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50 posts


Tea, are you aware of research which showed that participants who frequently played racquet sports (namely tennis, badminton, and pickleball) had greater life expectancies than those who took part in other activities like running, cycling, and swimming?

Ah ha!! I absolutely KNEW there was a reason that I’d gone off of running 😂 I didn’t know that they’d done research into life expectancies! Could you send me the link?
I took part in some research that the British Heart Foundation years ago, but that was to do with cardiovascular health. And I also never heard what happened, so that was largely irrelevant 😂

What's your favorite cousin's night memory?

Ssars’s Profile PhotoSayed Sibtain Ali Rizvi
Back in the day, when we were all single and loving life, we'd play badminton under the stars and tease each other all night long. Our grandma was asleep on her cot in the veranda. One night, feeling mischievous, we snuck her cot into the room. We'd heard some old tale about moving someone's bed could make 'em kick the bucket, so we did it half-jokingly. Next morning, we found Grandma snoozing like a baby, clueless about our prank.

Tus padres solían ir al gimnasio de jóvenes o trabajaban?

Adivinalo2019’s Profile PhotoLibélula ‍♀️♋
Mi padre era de irse en bicicleta al monte, jugar al fútbol, al tenis, al pádel, al ping-pong, al bádminton con amigos y hacer abdominales y flexiones en casa. Además de ayudarle en los jardines donde trabajaba mi abuelo desde los 16 años mientras también estudiaba, hasta que se consiguió su propio trabajo como administrativo.
A mi madre nunca le ha gustado mucho lo de hacer deportes, más allá de salir a caminar bastantes kilómetros a ritmo ligero con amigas. Y también ha estado trabajando mientras tanto.
Piensan que el ejercicio es mejor hacerlo al aire libre o en casa. Y yo pienso igual.

If you are blessed with children one day what sports would you get them involved with? Badminton seems to be a family tradition of yours? I would sign mine up for swimming lessons asap and let them choose anything else they wanted to be involved with

Hahaha, it is! I think I'd get them into racket sports and sailing, because I love them, and then as a family there'd be a lot of hiking and skiing. I was like you - I had swimming lessons young (Mum was fairly convinced that I'd drown otherwise, and that was fair) so that would be another one. I used to love running track and cross country as a kid as well, and my partner runs ultra marathons, so I think we'd encourage them into that line of things.
I don't know, honestly. I know a couple of mums who are super athletics and their kids could not be less interested in sport, haha! And if that was the case then I'd try and encourage whatever else they had an interest in (whilst desperately hoping it'll be something sporty) (ya girl hasn't got the braincells for quantum physics or whatever)
Liked by: igotamatch LYNDSEY Doug

Ever participated in a game or have a favorite sports memory?

I was an athlete in my college days. Participated in triathlon and decathlon in apsacs back in 96. played field hockey, soccer and cricket and in indoors, played badminton and pingpong as well. Also participated in kabaddi contests in my school and college days. But for now, i only play games.
Ever participated in a game or have a favorite sports memory

Day 2 dimmi uno sport che inizi per B in cui si gioca in coppia

Ila_cre’s Profile PhotoIla♥️
Il badminton è uno sport che consiste nel colpire con una racchetta un oggetto leggero di forma conica aperta, chiamato volano, facendogli oltrepassare la rete e mandandolo nella metà campo opposta, dove dovrà essere ribattuto al volo dall'avversario.[1][2]
Tra i più veloci sport di racchetta, nel badminton sono necessarie prestanza fisica, agilità e prontezza di riflessi. L'effetto è spettacolare con scambi rapidi, cambi di fronte e movimentati recuperi.
Si gioca in singolo maschile o femminile, doppio maschile o femminile o doppio misto su un campo rettangolare diviso da una rete alta 1,55 m alle estremità (pali di sostegno) e 1,510 m al centro. Non ci sono differenze di altezza rete fra uomini e donne.
Le competizioni agonistiche internazionali vengono praticate solamente al coperto: data l'elevata leggerezza dei volani, anche un piccolissimo alito di vento potrebbe deviare la loro traiettoria. Si svolgono tornei estivi di beach-badminton sulle spiagge.

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Day 2 dimmi uno sport che inizi per B in cui si gioca in coppia

Wybierali Cię ostatniego/ostatnią na WF-ie?

kokosowykarmel’s Profile PhotoKate
Zawsze wybierali mnie do drużyn jako ostatnią, we wszystkich testach, przede wszystkim w bieganiu byłam na szarym końcu, przy zaliczeniach z siatkówki, koszykówki musiałam kilka razy próbować żeby zaliczyć.
Czasami oczywiście było mi przykro, bo nikt nie lubi być zawsze najgorszym, ale też nie jakoś super bardzo. Miałam tę świadomość, że aktywność fizyczna nie jest moją mocną stroną.
Nie byłam, nie jestem i raczej nigdy nie będę typem sportowca. Jedyne co sprawia mi radość to badminton, pingpong, spacery. Inne sporty pewnie też by mi sprawiały frajdę, gdyby odciąć z niej rywalizację. Bardzo nie lubię jak zaczynam grę z kimś dla zabawy a zaraz przeradza się to w pełnoprawny mecz, liczenie punktów, zaraz ktoś mnie poucza jak powinnam się ustawić, co poprawić (nie w stylu 'może spróbuj tak, będzie ci się lepiej grało' tylko 'ej, robisz to źle, popraw się'). To zabija dla mnie całą radość ze sportu. Może chętniej bym go uprawiała gdyby tego nie było, gdyby nie brać go tak na poważnie.

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What do you consider your biggest achievement in school clg uni?

Won a debate competition with mininmum replies :p that's a flex for an introvert.
Won a volleyball and a badminton tournament, again a flex for a shy person like me :p

Hola hola, buenas tardes/noches apreciado usuario. ¿Juegas o jugabas algún deporte? Cuéntame una anécdota que tengas de ello. Si no la tienes, puedes usarlo como espacio libre. 🌸

Wandi12’s Profile PhotoWan
He jugado muchos de manera amistosa y solo por diversión.
Me ha gustado el soccer de playa, Canotaje, tennis, basquetbol, Ping pong, squash, americano, baseball, voleibol y hasta bádminton.

Welche Sportarten hast du bisher in deinem Leben ausgeübt und welche war deine liebste?🏋🏼‍♀️⛹🏼🤾🏼‍♂️🧘🏽‍♀️🏄🏼‍♀️

Wenn Schulsport auch dazu zählt:
Badminton/ Federball, Völkerball, Fußball, Basketball, Volleyball, Hockey, Weitwurf, Weitsprung, Hochsprung, Sprint 50m/ 75m/ 100m, Ausdauerlauf 1000m/ 2000m/ 5000m, Staffellauf, Kugelstoßen, Trampolinsprung, Schwimmen, Brennball, Turnen an Reck, Barren, Bock,
Ansonsten noch Tischhockey, Tischfußball, Minigolf, Billard, Darts, Tischtennis, Kegeln/ Bowling.
Sind zumindest alle, die mir gerade einfallen.
Volleyball, Badminton, Bowling, Billard, Tischfußball oder Sprint fand ich richtig gut und schlecht war ich darin auch nicht unbedingt
Liked by: L.♡ Nutella

Welche Sportarten hast du bisher in deinem Leben ausgeübt und welche war deine liebste?🏋🏼‍♀️⛹🏼🤾🏼‍♂️🧘🏽‍♀️🏄🏼‍♀️

Hmm, mal überlegen.. Ich bin viel Fahrrad gefahren, viel geschwommen, habe Fußball, Basketball, Badminton, Golf + den ganzen typischen Kram im Schulsport gespielt, habe in meinem Leben schon verdammt viel getanzt, war eine Zeit lang regelmäßig im Fitnessstudio und habe Krafttraining gemacht, .. Ich sag' Tanzen & Fitness, weil ich da besser bestimmen kann, wann ich eine Pause mache. 😊

Kako najbolje pokazati da mi je stalo do nekog?

elizabrrr’s Profile PhotoSiren
Gestama koje su sentimentalne npr izradi nešto za tu osobu , ako si u vezi duže vrijeme kupi foto album i razvi slike zajedničke , napravi mu nešto što voli jesti, možeš ga iznenaditi s nekim sportom tipa badminton, kuglanje, odvedeš ga na plivanje ili na piknik složiš sendviče za poputu uzmeš nekoliko vrsta piča npr sok ,kava i neka piva i odete negdje u prirodu sami di nema ljudi puno ak imaš kod kuće i šator za kampiranje još bolje ponesi to i neku dekicu i par jastuka i uživajte.
Liked by: Josip IvoNa Božo

Shaireen, were you and your father close?

Yes. He was very reserved, spoke very little and highly principled but we used to have a friendly banter about anything and everything. And when curiousity hit me, I was asked to think on my own and expected to look for my own answers. He loved giving me books as well, I have even read his accounting books fr when I was still in high school haha. He also loved playing guitar and we often sing along to our favourites. Ah I miss my Papa. I miss our father & daughter dates. I miss playing badminton with him and the fam every weekend. I miss going out for a walk at night with him to witness the full moon and the dazzling night sky, but he's now already among the stars. I wish he's happy up there.

coba deskripsikan diri kamu dong

• Yang pasti Laki
• Pendiem, terkenal introvert
• Gatau orang bilang gw kyk keturunan tionghoa, padahal kga
• Suka Matematika
• Temen cuma punya dikit, sekarang lagi berusaha nambahin
• Orang bilang gw dingin, tanpa expresi (emng bener si gw cuek)
• Si paling suka makan, tapi kga gemuk
• Pengikut kaum jomblowan, sekarang sedang berusaha untuk keluar
• Kebanyakan insecure
• Suka Badminton
• Hobi bikin sesuatu dalam khayalan
Sebenernya masih banyak sih, tapi gw lupa apa yg mau gw tulis:v

Loe ada sahabat gak ? Sahabat yg bener2 sahabat gitu…

Jordyan’s Profile PhotoAndre
My best buddy. Sahabat terbaik gue di masa kuliah. Anak Bali, jago badminton dan badannya tinggi atletis + sixpack kayak gue. Zodiaknya juga sama kayak gue Pisces, makanya sama2 suka renang. Paling pengertian dan gak suka nyusahin orang. Bli satu ini emang sohib sejati gue 👍
Loe ada sahabat gak  Sahabat yg bener2 sahabat gitu

Quel(s) sport(s) pratiquez-vous et pourquoi ?

Au départ, c’était pour apprendre un nouveau sport, améliorer ma condition physique générale et ma coordination. Mais avec le temps c’est une famille que j’ai trouvé! Je ne changerais pas de gym pour rien au monde et aller m’entraîner n’est jamais une corvée, car je sais que ça libèrera mon esprit et mon corps de toutes les tensions négatives accumulées en cours de journée.
Pourquoi j’aime autant le crossfit. D’abord, parce que la diversité des entraînements évitent que je tombe dans l’ennui du quotidien. Ensuite, parce que j’aime l’haltérophilie et tout ce que ça implique. J’aime aussi le fait de me dépasser à chaque fois que j’entre au gym! Mais ce que j’aime par-dessus tout c’est de faire un entraînement individuel et de le réaliser en groupe. Je focus sur mes améliorations et je me compare à moi-même, mais je peux le faire en socialisant avec un groupe de gens ayant la même passion que moi et qui me pousse à aller toujours un peu plus loin! À 30 ans, les athlètes les plus professionnels ont pris la tête de ce processus et ont entamé la phase de démission. J'ai suivi - tennis, football et badminton. Cependant, leurs actions sont basées sur les exigences du jeu au niveau professionnel. En tant qu'amateurs. à 30 ans, je pense que le tennis est encore jouable. En fait, si vous avez 30 ans, vous pouvez commencer en tant que débutant. Au tennis, vous n'avez pas besoin de courir pendant 90 minutes comme le football ou sauter haut dans le badminton. Le tennis n'est pas très fatigant parce que le joueur de tennis ne court pas réellement, mais remue les pieds à gauche et à droite, et revient à la position centrale à la ligne de base, après chaque coup. Les joueurs de tennis sautent rarement à moins que l'adversaire ne donne un lob, mais le joueur a toujours la possibilité de revenir avant ou après le rebond de la balle. Dans les deux options, ils ont juste besoin de frapper la balle. Le tennis est également joué dans une zone ouverte où il est beaucoup plus confortable, contrairement au badminton, qui doit être joué à l'intérieur pour éviter les conditions venteuses. Si on peut être parfois extrêmement frustré de ne pas réussir à mettre la balle où l’on veut, d’être dominé et sous pression, la sensation lorsqu’on réussit un beau coup est jubilatoire.

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Que vas-tu faire de ton dimanche ?

Do as little as possible. It’s my one day where I get to do or not do whatever I want. It’s good to have, considering I’m either working or rehearsing with a band throughout the rest of the week. They don’t call it a day of rest for nothing. I like to go to the first showing of a movie, usually by myself, so I don't get bothered with a crowded theater. After I usually treat myself to about 12 Narragansetts and a bucket of wings from my favorite bar. Yep, productive!
I’m feeling like a lazy slug this afternoon. I really haven’t done anything and it’s so nice outside! I feel guilty for sitting on my ass all day. I enjoy weekends a lot better when I get out and do something fun !
Usually I go to a little bookstore downtown and do my homework there...they've got badass coffee and a nice little spot in the corner to work. On this particular Sunday, I have to be at school in two hours for a matinee...there are going to be so many small children. I'm probably going to suffer.
Well, I try to convince my mom not to make me go to church. If I succeed, I sleep in and finish the homework I didn't do on Friday or Saturday. And like JB said, I get sad because it's going to be Monday tomorrow.
7:00 am - get woken by my two year old son with a smack to the forehead 7:02-10:00 am- research the risks of an outpatient vasectomy procedure 10:01-10:15 am - get screamed at my toddler because we are out of waffles. Get up early to cook breakfast for the husband before he goes off for weekend warrior sports thing. Climb onto the couch with a blanket and read or surf reddit. Drink a meal boost shake & eat a sandwich. End up napping. Look at cat videos from local rescues and fall for all of them. Make lists of things to do. Ponder where to go on vacation. Eat leftover Saturday night pizza for lunch. Ignore the dirty laundry. Read more.
I go to ballet class every Sunday morning. Then I come home take a long stretch and have some lunch. Sometimes, if I'm not too tired from class, fiance and I will play some badminton. If not, I shower and then just chill.
I do a longer shower and skincare routine,usually a hair mask and a face mask if I can afford one. The hair mask from The Bodyshop I've had since Christmas and it's not going anywhere it seems. I run errands,properly tidy the apartment when I can be bothered and maybe squeeze in a tv show episode or two.
I usually put away the laundry and finish up any other housework I didn’t want to do on Saturday. I also sometimes mow the lawn if my husband is busy. Other than that I just chill and play with my dog.
I do a longer shower and skincare routine,usually a hair mask and a face mask if I can afford one. The hair mask from The Bodyshop I've had since Christmas and it's not going anywhere it seems. I run errands,properly tidy the apartment when I can be bothered and maybe squeeze in a tv show episode or two.

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How would you describe your personality? 🙂

I am shy at first when I meet someone, but once I get to know someone better and comfortable with them, I can chat their ear off and become annoying. I talk a lot…..
I am athletic. I like to play sports. Especially badminton, shinny (unprofessional hockey), volleyball and ultimate frisbee.
I am cheerful and positive. I like to talk to people, compliment people, and sometimes I am too positive and people look at me weirdly when I compliment them too much.
I am kind and respectful. I like to treat others with respect, and treat them how I want to be treated. I respect everyone, no matter their race, culture, ethnicity, religion, etc. I’m shy when you first meet me but once I’m used to you I’m going to act my normal self and keep you laughing 24/7.
I’m very sweet and kind. I help others when they need it and be here for everyone that needs me. If you need something important I will make sure I try my best to get it for you.
I love to sing. Singing keeps me calm and makes me happy.
I smile a lot. I love to smile and it lets others know you can get through the day if you just smile. Introverted but highly talkative if you make the first move; perfectionistic; straight-A student with not a lot of common sense, unfortunately; bookworm; musician; daydreamer; self-conscious; absolutely hopeless romantic! Long dark brown hair—if the light hits it just right, you can see my natural coppery highlights. Unfortunately, the light rarely hits it just right. My hair isn't naturally straight (I flat-iron it), but it's not very pretty when I air-dry it (as in it's straightish on one side and curly-wavy on the other side). Dark brown, slightly diamond-shaped eyes with long eyelashes (the bottom ones are very long, but the top ones tend to go out more than curl up, so you can't really tell). I've been told my eyes are pretty three times and once I was told I had “fish scale" dark lines in my irises, how to describe my nose lol. My lips are full and my teeth are straight from two years of braces. Both sides of my family have big teeth, so I have big teeth too. I have an oval face, thick eyebrows that aren't really that dark, and not really any cheekbones that stand out. I look really good in maroon/burgundy, olive green, and navy blue. When I wear makeup, I keep it natural-looking and don't wear heavy, bold eyeshadow or the “brick brows". If you need someone to bring you down from your high horse then I’m here. I’m the guy in the group who presents the problems to a plan or project so they don’t do anything rash. Switches between “morose, depressing and dour.” , “Unhinged, Sadistic and Evil.” and “Completely amicable and affable.” I have no Idea which one will come out when I talk to you.

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Something/someone that you miss:

Home isn't necessarily a place for me. I've been to so many countries that I lose count. I've lived in numerous houses, a couple of schools.
Home, for me, is people. So I always say that I live between Wales and Surrey because my grandparents still live there. But you said tell you about a someone, so for the purpose of this I'm going to tell you about my grandpa. Because a pretty solid chunk of who I am is thanks to him.
Grandpa was one of life's grafters. His start wasnt totally typical - He grew up in military India and escaped just as the disputes started getting bloody. He joined the army as an officer, travelled around, went to uni - and for a while he was a spy. He did a lot of very, very cool things. He was a diver, a rugby player, a runner. He was also a very, very good badminton player.
And then! Somewhere in the midst of this he became my Grandpapa. Biggest promotion ever, I swear. Our birthdays are two days apart. He taught me to play poker when I was five, to make curries when I was seven - and when I was awarded my first international cap in front of him, it was the only time I've ever seen him cry. We made each other joke books every Christmas, wrote letters whenever we went abroad. He's always pushed me harder than anyone else.
I've seen him once since Covid started. Once. Because of restrictions upping, because of poor health. It's the fucking worst, dude. I miss him so much.

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💢What makes you feel confident and why?

Ambyrose21’s Profile PhotoRose
I used to play badminton, once upon a time and I was good at it not because I was trained but because I inherited it from my father. He was in his college’s badminton team. :’) Abbah jee gave me his badminton racket back in the day, I haven’t played badminton in years (cause I only ever played with him or my brothers) but I still have that racket, never bought a new one for myself. It’s old but still so good and it’s my abbah’s racket, so there is no better racket out there for me.

Hey, Machst du Kampfsport oder hast du mal gemacht ?

zeynoo6404’s Profile Photozeynoo
Ein bisschen Judo früher, aber Teamsport reizte mich dann mehr. Handball, Fußball, Volleyball, und Badminton ist auch okay. Wenn ich halt nicht so lazy wär ... Corona war da eine super Zeit für - meine Komfortzone sagt Danke.
Liked by: Uglydish

What's your favourite game?

Chess, carrom, ludo, badminton, netball, leg cricket, chiclets, chain chain, sometimes basketball also when I can play well😂😬 , volleyball (when we play with our own rules🤣) etc. There're many more games also😄❤️🌿
Liked by: Ray Rishabh Raj

Hola! Todo bien? En que deporte o disciplina te hubiese gustado competir en los JJ OO? Descubriste alguno que desconocías? Por mi parte, me encantan y descubrí el Bádminton.. Ok, si quieres pregúntame, deja un MG a mi nueva respuesta o si lo deseas 🔥.. Hasta la próxima ;)

JonasRiquelme’s Profile PhotoJonás Gabriel
Hola. No todo bien pero bueno.
Me gustaría el patinaje sobre hielo aunque no sé si exista en los juegos olímpicos o en qué temporada de estos.
Desconozco muchos otros juegos y no conocí esta vez uno nuevo porque ni los he sintonizado.
Ya me puse al día con tus respuestas y ya te dejé tus quince likes, espero que los hayas notado.
Hasta la próxima.

Hola! Todo bien? En que deporte o disciplina te hubiese gustado competir en los JJ OO? Descubriste alguno que desconocías? Por mi parte, me encantan y descubrí el Bádminton.. Ok, si quieres pregúntame, deja un MG a mi nueva respuesta o si lo deseas 🔥.. Hasta la próxima ;)

JonasRiquelme’s Profile PhotoJonás Gabriel
Hola jonas 👋
. Todo bien? Todo bien, cansado, ya en un rato me voy a dormir y a la mierda 😲
. En que deporte o disciplina te hubiese gustado competir en los JJ OO? Si en el powerlifting o de ese estilo
. Descubriste alguno que desconocías? Y bueno ese, o sea sabia que habían varias competencias de diferentes estilos pero así una categoría para los juegos olímpicos nunca me percate

Hola! Todo bien? En que deporte o disciplina te hubiese gustado competir en los JJ OO? Descubriste alguno que desconocías? Por mi parte, me encantan y descubrí el Bádminton.. Ok, si quieres pregúntame, deja un MG a mi nueva respuesta o si lo deseas 🔥.. Hasta la próxima ;)

JonasRiquelme’s Profile PhotoJonás Gabriel
Hola Jonás! No he estado siguiendo mucho los Juegos, excepto el atletismo y la gimnasia artística en sus diferentes disciplinas y el deporte en que me gustaría competir sería la Natación Sicronizada (en un Universo Paralelo) Jajaja!😃
Mi deporte favorito es el Patinaje Artístico (ese lo veo Siempre) y hoy mismo he descubierto la "Escalada de Competición"
☆Ya pasé por tu Ask 😉
Hola Todo bien En que deporte o disciplina te hubiese gustado competir en los JJ

Hola! Todo bien? En que deporte o disciplina te hubiese gustado competir en los JJ OO? Descubriste alguno que desconocías? Por mi parte, me encantan y descubrí el Bádminton.. Ok, si quieres pregúntame, deja un MG a mi nueva respuesta o si lo deseas 🔥.. Hasta la próxima ;)

JonasRiquelme’s Profile PhotoJonás Gabriel
Creo que para competir, no me gustaría, pero si quizás practicarlos por diversión, me gustaría Natación, atletismo, gimnasia, tenis, tiro con arco, patinaje artístico...
Pues no hay uno que haya descubierto, desde que tengo memoria, con mi familia solemos ver los juegos olímpicos, así que pues más o menos se como va todo.

Hola! Todo bien? En que deporte o disciplina te hubiese gustado competir en los JJ OO? Descubriste alguno que desconocías? Por mi parte, me encantan y descubrí el Bádminton.. Ok, si quieres pregúntame, deja un MG a mi nueva respuesta o si lo deseas 🔥.. Hasta la próxima ;)

JonasRiquelme’s Profile PhotoJonás Gabriel
Hola Jonás lindo día, todo bien dentro de cómo están las cosas, bueno para serte sincero yo no soy muy aficionado al deporte no me decanto por ninguno, lo que si me ha llamado la atención la medallista Simone Biles por problemas de salud mental y ha dejado de participación en su mayoría esto me recuerda un refrán o frase "Los toros desde la barrera se ven muy bien" y lo que suele pasar con todo hasta que no se sufre las cosas en las propia carnes no se sabe lo que es☺️🤗😊🔥

Hola! Todo bien? En que deporte o disciplina te hubiese gustado competir en los JJ OO? Descubriste alguno que desconocías? Por mi parte, me encantan y descubrí el Bádminton.. Ok, si quieres pregúntame, deja un MG a mi nueva respuesta o si lo deseas 🔥.. Hasta la próxima ;)

JonasRiquelme’s Profile PhotoJonás Gabriel
Holuuu, Voley aunque sinceramente no me daría la altura ,son super altas las chicas de esa disciplina, descubrí que el skate es deporte ahora jajajaja saludosss

Hola! Todo bien? En que deporte o disciplina te hubiese gustado competir en los JJ OO? Descubriste alguno que desconocías? Por mi parte, me encantan y descubrí el Bádminton.. Ok, si quieres pregúntame, deja un MG a mi nueva respuesta o si lo deseas 🔥.. Hasta la próxima ;)

JonasRiquelme’s Profile PhotoJonás Gabriel
👋☺️ Pues Ando Con Tratamiento En La Vista (Uveítis), Respondiendo A Tu Pregunta... No Estoy Apto Para Este Tipo de Evento

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