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Do you like Sharing Stories or Listening to Stories? 💬

hussainaliraqe23’s Profile Photo3ra2y
I tend to get anxious when trying to share a story of my own. I end up stumbling over my words. Unless I'm around someone I'm totally comfortable around, I prefer to listen to other people's stories.
Liked by: 3ra2y Doug

Have your parents/guardians almost always been supportive about the decisions you’ve made so far and your plans for the future or were you more independent and didn’t always have their support?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
My parents have always been supportive, though there have been times were they've been very anxious over my choices. I think that because I was their first child, there was a level of uncertainty and overprotectiveness present in our relationship at times.
The fact that I'm also neurodivergent (autistic and ADHD) no doubt played a role as well. I was diagnosed at a time when there just wasn't as many resources available to parents of neurodivergent kids, especially compared to today, so there was a lot of uncertainty surrounding how my development would go, how much support I'd need in my adult years, etc. I imagine that was not easy for my folks to grapple with.
Fortunately they never gave up on me, even when others would tell them they should. Despite their anxieties, they always believed in my potential and encouraged me to pursue my goals and to become an independent adult.
For that reason (amongst many others) I am super grateful. My folks are cool as hell and I love them dearly. 🥰

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When you've been in the "talking phase" of dating, what approach did you take? Did you choose your words more carefully? 🗣️💞

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I definitely did change/be more careful with my words in the past. I also hid various aspects of myself that I thought may be considered “weird” (which, looking back, I wish I hadn’t… if they date me, they’d see that side of me inevitably, anyways). 😅 I’d say my approach was that I wanted to be the absolute best version of myself at all times for them, so I could appear a certain way, in hopes they’d find me more interesting, attractive, etc. I also, tried to hide my “baggage” per say to make myself seem healed and so self aware. Even though, I knew deep down, if they really got to know me, that facade would always break. 😶
Needless to say, I have a very different approach now…
I think allowing yourself to be “quirky” and/or vulnerable about the parts of you/your personality that maybe you hesitate showing, really helps in the talking phase. I’m not saying you should allow people access to the most intimate, deepest parts of you immediately. I’m saying, share an interest you have that maybe you don’t normally speak of. Or share a little personality quirk you have. Allow yourself to be less rigid, you don’t have to always be in the best light for someone to like you. You’re human, you’re complex, it’s okay to show that. 🤗 It’s easier said than done, I know… BUT, I really think those little vulnerable moments are important and valuable.
And, like I mentioned before, if they are actually going to date you at some point, they will see/learn those things regardless… So, in my opinion it’s nice to just start slowly shedding those layers we put on for the world, so the person who we want to be with can see who we truly are. It not only helps them feel good enough to do the same for you, but it helps you to feel at peace and completely comfortable with being yourself in the long run, assuming you do pursue the relationship.
Personally, I’ve found it’s worth having those anxious moments, just to find out someone I like was actually charmed by that side of me, or they related to it in a way I couldn’t have predicted, or if nothing else, just showed me genuine interest and non-judgement. You never know, it really can be the tiniest things about you that can make someones heart swoon. 🥰 It can be very fulfilling and rewarding to be bold and step into yourself like that, even when it’s scary. I think that’s the beautiful thing about getting to know a potential partner. You both get to see all the little things that makes one another undeniably human, and still find yourselves loving each other more and more. 💗

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When youve been in the talking phase of dating what approach did you take Did

When you've been in the "talking phase" of dating, what approach did you take? Did you choose your words more carefully? 🗣️💞

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Thankfully, I’ve always been myself, and it’s worked out well! Although, I know I would often be more anxious inwardly during that stage, always trying to gauge the tone of voice (particularly through text) and thankfully body language is easy enough to read. It’s definitely become a lot easier over the years, I was incredibly shy way back!

I hope you enjoyed your birthday! What did you get up to? 😁 💃

hellojonesymo’s Profile PhotoJo
Thank you so much, Jo! I actually went to a funeral which wasn't great. I wasn't close to my auntie, but a lot of our family doesn't get along so it was awkward and made me very anxious. I couldn't wait to come home, to be honest. My boyfriend visited for a bit after though, and gave me my presents. I opened those and then we went to an Indian restaurant at 6pm. They're always so accommodating there and the food is great, so I had such a nice time. It was a lovely way to end my birthday. Thank you again! 😊

When you've been in the "talking phase" of dating, what approach did you take? Did you choose your words more carefully? 🗣️💞

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I'm always more nervous when something is new, but I noticed that with some people I got so anxious about what they think of me and almost started to adjust my own personality to try to fit in with their world and I realised that it was because they weren't my people, they weren't bad people or anything, just not MY people. With fella it was much easier, very quickly realised that our brands of weird matched up really well so I could just be myself and he would roll with it, and vice versa 😁

kalian tau attachment style ga?

attachment styles itu cara seseorang terikat secara emotional dgn orang lain &dimunculkan dari pola asuh dia sejak kecil &this greatly affects the relationship.
ada 4 tipe attachment styles; avoidant, anxious, anxious-avoidant / disorganized &secure.
Liked by: Ann ‎ ㅤ

When you pray... what do you usually pray about? 🙏🏻🤲🏻✨💫

ManWithout1plan’s Profile PhotoManWithout1Plan
The act of acceptance or submission to Allah's will, known in Arabic/Urdu as "tasleem,"
I want to embrace His decisions, recognize His supreme power, and humbly accept that whatever He decrees is for my ultimate good. It is very hard for my super anxious soul.♡
When you pray what do you usually pray about

❗️🏻 If you don't have health anxiety, please delete this question. How do you calm yourself down whenever you get extremely anxious about your health? 😓

M1ssSemy’s Profile PhotoStar. i
One of the biggest things for me: AVOID the internet at ALL costs. As a chronically ill person who also has a lot of health anxiety, the worst possible thing you can do is go to Google and doom scroll when feeling extremely anxious. 🥴 For your own sake, go to your doctor or call them, and discuss what you feel directly, not only symptoms, but the anxiety as well. And they may even suggest getting a couple tests done so that you can have some mental peace knowing that your body is functioning how it should. OR that whatever condition(s) you currently have isn’t getting worse or triggering something else, etc.
Next thing: Share with someone you trust who can have a conversation with you, rationalize, challenge your anxiety (kindly, and with compassion), and just be a friendly sounding board so you don’t spiral. I find this helps me a lot. Sometimes, simply receiving a trusted persons input/rationalization, and getting everything off my chest calms me down immensely. 😮‍💨
And finally: Do NOT suppress your anxiety. It does not help anything, nor will it make you feel better. Acknowledge that you feel very anxious right now, try your best to slow down and refocus your mind. Whether that is by giving yourself time to cry, or sit in silence and focus on breathing, vent or write out everything you’re anxious about, and I mean everything. Listen to music, watch a show/movie that comforts you, or any other healthy coping mechanism you do to relax. Regardless, feel your feelings. And then, when you’ve done that, you can go ahead and establish how you want to proceed/re-evaluate how you are doing.
For me, writing out everything is so beneficial, because once I’ve calmed down a bit, I can essentially fact check myself and be like “okay, I know I don’t have to worry about *insert thought(s)* because *insert reason(s)*.” Or take those anxieties to a medical professional/loved one so they can help you fact check them.
I hope that helps, even a little bit! I know health anxiety is awful and hard to navigate. ☹️

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If you dont have health anxiety  please delete this question How do you calm

How does rain affect you?

zaidwali915’s Profile PhotoZaid Wali
I love rain so much, and I miss it like it's a loved one I haven't seen in ages. I don't know why, but when it rains, I feel a strange connection with Allah, as if He’s closer to me than usual. I pray to Him while feeling His presence, and sometimes I literally say, "Allah ji, please na, de den na," as if I'm trying to convince someone who loves me a lot but might be angry with me, though I don't know why. This year, every time it rained, I was on duty, trapped within walls, listening to the sound of the rain, which made me anxious, as if Allah was pushing me away and didn’t want me to come near Him or ask Him for anything. Even if I managed to go outside for just 5 minutes to make dua, I couldn’t fully feel it because I had to rush back.

Magst du den Sommer?

Tatsächlich eher weniger. Ich merke zu dieser Zeit, wie schlimm meine Pollenallergie wird und zum Teil enorm ausartet (selbst mit Medikamenteneinnahme kriege ich manchmal kaum Luft, muss permanent niesen, habe tränende Augen, Migräne und Schwindel). Ich fühle mich tendenziell einsam und merke, wie in Schüben meine Depression zurückkehrt, weil Menschen unternehmensfreudig sind und ich weder das Umfeld noch die Energie dazu besitze. Das Wetter lastet wie ein extrovertiertes Damoklesschwert über mir, das mich daran erinnert, wie langweilig und zum Teil nichtssagend mein Leben ist und ich kaum die Möglichkeit habe, irgendetwas Interessantes zu tun, da ich so an mein Zuhause gebunden bin und mich mental und körperlich wie ein Wrack fühle. Wenn ich meine Eltern ausnahmsweise zum Spazieren überreden kann, da ich mich alleine in Wäldern eher unwohl fühle und auch ständig eingeredet bekommen habe, dass mir dann immer etwas zustößen würde und ich bloß niemals ohne Begleitung (die ich meist nicht habe) in die Natur gehen soll, fühle ich mich extrem eingeschränkt und irgendwie unselbständig und anxious bei allem, so albern das nun auch klingen mag. Habe gerade auch eine miese Dauermigräne und fühle mich absolut unwohl und verloren in dieser Hitze und dem ganzen "Spaß", den anderen gerade haben und überall teilen und publizieren. Fühle mich dann einfach schlecht und wie ein Versager. Sorry für den emotionalen Rant, ich will darüber auch nicht weiter reden und wollte das nur so als Vent stehenlassen, ohne wie ein miesepetriger und missgünstiger Gremlin zu klingen; der Sommer ist für mich nur jedes Jahr sehr hart und anstrengend, weil er für mich immer negativ behaftet ist und sich wie ein Fiebertraum anfühlt.

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How would your friends describe you? 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ ᏖᏋᏁᏗፈᎥᎧᏬᏕ ᏖᎧᎷᎷᏗᎩ™ ▩ ♚ ☻
I think they'd describe me as very anxious, sometimes quiet. Hopefully they'd say I'm a good friend and always up for a good time. I think they'd say I'm caring and have a big heart. I'm not sure what else, really. This is a difficult question to answer. 😅

Do you ever get anxious or angry while waiting for a response back from someone?

Yes I get very anxious especially if I accidentally say something that may have offended them or was just flat out stupid. If I don’t get a respond after waiting for hours then that’s when I get worried I guess.

When was the last time you awkwardly misspoke? 💬🤦‍♂️ (Just now when picking up my food order, I accidentally said hello instead of thank you 😂)

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Oh gosh, I always do this. When I'm anxious, I stumble over my words and it ends up coming out as a weird mess. I get all tongue tied. I was picking up an order recently at a shop and I had to give out the order number. I struggle with numbers at the best of times, but I really messed this one up. I sometimes get numbers mixed up and the wrong way around, but this was another level. I just couldn't read them properly. I realised my error and tried again, but by then I was so flustered and anxious that my second attempt was even worse. I had to ask my boyfriend to read out the order number in the end. The lady at the till must have thought I was so stupid. 🤦🏻‍♀️

عايزه حد يقولى بحبك كل نص دقيقه😭

دا إسمه في علم النفس Anxious attachment .. لو معالجتيهوش مستحيل تكمل ليكِ علاقة طويلة الأمد .
وخديها قاعدة : الإحتياج اللي هتعتمدي على شخص -غير نفسك- في تغذيته بشكل كامل = هيكون مصدر عذابك وتعبك طول حياتك لحد ما تعرفي تعالجي نقائص روحك بنفسك .

What activity instantly calms you?

hussainaliraqe23’s Profile Photo3ra2y
Cooking and baking. The dish doesn't necessarily have to be complex in any way, it can be as simple as a stir fry or boxed-mix brownies, but I've always found the process of cooking something to be very soothing.
Tactile experiences (such as handling ingredients) have always been grounding to me. I'm the sort of person who likes to fidget or squeeze things when I get anxious. It's also one of those things that you need to put your whole focus into (lest you wind up with burnt garlic or soggy, overcooked pasta!) and that helps me to stay present and not get stuck in my own head. 🍝

Stress sy Kesy nekla jay ....?

At times, we feel stuck, literally unable to move in any direction, and it consumes us. Anxiety overwhelms any positive thoughts and drags us through peculiarities. What to do at this point? Change! Bring that change.
Exercise is one of the best ways to combat negative thoughts.
Sweat ∝ Feeling Relaxed.
Start with a concentrated morning ritual: drink water, eat something healthy, and go for a meditation session in the fresh air. That inhale-to-exhale shift with closed eyes will allow peace to flow through your veins. After opening your eyes, you will feel more vigilant and energetic to start your day.
Still feeling anxious? Here’s a personal trick to overcome it: start doing choreography. It’s one of the best ways to feel happy, and you can later flaunt your moves at wedding events. 😉

❗️🏻 If you don't have health anxiety, please delete this question. How do you calm yourself down whenever you get extremely anxious about your health? 😓

M1ssSemy’s Profile PhotoStar. i
Although I don't have it but I'll sure try to help a friend 😅
5 Ways to cope with health anxiety
⅕... Remember that your body sends you signals all the time.
⅖... Get comfortable with new sensations.
⅗... Try not to self-diagnose.
⅘... Recognize and challenge unhelpful thoughts.
5... Seek help.
If you dont have health anxiety  please delete this question How do you calm

I’m 34 and he’s 37. We met online, and despite him expressing wanting to get intimate and thinking of me when he’s “alone” and missing me, whenever we are together, he doesn’t initiate anything and even if I do he ignores it. We’ve been seeing each other 6 months 5 weekends 0 intimacy. ??? Help

Maybe he’s anxious about making a move in person but feels more confident expressing himself and what he wants online. Couples therapy might work later on if this continues to be an issue but for now, I’d say give him some more time or try to get to know him more to determine if this could have something to do with his past.

According to research, the heart produces an electromagnetic field that exists about 3 feet outside our body. It allows us to read emotional energy within proximity. Have you ever experienced this? Is it more so with certain people than others for you?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoΣΩ
I’m usually too anxious in public to be able to sense how another person is feeling but there was a time when I was sitting in a classroom and a female classmate that was always nice to me was going through hard times and when we made eye contact, her eyes started watering. I can usually sense this with people I feel comfortable around and I tend to close myself off to those who make me feel uncomfortable. With guys, it’s harder to tell how they’re feeling but with women, it’s easier to read them but maybe that’s just me. There was also another time when this female acquaintance was looking at me from across the cafeteria and she wasn’t too far away from me either but it was clear that she wasn’t having fun. We were on a road trip to Chicago at the time and on the way back, she talked about how upset she was after hearing about a certain news but tbh, I didn’t think she was upset enough to cry but she did. It might be because I myself am almost always unhappy in public so when I see someone else who isn’t having a fun time in public like me, I assume they are anxious like me or that they’re just observing their surroundings like I am. I’m not the best at reading people and usually am not concerned until they break down or shed tears, which I realize doesn’t make me come across as someone that’s good at sensing others feelings. Even when people outwardly display their feelings, I have a hard time putting my guard down and connecting with them on an emotional level.

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Are you a negative person ?🌝

I strive to always be a positive one but I am a human and it is hard sometimes when I can't control my emotions and thoughts and tend to be negative. One thing I learned by observing myself is that we don't have to be positive all the time like it's perfectly so okay to feel sad; angry; annoyed — frustrated; scared or anxious isn't ¿ Having feelings doesn't make us a "negative person". It makes us human. We aren't robots obviously but we shouldn't let those emotions take over and control us. And I always remind myself to make every day in my life an experience that I cherish whether it is a happy moment or a sad moment. 🌻

Where can I find a decent roommate if I don't want to live alone? I have no one to live with, all my friends prefer to live alone or with a partner or they're already having a roommate. I don't want to have to move back to my parents' house just because being alone makes me anxious.

People who have roommates tend to meet them in high school, college, at their work place, or through family/friends. I don’t think it’s bad to live with your parents and you shouldn’t be determined to live with a roommate since not everyone can find good roommates. I wish I lived with a friend but I don’t have that option since I don’t have friends that I’m close to irl anymore.

What's something you've wanted to do but haven't yet? 🧗🗺️

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I'd love to learn how to swim, but I'm yet to do it. I never learned as a child and not being around deep water has made me quite scared of it. I went to the pool on holiday a couple years ago and I hated it. I had to go in the smaller pool because I was panicking so much in the big one. I would definitely have to get myself used to the water before I even think about learning to swim. I'm just so anxious about it, though. I really want to learn because it's such good exercise, and I've always liked the idea of going to water parks. It's scary, though. I think it would take me a long time just to get comfortable in the water.

When you have friends that don’t get along, what’s your approach to keeping peace? Do you mediate, keep your mouth shut and listen, or advise parties separately while maintaining the confidence of what each party told you?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoΣΩ
I'm happy to lend a listening ear if a friend comes to me needing to vent about someone else’s actions, but that is about as much as I’m willing to do. As a rule, I try not to involve myself in others' conflicts. Having been on both sides of this exact situation one too many times, I've unfortunately learned the hard way that absolutely nothing gets resolved unless people actually talk to each other. In fact, things usually just get messier once someone else gets involved.
So, as harsh as it may sound, if a friend came and asked me if I’d be willing to have a word with someone else for them, my answer would have to be no. If confronting the other person by themselves makes them anxious then I may offer to stay in the room with them, for moral support– but I’d keep my mouth closed and stay out of the conversation.
It's not my place to fight other people’s battles for them.

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Have you ever done something embarrassing around a former crush?

iWillSpamYouAsk’s Profile PhotoSpam Ask
I walked up to him and apologized for looking at him in class or if I acted weird somehow. I didn’t have to say anything but because I cared about the impression I gave off around him, I didn’t think it through. I then had the audacity to ask him another time again because I was really anxious in class again and was worried that he might’ve sensed it. He was done with me at that point since he didn’t even respond when I asked him the same question.

The portrait they paint of you isn’t a good portrayal

ihcalam70776’s Profile Photoihcalam
People have always kept their distance from me and I’m not sure if it’s because of the rumors someone might’ve spread about me or simply due to how anxious I almost always tend to look in public. That’s probably what was happening in my case because if the portrait they painted of me happened to be a good portrayal of me, I doubt people would’ve given me suspicious looks and/or automatically rejected my efforts to get to know them.

How to heal ? (Ps its not a breakup kind of thing)

romesanoor1212’s Profile PhotoRomesa
Work on yourself. Have some 'me time'. Limit your interactions. Only stay around your true friends and positive people. Give some time to your hobbies. Eat healthy food and take care of your gut health. Do some exercise or go to nearby park for a 30-minute walk daily because nature is the best healer. Listen to music with Alpha waves. It relieves stress and relaxes your brain. Above everything, you must take help from Quran. Recite Surah Ad-Duha when you feel distressed or anxious. It works instantly.
P.s. I know you're not going to follow any of these.
How to heal  
Ps its not a breakup kind of thing

كيف بتشوف حالك كشخص؟

morerage222_’s Profile PhotoNick. Repelled.
the kinda question that has the kinda answer I don't want others to read.. I like it. ^^
full of surprises, imaginative, creative, passionate, playful, feminine, cute.
firm and flexible at the same time, when I set my mind to something I do it, I follow the rules at first just to learn how to break them later.
I can be stubborn (but not with him), can get melancholic, anxious, and expect the worst usually, can be a lot to handle sometimes, and get easily distracted because I daydream a lot.
but if I like you I'm loyal to you till the end, will listen to you and enjoy what you say simply because I like your mind and the way you speak, and will go out of my way to do things to make you feel special.

What's the biggest risk you've ever taken?

When I didn't attend a single class in Punjab Medical College, Faisalabad, and hid the fact from my parents. They actually cancelled my seat as I didn't even submit my documents. I waited out there until the next MCAT date, and prepared for it without joining any academy. If I hadn't passed the test, that would have been game over for me in the medical field. It was a huuuuge risk. I was anxious all the damn time, and it was probably the worst time of my life.

I'm so sad and anxious all the time i have no one to talk to can anyone plz talk to me? This weight feels like its crushing my head and soul

Speak Up! It's not a negative omen, sweetheart, to meet someone who genuinely listens and, more importantly, cries! Cry a lot; it's treatment, not a shame.

When you're stressed or anxious, do you struggle w/ sleeping or staying asleep? It's 5, and I woke up an hour ago and haven't been able to fall back asleep, despite only sleeping for 2h. My eyes are burning, and I feel terrible, but stress keeps me awake. I might as well get up and start the day.

It depends, I am not sure on what but sometimes I get really bad insomnia due to stress or I sleep way too much because of stress!
When youre stressed or anxious do you struggle w sleeping or staying asleep Its

When you're stressed or anxious, do you struggle w/ sleeping or staying asleep? It's 5, and I woke up an hour ago and haven't been able to fall back asleep, despite only sleeping for 2h. My eyes are burning, and I feel terrible, but stress keeps me awake. I might as well get up and start the day.

I’m stressed/anxious all of the time maybe that’s why I sleep so much but I mean sometimes I do have trouble falling back asleep

Language: English