
358 people

47 posts


What is your MBTI personality type? If you know, then you know!

The bibliophile appeared to be looking for something as he rummaged amongst his novels. Isn't it funny that this terrible blob of evil has misplaced something and is searching for it with his tentacles? Like an octopus tossing around clams. I'm curious as to what he's lost. His morals, most likely. "MBTI?" "Ah, Myer Briggs... I believe I'm an ENTJ," he says with a click of his tongues, waving his hand in the air, seemingly preoccupied with his little game of "Hide and Seek". He could be looking for a soul, a body, a severed limb, or just a really fancy bookmark. Your guess is as good as mine. Returning to the initial topic, it is common for people to be mistyped, and MBTI is fascinating and layered. It includes cognitive and auxiliary functions, as well as the ability to find yourself caught in grips and loops. We also have demon functions, amongst other things. I'm quite sure that ENTJ would be the best suit for Nightmare, but his Enneagram is still up for question.

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Liked by: bones. Shadow Fell

Wait what? Oh God no. I just saw bibliophile in your profile and since I'm also very much into books, so wanted to talk. And I just found your profile lol.

Oh lol sahi. Sorry to blurt it out loud. Ever since i logged in back to this site my inbox has been storming with creeps asking for attention lmao. Yeah sure why not hmu if u want to.
+2 answers in: “Umm can we talk on Insta? I know it's weird to ask.”

Do you read books in general? What is your speed of reading books? (on an average, how much time do you take to read a 200 page book) , Do you / Can you use this ability to read book of any kind and infer same amount of knowledge from it?

PulkitSharma62’s Profile PhotoJustice
Well I'm neither a fond reader nor a bibliophile at large!
But I do read at times not specific ones though!
I read lot of articles, reviews related to any matters, newspaper daily to keep myself updated of the current scenario ?

🥑 List as many facts about yourself as you like, so that I can ask you follow-up questions. — Feel free to read my 25 facts for inspiration: https://ask.fm/zy_cv/answer/160124009327 🥥

✦ ───────────── ✦
. συт σf ρσтαтσ qυєєи
✦ ───────────── ✦
【01】– My sun sign is Aqua, my moon is Sagittarius and my rising is fish - feel free to ask me anything about horoscopes because I'm a little obsessed x'D
【02】– My hobbies are singing, drawing, writing, reading, gaming - basically anything artsy.
【03】– I'm INFJ by the MBTI personality test.
【04】– I'm a nerd over any fandom I love and like. Harry Potter & GOT are one of those - I count myself to Gryffindor and the Stark-Family. Did some tests to find out where I fit better in - also...because they are fun. x'D
【05】– I speak german, Russian, English - and have a large interest in learning a language - some languages I can sing better than I can speak them. E.g. I can sing Hindi because I watched Bollywood from a very young age, so I have no problems singing...but would probably s*ck in speaking, some Japanese songs I can vocally perform aswell. Korean is a language I would love to learn :)
【06】– Pisanthrophobian | Philophobian | Thantrophobian
【07】– Ailurophile | Astrophile | Bibliophile | Clinophile | Cynophile | Heliophile | Hippophile | Limnophile | Nyctophile | Photophile | Retrophile | Selenophile | Thalassophile | Logophile
【08】– I have too many favourites in every kind of genres. I listen to lots of music, watched a lot of movies and played so many games. That's why I struggle...when people ask me "Tell me your favourite what so ever..." I can't do this. x'D Literally.
【09】– My favourite colours are violet, burgundy, colours of fire, all tones between red-violet-blue. Furthermore black and white.
【10】– I have an OCD with lists and sorting everything from 1-10 or A-Z.
【11】– I'm evangelic but furthermore spiritual.
【12】– Right now I'm doing my A-Levels. Hope that everything works out for me this year.
【13】– I'm in a happy relationship since 2009/ nearly 11 years, so to say.
【14】– I have a cute 5-6-year-old cat and his name is Tutankhamun. In short - Tuti. He is my adorable little sunshine.
【15】– My favourite food is food of my culture - Russian food.
【16】– I tend to get along with people who are open-minded, kind, creative, talented, optimistic and wise in their own way.
【17】– I did a training in media design for digital and print but didn't find myself happy in that specific field of work - so I am doing my A-Levels to study later media sciences.
【18】– I help when it's within my possibilities.
【19】– I'm a free spirit. The best to convince is to tell me about it...but then let it rest. Don't push me. Because if you do...I lose my interest in it VERY quickly.
【20】– Reason I am here initially is for writing RPG's with other writers. Now to share my thoughts on many topics.
【21】– I am open-minded for mostly anything new.
【22】– One of my favourite seasons is autumn and late summer.
【23】– I have brown hair, which is long but sadly not curly X'D - and green eyes.

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+20 answers Read more

Nope I watch normal movies, yeah I am a bibliophile but I just read normal books as well. Its the music. My hobbies are great, I am network marketer, love sports and I study medicine. So yeah pretty occupied.

Weird tho! But this is great.
Just try to find a way to leave the dark side and to look forward the bright one.
I hope things get better soon. Good luck Colleague.
+4 answers in: “Just Imagine suffocating everyday d.t loneliness. Nothing relieves it although I had a person who compromised it and i have lost her for a year now (She's forsaken me) my conditions has worsen ever since but I show no signs of suffering in public. In fact, I am viewed as an optimistic guy. Help”

Du kannst an dieser Stelle deine Lieblinge aus den jeweiligen Bereichen aufzählen, falls du Lust hast: Erinnerung, Wort, Getränk, Satz, Gefühl, Stadt, Reise, Rezept, Lied, Farbe, Band, Obst, Buch, Film, Getränk, Mitbringsel, Beschäftigung, Spiel, Süßigkeit, Serie und Geruch.

xreasontohope’s Profile Phototroddellini
Ich erinnere mich gerade gern an den gestrigen Abend, weil die Erinnerung noch sehr frisch ist, ich 6 Bücher "erbeutet" habe (ich durfte mir sie leihen) und zufälligerweise in einer Wohnung landete, die Bibliophilie zu atmen scheint.
(Kurzer Zwischeneinwurf: Ich bin mal kurz auf den Wikipedia-Artikel über Bibliophilie gelangen und möchte hier kurz ein Zitat teilen. "Umgangssprachlich werden bibliophile Menschen auch Bücherwurm genannt, unter anderem, weil sie sich manchmal die Bücher oft so nah vor das Gesicht halten, dass es aussieht, als ob sie diese aufessen würden, genauso wie manche Nagekäfer das Innere von Büchern auffressen und dabei Spuren hinterlassen." Ich fühle mich ertappt :< Ich stand gestern wirklich im Flur und habe manchmal alte Bücher in die Hand genommen, um mit dem Daumen durch die Seiten zu fahren und das Buchinnere zu riechen.... Nun ja.)
Lieblingswort... puh. Es gibt so viele schöne Worte, wie soll ich mich da für eins entscheiden? Ich nenne ein dieses Jahr neu erlerntes Wort und dessen Klang ich mag: Echolalie.
(Aber es ist nicht DAS EINE Lieblingswort, ich habe ein paar Lieblingswörter, die aber keine exklusive Elitenliste sind, WIE KÖNNTE ICH AUCH)
Lieblingsgetränk: Kakao.
Einen Lieblingssatz kann ich nun wirklich auch nicht benennen. Aber ich kann an dieser Stelle dennoch ein teilenswertes Zitat aus "Why Are We Creative?" weitergeben, das aber nicht mein Lieblingssatz ist: Wer den Hafen nicht kennt, in den er segeln will, für den ist der Wind nie der richtige.
Tatsächlich ist meine Heimatstadt meine Lieblingsstadt.
Lieblingsreise: Puh, schwierig. Ich denke, die erwartet mich eher noch. (Die Orte, die ich in lieber Gesellschaft bereist habe und an die ich mich noch erinnere, hatten alle einen Charme, aber ich könnte nicht meine Lieblingsreise benennen, gerade wenn ich mich nur auf de Reiseaspekt konzentriere.)
Lieblingsrezept (noch?) nicht vorhanden.
Meine Lieblingsfarbe ist rot, mein Lieblingsfilm ist "I'm a cyborg but that's okay", ich esse sehr gern Schokolade, ich atme gern den Geruch von alten Büchern. Eine Serie, die ich sehr mag, ist "Daria", aber ich möchte nicht klar einen Liebling aussprechen; das kann ich nicht. Ein Lieblingsmitbringsel kann ich erst recht nicht küren. Die Fragen zur Musik muss ich passen und ich glaube, am liebsten esse ich Mandarinen.

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Is it just me or people on ask LOVE books and quotes? I thought no one really read books anymore haha. I'm amazed at how passionate some people still are.

n11shake’s Profile PhotoShake
There still are many people out there "the book lovers". Ask shows you people according to the interests that you wrote in your profile. So, for a bibliophile it becomes easy to find another bibliophile rather get surrounded by bibliophiles.
+1 answer in: “A facts about you?”

would you rather be: an elementary school p.e. teacher or a high school teacher of a subject of your choice? (which subject would you choose?)

I would rather be a high school creative writing teacher (based on compliments from others, including writers and what i enjoy).
I love being able to stimulate someone's imagination, whatever age they are!
I would also encourage my students to read. My mom taught reading (mostly to little kids) and my parents always read me lots of books!📚📖 i give them credit and the wonderful teachers i have had for me turning into a bibliophile and logophile.
would you rather be an elementary school pe teacher or a high school teacher of
Liked by: eggsy LYNDSEY

At what age did you realised that you are a bibliophile girl? What is your first favourite book as a child? Any book or story that you read during your childhood, that left big impact to you till now?

Hey there,
1-unfortunately in my country they don't care about reading which make it a strange thing to be a reader!
i was having a boring lecture, i saw my friend doing smth with her phone i asked
what is this?
**a novel
how to download it?
** do 1,2 and 3 you have the book
i have never stopped reading since then "three years ago"
2-didn't read when i was so i don't have one
3-the one book that have truly affected me "The secret" also read it last year

[QG] Vous êtes de plus en plus a recevoir mes questions et je vous connais moins. Pouvez vous vous (re)presenter? (T'es pas obligé de repondre à tout) Prénom? Age? Qualités? Défauts? Région? Ce que tu fais à la rentrée? Passions? Hetero/bi/gay? En couple? Depuis combien de temps? Une photo?

~ Line ~
Agathe, 20 ans, JE SUIS CHANTILLE, aucun voyons je suis parfaitement parfaite, je suis de Bordeaux.
L'année prochaine je fais une khûbe (troisième année/redoublement positif de la deuxième année) de prépa Lettres Modernes à Nantes.
Je dirais, la lecture principalement..
Je suis bibliophile c'est à dire que je baise des livres.
Je suis en couple avec un homme depuis 3 ans environ.. (enfin, exactement dans un mois ça fera trois ans)
Et puis comme je suis une grosse connasse je poste une sale photo poste sport DÉGUEU parce que j'aime m'afficher.
QG Vous êtes de plus en plus a recevoir mes questions et je vous connais moins

It's not helpful but I've somehow managed to convince myself that a perfect reader is one who doesn't frequently take breaks while reading and ALWAYS gets absorbed into the book and reads vvvv keenly and passionately no matter what. Something like a bibliophile.

reading is an inherently personal interest - there are no right ways to do it.
the standards are yours to set, of course, and you MAY use reading as a way to enforce self discipline, but you're being very hard on yourself by trying to measure up to a certain trope that is constantly overplayed - the bookworm.
it's normal, and very very common, for even the most voracious readers to not be fully absorbed by their reading material, to not be pulled away from the real world, to be driven by nothing but the written word.
loving books is enough to be a bibliophile - don't let yourself be constrained by overplayed traits. it'll take away from the quality of your life if you let something so enjoyable as reading become so stressful
just my two cents, tho

Avez vous des habitudes/comportement/impulsions/réflexes rituels et/ou superstitieux? Le cas échéant, voudriez vous en détailler quelques exemples?

Wulkos | Séleucie
Niveau superstition, j'ai quelques réflexes vraiment cons genre "araignée du soir : espoir", ne pas mettre le pain à l'envers, ne pas croiser mes couverts dans l'assiette, utiliser ma main gauche quand je joue aux jeux à gratter, ce sont des vieux réflexes dont j'ai du mal à me débarrasser et que j'ai hérité de ma mère très superstitieuse et de ma grand-mère qui était très croyante.
Après j'ai d'autres rituels religieux vraiment débiles, genre tirer les runes quand je veux connaître la situation d'une personne, faire gaffe aux animaux que je croise (les corbeaux et les chouettes/hiboux en particulier), prier tel divinité ou saint en dernier recours (pourtant je n'y crois pas, mais c'est un réflexe), faire gaffe à tous les "signes" (une chanson qui passe à la radio par exemple) car jusque là ça m'a toujours aidé ou apporté des réponses... des trucs vraiment ridicules.
Sinon mes habitudes hors religion/superstition, j'en ai beaucoup mais il y en a une en particulier dont mes parents et ma soeur rient souvent : je me lave les pieds au moins deux fois par jours, car c'est une partie du corps qui me répugne tellement que je tiens absolument à ce qu'elle soit propre.
Mon autre habitude est de ne pas aimer les heures "fixes". Genre je mets pas mon réveil à 8:55 ou 9:00, je le mets à 8:57, sinon ça me stresse.
Et enfin, dernière habitude qui est plus une impulsion vraiment chiante : je suis bibliophile (à tendance bibliomane, presque) et la conséquence est que je suis une acheteuse de livres compulsive. Genre même si j'ai déjà 15 livres en attente, j'en rachète encore et encore, c'est plus fort que moi, comme si j'avais peur de ne plus rien avoir à lire et de m'ennuyer. L'année dernière, sans déconner, j'ai dû claquer plus de 1000€ dans les bouquins, sans compter ceux d'occasion. C'est terrible, et même si je me suis légèrement calmée (le fait de ne plus vivre à Rouen me tient éloignée de la tentation des librairies), dès que j'y retourne mon compte en banque prend cher.
je suis folle omg

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Bibliophile à mes heures perdues, je te propose de partager avec nous un extrait de livre, un poème ou une citation de ton choix.

"Tu sais, l’amour c’est totalement surfait. Moi par exemple, j’ai jamais eu de copine et regarde comme je suis heureux, entre deux dépressions nerveuses mineures. Alors, bien sûr, la sérotonine, endorphine, le sexe, etc. nous fait nous sentir bien. Mais en réalité, l’amour est une illusion. Ça ne peut pas durer, c’est impossible."

Bibliophile à mes heures perdues, je te propose de partager avec nous un extrait de livre, un poème ou une citation de ton choix.

"Les hommes sont bizarres. Ils commettent le pire sans trop se poser de questions, mais ensuite, ils ne peuvent plus vivre avec le souvenir de ce qu'ils ont fait. Il faut qu'ils s'en débarrassent. Alors ils viennent me voir car ils savent que je suis le seul à pouvoir les soulager, et ils me disent tout. Je suis l'égout, Brodeck. Je ne suis pas le prêtre, je suis l'homme-égout. Celui dans le cerveau duquel on peut déverser toutes les sanies, toutes les ordures, pour se soulager, pour s'alléger. Et ensuite, ils repartent comme si de rien n'était. Tout neufs. Bien propres. Prêts à recommencer. "
Le rapport de Brodeck,Philippe Claudel.

Bibliophile à mes heures perdues, je te propose de partager avec nous un extrait de livre, un poème ou une citation de ton choix.

A qui donc sommes-nous ?
A qui donc sommes-nous ? Qui nous a ? qui nous mène ?
Vautour fatalité, tiens-tu la race humaine ?
Oh ! parlez, cieux vermeils,
L'âme sans fond tient-elle aux étoiles sans nombre ?
Chaque rayon d'en haut est-il un fil de l'ombre
Liant l'homme aux soleils ?
Victor Hugo. ( Toujours lui car il me comprends si bien.)

Bibliophile à mes heures perdues, je te propose de partager avec nous un extrait de livre, un poème ou une citation de ton choix.

“Le destin attend toujours au coin de la rue. Comme un voyou, une pute ou un vendeur de loterie : ses trois incarnations favorites. Mais il ne vient pas vous démarcher à domicile. Il faut aller à sa rencontre.” — Carlos Ruiz Zafón, L'Ombre du Vent.

Malaikeeeee...you're soooooooooo pretty omg and you don't compare people with each other and treat everyone the same way which is the best thing about you ❤ your cheekbones 😘😘😘😘 give me your brain please😂😥 and malaike you're so friendly and I love the way you laugh 👌👌👌 I love you milky way😂 ❤

sherriholmes’s Profile PhotoSyeda Anum Tahir.
aaahhh anum i love you too girl; you bibliophile already have a colossal brain stocked in that chota sa head of yours :*

Negative point- you know you have the potential to score high and become a topper but you don't work hard accordingly to acheive what you easily can.

Well you exactly know what my negative point is & that's coz I'm the one who told you about it right 😛😏
Tbh ik I'm not hard working at all & I even know that I can🔝easily if I work hard 😐
I'm planning to become a Bibliophile now & that's why I'm tryna fall in love with books & guess what Kulsoom....... "Now I have just begun & you'll find me chasin' the sun." 😎😋
Inshallah 😛

Like=tbh U were in academy right net 1? Well u seem nice. Overly emotional sometimes. U fought a lot with that english sir. :p Ur a bibliophile (y). Ever read books by khaled hosseini,stephen king, dan brown? Stay blessed

Ali S Malik
Thankyou :3
Yes I have read khaled hosseni *-* but not Stephen king and neither Dan brown. Are their novels exceptional?
You too chill and shizz .-.

Awwewwe blago ti seeeee <3 Hihihihi <3 Evo upravo mirišem HP zatvorenik iz askabana, tako divno miriše. I'm a proud Booksniffer

✨✦I'm α Fαngirl✦✨
Ja sam onda Teareater i Bookaholic i Bibliophile i i i ne mogu se više sjetiti.
Ali znam da Bibliophile postoji hahah.

What is the velocity of an electron of an hydrogen in the third orbit according to bohr.... And second guess my name

You noe one fine day a very quick witted, intelligent,acute and perceptive man thought of making an awesome search engine known as Google! You better go there and get the answer of this freakin question! I am bibliophile but tht doesn't mean I read books similar to those tht you! I am not your tutor better go ask Wikipedia! PS- I am not here to solve your doubts! I can expect such a bhangi, Pakao, dabba nd bizzare question only from one idiot named SARVAGYA KUMAR

See now you're talking. :') Do not get me wrong, I love Bibliophiles. :') Even though I'm not.much of a reader myself. :3 Because I have never met a person who is a bibliophile and cruel. :')

Of course you haven't. They live in the 17th century. :p not religious though. Just very interested in theology. But where did you get the bibliophile thing from? The book?

You're seventeen --- I'm seventeen You're a poet --- I'm a writer You're a bibliophile --- I'm a bibliophile You're a public speaker --- I'm a public swayer You're a feminist --- I'm a feminist You're prismic --- I'm a bloody idiot who doesn't know what that means :P #help

Well.You couldn't have possibly made this sound more interesting.
Well, Prismic means to be , possessing qualities which so often don't go together , in the "set" of abstract features which comes in a combo pack (Well, I cant believe I am saying this! ) with a definitive personality.

I know right?! Fear street and Goosebumps wweremust to issue in every visit to the library. :") I'm a bibliophile as well. *-*

*HighFive* :'D
And yusss, I don't know but Goose bumps was very scary for me. But I fell in love with bottle green colour after I read goose bumps hehe, I used to imagine all them ghosts in bottle green color. xD
I used to start the book with the writer note though, I'd amend it and rewrite it by changing R.L Stine's name to mine. I always wanted to be like him. :3
Hey there's a spooky stories page on Ask.fm, it pretty much reminds me of R.L Stine too. :D

[QCM] ask ou facebook? mer ou montagne? espagne ou japon? livre ou magasines? télé ou ordinateur? été ou hiver? tatouage ou piercing?

Mer, c'est cool la mer! :)
Espagne, je n'y suis jamais allé mais bizarrement ça me tente plus que me Japon... :|
Aucun! Bibliophile comme je suis! xD
Ordi! J'aime pas trop la télé...
L'été c'est cool mais les été comme avant pas comme celui qu'on vient d'avoir! :(
Aucun! Je trouve que ça gâche notre physique... :|
Ps: j'aime beaucoup le concept de [QCM] si on pouvais en avoir un peu plus souvent ce ne serait pas de refus! ;)
Liked by: lara

They wrote the little part of Hazel Grace.and they forget to wrote the rest? Story is perfect when its Complete.stories are not like people that we have to accept them with flaws.stories are perfect when they're complete :) .#justsaying

HaMedAxMat’s Profile PhotoHamad Azmat
If you're a bibliophile or a book reader, or if you watch movies, YOU MUST KNOW that the book/movie starts from a certain point of life, not from "my name is Hazel Grace and I just took birth and my mom is going to feed me now" and stuff, and it has a very little part of past and usually nothing written after "THEY LIVED HAPPILY EVER AFTER", so no story is usually complete. And btw, Perfection is imperfection. :)

tbh! HELLOOO YOU AWESOME SAUCE PERSON! :D You're a really funny, awesome, cool, potterhead, dauntless, sherlockian, fangirl, bibliophile and ily :* I've never met anyone like you. <-- compliment! :D

Some are NOT considered 'cause they're already written in my bio. And for the rest, I bet you're cooler, more awesome and funnier than me. I love you too. :** Always a fangirl!
Much love!
#stayblessed \m/
Liked by: Acacia Brooke Rubab

3q: 1. which kind of boys do you prefer? 2. favorite social media and why? 3. thoughts on your besties

1. put God first, sweet, cutee, hott, smartt, good personality, obey God, diligent and hardworking, romantic
2. tumblahh i guess haha, cause i love editing the themes and stuffss
3. Thoughts:
Emily - pinter, cute, cakepp, sweet, trusted bgtt, temenn curhattt yg palingg setiaa :)
Daphne - cakepp, pkee contact lensee, pinterr selfiee hahaha, kocak
Ginaa - my twinniee yg pastii, cakepp, pinter, blakangan ini kta gantian dy yg bacod i diemm
Kimmehh - bibliophile like meehh, kocakk, dontt give up on this babeehh, that thing yg kta berempatt doo when mr bimo comess hahaha pas p6
Gaby h - cakepp, narsiss, tinggii bgtt, pinterr make upp, kocakk
Gaby tj - klo di skola kek ank alim klo lgi jalan" kek partyy peoplee hahaha, cakepp bgtt, rmbutnyaa omeegoshh
Evelyn - diemm bgtt, innocently perverttt! pinter bgtt, rajinnya minta ampuunn
Kathleen - bibliophile like mee and kimm and bell, kocakk, p6 memoriess <3333, dont givee up on this babeehh
Irene - kocakkk, cakepp, rambutnyaa <333, creativeee
Felii - ga nyangka tdi ngasi i dare jahat bgt hahaha, kocakk, kliatan alim pdahal enggaaa! cakepp
Jeanicee - cutest nose in the worldd hahaha, kocakk, my chinese partner in gradee 6, cakepp bgtt
Vincaa - swiftiee, cutee, kocakk, klo dah marahh serem dee kek wktu ituu ke ____,cakepp
Bel" - alimm pdhl gilaa, kocakk, cakepp, bibliophilee hahaha kekk ktaa, dont give up on this babeehhh
doneee! my fingers dahh capeee hahaha

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Name's Prashanth,Class 10,ex-ICSK,current DPS.A slut for philosophy... Photographer,Metalhead,Graphic Artist,Loves Ambient Music,writes poetry to express... Deadpool is my favourite superhero.Devin Townsend and Misha Mansoor are my biggest inspirations.Fellow Bibliophile Loves the cosmos nd Dr.Kaku

WELL THAT IS GREAT. Coz seldom do I find people interested in the Universe.
Yeah, Michio Kaku, I've watched a few of his videos. I like the way he simplifies the cool physics stuffs for young teens to devour.
I like Neil DeGrasse Tyson. I like the higgs shit. It sounds cool. :'D

woowowowowooowooo finally i found a eBook reader and i was't judging you . where do you download all the eBook ?

I Google '*name of book*+free PDF' and water the result page with what remains of my bibliophile dignity.
Liked by: P

haven't I cited examples in my previous question? yung kuha ng dp mo dito parang kanya.. yung pagiging mahilig nya sa books kundi mo naiintindihan yung bibliophile, yung way nya ng pag post. Idk. Nakikita ko yung pagpopost ni Telle sayo. and to answer your question, Yes. Liker ako noon pa man. I kno

Im saying concrete. Sana nagpakita ka ng photo ko na katulad ng post nya. I mean Am I holding the same book?. Or the same camera?. Am I copying all the poses?. Hahaha hala, Ate. Wala akong kine-claim na bookworm ako o bibliophile or ano. IM NOT CLAIMING anything. :) Sabi ko mahilig ako sa books. Tsaka sa pagkakaalam ko, magkaiba kami ni Telle. Sa looks, sa attitudes, treating people. Magkaiba kame.
Ewan ko, parang nonsense naman lahat ng sinasabi mo saken. Eh hindi mo naman ako kilala. Hahaha

Language: English