
19 people

50 posts


1.Puno ime;2.Odakle si;3.Nadimak;4.Dat. rodjenja;5.seks pref;6.Visina/kg.;7. ♥️ hrana; 8. ♥️ Pice ;9.Int.mreza:10. Tabu teme su:;11.zasto si na Asku?;12. U vezi?:13.Hobi;14. Talenat?; 15. Porok; 16. Opisi sebe

1. Dunja Denda,
2. Belgrade girl living in Cologne,
3. Dunn(s),
4. 22.01.2002,
5. Straight,
6. Kilogrami su osetljiva tema za mnoge, pa nećemo da pokrećemo diskusije, ali visoka sam 178cm,
7. Razna italijanska, indijska i kineska hrana,
8. Voda i limunada, ako se misli na alkoholna: vodka/tekila,
9. Vodafone hahaha,
10. Zavisi kako s kim, generalno ih nema baš ako osetim da nema potrebe,
11. Da pomognem drugima, misija od prvog dana,
12. Singleee,
13. Pisanje i pevanje,
14. Nadajmo se pisanje i pevanje, hahahah,
15. Ne pušim aktivno, ali umem da zapalim jednom u pola godine, mada ni to ne bi trebalo,
16. Neopisiva. 🤗
+5 answers Read more

da li je tačno da izlaze 2 nova dela onog horor filma gde je michael myers ne znam tačno ime filma davno sam ga gledao i kakav je to film po tebi? inace ask ti je odličan pratim te dugo i stvarno ti svaka čast na svemu što radiš, greetings from Belgrade ?

Tačno je, ove i sledeće godine izlaze dva nova dela Halloween franšize. Prvi se zove Halloween Kills koji bi trebao izaći 16. oktobra 2020, dok se drugi zove Halloween Ends i trebao bi izaći 15. oktobra 2021. Prvo moje pitanje je "Zar taj tip nikad ne umre?", štaviše, nikada nisam u potpunosti ukapirala šta se sve dešava u filmovima, ima dosta nastavka i remakea, tako da mi se smučilo odmah haha. Mogu iskreno reći da mi film nije nešto posebno drag i da nije ostavio nikakav utisak na mene. Štaviše, smatram da je smešan, čak i bezveze ako se smem usuditi, ne znam, skoro ništa mi se toliko ne sviđa u filmu. Kakvo je tvoje mišljenje? Oh, hvala ti do neba na pohvali, baš mi je drago da imaš ovako lepo mišljenje o meni i da me pratiš duži period. Greetings from Trieste prijatelju ☺️✨
+2 answers Read more

Mmm quite interesting but tragic ending. No don't I wouldn't wanna force you to tell me all tha details. Have you ever met any Americans?

Zim8911’s Profile PhotoIzale
yeah, after all, I went to a private American school. Many of the teachers were Americans.
I've met people from all over the world round here. Even an Australian, once. I went to Belgrade with him. he expected more from our hook up, but it didn't quite materialize. i remained a saint, a hungover one at some point, but a saint nonetheless. ah, those were the days I truly lived.
I'm drinking a beer rn and plotting an adventure. I'm so bored.
+14 answers in: “Have you ever met many tours from different countries in your city?”

Could someone help me ? I need an airplane ticket for Belgrade from Bratislava , but i cant seem to find it online.Could someone search and tell me the ticket price?

Nikto mi nikdy nedokázal pomôcť.
Nikto mi nikdy nedokázal pomôcť.
Nikto mi nikdy nedokázal pomôcť.
Nikto mi nikdy nedokázal pomôcť.
Nikto mi nikdy nedokázal pomôcť.
Nikto mi nikdy nedokázal pomôcť.
Nikto mi nikdy nedokázal pomôcť.
Nikto mi nikdy nedokázal pomôcť.
Nikto mi nikdy nedokázal pomôcť.
Nikto mi nikdy nedokázal pomôcť.
Nikto mi nikdy nedokázal pomôcť.
Nikto mi nikdy nedokázal pomôcť.
Nikto mi nikdy nedokázal pomôcť.

Les chapeaux ont changé alors, c'est nul de mettre des provisoires autant rien mettre et attendre le dernier moment pour les dévoiler. Je m'étais basé sur les provisoires que tu as mis en réponse.

Raikko14’s Profile PhotoRaikko
Benfica chapeau 2, Liverpool chapeau 3 a la place de salzbourg, chapeau 4 Young Boys Berne Etoile rouge Belgrade à la place de Salonique et Dynamo
Liked by: Lisa Fvr Eva Irish Raikko
+15 answers in: “Le lien fonctionne, je suis devant Toulouse bordeaux, merci.”

da li je normalno da ti vrtis isti repeat konstantno, neko me uhodi, kopiraju me jer u 2k18 gledaju cm, kopiraju me za engl. fraze, uhode me jer prate moje drugarice (koje su im simpaticne vrv), kopiraju me za studije. EJ DUNJA TRUMP, Boginjo, presveta, osnivacico svega na svetu nisam te prepoznala.

O-m-g, ko je sad spomenuo Criminal Minds i engleske fraze? Ne znaš o čemu se radi devojčice, prošeeeetaj, a ako smeta i MOJIM DRUGARICAMA ( jer su p-r-i-v-a-t-n-i profili u pitanju, ne obični nego PRIVATNI, to je svima nama jezivo, welcome to Belgrade ). Ako smatraš da nisam boginja, ne pridaj mi pažnju kao jednoj, a to upravo sada radiš. Nisam uopšte nikada mislila da sam boginja do ovog trenutka, stvarno smatram da mi Justin Bieber nije ravan i rado ću potpisati autogram, samo na čije ime, ANONY?

Hi Paris if you are Paris. People lay a lot soo...You are smart and you understand.I really have was waything for opportunity to say that you are an Angel like Michael was. I don't won't to border you a lot Just to say that you have all my love and support ✌🔱👏💙💚💛💜from Belgrade Serbia 💞

Lena Nemoo7
thank you so much, this means a lot to me really. i love you so so much 💙

heyy liv chöntsch echt mal es paari sache vu de ferie in belgrade verzelle ? Mir isch voll langeweilig ebbe, chan au epis lustigs sii oder so aber lieebs wen duu so text shribshh :D

ich wür gern es video poste wo mer so guet gseht wie hangeblibe aber lustig das jahr gsi isch, nur leider isches zlang für ask und insta und zpeinlich für facebook 😂😂 und what happens in beograd stays in beograd 😜😜
Liked by: Tamci Katarina Rina

Heyy this is Kyuseol from Isl you probs don't remember me from vball in belgrade but yeaa i just would like to get to know you better🙈💓

I do remember you, I'm not sure if we talked or not which i wish we did. Ive heard so much about you and it's all been good☺️I can't wait to see you on the volleyball trip hopefully ❤️😂
Liked by: Kiara Katy sara Kyuseol

Mir hend zwar im spiel verlore aber defür mit ahstand und respekt..🇦🇱🇦🇱ned so wie in serbie.. Sogar polizei ish uf eus zuecho in belgrade & mir albaner hend alles gshützt für die drecksserbe & ez machets no fressi uf.. Ncnc hueresöhn die all, ufhenke & ershiesse🇦🇱❤️🇦🇱❤️ Ps.Tabelle seit alles

Genau KUQ E ZI 🇦🇱🇦🇱👐🏼👐🏼❤️❤️
Liked by: elma Fitore Mom

Yes I am Serbian and half German because my mum ist German :) do you speak Serbian?l know very little?I have facebook and yes I like Serbia because I am half Serbian and yes I was born in Belgrade and live 2 months :) very nice city :))

It's so good))
Can you give me your id?)
I love Serbian, but I know it bad?
My Daddy does not teach me too?

Hey David. I know that you planning tour with Jakub, Plini and SIthu. Will it be posible to make gigs in Balkan region, more likely in Belgrade and Zagreb? I want to hear you guys, but i cant travel further than Balkan because i'm poor. :D Love <3

It all depends on booking agent/agency, if they find Balkan region attractive place for us to play they'll probably book something :) fab! <3

Hey david i really admire the way you live your life so i figured id ask...i find it really hard to trust people, and usually ends up hurting them. Any tips for just letting go and trusting others in life? :)

I don't know honestly. This is a really personal theme to talk about and if I knew you well I'd probably be able to tell you something but this way my response could only be driven from my own experiences. I've had bad experiences working for/with some people, I also had few girlfriends who had trust issues... also since Belgrade is a small place (compared to the rest of the world) I often hear some unnecessary bad comments or lies about me coming from people I even know and some I never even had a chance to speak with. On the other hand I've managed to make some amazing friends who I love so much it can't even be put to words. Make your universe of people you truly love and let them know that you do!! People are not getting enough love (and I don't mean attention by saying 'love') in today world and they'll naturally respond with loving you back. For others, you can be no one, some cool guy, enigma, mystery, dude that plays in a band or whatever but just try not to be a jerk :)

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Hi, I am Teresa Cooper from Cambodia. I have been reading your answers for 2 years(I translate them on google translate) and I think you are great person and very mature for your ages. I would really like to meet you so I will maybe come to Belgrade next year :) Greetings from Cambodia!

hahahah omg, I don't believe you, but ty

[QG] привет! Ca fait longtemps x_x La fin de l'année approchant, les profs sont blindés de trucs à faire et j'ai pas la tête à réfléchir à une QG, Gomen ! Feli et moi devront bientôt obtenir une "double nationalité officieuse", donc j'aimerais savoir : quelle est votre ou vos nationalités ? ^J^

Ivan Braginski [QG]
Un quart de moi est slovène, mais en général je suis Serbe. Ma mère est née en Montenegro, sa mère est Slovène, et son père habitait en Bosnie (en fait, en République de Srpska). Mon père est né à Belgrade (Serbie), ses parents habitaient en Croatie (mais ils étaient Serbes). Je suis fiere de mon ascendance :)

I'm not the one who wrote the previous question but... not all Serbians are the same? how long ago was these incidents. I'm sure Serbians have gone through a lot of shit as well. just keep that in mind. not every single person things the same. your being biased by what has gone on by a few serbians

this was in 1999, and recently there was a football match between albania and serbia (kosovans are basically albanians) and all the serb fans threw bombs on the pitch at the players and they tried beating all the albanian players up and never let any albania fans come in the stadium to watch the match because it was held in belgrade (capital of serbia). the match ended up being suspended because the military had to stop the serb players and fans from throwing flares and shit. so many times we tried to make peace with them but the serbians have always been childish claiming that kosovo is theirs. im sorry but im never gonna be understanding towards them because this conflict has lasted for so long and it will never end

Ma gledam ja to na onom bez prijevoda..Svjdno se sve razumije..jesam,ja sam u srednjoj.. >.< Ti osnovna? Ja sam sad 1. razred.. "Fazan" :$

Forever Faster
I ja sve razumem engleski mi extra.Dap ja nazalost osnovna mrzim pola skole i jedva cekam srednju :3333.A onda kad zavrsim srednju put pod noge i Good bye Belgrade Hello L.A Ti medicinska?❤

Did you do a major in composition at Berklee after school then? I was wondering what requirements and criteria you had to meet to do the major. It seem more complicated if you apply from abroad. What was your knowledge of theory and written music like before entering? Sorry about all the questions!

Ruben Poloni
I just did classes that were the requirement for it. I finished 6 years of classical piano with music theory and 4 years of Jazz guitar with jazz theory and classical theory in my hight school so I had a pretty good base for the composition major at Berklee. If I had enough money I could've finished Berklee in 2 years, but since I don't have $$ I finished only 1 year and had to come back to Belgrade :)

Tini love you so much <3 I'm the biggest fan you Come in Serbia in Belgrade please I'll be all tinisti will be courageous <3 I have your books, make-up, cosmetics case, perfume, puzzles (diego, you, leon), bath, beach towels, poster and pictures, cap, slippers, diary, glass, purse, linen come to H

Теа ♥
Love! But you're so sweet! I hope very much to do a concert in Serbia, so I will be able to hug you !!❤️

Kristina pls answer on these questions ! 1. whats the name of your son 2. who is ur best male friend 3. how old are you 4. how you became a model

Hello sweetheart ♥
1. My baby boy name is Davor♥
2. Giovanni, here is a pic of two of us, my brudeeeeer .
3. I'm 25. Gettin old :O
4. Haha, I was in Belgrade , I lived there before 3 years, before I became a model. And I was just takin' walk with my friends. And some people who work in Crystal Model saw me. And there it is. That day change my life for sure.

When you go on tour please come to Belgrade (serbia) cause you have billion fans there. When some interwieve comes out it drives me crazy cause i am happy (i know am crazy x'D) if you ever come to serbia i am gonna buy ticket in first row <3

Hello, we go to Serbia in May 2015, the date is not yet confirmed but it will be in this month, if we know that there are many fans in Serbia and thanks for the support we receive every day, we want.


alee_sanders14’s Profile PhotoAlee Sanders✌
I love you aleeeeeee ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ tell me when you go to Livingston or Belgrade for volleyball so I can watch!! Bit thank youuuu:))

I'm directioner,I love u so much.<3 Will u come to Serbia? I'm from Belgrade and we always go to meet up. For Serbian Directioners u r like drug<3 Haha,please answer me Hazz<3!

I don't know, hahah, really, i ask a boys about concert of balkan, but i don't know where:)

slusaj ovako. od tebe sam najmanje ocekivala da ces zapustiti grupu Directioners Belgrade i da ces otici u novu grupu,stvarno si me razocarala,majke mi

Grupa Directioners Belgrade je grupa koju stvarno nijenda grupa ne može da zameni.
Sve te svađe ,nesuglasice i sve što je bilo su nas naučile nečemu.
U toj grupi postoje osbe koje jednostavno nikada neću moći da zaboravim.
Osobe koje su mi postale više od prijatelja.
Postoje osobe koje su uvek tu bile za mene,kad mi je bilo najteže,u svakoj situaciji.
Grupu ne zapostavljam uopšte.
Žao mi je samo što većina grupe zaboravlja osobe koje nisu bile aktivne 1-2 dana.
Stvarno će mi uvek u sećanju ostati ta grupa.
Zahvaljujući toj grupi nikada ne bih odustala od svog sna.
One Direction volim najviše na svetu.
Uopšte ne zapostavljam grupu,već sam odlučila samo malo da se sklonim dok ne prestane sve ovo što je započeto,tj.ove svađe oko Mareka.
Toliko od mene.

so I'm 13 and I want to try weed but I don't know who to get it from and how much does it usually cost? I live in belgrade and I just don't know how to get it plus what do I smoke it out of

Can't you go ask one of your friends or something? I'm sure one of them would know this all. It's not very hard to get in belgrade 

What? :O What about that girl who had a concert in Belgrade? Did you remember her? Her name is Beyonce. And the others. What about Brain Adams,Billy Scot and other bands? Selena will come to Belgrade she said that on Twitter. So Serbia is a rich country. Enjoy being a part of it. ^____^ <3

Oh yes...Selena? Really? Oh I am glad :)
But maybe famous people dont want to come here bc Serbia and the countres aroun Serbia dont have many :/ :(( we dont have many to buy fu***ng ticket...:(

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