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Anong gagawin niyo this long weekend?

Supposedly may work in Nov 1, Friday, but I asked for a rest day. I'll do my laundry and plan to do Movie Marathon right after. Also, gotta do some planning for the remaining details to settle for my Wedding day.
On Nov 2, I have work in the morning, half day, then meet with Marriage Coaches then will attend a church service, and will run some errands after it.
Sunday is my Sabbath time, tho we still have Bible Study in the morning.
How about you? How will you spend your weekend? ☺️

You quoted the angel's words to the Virgin Mary in the Quran. In the Bible the angel says, "Hail, favored one! The Lord is with you." (New American Bible) And continues "Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. Behold you shall conceive..." Luke 1:28 and 30. Does this matter?

StephenInd’s Profile PhotoStephen Ind
Yes this matters! Her conversation with the Angel is also mentioned in the Quran. There is an entire chapter(19) named "Maryam" to honor her and refute all the false accusations made against her by her people. Maryam (Peace be upon her) is the only lady whose name has been mentioned 34 times in the Quran in 12 chapters
Chapter names and verses where she is mentioned by name:
Baqarah 87, 253,
Al Imran 36, 37, 42-45
Nisa 156, 157, 171
Maidah 17, 46, 72, 75, 78, 110, 112, 114, 116
Tawbah 31
Mayam 16, 27, 34
Mu’minun 50
Ahzab 7
Zukhruf 57
Tahrim 12
Hadid 27
Saff 6, 14.

Do you think that the things regarded as sin are made up to control others lives and make life less satisfying for individuals (for example: someone wants to have premarital relations but is not able to do so because it’s a sin)?

the bible is a story to help guide people that are lost amongst society. i wouldn't look into things, just don't forget the power of your tongue...and know what you say becomes reality wether it be positive or negative.

➤ ᶜᵒᶰᶠᵉˢˢ ʸᵒᵘʳ *ˢᶤᶰˢ* ➤

valkyr_’s Profile PhotoValkyr

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ the⠀ bible⠀ is⠀ filled ⠀ with ⠀ demo྇n྇s྇
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━⠀⠀
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ❛ ⠀⠀⠀if you believe in god, you have to
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ believe in the devil.⠀jesus himself was
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ an ex྇o྇r྇c྇ist.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━⠀⠀
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 내 죄⠀⠀⠀⠀ ‣⠀⠀⠀ https://jpst.it/3XwK1
ᶜᵒᶰᶠᵉˢˢ ʸᵒᵘʳ ˢᶤᶰˢ

Did you come from a family that was strict or more laid back about the people you’d choose to hang out with?

My family was super religious and still are !! They basically went by the Bible Belt !! Which was scary coming out to them at 15 that I was gay cause I wouldn’t sure how they would take the news that I like boys and I remember the next morning my moms face of being broken like a mothers face being hurt cause it wasn’t the news she could face right then and there but now since I’m older she’s been my number 1 cheerleader 📣 through it all in my career

God without a goddess is in the bible. So sad & lonely like our lives

The god of the Bible did have a goddess originally. Back when the Hebrews were part of the Canaanite peoples. Her name was Ashura, goddess of Light, and she is canonically Yahweh's wife. She's in the old testament Bible repeatly if you look. Usually a passing reference when discussing how God should be worshiped. Overtime as the Jews moved to monotheistic practices they ditched this idea of a divine mother.

do you long to get to heaven?

Who and What is heaven to you because for me it's based on my beliefs according to the Bible, heaven is: Yahweh's dwelling place [Psalm 33:13-14, Isaiah 66:1]
A holy and perfect realm [Revelation 21:27, Hebrews 12:23]
The throne room of God Yahweh [Isaiah 6:1-5, Revelation 4:1-11]
The abode of angels and redeemed believers [Matthew 22:30, Revelation 21:3-4]
A place of eternal joy, peace, and worship [Psalm 16:11, Revelation 21:4]
The Bible describes heaven as a realm with: Gates of pearl [Revelation 21:21]
Streets of gold [Revelation 21:21]
A river of life [Revelation 22:1-2]
The tree of life [Revelation 22:2]
No sorrow, pain, or tears [Revelation 21:4]
Heaven is also described as a place where believers will: See God Yahweh face-to-face [1 Corinthians 13:12, Revelation 22:4]
Receive eternal rewards [1 Corinthians 3:12-15, Revelation 22:12]
Live in the presence of God forever [Revelation 21:3-4]
Note: These descriptions are based on various biblical passages but provides a general understanding of heaven according to the Bible.

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Як перекладали ірозповсюджували Біблію?

olivolivka16’s Profile PhotoОлівка Олів
Welcome to my world
Переклад і розповсюдження Біблії пройшли через кілька важливих етапів в історії:
Стародавній період
Септуагінта (LXX): Це переклад Старого Завіту з івриту на грецьку мову, зроблений в III–II століттях до нашої ери. Він був створений для євреїв, які проживали в елліністичному світі і втратили знання івриту.
Вульгата: Латинський переклад Біблії, зроблений святим Ієронімом у IV столітті. Цей переклад став офіційною Біблією Римо-Католицької Церкви.
Переклади на народні мови: У середні віки було кілька спроб перекласти Біблію на народні мови, але багато з них були піддані переслідуванням через страх церкви втратити контроль над релігійними текстами. Наприклад, переклад Джона Вікліфа (14 століття) на англійську мову був заборонений.
Ренесанс і Реформація
Мартін Лютер: У 1522 році він переклав Новий Завіт на німецьку мову, а в 1534 році завершив переклад всього Писання. Це сприяло поширенню Реформації та збільшенню доступу до Біблії для звичайних людей.
Король Яків: Англійський переклад Біблії, завершений у 1611 році, відомий як Біблія короля Якова (KJV). Він став одним із найвпливовіших перекладів і досі використовується в багатьох протестантських церквах.
Новітній час
Гутенберг і друкарство: Винайдення Йоганном Гутенбергом друкарського верстата в середині XV століття значно прискорило розповсюдження Біблії. Перша друкована Біблія (Гутенбергівська Біблія) з'явилася близько 1455 року.
Сучасні переклади: В XX і XXI століттях було створено безліч перекладів Біблії на різні мови, що враховують сучасну лексику та контекст. Наприклад, англійські переклади New International Version (NIV) і New Revised Standard Version (NRSV), а також український переклад Івана Огієнка.
Біблійні товариства: Організації, такі як Британське та закордонне біблійне товариство (British and Foreign Bible Society) та Гедеонові брати, займаються перекладом, публікацією та розповсюдженням Біблії по всьому світу.
Цифрові технології: З розвитком інтернету і мобільних додатків Біблія стала доступною у цифровому форматі. Сайти, такі як Bible Gateway та YouVersion, надають можливість читати і досліджувати Біблію на багатьох мовах онлайн.
Завдяки цим зусиллям Біблія стала однією з найпоширеніших книг у світі, доступною для мільярдів людей на різних мовах і у різних форматах.
And that's the bottom line, cause Stone Cold said so
Thank you and Goodbye. I hope we meet again
Date: 18/07/24
Time: 18:53

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Як перекладали ірозповсюджували Біблію

Can you identify an event in your life, that "Sliding doors" moment, when a decision that you made changed your life? How do you think things would have turned out differently if you'd made a different choice?

jigsaw20216838’s Profile PhotoJigsaw
I’d say my path in life drastically changed when I decided to go to a secular university. I was the first in my family to leave Bible college without staying four years, and the first to pursue a career outside of Christian ministry. Although my family would disagree, I fully believe it changed my life for the better. Sure, I might have been spared some heartbreak and misery had I stayed where I was comfortable. I might have been “protected” from certain hardships, but I wouldn’t have understood others as much as I do now, and I would’ve been underprepared for how the world really works. I might have been happier, but at what cost? I feel like Eve, after eating the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. I can see how awful life truly is, outside the garden, where the rest of the world lives. And honestly? I prefer experiencing the pains of the world first hand to never experiencing them at all, because now I can empathize. Now I can relate, at least a little bit more. And if loving others is the greatest command, I’ll be able to do it more authentically now than I would’ve been able to before. I see my decision as having net gain, regardless of the challenges I went through because of it. I emerged stronger, and I’ll never regret that.

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"If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal." This verse highlights the importance of love over eloquence or impressive abilities. How does this connect to your own life?

Brutalzone’s Profile PhotoSALVATORE BALESTRA
You are so sweet to pay attention! It’s from a very popular passage in the Bible about what it is to truly love. It mentions how useless spiritual gifts are if you’re not loving people. Love gets so dirtied and muddied by society because of selfishness and pride, but to love in a pure form changes lives; It is love without borders or inhibitions. It’s freedom and acceptance, despite imperfection and sin. I would rather be a vessel of love in a world that’s already hurting and damaged than be someone caught up in the rules of religion. God can take it from there.
If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels but have not love I am a noisy

Gay and Christian is it bad ?

I'm a Muslim okay, but I won't give u an answer based on my religion.
You say that u 're a Christian ,I 've read the entire Bible, but also I won't answer u with anything difficult. Maybe u didn't read the Bible well.
In ur religion, being gay is a s.in , no doubt!
Ur bible says Adam and Eve ,not Adam and Steve.

It's not good to have friends that are abusive

sagetoriola58’s Profile Photosagetoriola58
The truth is written in the Bible offers guidance on choosing friends wisely and dealing with abusive relationships. Proverbs 22:24-25 advises to not associate with those given to anger, and Proverbs 13:20 suggests that walking with the wise makes one wise, but the companion of fools suffers harm. Additionally, 1 Corinthians 15:33 warns that bad company corrupts good character. These verses emphasize the importance of surrounding oneself with positively good influences and avoiding relationships that can lead to harm or negative outcomes.

Do you have positive or negative views when it comes to religion and who or what do you think made you view religion that way?

I have positive views on spirituality, but I struggle with religious legalism and how judgmental people tend to be. I believe in God and the Bible. There are people who misrepresent these two all the time. I would like to be someone that reconciles these misconceptions. God is love and desires a relationship, not separation and condemnation.

What’s your favorite Bible verse, and why? 🦇🙏🏻

ganjaprincess777’s Profile PhotoGanjaxDollZ
My favorite openbible info/topics/ verses be: Matthew 27:3-5.Psalms 90:10.Phillippians 4:13. However, John 15:13 is the most impactful of all. Compassion defined by one with an amazing soul, caring for others & life in general. Rachel's drawings & writtings were the best portayal of it imo. https://www.tumblr.com/racheljoyscott/167364332145/rachels-last-journal-entry-4201999
Liked by: Jas ❥ GanjaxDollZ

🌿💚جهز المصحف 📖 لأمنحك(ي) سورة تقرأها 💚🌿

🌷 Masha'Allah, one of my favourite Prophet's story since childhood♥️ Well, back then my Mum used to read it as a bedtime story to me and my brother (Prophet Joseph's story from the Bible)😊
akciMMicka’s Video 173514765394

5/5 - "Hast du ein Lieblingsbuch? Magst du mir davon erzählen?" - @RyoMcCauley

normanz9761’s Profile Phototh1rsttrap
Ich mag Nietzsche, insb. den Antic.hristen, aber es gibt mittlerweile viel zu selten inhaltliche Übereinstimmungen zwischen ihm und meinem Weltbild. D'Holbachs Naturphilosophie liegt meinem Weltbild, mit einigen Einschränkungen, am nächsten. Ich mag seine Ausführungen über den naturalistischen Determinismus.
Der letzte Sachtext, den ich mit Interesse las, war das Kompendium mit Ausführungen zur Satanic Bible von Thomas Aquino. Das waren teilweise überraschend tiefe und religiöse Betrachtungen (im Gegensatz zu LaVey glaubte Aquino an die Existenz Satans, in seiner Interpretation u.a. verkörpert durch die altägyptische Gottheit Set – wobei er hier in seinen Ausführungen historisch eher inkorrekt ist, indem er Set als Gottheit außerhalb der Netjeru begreift. Tatsächlich hat Set, trotz seiner Fehde mit Horus, Apophis auf seiner Fahrt mit der Sonnenbarke bekämpft und stand Seite an Seite mit den anderen Netjeru – er war keineswegs eine «satanische» Gottheit; dieses Element verkörperte dann eher Apophis, dessen Name heute unter Vertretern der kemetischen Orthodoxie auch durchgestrichen und zensiert wird). Aber seine Bemerkungen zur «Satanic Bible» sind äußerst tiefgehend und interessant – deswegen habe ich auch drei weitere Bücher von ihm geordert, u.a. «MindWá-rs» (er war in den '70er Jahren als Militär u.a. an Experimenten zum Thema mentale Beeinflussung in Kriegssituationen beteiligt), die ich aber noch lesen muss.
Und da ich mich jetzt WEIT von der Frage entfernt habe und nur (wahrscheinlich) an die fünf Antworten mit Assoziationen verfasst habe, schließe ich hier.

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What conspiracy theory do you believe is true?

Have you ever heard of the famous Nibiru? It is a planet unknown to scientists, but some people claim that it will be responsible for the end of Earth. The theories combine astronomy, excerpts from the Bible, numerology and the Mayan calendar to predict when the two planets will collide! The last date set by followers of this idea was September 23, 2017. According to the British newspaper The Telegraph, the existence of Nibiru was affirmed in 1995 by the American Nancy Lieder, who says she has a communication channel with aliens, who would have alerted her about the Nibiru catastrophe.

Can I ask what was your experience with religion as a child? Did you have to study the scriptures until you were old enough to decide that it wasn't your thing?

I was baptised coz my paternal grandad was a vicker I think, and I was raised vaguely Xtian, read some of the bible at school etc. But I quickly found myself unable to reconcile the teachings with my own thoughts. It made no sense to me, and I couldn't and wouldn't force myself to abandon my thoughts, questions and need for proper answers. My mum was agnostic so didn't have any issue with that, my step dad considered himself Xtian but wasn't super strict, didn't go to church etc, so my not believing didn't cause problems there thankfully

Can I ask what was your experience with religion as a child? Did you have to study the scriptures until you were old enough to decide that it wasn't your thing?

My parents were really chill with this luckily.
They did give me a children’s bible, but that’s about it. They let me decide what I wanted to do with christianity.
I went to a Cristian school, because they thought the norms were good there, but I got bullied on there for years and the school didn’t do anything about it. My parents eventually transferred me to an open school.

Která kniha/film/seriál tě ovlivnila a leží(ležela) ti v hlavě?

Lotr, Hobit, Dobrá znamení, Zeměplocha, Američtí bohové, Sandman, Nocturna, knížky o detektivu Charliem Parkerovi,
Almanach Donald A. Wollheim představuje nejlepší povídky sci-fi 1989, Paměť století: Ibuse Masudži, Ghibliotéka, 1984, Neonová bible, Spolčení hlupců, Bába, Fixní idea, Lady Fuckingham, životopis Salvátora Dalího, Kurouzu, Krajina přílivu, Mullholand drive, Donnie Darko, Big Fish, Fontána, Mechanický pomeranč, The Rocky Horor Picture Show, Shining od Kubrika, Mimic, Shutter ( thajský horor z roku 2004), Styliagi, O Honzíkovi a Mařence (animace od Zemana), Nikdykde, Šepoty a výkřiky, Kousek nebe....
Je toho o hodně víc.

What is your favorite Bible verse? And why?

Mark 10:27 - Jesus looked at them and said, 'With man it is impossible, but not with God. For all things are possible with God.' Matthew 19:26 - But Jesus looked at them and said, 'With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.' Philippians 4:13 - I can do all things through him who strengthens me

What is something that’s true that nobody agrees with you on?

ManWithout1plan’s Profile PhotoManWithout1Plan
There are many 😂:
1. God does not exist and all Bible was made by church just to keep people in the fear and obedience
2. There is not life after life
3.Aliens don't exist and it is not true that they came to our planet years ago and are base of knowledges of our ancestors or old civilisations
4. Drawings showing persons dressed in space suits in old caves are forgery 😂🤷‍♀️ and many others.

What celebrity would you like to meet at Starbucks for a cup of coffee?

None, I don’t drink coffee especially that it’s so expensive as Starbucks is… I don’t have any of fav “celebrity” it’s a modern day form of great sin - idolatry according God’s Word - Holy Bible. Plus I don’t know these people most of them are corrupted especially for young teenagers and people in general. I think they really need our prayers, not an admiration or giving attention and try hard to be like them is tragically ridiculous. Coffee is most popular legal poison. So no I don’t. Thank you dear friend for such a good question. A blessed New Year everybody! Dear God! I pray that every, who feels these lines will gain Your love and forgiveness, Your grace and mercy, Your peace and comfort.
That You would give us health and strength. You know what each of us needs. Bless us in this NĚew Year Lord, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. 🙏

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Что недавно Вы добавили в свой музыкальный плейлист?

DjSandra’s Profile Photo∀˥ǝʞsɐupɹɐ
[Danicide — Rise of the Machines]
https://youtu.be/E_SZX6awmQQ?si=v2_t0Ag5X4hYAJfrms_nobodyyy’s Video 174977104811 E_SZX6awmQQms_nobodyyy’s Video 174977104811 E_SZX6awmQQ
[Blackmore's Night — Dancer and the Moon]
https://youtu.be/s56Hba2-K7E?si=-NzoZZMxo8LStbGEms_nobodyyy’s Video 174977104811 s56Hba2-K7Ems_nobodyyy’s Video 174977104811 s56Hba2-K7E
[Where's My Bible — Creator of Abyss]
https://youtu.be/CCB46riaGHg?si=j8vzlC1FNfFcoqHrms_nobodyyy’s Video 174977104811 CCB46riaGHgms_nobodyyy’s Video 174977104811 CCB46riaGHg

Canción favorita del 2020 🎶

followers without burning someone from Latin America or out of jealousy, before I showed what I wanted now they don't let me, the photos of My church in my city is my girlfriend from before (the one in white and a tie) and compared to the others I am taller, white, more eyebrows eyelashes, jaw like 🇩🇪 and dressed with 5000 dollars apart from cell phone, bible and tablet I remember 🍃, when I was a Christian for 22 years, almost everything I show 👌 are from my state or city and most of my photos apart from Jalisco I spent it, the other places I don't like monkeys or sluts and Muslims, blacks, Indians, dark-skinned or Other cities and ugly people, I only like Ukraine where I will live
Liked by: anapaola22R

Ein Mensch klingelt an deiner Tür und möchte dir iwas andrehen (Internet,Versicherungen,den Wachturm) wie reagierst du?

derDonnerBuddy’s Profile PhotoBen.
Heutzutage? Wahrscheinlich völlig langweilig und so wie jeder andere auch. Aber ich erinnere mich an eine Begegnung mit einem Zeugen Jehovas (er war noch relativ jung, aber natürlich älter als ich) zu der Zeit, da ich so 15 war. Damals war ich total begeistert von der "Satanischen Bibel" nach LaVey. Zuvor hatte ich die christliche Bibel zu einem großen Teil (nicht ganz, aber das wäre auch ... wenig abendfüllend) gelesen und fand sie furchtbar und las dann daraufhin die Kritiker des Christentums, insbesondere Feuerbach und Nietzsche. Darüber fand ich irgendwann die "Satanic Bible" und, hey, für einen 15jährigen klingt das insgesamt plausibel - besonders wegen der ästhetischen Qualitäten des Labels "Satanist":D.
Jedenfalls war ich, im Gegensatz zu heute, damals sehr deep in dem Shit. Und der Typ hatte so eine Catchphrase, mit der er Leute anzulocken versuchte, indem er sie fragte: "Wie lautet der Name Gottes?" Meine Antwort "Jhwh" (nicht Jehova) erstaunte ihn und ich habe fast eine Stunde mit dem Lellek geredet. Ich kannte nahezu alles, worauf er anspielte und dekonstruierte es für ihn.
Nie in meinem Leben war ich unhöflich oder bösartig, insofern dekonstruierte ich quasi seinen ganzen Glauben auf eine Art und Weise, die komplett agreeable war. Als wir das Gespräch beendeten, wirkte er ein bisschen ratlos. Er gab mir dann noch halbherzig Literatur mit (irgendwo, in irgendeiner Kiste, wird dieses Buch wahrscheinlich noch liegen xD) und als ich eine halbe Stunde später aus der Buchhandlung kam, war er verschwunden.
Das war insgesamt sehr amüsant. Aber heute wäre ich nicht mehr in der Lage dazu, über das Thema Bibel zu reden, da ich schlichtweg das Meiste vergessen habe - was auch ganz okay ist:D.

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What hurts the most ?:(

neeha01’s Profile PhotoNeha
George Stinney Jr. was the youngest person sentenced to death in the 20th century in the United States.He was only 14 when he was executed by electric chair.During his trial, until the day of his execution, he always carried a bible in his hands, claiming for innocence.
He was accused of killing two white girls, Betty of 11 years old and Mary of 7, the bodies were found near the house where the teenager resided with his parents.
At that time all the jurors were white. The trial lasted only 2 hours and the sentence was handed down 10 minutes later.
The child's parents were threatened and prevented from giving him gifts in the courtroom and then expelling them from that city.
Before the execution, George spent 81 days without being able to see his parents.
He was trapped in a solitary cell, 80 km from his city. He was heard alone without the presence of his parents or a lawyer.
He was electrocuted with 5,380 volts in the head.
70 years later, his innocence was finally proven by a judge in South Carolina. The beam with which the two girls were killed, weighed more than 19.07 kilograms. Therefore, it was impossible for Stinney to be able to lift it, let alone be able to hit hard enough to kill the two girls. The child was innocent, someone put everything together to blame him just for being black.

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What hurts the most

Revenge Pink ft Eminem

(feat. Eminem)
Mhm, mhm, mhm, mhm, mhm, mhm, mhm
Like Leo in The Revenant
Abel in that Bible bit
Revenge is sweet, isn't it?
Really, really hope for it
I know that it won't fix a thing
A song like this that I could sing for you
(Mhm mhm mhm mhm mhm mhm mhm)
All the feels you make me do
A nightmare fuckin' comin' true
I wish I was a lawyer
I would sue you
Sue you, take your dog
Take your house, take your shoes
Take your heart (Mhm mhm mhm mhm mhm mhm mhm)
And now here comes that singin' part
I'm daydreamin' (Daydreamin')
Let me count the ways (Let me count the ways)
How I'll get you (How I'll get you)
Or how I'll make you pay (You pay)
(Mhm mhm mhm mhm mhm mhm mhm)
Babe, I'm hurtin' (I'm hurtin')
And now you'll feel the same (Feel the same)
That's my plan (That's my plan), that's my plan, that's my plan
(Mhm mhm mhm mhm mhm mhm mhm)
[P!nk {Eminem}:]
We could do revenge, revenge, revenge
Revenge together, together, together
We could take revenge, revenge, revenge
Revenge is sweet
(Mhm mhm mhm mhm mhm mhm mhm)
We could do revenge, revenge, revenge
Revenge together, together, together {Yeah, yeah, yeah}
We could take revenge, revenge, revenge
Revenge is sweet (Now, now)
Now here's where girlfriends come in hand
Especially those that understand
Crime's a crime, but listen, man
Really cannot give a damn
We've all been through this kind of thing
Say the word, we make it sting for him
(Mhm mhm mhm mhm mhm mhm mhm)
He can't just get away with it
Eye for eye, you piece of sh—
You treat us like a garbage pit
Let me at him, wait for it
Wait for it, wait for it (Wait for it)
Here's that singin' part again
(Mhm mhm mhm mhm mhm mhm mhm, yeah)
I'm daydreamin' (I'm daydreamin')
Let me count the ways (Let me count the ways)
How I'll get you (How I'll get you)
Or how I'll make you pay (You pay)
(Mhm mhm mhm mhm mhm mhm mhm)
Babe, I'm hurtin' (I'm hurtin')
And now you'll feel the same (Feel the same)
That's my plan, that's my plan, that's my plan
(Mhm mhm

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Ibrahim 14:42 And never think that Allah is unaware of what the wrongdoers do. He only delays them [i.e., their account] for a Day when eyes will stare [in horror].

Your religious scripture is too basic and summarised as compared to Hindu scriptures. There's nothing in Quran that isn't mentioned in Hindu scriptures, but there are many things in Hindu scriptures that aren't mentioned in Quran and Bible. You know that souls exist but you can't explain me the details, you know that there's afterlife but you can't explain me the details, you know that there are jinns and magic (black and white) but you can't explain me the details.

Why do people Worship Satan makes me sad.

cybermatronix70’s Profile Photocybermatronix70
I don't know but someone has told me that Satan isn't all that bad. According to the Bible, Satan has only killed 10 people whereas God has killed around 2.4M people. So I could kind of see why people would worship Satan rather than God.

would you rather date straight men or bisexual men or have you not been with a bisexual man 🤔

I am a Christian and I believe and try to follow the Bible. The Bible says that it is a sin to have sex with the same sex and it is disgusting for God. So, I have not even a slight want to date anyone else other than straight males.

Hi Liu. How have you been? /Alex

Hi, Alex!
I've been good. After the second semester started, I don't have much time for social media, so I stopped using my smartphone and switched to the Light Phone 2, which has been an interesting experience. All social media is now on my laptop, and when I have time, I check it.
In general, my life is good. I'm still going to work, college, Bible study group, and church on Sundays, and the rest of my time I'm either doing homework or making plans with my friends.
I've read your posts about your updates and I'm glad you can work fewer hours now and commit your time to the things that are important to you ☺️

Aus welchen Gründen auch immer taucht aus dem Nichts ein Zeitkristall auf, blitzelt ganz doll und plötzlich befindest du dich im Jahre 1534 wieder. Was machst du?

ShortMan679’s Profile PhotoSaturas
Schwere Frage, 1534 ist leider paar Jahre zu spät für's Mittelalter... Kam 1534 nicht die Neuauflage der Bible raus? Falls ja, würde ich zum Spaß an der Freude dies verhindern, um zu sehen was sich in der Zukunft so verändert😂😂

اللَّهُمَّ بِكَ أمْسَيْنَا، وَبِكَ أصْبَحْنَا، وَبِكَ نَحْيَا، وَبِكَ نَمُوْتُ، وَإليْكَ الـمَصِيْرُ.

The saint Bible - John 20:29 Then Jesus told him, “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”

Language: English