What is your MBTI personality type? If you know, then you know!
The bibliophile appeared to be looking for something as he rummaged amongst his novels. Isn't it funny that this terrible blob of evil has misplaced something and is searching for it with his tentacles? Like an octopus tossing around clams. I'm curious as to what he's lost. His morals, most likely. "MBTI?" "Ah, Myer Briggs... I believe I'm an ENTJ," he says with a click of his tongues, waving his hand in the air, seemingly preoccupied with his little game of "Hide and Seek". He could be looking for a soul, a body, a severed limb, or just a really fancy bookmark. Your guess is as good as mine. Returning to the initial topic, it is common for people to be mistyped, and MBTI is fascinating and layered. It includes cognitive and auxiliary functions, as well as the ability to find yourself caught in grips and loops. We also have demon functions, amongst other things. I'm quite sure that ENTJ would be the best suit for Nightmare, but his Enneagram is still up for question.