e▫n▫o⟤
[[As of this post all knowledge of @GrimReapings' Scythe being his weakness has been Thanos snapped out of existence. The only people allowed to know are those who CANONICALLY know about it, so MAYBE @ReapertaleChara but that's it. It's not fair to the Admin that everyone ab-ses Reaper's weakness, it makes fighting him basically turning Reaper into a punching bag and I'm sick of having to deal with the aftermath of it. Remember what you do to Reaper affects his entire family too. SO, NO USING THE SCYTHE AGAINST HIM. If someone does on an account that wouldn't canonically know about it, I will stop RPing with them on all accounts. I'm DONE]]

*I sent things to Reaper and the AfterDeath kids saying that Chara has stolen the slain fankids souls, but now that she's got what she wanted, she'll let them go*

ReapertaleChara’s Profile PhotoM U R D E R
*so she was gambling Nova's devotion with their souls... airly clever*
+17 answers in: “*Sitting above you like Astrid, her scythe swinging to and fro like a ever so deadly pendulum, watching you silently*”

You want to free from the fears that plague your soul and mind. You want your loved ones to be safe from harm. Yet you want to kill. You crave it. Pledge yourself to me. Give me your worship so as to expose my father and his ilk as nothing more than fakers.

ReapertaleChara’s Profile PhotoM U R D E R
*..... oh this could end so bad*
What would happen to Geno and the rest of the Afterdeath family, not including reaper if I did
+17 answers in: “*Sitting above you like Astrid, her scythe swinging to and fro like a ever so deadly pendulum, watching you silently*”

//XDD// * Kids? I think I've only been able to interact with two little skeletons, one of them is called Goth. The other... did he look like his boyfriend? I don't know.

WhereAreTheKNIVES’s Profile Photo— ʙᴜᴛ ɴᴏʙᴏᴅʏ ᴄᴀᴍᴇ.
Oh that was probably Palette, he's one of my sons, well he was kinda an accident after a battle Dream and I had against Nightmare we left enough charged magic behind that Palette happened. Goth is an AfterDeath kid... meaning you really don't want to meet his parents. Reaper as his name implies is a god of Death and can kill with a single touch, Geno.... well he was killed in the first ever aborted Genocide run, Frisk reset after killing him, but he has enough determination that he can now SAVE, LOAD, and Reset just like you can. Not to mention he has a hell of a grudge against both you and Frisk. I don't really blame him if someone killed me I'd be pretty pissed at them too
+8 answers in: “* Hello, Ink. -How strange, the child is here...-”

*I just noticed I didn't answer your question earlier yes Goth is dating Palette in Shinos timeline and it is actually confirmed they are canon I had to search like crazy on lover of piggies posts it's a really old post Shino Goth and Raven are the only canon fankid I cant link on my tablet though*

ReaperInTraining’s Profile PhotoS༙྇h༙྇i༙྇n༙྇o༙྇
[[Do not tell Geno that Goth is Dating, and ok good to know... so that technically means AfterDeath itself is Canon....]]

Man depresyja... visiska apatyja viskam... kas is to darbo kas is tos seimos sukurimo jeigu po kiek laiko numirsti... ir kas toliau??? pas Jezu??? kokia prasme gyvenimo????? teisingai zakas freskas kalbejo kad gyvenime nera jokios prasmes ir tai sunku pripazinti...

Taip jis teisingai kalbėjo, todėl neo iš matricos labai skaudėjo "akis" kai jis jomis pagaliau pasinaudojo ir suvokė, kad viskas yra iliuzija, tik jis ne akimis pažvelgė aišku. Šiaip galimybė naudoti savo kūną šiame pasaulyje jau yra kažkas nuostabaus, nes jis gana sudėtingas aparatas ir visada galima nustebinti net save patį jo galimybėmis. Aš tai tiesiog mėgstu konstruoti dalykus, kurie gal tik mums atrodo tikri, gal ši realybė yra simuliacija, kaip kad teigia elonas ar kiti. Tiesiog kažkaip norisi pasistatyti namą ir ramiai jaukiai gyventi su artimomis sielomis. Na dar kūniški malonumai visai fun. O šiaip mes turime savo svajonių, kartais gyvenimas labai prispaudžia ir ta svajonė būna mirtis, bet vis tiek yra ir tam tikros aplinkybės, kurioms esant mums įtinka ir ši realybė, tai sakyčiau, kad reikia siekti tai įgyvendinti, nuojauta kužda, kad gyvenimas yra tarsi žaidimas didesnės dimensijos būtybėms, o jį laimi jeigu tampi laimingu ir viską pasieki. Gal jiems ištrinami prisiminimai ir jie pajungiami prie šio žaidimo. Šiaip yra įdomu pasidomėti afterdeath experiences arba out of body experiences, taip pat reincarnation examples. Imu tikėti, kad mes galime daugiau, nei mus mokė mokyklose, univeruose. Tiesiog neverta jeigu nieko nenori

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The novel that I have just finished now mainly discusses ( ten reasons to be alive , or to continue your life ) the hero decided that he would commit suicide if he didn't get the tenth reason What are your ten reasons if your are the hero of the story ? 😄

l always ask myself this question but l've found no clear reason except worshiping Allah 😃
He creats us & command us to build our earth, to invite people to believe in him, to spread love & brotherhood between us, to please our parents, relatives, friends & everyone, to live in peace in our souls & our world, to help each other , to treat people equally.
l live for this💖 surely, in this l'll find happiness and l'll make the other happy even if partly happy, there's eternal happiness afterdeath 💗💗
he treats us to be beside each other & a life I live for others deserves to be lived & loved 😄

hey snow flakes..so i saw this movie the other day there was a virus called medosa and this virus feeds on ur dreams n nightmares by turning the things and monsters and people in ur dreams into real things & if u don't have any it will feed on ur life..if u catch it wt things will come to life? #Hc

wow! that's a wierd quest. but a pretty good one👌
i'm afraid of afterdeath like.. what happens to me in my grave and what people will do after i die..

What do you think about people with sexual disorientation (LGBT), who believes in God? Will God give them place in heaven later?

my_anonymous’s Profile Photoanonymous
There is nothing wrong with them. According of what ive experienced they are way awesome than we do, everything on them from the bottom to the top are all relevant either like us common human being, anyway about afterdeath i honestly lack of knowledge about world out there but i believe that god will always love us no matter what with every our flaws and perfections. High five kurt

There are 2 kinds of MJ fans : One part who says afterdeath fans are fake fans, and the other part who defends afterdeath fans... Who should we believe ? I know you defend afterdeath fans, but I'd like to know why some MJ fans think the contrary. They don't know anything about us.

Firstly, there are 100s of types of MJ fans. People will complain and call other fans 'fake fans' about the smallest shit, so those kind of comments should be ignored at all times imo. MJ fans who have a problem with 'after death' fans are just idiots wanting to make themselves feel superior to other fans, and they try to use the fact that they were here before 09 to 'validate' their position as a fan. Why? I wouldn't be surprised if it was because they were insecure and just assholes to begin with. There shouldn't be a distinction between fans just because of when they became a fan. It's dumb af and I'll never be a part of that.

Language: English