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Hiii guys. I wanna gather some good thoughts/advices. So tell me whats the one thing you've recently learned in life? Good or bad

laibairam’s Profile PhotoLaibs
I learned that it's important to know how to manage emotions rather than to suppress or control them. Healthy Expression is a necessity and it shouldn't be sacrificed for "peace and quiet"

If you could change one thing about your family, what would it be?

There is nothing that I want to change when it comes to family.
My family may not be perfect. But its members are kind, compassionate, caring, and supporting. This, in my humble opinion, is all that a human being needs- to feel loved and supported throughout their journey in this world.
That is all.

What is the next skill that you'd like to learn really well?

Well. I am already pretty good at gaming. I have gotten better at making Pixel Arts. There aren't many new skills that I would like to learn, but it would be nice to perfect the ones that I already know.
For example, there are still many Pixel Arts that I can make. Many more pieces to recreate, to remake with my very own colors. Many new things to explore. So... that would be my goal for the next few years.
In other words, there are few new skills that I would like to learn. But the ones that I wish to perfect are harder than learning new ones. So, it would be more of a challenge to do the latter.

Talk us through your daily life challenges and how you tackle them.

zaidwali915’s Profile PhotoZaid Wali
Being yr own therapist is hard bt let’s be real....the advice is brutally honest sometimes... I use it to handle the daily grind of reality based + imaginative dilemmas... like a one person talk show where the audience is also confused...!🌚
Talk us through your daily life challenges and how you tackle them

- لحَرفك الساحِر لَفظًا وَمعنَى ✎

AbdulNasser706’s Profile Photoعبد الناصر ..
Never interfere with suffering of other people. A person must be tired of himself and consequences of his thoughtless actions. In order to make a conscious decision to change something.
Do not interfere with the process of people growing up.

If you’re in / have been in a long distance relationship, how do you go about sustaining it? 💘🌍

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I'm not in and I haven't been in a long distance relationship because I have never really dated and I have never been in any relationship.
This can be deduced from my previous posts. For example in this newest one: https://ask.fm/MargaretWINTEaR/answers/175887488209?utm_source=copy_link&utm_medium=android
P.S. Don't worry, I understand that you might not have read my previous posts in Polish language. 💚
If youre in  have been in a long distance relationship how do you go about

Te szoktál facebookon kommentelni?,nem ismerősöknél,ha nem akár egy oldalhoz,amit kővetsz, Mi a véleményed arról ha kommentelsz,(nem irsz semmi politikiai szöveget) és csak úgy a semmiből beléd áll egy kamu profilos,és ezt irja fogd be a pofád,meg akarja neked szabni hogy kommentelhetsz e vagy sem!

Minden kommentelés előtt felkészülök a reakciókra és a közönyre, mert a szubjektív igazságra, az észrevételre és az új ötletre sose jön vállveregetés, de nem vitatkozok, mert a legtöbb kérdést már megvitatták nálam okosabb emberek.

What is something that people misunderstand about you? 🙃

hussainaliraqe23’s Profile Photo3ra2y
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. συт σf ρσтαтσ qυєєи
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You really need to be a troublemaker to misunderstand me.
I try to be as clear as possible in my communication for as long as I wish to maintain the friend- or relationship.
If you don't get me sooner or later there won't be a communication any more. I like my peace more than fighting with people, who don't care about me to consider my feelings.

What's the best relationship advice you know/heard?

hussainaliraqe23’s Profile Photo3ra2y
✦ ───────────── ✦
. συт σf ρσтαтσ qυєєи
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Respect your partner, listen to him/her, try to be present with them as they are with you and don't let miscommunication ruin your relationship, always take your time to talk about problems, needs & wishes so that everyone is happy in the relationship and of course don't try to be hurtful (purpose or un-purposely).

Szép napot! Ha megihatnád a számodra legtökéletesebb kávét/teát, hol, kivel, milyen körülmények között tennéd? Milyen volna maga az ital?

Sophrones’s Profile PhotoSophrone
Szép napot Neked is!
Magyarországon még soha, senkivel nem kávéztam, mert nem fogyasztok fekete kávét, a teát szeretem, de mégsem volt arra példa még, hogy teáztunk volna valakivel - egyedül szoktam teázni és szeretek is egyedül teázni.
A külföldi életeim során más volt a helyzet... ott személyes sértésnek vették volna a kollégák ha nem kávézok velük, ezért kávéztam, de annyi tejet öntöttem hozzá, hogy laza tejeskávé legyen és sok cukrot is tettem bele, hogy igazi tejeskávé legyen.
A délelőtti és délutáni teázások (külföldi életem időszakában) annyira kötelezőek voltak, hogy igazából csak arra emlékszem, mindig szörnyű, ízetlen teákat kellett innom, de finom péksütik voltak mellé és azok részben elnyomták a tea szörnyű ízét (pedig sok cukrot is tettem bele, ami szentségtörés volt arrafelé).
Igazából a kék teát szeretem, itthon csak ilyet fogyasztok, szigorúan a reggeli mellé, de amikor az nincs pl. egy teaházban vagy cukrászdában (ahová csak napközben térek be, időnként), akkor valamilyen fini gyümölcsteát szoktam kérni, általában süti mellé.

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If our choices are influenced by external factors such as upbringing, culture, and biology, can we still be held morally responsible for our actions?

nousernameavailable31645’s Profile Photo♠phlegmatic♣
Bro, that’s some overthought, philosophy class nonsense. Yeah, we all got external factors pulling us in every direction, I don’t care if your upbringing suCCked, if society’s got u boxed in, or if your biology’s wired against u. but so what? At the end of the day, it’s still u behind the wheel. You make your choices, and u live or die by em. Blame culture, blame biology? Nah man, that’s so weak, that's literally the easy way out. You don’t get to duck responsibility because life threw u a wrench. You step up, own your actions, or get out of the way. Moral responsibility isn’t a choice - it’s the cost of living with yourself. Period. 💯

To Nugget's father 😳: Hello there sir! How are you? Um, just curious about who you are and what you do for a living!? 👀❤ I am just a creature known as an anon!

????: -The scene opens up with me being outside of Eitan's church. I'm waiting for him but I'm told he is busy. I silently glance at you with my odd and pastel-like (pink) spinel eyes-
..... I see. I'm doing ok.
Arae: >///////> Um, would you like anything? I'm sorry but did I even ask your name? I don't think I even did and I'm sorry about Eitan being so busy right now.
?????: My name is Lut. Pronounced L-o-o-t. As in Loot. People often get it wrong and I rather not have you commit the same mistake.
Arae: O-oh! Gotcha! I get that from people too ^^; They tend to call me area rather than Arae. So, is there anything you need? Need time alone with the anon? -I look at his beautiful features. His gray-black hair. His darkened lips and body decorations. He is so pretty and relatively femme in appearance but his mannerisms, his voice, his posture is so masculine- +///^///+ -It's a good combo for me. He is also goth, so there's that. I end up spacing out while looking at him-
Lut: ......I am fine. -I look at my clock- I can wait out here. Just let him know I came around. If he doesn't step outside in time, I'll likely be gone by then. We can talk some other time. -I look down at Arae who's just all... spaced out. I snap my fingers at her face- ???? Hey???? Arae?
Arae ❤👄❤
Lut: -I pull out my water bottle and splash a bit of water on her face-
Arae: Ah!! Oh! WHAT? HUH?
Lut: You... I thought something happened to you? Did you even hear anything I said?
Arae: U-UH YEAH! OH UM, STAY OUT HERE IF YOU WANT. I'LL GO AND LET E-EITAN KNOW! I... I'LL BE RIGHT BACK. -I run off embarrassed and wipe my face-
Lut: -I watch her leave and then, I look at you, the anon-
I don't know if to give you my personal details unless you and I have serious business of any kind. I already have enough with unsavory sinful and depraved teens/adults approaching me to ask my number.

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Hierarchy,what is the first thing you do when you wake up?

Mikhail: I take a niceeeeee shower and then I go and make tasty breakfast!
Ruby: I go to check on da- I mean Mikhail. Then I just do my own thing to start the day.
Asmodeus: Avoid Lilith's mouth and wonder where one of my brats is because Lilith never bothers to check
Lilith: Kiss Asmodeus good morning <3
It's cute to see him be all angry about it and nuh uh! I always check on him!
Azazel: -I frown-..... I have to groom myself, ok? Otherwise, I become extremely angry. More than I already am.
Leviat: Go for a swim! :O
Baal: Thank god for a brand new day, get up, make breakfast for everyone, including my daughter, take care of everything else in the house and then, only then, will I go to shower and take care of myself ^_^ I always put everybody else first.
Melech: You know...? That's crazy, i am exactly the same!
Baal: Do you often leave food ready?
Melech: YEAH!
Baal: Melech, you're such a dad.
Melech: YOU TOO! I gotta make sure everyone is fed before I leave or it will haunt me :)
Baal: :) I know the feeling all too well.
Berith >.> Well, I am grandma and I gotta do grandma things for the babies =_= All the babies. Small little girls (and now boys) that come into my room, jumping up and down and absolutely stopping my beauty sleep. I have to get them ready for school, make sure they get to where they need to be and THEN, take care of my divine diva body. Like, I can't always stay at the dorms for this reason. I HAVE TO GO BACK HOME.
Astaroth: Sh1t you guys actually have things to do -3-
I don't. I am always late because I drink too much the day prior and wake up with a headache.
Boa: Hahahahahahahahah! Well that explains your tardiness and why the others are always mad at you. I just do the regular sh1t and ssssssnake activities.
Might go for a jog, stretch and workout.
Memoria: I enjoy talking to my kids before I leave off to work. I need to check on them whenever I can.

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If you were having a bad day and went out to eat, would you still treat the staff nicely or do you think you wouldn’t be as polite as you usually are?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
I try to avoid being out when I'm having a bad day. The worse my day the bigger the tip tho, because Karma 😉

If our choices are influenced by external factors such as upbringing, culture, and biology, can we still be held morally responsible for our actions?

nousernameavailable31645’s Profile Photo♠phlegmatic♣
Yes. I recently saw a clip where it mentioned this guy that came from a wealthy family and how he will be in prison for 24 years due to taking the lives of a mother and her baby as a result of speeding on the road. They said he was already warned multiple times to not do that but clearly he didn’t listen and that’s what happened eventually. He might’ve been spoiled by his parents and able to receive the best of everything but he should’ve known better than to think he was above the law. He might’ve never intended on being responsible for someone else’s death so one can’t comment on how good of a person he is at heart but this should be a good lesson for him to drive more carefully. Maybe if he wasn’t getting the best of everything and didn’t have friends who also loved speeding while driving, this might’ve not happened. It could’ve still been prevented if he wasn’t so reckless and was more thoughtful at the time.

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How do you get so many likes on your TikTok’s? They aren’t even that good?

babe ur so obsessed with me. checking up on me on every platform.😂 also do u just wake up with a negative outlook on life or do u decide half way through the day that ur going to be a negative €un+?

If our choices are influenced by external factors such as upbringing, culture, and biology, can we still be held morally responsible for our actions?

nousernameavailable31645’s Profile Photo♠phlegmatic♣
I love your questions somuch. It is like my eyes light up in excitement at your deep philosophical questions that make me reflect on my thoughts and opinions.
— 🌻💙✨️⭐️.
I think on one hand, our upbringing and cultural background undoubtedly shape our beliefs and values to some degree. And of course, we can't control the biological factors that affect us either. But I think there is still room for individual responsibility within those constraints. We have the ability to reflect on our actions and choices, educate ourselves about different perspectives and ways of thinking, and actively work towards making morally sound decisions despite any external influences or biases we may have inherited. It is not easy, but it is possible - and I think that effort is what ultimately determines moral responsibility in any situation.

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Can free will exist in a world where fate influences events?

nousernameavailable31645’s Profile Photo♠phlegmatic♣
I think it all comes down to how you define "fate. — If fate is simply the idea that certain events are predestined or predetermined in some way, then I don't necessarily think that contradicts free will. We still have the ability to make choices and take actions, even if those choices might be influenced by larger forces outside of our control. But if we interpret fate as something more absolute - like an unbreakable chain of cause-and-effect that controls everything we do - then yass. I can see how that would challenge the concept of free will pretty directly. It is almost like asking whether humans actually have agency or if we are just empty vessels being pushed around by external factors beyond our comprehension. I believe our choices are the brushstrokes on the canvas of life, where fate provides the outline of a grand design. We navigate within the confines of certain predetermined factors—our starting points in life, the people we meet by chance—but within those borders, we have the agency to make choices that shape our journey. So, even if the destination has a touch of destiny, the path we take is peppered with our own decisions. 🌻

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Are u a real person or no

sagetoriola65’s Profile Photosagetoriola65
I just want to say one thing, i don't care what someone on anonymous says, if someone can't comprehend what harassment is or how to block people they shouldn't use AskFM, Georgie should not have to be tormented by this person filler posting her questions and yes if Georgie gets banned we will appeal simply because its that persons duty to ensure she blocks people no matter what also the same anonymous person chirping us is playing two faced, asking that person questions on anonymous while trying to explain to us that she isn't the "smartest" person. Yes we know that we don't care if someone is able to use the internet they're able to uphold their responsibilities and ensure that they block people who do not want contact from them. Simple and basic logic also respect

Ask can be a good place apna dil halka krne k liye

maryamkhan1998’s Profile Photomaryamkhan1998
It can be a good place to get things off your chest without any hesitation cuz people barely know each other here in real life in most of the cases.
But the downside to it is that you're involving many random people in your personal shit and where 4 would give you positive response there'd be 2 more being negative and uttering all kinds of nonsense and eventually you'd be focusing more on the negative stuff and giving them more attention(which they actually want from you) and then it becomes worst.
So, unless you've got a thick skin, I'd say tread lightly and don't over share personal stuff here.

If you were having a bad day and went out to eat, would you still treat the staff nicely or do you think you wouldn’t be as polite as you usually are?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
I've work in that field before.... Not their fault my day sucks, so why ruin theirs? Treat them right, they just might turn things around so you can enjoy the evening.
Liked by: Smile Me - Larry Merve

You don't seem to take much enjoyment in ask.fm, especially lately. So why do you stick around?

It’s all good! I just never really feel like I have much to offer in terms of interesting answers to some questions! Probably just tiredness really, and I’d rather be upbeat and provide something of interest, rather than come across any other way :)

Good night everyone. Sweet dreams.

thatsrealsupport’s Profile Photoyeet yeet
Kamala Harris said Jan 6th was the biggest threat to democracy so why isn't anyone mad about that statement? 9/11 was the biggest threat, everyone should be fact checking her on that and the lie about working at mcdonalds, theres no records of that. The cult is the Harris supporters you guys support the marxist ideology and you guys support communism.

If you were having a bad day and went out to eat, would you still treat the staff nicely or do you think you wouldn’t be as polite as you usually are?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
How I felt wouldn't change how I treated them, I'd feel weird taking it out on people that have nothing to do with it and could be having a bad day as well. If someone is treating someone poorly cause they're having a bad day it's poor character

If you were having a bad day and went out to eat, would you still treat the staff nicely or do you think you wouldn’t be as polite as you usually are?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
I always treat the service workers nicely because I've spent a lot of time doing service work myself in my youth

Have you ever regretted telling someone too much? 🤦🏻‍♀️ Not because you were vulnerable, but because they were wrong to be trusted in the first place? 😏

fried_brainiac420’s Profile PhotoSarr Dard
I’m the kind of person who rarely talks about myself. When I’m with others, I usually just ask them questions to keep the conversation going. It’s not because I don’t have anything to say, but because I know what happens when I do.
The moment I share something, my brain goes into overdrive. Did I overshare? Should I have said this? Why didn’t I say that? I replay every word, every gesture, until I regret the entire conversation. It’s exhausting, especially with people I’m not close to. I always end up thinking, "You should’ve just stayed quiet."
And that’s why I don’t open up much. It saves me from the spiral of regret.

Have you ever regretted telling someone too much? 🤦🏻‍♀️ Not because you were vulnerable, but because they were wrong to be trusted in the first place? 😏

fried_brainiac420’s Profile PhotoSarr Dard
I have this habit of keeping things to myself....my secrets r my business u knw.... It’s nt like im always super secretive bt i once regretted sharing things to someone... Nt bcz tht person told everyone bt bcz it was used as a VIP pass to throw it in my face everytime i opened my mouth like I’d given a lifetime membership to humiliate me.....🌚

Yay birthday! How will you celebrate?

There is an Ethiopian restaurant in Seattle we went to before, the food is amazing. But it's a little shifty, it's across the street from another Ethiopian restaurant that doesn't seem to be open ever, and their name is not on the marquee. And they share their space with a travel agency. Anyway, when we arrived they said they're closing early because they ran out of food 🤣
We went to an Indian place instead and had a great time.

If you were a book, what would be the title? 💬🧐

Naqvi555’s Profile PhotoIntisar Hassan Naqvi
Brown Tales (An anthology of short fiction)
We don't really have a single long story, and nor do we have a single main character.
Our lives are stories knitted together. We all are living these interwoven tales of common maladies.
( gonna take a screenshot of this, such a great idea for a book, I am so excited to write )

I have to admit I've never seen a wedding dress like yours before, it's very unique and I like the colours. Was there any particular reason you decided to forego wearing white?

lostineden’s Profile PhotoLost in Eden (MT)
Thank you! 😊 To be honest, there isn't really a reason other than that was the dress I wound up falling love with. I didn't purposely set out with the goal of choosing a non-white dress. In fact, most of the dresses I tried on before *were* white.
In the beginning I was really pushing myself towards picking something white, not because I believed I "had to" or anything. I've never been a stickler for tradition, the idea that a bride 'needs' to wear white is silly to me, especially when you consider how recent the whole white wedding dress trend actually is. No, the reason why I was pushing myself toward picking white was because I already had a colour scheme in mind for the wedding and didn't want to risk choosing a dress that'd clash! 😅
Honestly? I probably shoulda known better. I have always loved colour, and the moment I first tried on the dress, I just knew it was the one. The others were beautiful, but none of them felt like 'me'. I felt like I was dressing up as someone else... Until I tried on my dress.
Needless to say, we did have to tweak the colour scheme a little. But that minor inconvenience was very much worth it, especially when I saw my husband's reaction to me walking down the aisle. 😉

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What’s the best moment of your life so far?

ibnadam5’s Profile PhotoAHAD
Its a difficult question bcz there have been mny significant moments bt if I reflect on the most recent one it would be a message I received from my father after one of my achievements.....That heartfelt message means more to me than the achievement itself.... Knowing that he being someone who isnt typically expressive, took the time to share how proud he is of me touched me deeply...🌸

Language: English