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The ones of those that I like are: Mouse Trap, Chess, Connect 4, Guess Who. I actually really like Boggle as well. But board games I currently play are Villainous, Secret Hitler, Ticket To Ride (original and Europe), Catan, Machi Koro.

Nice. I don't play many boardgames nowadays besides Chess, Draughts, Mancala, S&L and C4 :) As well as play cards too of course- I've never heard of the one's you just mentioned? They sound fun!

Do you like GOOD boardgames as well or just video games? (The videogames you listed were good by the way; almost as awesome as you seem).

Hell yeah! I grew up on boardgames like Mouse Trap, Monopoly, S&L, Cranium, Puzzles/Jigsaws, Scrabble, Chess, Connect 4, Guess Who etc. It was our foundation of fun as children. We still play boardgames here at home too! 😁

What is your most efficient way to feel the happiest for the longest time if you were short on money? *eating and drinking are not efficient ways in the long term.

NalZE7’s Profile Photoنبيل
Spending time with friends was/is the most efficient way for me to be happy for a long period of time, regardless of the things we did/do. We could watch a movie at the house of one of us, we could play some boardgames or we could just talk, all activities would bring happiness. Spending time with my family would bring the same result as well. No need to spend money either.
Except for that, singing, dancing or reading Manga would also bring me joy and it's also free. Well, you use the internet for the music and the reading, but as it's not expensive, there's no need to worry.

مش المفروض إن ال logical mathmatics intellgence بيقيس ذكاء الشخص، كنت قرأت إن بإمكانك الشخص تطوير جميع أنواع ذكائه إلى آخر حدودها لو عاش مدى الحياة، لكن مع وجود فترة حياة فدا مستحيل، حاليًا لو الشخص ركز على النوع دا فقط من الذكاء ممكن يرتفع معدله؟، ولا الأمر يقتصر على مهاراته فقط ومستواه ثابت؟

مش ده المقياس الوحيد لقياس ذكاء الشخص.. مرة كنت بتناقش مع حد فالنقطة دي وخرجنا بإتفاق مشترك إن تحديد نوع ذكاء واحد اللي هو الذكاء الرياضي وإفتراض إنه النوع الأهم والأوحد من الذكاء ده نتيجة البنائية الإجتماعية المفروضة علينا.
هاوإيفار :D
في 9 أنواع من الذكاء, في الغالب بيكون نوع أو نوعين المسيطرين بأعلى نسبة على ذكاء الشخص والشطارة هنا تعرف تستغلهم إزاي.
بالنسبة لـ الـ logical and mathematical intelligence تقدر ترفعه طبعا. دور على brain teasers و brain games وابدأ حلهم. ألعب boardgames تساعدك خصوصا عالـ logical part زي الشطرنج والسودوكو أو لعبة قمر كده اسمها clue وغيرها يعني أعمل سيرش على board games for strategic thinking هيفيدوك وهتتسلى فنفس الوقت. نزل أبليكيشنز brain training زي Lumosity, Happify, Peak, and Elevate بيركزوا على تنشيط المخ عامة.
وبرضو عشان تستفيد ده لينك فيه شرح لـ أنواع الذكاء الـ 9 وازاي تنميهم وجوا لينك إمتحان يحدد إنت أعلى حاجه أي نوع من الذكاء والوظائف المناسبة لكل حاجه منهم كمان: https://www.aconsciousrethink.com/8522/types-of-intelligence/

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Now it's more rare, I play from time to time with my little cousin when I make her a visitor. My favorites are the Disney Monopoly and "La Bonne Paye" - it's in French, I don't know the equivalent in English sorry ! 🌸💋

Ahhh love the Disney Monopoly! 🐭 Such good memories it brings me! 💕 Yes we have it in Italy too, but I never played 😢
But of course now I play more serious boardgames not the ones I used to play when I was a kid xD Thanks for the question hunnie 🌸✨
Liked by: chiara Loréleï.

Put kok tiba-tiba ga keliatan sc? Di private atau gimana padahal ingin sekali liat putsop jalan-jalan di prancis

Gak kok HEHEHEH kadang update kan tapi di instagram story bukan di snapchat.
Lagian gue jalan-jalan mager banget pegang hp, kebanyakan bengong depan pantai juga atau gak main boardgames sama orang rumah.
Liburan kali ini bener-bener definisi easy life. Hidup gue gak berasa ribet sama sekali, senang 😭🙏🏻✨

if we date i'd constantly hug you from behind if you didn't notice me yet😹i would always feel your jawline and i would have formal dinners with you cause you look great in a suit😻😻i'd play boardgames with you cause you like them?¿ i'd also have slow dances with you cause you look like the type💓

hahah thanks all good but why boardgames we can play something else 😉
Liked by: Iliana Yong maryam

Ness's mother is at a parent/teacher conference.(judgement night as Ness calls it) and one the smash girls is babysitting him. How do they spend the evening?(Zelda is exempted because I know she would not babysit)

William Sargent
You know Zelda too well. :)
Peach: takes him to the city park to play.
Rosalina: bakes him some cookies and then watches a movie together.
Samus: teaches him some new yo-yo tricks.
Palutena: tells him a bunch of silly jokes and teases him about how the conference will turn out.
Lucina: has him play Risk and other boardgames with her and Rob.
Robin: lets him pick a videogame from her collection to play together.
Wii Fit Trainer: plays tag/hide and seek/etc. all night.
Villager: takes him bowling.
Corrin: helps him study.

Cii aku th kdg lelah bgt ldr, klo cici ad ksbukan kan, kalo ak cuma kmpus llu plg kost, trs kalo hang out ama tmn jrg jg soalnya uang jjan i jg trbatas, jd ga bs kyk cici yg bs kmpul trs sma tmn biar ad ksbukan, ak bgung hrs lkuin ap biar bsa alihkan smwa ini, envy bgt sma ci honey yg tajir byk tmn

I think kalo ngampus malah lebih enak because itu busy everyday. Aku sih bener2 maksa sibuk non! Ga sibuk pun harus cari kesibukan hahahahahahah. And i uda jarang juga nih pergi sama temen2.. Pada lagi sibuk masing2 juga huhu!
Anyway bisa kok spend time with friends yang dont require any money! Like you can play boardgames together gitu dirumah.. Or maybe start online shop aja jadi busy plus make money! ?????? or kalo terlalu stress, try playing games! I love games hahahaha

Би ли казала как правиш косплейовете си ? Какви материали използваш предимно и колко време ти отне за най-сложния косплей който си правила :3 . Разкажи за всяко едно събитие от тази година ^w^ и кои са историите на косплеърите които са те впечатлили ? Също и интересни случки на сцена, зад сцената :3

За правенето принципно правя video tutorial-и (опитвам се но все нямам време) >https://www.youtube.com/user/KamekamePrincess/videos и пускам снимки в страничката ми > https://www.facebook.com/RaiAsInParadise
Предимно използвам фибран- той е майката на всички оръжия xD
Най-сложният ми косплей беше и първият ми косплей -Сона мисля, че когато говорим за изработка на косплей времето е относително (всички имат училище,работа и т.н.) но май ми отне към 3-4 месеца .-.
лол ВСЯКО едно this might take a while хмм
Aniplay - принципно с едни мой приятели имахме Attack on Titan група,но не минахме последните елиминации ;~; беше забавно въпреки че не косплей-вах ,имаше много мой познати и приятели с който не се бяхме виждали отдавна xD Тази година имаше по-малко феил-ове от всички досега и групите бяха ок (Dungeons and Dragons беше EPIK @w@ )
East European Comic Con (знам, че не е Българско събитие,но аз присъствах така че се брой като таз годишно xD) проведе се в Румъния и беше невероятно <3 запознах се с две от идолките се (Yaya han и Kamui Cosplay) имаше League of Legends турнири и Boardgames и 3D принтери, направо пълна програма x3
AnimeS bg (Animes Expo) Имаше много хора и имам чувството,че мястото щеше да се спука по шевовете xD (до година смяна на мястото би било удачно според мен ;3) за първи път облякох Лулу косплей-а си и излязох на сцена о.о имаше машина за пушек и балони *w* много ме изкефи караоке конкурса (които спечелих :P) стана гаф с записването на категорията ми, което беше кофти =/ Като цяло беше забавно :3
Anime Bouken (Бургас) беше готино, направих си и pixel art и помагах на приятелите си backstage (за първи път сложих лещи на око което не беше мое xD Имаше много щандчета :3
AniFest (Варна) беше ОГРОМНО .-. srsly xD Бях с Лулу косплей и имаше супер много желаещи за снимка :P (Имаше епик feil с музиката ми за сцената,но Oh well~) Все пак спечелих поощрителна награда ^^ имаше голямо разнообразие от merchendise и беше на удачно място. Не ми беше скучно нито за миг ^w^
''и кои са историите на косплеърите които са те впечатлили ?'' <<< този въпрос не го разбирам .-. май XD
Зад сцената винаги цари пълен хаос, постоянно става нещо забавно или трагично xD
^^^ егати романът написах xDD

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Liked by: Elia

nope im drinking hot choocolate playing boardgames drinking hot cocoa doing jigsaw puzzleees and watching tv and playing boardgaaaammes and drinking hot chocolatte and watching tvvvvv and drinking hot TEAAAA!! LOL

Woaaaah ur drinking two diff beverages while playing two diff gamezzz #multitasking

10 facts about your room 9 facts about yourfamily 8 facts about your appearance 7 facts about your childhood 6 facts about your home town 5 facts about your best friend 4 facts about your parents 3 facts about your personality 2 facts about your favorite things 1 fact about the person you like

this is gonna be long...
my bedroom:
1. it has a toilet in it
2. biggest bedroom in the house
3. has a TV in it
4. it has a double decker
5. the lower bed is almost twice the size of the one on top
6. it has quite a lot of white furniture
7. it has a table in it
8. i don't stick posters on the wall
9. i keep a lot of boardgames there
10. i share it with my 2 sisters
my family:
1. we're 7 in total
2. I'm the 4th child
3. my sister and I are less than a year apart
4. we look alike (duh)
5. our (siblings and I) nicknames all begin with A
6. the girls (excluding my mom) have the same initials
7. the boys (excluding my dad) have the same initials
8. all our second names begin with I
9. we were separated for 4 years due to SARS
my appearance:
1. QUITE tall
2. fat
3. my nails are long and not fat
4. I only have one piercing on each ear
5. I tend to wear blue very often
6. I have a blue mark near my neck bc when I was a child I burnt myself
7. my hair is a bit long
8. I've never "changed" my hair as in dye, perm, straighten, etc.
my childhood:
1. I went to Delia for three days (the only one among my sibs who didn't last a year)
2. studied in the Philippines for 4 years
3. Disney lover
4. I danced a lot
5. I travelled often (even until now)
6. I burnt myself a lot
7. I got sick often
my hometown:
1. it's the Philippines
2. lived there for 4 years
3. was not born there
4. it's rarely cold there
5. it rains a lot
6. it's unique. really.
my best friend:
1. I have two groups of "best friends" each of them have two people excluding me
2. my best friends are all skinny.
3. my very first friend EVER was Ica.
4. I've known two of them my whole life, one since 2008? and the other since 2012
5. I have a guy best friend
my parents:
1. both are full pinoy
2. both have large families
3. i call my father "Pop" and he's the best pop ever.
4. my mom's the corniest but best mom ever.
my personality:
1. talkative
2. sensitive
3. WEIRD. (unexpected?)
my favourite things:
1. they're colorful
2. I use them everyday
the person I like:
1. he's ummm. IDK >:D

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Liked by: Manvi  James Lauren

ryan goslin. justin timberlake. christian bale. robert downey jr. me. all better people than justin bieber and all better looking aswell.

Ryan Gosling - not that hot ngl
Justin Timberlake - hot but not as hot
Christian Bale - ew
Robert Downey jr. - are you joking or
anon - um
Don't even care about hate.
It really annoys me how much people judge Justin, and make him out to be a terrible person. He's a 19 year old, world famous pop star. You can't expect him not to make tiny mistakes. The fact the media turn it into something much bigger and outrageous than it was originally makes things worse. What has Justin ever done to upset you? Yes, he may have behaved badly towards the paparazzi, but anyone would if they had them in their face 24/7, he had every right to do so. I've seen adults have posted on his facebook page calling him bad things, and saying horrible things. Before they even understand that half of it are rumours anyway. I think people need to rethink when they say all teenagers are the bad ones, because some adults are just as horrible. I don't think people realise how much Justin does for charity, he donated £1,000.000 pounds to Comic Relief, and he spends time with children with terminal illnesses. There was a girl called Avalanna, she had a very rare form of cancer. Justin took her up on stage with him and sang to her, prepared a fake marriage for her and called her 'Mrs. Bieber' and spent an afternoon playing boardgames with her, and none of that even gets put in the news? It actually makes me feel sick how the media think they can focus on the bad things rather than the good things and make Justin out to be horrible.

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Language: English