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If you are blessed with children one day what sports would you get them involved with? Badminton seems to be a family tradition of yours? I would sign mine up for swimming lessons asap and let them choose anything else they wanted to be involved with

Hahaha, it is! I think I'd get them into racket sports and sailing, because I love them, and then as a family there'd be a lot of hiking and skiing. I was like you - I had swimming lessons young (Mum was fairly convinced that I'd drown otherwise, and that was fair) so that would be another one. I used to love running track and cross country as a kid as well, and my partner runs ultra marathons, so I think we'd encourage them into that line of things.
I don't know, honestly. I know a couple of mums who are super athletics and their kids could not be less interested in sport, haha! And if that was the case then I'd try and encourage whatever else they had an interest in (whilst desperately hoping it'll be something sporty) (ya girl hasn't got the braincells for quantum physics or whatever)
Liked by: igotamatch LYNDSEY Doug

Do female athletes deserve to get paid exactly what men get paid ?

dadair7584’s Profile PhotoFacts Over Feelings
I believe everyone should be paid equally if they’re doing the same job imo.
I don’t really know how payments work in each sport and athletics though. Often pay is negotiated for each individual in, say, football/soccer, and there is prize money in some sports. But a set salary plus winners and runners-up getting the extra prize money seems fairer to me regardless of gender.

Poproszę o ciekawostkę.🍑

grandeupdatesplnews’s Profile Photo#agup Ariana Grande Poland ♡
Zwycięscy pierwszego dnia '2022 Idol Star Athletics Championship':
• Łucznictwo - chłopcy:
#1 NCT
#2 Ateez
Sporty taneczne - chłopcy:
#1 Intak z P1Harmony
#2 Kim Dong Han z WEi
#3 Eunsang z YOUNITE
Sporty taneczne -dziewczyny:
#1 Xiaoting z Kep1er
#2 Tsuki z Billlie
#3 Kwon Eunbi

How would you describe yourself?

I am nothing special. I've had an odd life (who's isn't unique in some way?) but even with everything I've endured I don't think I'm anything special. Everyone deals with shitty people in their life at some point. Everyone knows what love is. Yeah I use my resources to help people in need but anyone in my position should. So I'm not anything special. Awesome! It's always really uncomfortable for most people since I'm so sweet and bubbly but am always talking about sex or something vulgar. I've been trying to get better with the language but so far it's not fucking happening.
Personality: VERY impulsive. Never mean to hurt anyone's feelings, but I don't always think about what I say. Love my friends with everything I got, very loyal to them. Can't really say I hate anyone. Sometimes a little too quick to forgive. Awesome sense of humor. Ask me to do something, and I'll do it in a heartbeat, normally saying, "Oh yeah, no problem." Order me to do something, and we have a bit of a problem. I don't like being ordered around. Love reading, movies, athletics, and steak.
Too smart to be likeable, too pretty to not be likeable, too ugly for hot people to like me, too dumb for smart people to like me... And overall, a total nerd.
A stoic fully aware that the next die-off is underway and there is nothing anybody can pay, do, or pray about to stop it.
Funny, creative, artistic (whether or not it seems like it) and somewhat narcissistic when alone.
Living my life, getting as much of it as I can.
I might hate myself more than life itself, but I always put other's needs before my own.
This dude likes to think he is insane. He is not. True, he has mild sociopathic tendencies but that's about all. He is socially awkward because he was bullied for a few years and was even weird before that. He sometimes shows the "I can't be wrong" attitude, that he probably got from his mother. He is smart but doesn't work hard at all. And he is way to dependant on his luck.
My friends are so supportive that answering this question would make me sound insufferably arrogant. Luckily, they'd also call me humble. The most common things I have been described as by my friends when introducing me to someone else is clever, sarcastic, very awkward, giver of good advice, nerdy, quiet, weird in a good way, kind and sarcastic (that seems to be my defining trait). As for cons I'm sure they'd describe me as extremely forgetful. I don't forget appointments/dates, but I'm ALWAYS forgetting things like my wallet, my jacket, my weed, my keys... it's an annoyance I'm sure. I also have a tendency to want to 'always be right' from what a few of my ex gfs always complained about.
Distant, aloof, intelligent, lazy, disturbing, quiet, and open minded.
Intelligent, confident, lazy, brutally honest, good-looking, humble, calm, cool to be around, mostly a good person but can be extremely rude depending on how much he likes the person he's interacting with.

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بتلعبي ايه رياضه 🏊ولا لا - لو بتلعبي ايه هيا . لو مبتلعبيش نفسك تجربي تلعبي اي رياضه ⛹️ ولا مش حابه 😂 .. #likes . Or coins .. if u like 💙❤️

athletics ❤
بس كان زمان بقاا

If a perfect clone of you were created, right down to the tiniest cellular detail, would it BE you or would it somehow still be missing something? 🤔

Hurmnn i think it would be me but in a different version
Probably me in handsome version? More muscular because he workout so much?
Or me in athletics version? How i wish i can see myself play footballs very well hahahaha
Liked by: ASW. LAH
+1 answer Read more

Have you ever had a person that you hated/disliked but now that person is your bestfriend (or became in a relationship whith that person), what is your story ?

LindaLussinda’s Profile PhotoTagesfragen
There was a guy at my athletics club that I felt was a little arragont, but when I got to know him, he was a really nice guy xx

im okay hby, girls took my clothese it was after athletics they took my gear and school clothese i had to ring a teacher to get spares

zactc’s Profile Photozack vaughan
ha ya mine was not that bad just friends said a teacher was mad at me and wanted me to talk to her and I got up in the middle of class to talk to her and the teacher was like wtf you want 😂 hope u got ur clothes back

Which god/goddess are you? https://uquiz.com/HNIRaN/which-greek-god-goddess-do-you-reflect-most?p=88327

Hermes is considered a god of transitions and boundaries. He is described as quick and cunning, moving freely between the worlds of the mortal and divine. He is also portrayed as an emissary and messenger of the gods; an intercessor between mortals and the divine, and conductor of souls into the afterlife. He has been viewed as the protector and patron of herdsmen, thieves, oratory and wit, literature and poetry, athletics and sports, invention and trade, roads, boundaries and travelers.

I agree with what you said about sports! I exercised significantly more during practices/workouts/games than I ever did in PE. Some schools in the US have decided that if you play a sport, it counts as your PE credit. Unfortunately, my school's board could never agree and hasn't passed that decision

half bread theory;
Aww, that sucks that they haven't passed that decision yet. Hopefully they will soon.
I think non-physical P.E. should still be taught to students regardless of them being on sports teams or not. But here in Ireland, we only did 1-2hrs a year of theory P.E. The rest was playing dodgeball, basketball, athletics etc. In Ireland we don't clime rope or do volleyball like in the US.
+1 answer in: “Inspired by my MCAT studying, should physical education (aka gym class) be required in schools? Why or why not?”

Inspired by my MCAT studying, should physical education (aka gym class) be required in schools? Why or why not?

half bread theory;
I disliked P.E. in school because I was on the school basketball team, athletics team and outside of school I was on the local hurling team and Gaelic football team.
I played enough sports and I didn't like being made do P.E. just because it was mandatory. I think if you're already on a team, you should be excused.
+1 answer Read more

Tbh: G hmmm g? Aap tu hamari ustad hain g aab koi scene bhi yes kra dein ? Aap ki insta ni nazar ati wo wali? Tum hu hie great aur wo badminton flow, nice days? Yes g your are supportive and geo news aswell acha time guzra ha g.

Ahm ahm? samj nahi aa rahi kahan se shuru karon kyu k tareef k kabil ap hein nahi likin phr bhi kar deti hon?? badminton days were lit and athletics plus?farewell wala din bhi acha tha wese?✌?tbh you are fucking amazing friend aur hamesha se rahe hou honestly i have no words for explaining your spectacular character.Brother you have and will always remain close to my heart??.Stay same sexso?✌?

Angelina: do you like sports ? Angelina: Yes. I have been involved in athletics for two years. I often go to competitions. nearby town. I also like

Любовь Лухтанова
И что ты хочешь сказать этим диалогом?Похвастаться знанием английского или намекнуть,что ты такая классная и занимаешься споротом?
В любом случае,ты конечно молодец,но я не совсем тебя понимаю.

Well a coach was a player before. He succeeded and now teaching others his methods and advises. But professor failed and started teaching. If he succeeded he wouldn't be a teacher.

Arsal Mushtaq
Neh, not all the coaches were great players and not all great players are coaches.
Especially in soccer, water sports and athletics in general.
Some people are good at explaining things, some are good just making them happen.
+1 answer in: “If the Professor can teach you about Business then why he's not running his own Business??”

Nikdy jsem nepochopila takové ty "sportovní akce" nebo jak to nazvat? Vůbec nevím o čem to je a proč se to dělá.. například tam běhají štafetu, střílí z luku a nebo se perou? Napíšeš o tom něco prosím?:)

>>🌿 Jmenuje se to "ISAC" [Idol Star Athletics Championships] a účastníci jsou vlastně idols a soutěží v různých disciplínách jako je běh, lukostřelba, bowling apod.🏹
Mají vlastně možnost ukázat své fyzické schopnosti a není to nějáká oficiální soutěž, ale televizní vysílání s tématikou sportu.🏃
ʙᴛs x ᴄᴏᴄᴀ ᴄᴏʟᴀ🌞
Nikdy jsem nepochopila takové ty sportovní akce nebo jak to nazvat Vůbec nevím o
+1 answer Read more

Извиняюсь за вопрос, но как можно найти видео, где они принимали участие в каком-то соревновании(бег, стрельба из лука и т.д.)?

можете найти на ютубе или в вк, просто напишите idol athletics championship в поисковик

DŮLEŽITÉ! Co je zač ta atletická a sportovní soutěž, které se účastní i BTS každý rok? K čemu to je? :D

↪ Jmenuje se to "ISAC" [ Idol Star Athletics Championships ] a účastníci jsou vlastně idols a soutěží v různých disciplínách jako je běh, lukostřelba, bowling apod.🏹 Mají vlastně možnost, ukázat své fyzické dovednosti a není to nějáká oficiální sportovní soutěž, ale televizní vysílání s tématikou sportu.🏃
• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ • ❁ • ❁ • ❁
🎓ᴅᴀɪʟʏ ʙᴛs ᴍᴇᴍᴇs #3🎓
Co je zač ta atletická a sportovní soutěž které se účastní i BTS každý

Are you and athlete and want to continue playing through college? It's time to search for athletic scholarships

Admissions 101
Well, being an athlete student can be as helpful as getting a high score on your standardized test or even getting a high GPA. If you play basketball, football, volleyball, wrestling, or any other sport-regardless of your gender- you surely have a great chance to get an athletic scholarship; It is all about starting early enough. The application process is really competitive; so, it is recommended that you start your research approximately 18 to 24 months prior to the date you plan to attend a university in the United States. So, if you are a junior, you should START NOW. But how to start? While making your college list, search for coaches in your desired universities and start contacting them. Make a strong sports CV, bio, or resume; including all your achievements in any international or regional competitions. You should attach videos of you while playing as well. Send this profile to the coaches, accompanied by a letter of reference from your current coaches and other mentors to help them express how they view your potential to succeed. If the coach gets impressed by your athletic achievements and wants to recruit you, this won't only give you an opportunity for more money if admitted but will also increase your chances of admission.
There are also many platforms that make the research for colleges that offer athletic scholarships even easier. National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA), National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA), BeRecruited, and Athletic scholarships are the most well-known platforms. All you have to do is to check your eligibility for playing for any of these platforms, register as an athlete, indicate sports that you plan to play in campus, and start surfing for different scholarships. The more impressive your achievements are, the more chance you have of getting recruited in a higher athletic division. The higher the division, the bigger the scholarship become. As said before, if you are a junior, you should start the process now. You have to impress coaches and make good bonds with them to secure your place.

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Liked by: A Ahmed Adel

اه وبرضو البوابين دول اللي معاهم 12 دوري أبطال أوروبا وانتم 5 والبوابين دول اللي عندهم 32 دوري اسباني وانتم 24 والبوابين دول اللي كسبوكم 11/1 والبوابين دول اللي عندهم احسن لاعب متكامل في تاريخ الكورة 😋😋😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

khaledbasheer7’s Profile Photokhella || peace
لا لا لا كل ده مش مقياس بعدين يجي ايه رونالدو ده جنب ميسي😍
و هي مش بالتاريخ، هي لو بالتاريخ كان الاهلي كسب اتليتيكو مدريد هي بالحاله و اللعيبه 😂👋
بعدين خلينا متفقين ان رونالدو ده مش بيلعب كوره هو بيلعب athletics و ده بيساعده فالكوره يعني هو معندوش موهبه زي ميسي كدا😂😍👋👋

like/TBH// u iz pyaaariiii. itni patli kese? 😭 memories made with u during athletics wale din are BINDAAAAS. ur athletic skills are simply kamaal and u look amazing w/o hijab 👌 stay dope yrr ur one of the chillest seniors i have met. stay same my denior sports partner ❤

Ayyye Habiba bachayyy. 😭💕💕
Bleh, same mate same. I wish those athletics wale din wapis ajain. 😭
Ps. zada patli nai hu acha!? 😭😭😂😂😂

Tbh from lwl tbh last time u late is make dou me extremely cho ! Tbh thx for ur 補償☺️ tbh next time mm ho zhoi bei me gin dou ur frd kill jor kui farn9 tbh narmwahokgai pls focus on ur warm up mm ho tai ngo jump or run tbh still mm get why u molala play athletics tbh gayau in everything

TBH hai yy lam late fong ma
TBH ngo warm up ho hea and with phone🙄

Здравствуйте, а скажите пожалуйста как называется шоу или.... Где BTS бегают на беговом поле и проходят какие то спортивный игры Где ещё Чимин из лука стрелял ?????

Idol Star Athletics Championships

Have you ever been part of any clubs or societies? Would you be interested in joining one? It can be in relation to anything, sports, academic, creative etc.

I used to do drama when I was In primary where we went to perform in Swansea and a few school plays. I did line dancing outside school which I enjoyed. I did a bit athletics also in primary doing hockey and running.
Liked by: nurulhuda

Здраствуйте с: Не подскажите, что за видео, где Чонгук всех в прямом смысле нагибает на каком-то соревновании? Спасибо с:

Оно? Если да, то полную версию можете посмотреть в программе Idol Star Athletics Championships 2016
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UCQ5pQV-cYcbangtan_russia’s Video 143689681515 UCQ5pQV-cYcbangtan_russia’s Video 143689681515 UCQ5pQV-cYc

"I did notice that," she chuckled and looked at him. He was spreading lots of positivity. "I'm Yelena. I .. am working for the Kgb. Or I was. I love athletics and volleyball. And I am obsessed with tea," she listed, smiling slightly. "Who are the immortals ? Are you immortal, Thomas ?"

Miss Romanoff (Hiatus)
"The immortals are everyone you see in this squad. Sportsmen against the war. Fighter behind athletes. We were nicknamed the immortals because we lost few men. Literally it was like you couldn't kill us. Our leader is Z. Polish goalkeeper. " he explained

1. Age 2. Do you currently have a boyfriend? 3. Do you miss your ex? 4. Do you smoke? 5. Do you get along well with your family? 6. Who do you hate? 7. Do you drink? 8. Are you still virgin? 9. Favorite color 10. What sports do you play? 11. Male celebrity crush 12. What is your wildest fantasy?

1. 18
2. No, I'm gay😂
3. Definitely not👋🏼🖕🏼
4. Yes but want to quit
5. Yeah sometimes😂
6. Too many people😩😂
7. Yasss
8. Nah
9. Don't really have a favourite but love black and white😍
10. I'm a dancer but having a season off. I also want to start back athletics and trampolining
11. Don't have one
12. Too many👀😂

Thoughts on Vicky cheung 2A always r frnd ksud hai shg bok chud wai and jo Athletics team vice yao barn sai run duc fast and 冇料扮有料 yao barn sai responsible sor yee becky yeung sin wui jongyi kui

Ct 俾人收機一打開就16questions仲要全部都係haters questions☺️
成日話人R frd博出位擦鞋扮矖野
鬧人還鬧人 個個人都有缺點
但你又唔面對面同人哋講 淨係識得點匿名針對人哋
一係就同佢表面扮熟 即兩頭🐍
ks我D frd都唔會差得去邊 係差嘅我唔會同佢熟得去邊no offence😂
And sorry for late reply cause ngo writing ho cha der keke😂

Thoughts on Vicky cheung 2A always r frnd ksud hai shg bok chud wai and jo Athletics team vice yao barn sai run duc fast and 冇料扮有料 yao barn sai responsible sor yee becky yeung sin wui jongyi kui

喔。同佢唔熟但係佢ok nice? annon咁多thoughts on你想點!?
Liked by: Lkj janicek

Thoughts on Vicky cheung 2A always r frnd ksud hai shg bok chud wai and jo Athletics team vice yao barn sai run duc fast and 冇料扮有料 yao barn sai responsible sor yee becky yeung sin wui jongyi kui

其實尼家嘢唔應該問我尼D P.E.得 C geh on9... 對我尼講全部人Sports都好勁 你應該都係啦anon 不過你都唔會明白我有幾痛苦...
多口...anon 係咪lhy...(?) 你都勁到爆啦屌

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