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One day in your life that you want to re-live it. 😊

AdrianaRafaela98’s Profile PhotoAdriianna Rafaella
I want more days like these in my life! Today I got to hand feed a zebra, a camel, llamas, alpacas, goats. We also saw this pretty view, which I'll post in other photos 😃 all these animals are so cute and the feeling when they eat off your hand is so funny. Camel was very gentle, haha. 😃
One day in your life that you want to relive it

The word *PAIN* refers to?

l217062’s Profile Photobb
Feeling helpless. That's the real pain. The other day I saw the video of camel whose leg was ampute. He was crying. Insan toe yar ro k, bol k madad Mang skta. He was crying in pain. He knew, he wouldn't get any help. I could see the helplessness on his face.
Helplessness on the faces of Palestinian people.
When someone close die, you feel helpless. You know you can't do anything about it. You have to live with it.

🚬 1)Во сколько лет ты начал(-а) курить? 2)Планируешь бросить? Если уже бросил(-а), то во сколько лет? 3)Как твои родители отреагировали, когда узнали, что ты куришь? 4)Твои любимые сигареты? 5)Сигареты с какими вкусами ты предпочитаешь? 6)Пробовал(-а) что-то покрепче, чем просто табак?

1. В 18 лет
2. Планирую, но пока что ничего для этого не делаю
3. Я не помню конкретную реакцию, но, понятное дело, им это не понравилось
4. Tradition, Manitou, Marlboro, Camel, Cherokee
5. Обычно беру без вкусов, но иногда с шоколадом или ментолом
6. Пробовал cнюc и мapиxyaнy по одному разу

А давайте по-честному?) Что именно Вас отличает от других? Какие хорошие качества Вам присущи?

-Справедливость,смелость,различная грамотность. Перечисленного этому миру не достаёт от слова совсем. Лично моё окружение в институте полностью шаблонно,без собственного мнения и тем более духа авантюризма,умом особым не отличается и даже не стремится к развитости. Накатывает презрение…
•Вам больше нравится читать длинные и развёрнутые ответы или, наоборот, сжатые и малосодержательные?
-Главное,что ответ содержит. Можно соответствовать фразе «Краткость - сестра таланта»,а в big ответе слишком много ненужной,неинтересной воды налить. И наоборот: выказать скудомыслие в кратком ответе и дать распространённый и обширный на мысли длинный. Одно лишь «но»: иногда ввиду усталости или предпочтительности других дел не захочется читать сии прозы Пушкина.
•Как вам "вкусно и точка"? Сильно хуже макдака?
-Не удалось ещё с момента замены посетить это заведение.
•Какое наказание заслуживает девушка, если она изменила своему мужчине ?
-Однозначно смертная казнь.
•Клуб или прогулка по парку?
-А где вариант «оставаться в покое»?
•Чем занимаешься сейчас?
-Мечтаю о волшебных каплях,которые бы сняли заложенность носа. С каждым днём состояние всё хуже. Температура,отсюда тяжесть в голове,слезящиеся глаза,забывшие,что уже нормализовались при своевременном лечении,насморк и чувство медленного умирания.
•Наверняка же вы не прочь прихватить в магазине какой-нибудь шоколадный батончик под рукав? Или прочь?
-Не возникают такие глупые мысли. Оно того не стоит. + несправедливость. К тому же,я что,не могу заплатить за батончик? Это же мелочь.
•Какой аромат свечей у вас любимый?
•Вы взяли бы в жены женщину, которая не любит готовить, не хозяйственная и т.д.?
-Считаю,что штамп в паспорте может принести только проблемы,а в отношениях ничего не меняет. Я сейчас в том состоянии,когда мне хорошо только в одиночестве,сравнительно с любовными отношениями,поэтому подобные вопросы теряют смысл.
•Какую марку сигарет предпочитаете,уважаемый?
-По сути,без разницы,лишь бы с капсулой. Обычно беру «Camel» - предложили при первой покупке после долгого перерыва и неприобретения сигарет. «Camel» меня вполне устроил,поэтому стал брать его и впредь.
•У тебя очень красивые волосы на руках
-Спасибо,мне они тоже нравятся. Украшают руки.
•Хочешь дружить по переписке?)
-Если этого хочет вторая сторона.
•Что вы думаете о садовых гномах?
-Поселил бы у себя в саду. Для начала,конечно,стоит обладать садом… В «Норе» семьи Уизли они создавали дополнительный уют. Но не их выдворение - по-моему,жестоко (Гарри,впрочем,с близнецами Уизли пришлось по душе развлечение) по отношению к малому народу.
•Три твоих любимых смайла?

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А давайте почестному Что именно Вас отличает от других Какие хорошие качества

Je laisserai la chambre comme elle l'a laissée L'odeur de Camel, Gauloises mêlée Afin que la lumière retienne Son ombre nue dans les persiennes Au bout du quai tombe le jour Je reste là sentant l'amour

J'voulais fumer une clope sur la Lune
C'était le moment idéal, cet orage un soir d'été
Mais à chaque fois que je prends le chemin des étoiles
Il y a toujours quelqu'un ici qui me retient par les pieds
Je voulais fumer une clope sur la lune
On m'a dit, "tu manques pas d'air"
J'ai dû me contenter du lampadaire
Tous ceux qui m'ont vu perché là m'ont dit, "descends"
Me lançant ce genre de regard qui vous tranche la tête
La plupart du temps j'assume mais
Bien souvent je n'en peux plus d'être là
Pourtant quand j'étais enfant, j'étais toujours dans la lune
La différence, c'est peut-être qu'à cette époque, je ne fumais pas
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EY6M8nl3AdgAngieART’s Video 171244137756 EY6M8nl3AdgAngieART’s Video 171244137756 EY6M8nl3Adg
Liked by: H. Tigers Dark

Share a religious reminder. 🙂

Ahmednorthowed’s Profile PhotoAhmed Mahmood
Tawakkul is saying
حَسْبُنَا اللَّهُ وَ نِعْمَ الْوَ كِيلُ
When you're standing over a well of burning fire and trusting that Allah is sufficient for you. When Allah sees how you blindly trust Him, he'll turn the fire into a beautiful garden for you.
Tawakul is trusting that Allah will protect the kabah, even though a huge army with the biggest, strongest elephants you can find, is approaching to destroy the kabah. And Allah sends birds with pea sized pebbles that destroys the entire army, the Kabah remains protected.
Tawakkul is keeping your baby in a basket and letting him sail off in a river, trusting that Allah will protect the little one and guess what? Finding your way back to your baby and having the honor of feeding him and taking care of him.
We worry about the problems of this world, we worry about our 'time' as if time itself isn't a creation of Allah?
We worry that He can't see our pain.. Like? HE CAN'T SEE IT? He's taking care of every single creation of His, even if it's a tiny ant in a cave farrrr away from people. Even that ant gets its rizq daily, as long as it is willed for it to live. So Allah can't see us? Tawakkul is trusting that He sees our pain, our worries, our struggles and knowing that He and only He can open paths for us. The paths that are right for us. As they say, tie your camel and leave the rest to Allah. Do whatever's in your power and then let Allah do what He has written for you.
As I like to say, then 'chill' 😂

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Share a religious reminder

Sigara Marka önerebilir misiniz 3 yıldır camel black ve monte carlo içiyorum başka bişey önerir misiniz değiştirmek istiyorum

İnstrak blue tütün önerebilirim sigara içeceksen. Marka önermem çok para. 100 liralık tütün seni 1,5 hafta götürür.
Liked by: Aries a

Is everyone evil in some form or another?

I believe that there is lesser evil just like minor sin but as I have read there is no one good other than God alone is good. Eternal Life in the kingdom [MARK17]AsYahshuawas coming out to the road, a man came running to him and knelt in front of him. He askedYahshua, “Good Teacher, what should I do to inherit eternal life?”
Yahushuasaid to him, “Why do you call me good? No one is good except God alone.You know the commandments: Never murder. Never commit adultery. Never steal. Never give false testimony. Never cheat. Honor your father and mother.”
The man replied, “Teacher, I’ve obeyed all these commandments since I was a boy.”
Yahushualooked at him and loved him. He told him, “You’re still missing one thing. Sell everything you have. Give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then follow me!”
When the man heard that, he looked unhappy and went away sad, because he owned a lot of property.
Yahshualooked around and said to his disciples, “How hard it will be for rich people to enter the kingdom of God!”
The disciples were stunned by his words. ButYahushuasaid to them again, “Children, how hard it is to enter the kingdom of God!It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God.”
This amazed his disciples more than ever. They asked each other, “Who, then, can be saved?” Yahushualooked at them and said, “It’s impossible for people to save themselves, but it’s not impossible for God to save them. Everything is possible for God.” Then Peter spoke up, “We’ve given up everything to follow you.”
Yahushuasaid, “I can guarantee this truth: Anyone who gave up his home, brothers, sisters, mother, father, children, or fields because of me and the Good Newswill certainly receive a hundred times as much here in this life. They will certainly receive homes, brothers, sisters, mothers, children and fields, along with persecutions...

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Liked by: Smile Jacky C.M.

How would you feel if this site were to shut down?

J_A1996’s Profile PhotoJ
Jordan.... May a million Camel fleas attack your balls in your sleep tonight.... Don't even joke about that 🤬🤬🤬
Liked by: Astrophile

100 рублей или 100 друзей?

На 100 рублей можно купить camel и курить вместе с моими 3-мя друзьями. А нахуя мне 100 друзей, если мне одному другу ответить на сообщение лень

Какие сигареты курите,курили?

Сейчас не назвал бы это курением, а только так, если очень приспичило, но это бывает слишком редко, а раньше курил такие: LM, Marlboro, Winston, Lucky Strike, Kent и Camel (только синие или зелёные).

1)Какие сигареты ты куришь? 2)Какие языки ты знаешь? 3)Какие языки программирования ты знаешь? 4)Твои любимые цвета? 5)Любимая музыкальная группа? 6)Любимые смайлики?

1) Marlboro, Camel, Chapman
2) Русский, английский
3) C++
4) Черный, зеленый
5) My Chemical Romance
6) ❤️‍🔥

Значит смотри, электронка или нормальные сиги? И почему! Я вот за нормальные, ибо это какая-то атмосфера момента что ли..

Электронки не воспринимаю за сигареты,поэтому мне привычнее традиционные сижки,с кнопкой вообще шикарно по типу play или camel

‏من أعظم نعم الله :ان تصبح وتمسي وانت معافى فهي نعمة لا يدركها الا من يفتقدها ، الحمد لله عدد خلقه ورضى نفسه وزنة عرشه ومداد كلماته صباح الخير

يا ريت نعم الله تمتد لكل البشرية بالتساوي 🌚 وما يضطرون اهل يعرفون اطفالهم عدهم سرطان بالعظام ....عدد كل المعاناة والشر بنفسك
او ما نطلب هواي...ممكن الحيوانات ما يتمرضن لأن هنة ماعدهن اختبار ولا ناقة بالموضوع؟
Get it? A camel cuz they are animals lol

Don't you mind to chat? Wanna know something What's trending clothes right now?

2021 clothing trends include mid-length skirts, feminine pink hue, luxe velvet fabric, trendy athleisure, hot off-the-shoulder tops, attractive statement sleeves, cool stripes and embroidered patches. You can wear Midi Skirts anytime, anywhere. They are easy-to-wear, voguish and smart.
Oversized Shoulderpad Boyfriend Jackets
Black Face Masks
Head Scarfs
Sorbet Pastel Tones
Yellow Bags
Folk Inspired Coats
White Knee High Boots
Yellow and Camel Color Styling
Liked by: Navpreet Rishabh Raj

أرسل أول صورة موجودة في ألبوم الكاميرا لديك.

ودي المعديه والترم دا كل species خدناها equine, cattle, camel, sheep & pets .مكنش ناقص بس غير pigs وكانت تبقي جبرت اووي .لا واي viral ,&bacterial.🤦😢
انا هفسح السحليه 🦎
أرسل أول صورة موجودة في ألبوم الكاميرا لديك

Test sobre el tabaco: 1- A que edad empezaste a fumar? 2- Que marca sueles fumar? 3- Cuanto fumas al día? 4- Fumas ansiedad o nervios o porque te gusta y da placer? 5- Sabes hacer trucos con el humo? 6- Te gustaría dejar de fumar algún día?

1- 15 o 16 2- camel 3- pues no se poco 4- pues no se porque me apetece 5- no 6- claro

#DailyDupleX 😎🌐🎮 Te dohányzol?🚬 Ha igen, ✅ melyik a kedvenced?😁 Ha nem, 🚭 próbáltad már, vagy szeretnéd kipróbálni?

DupleXDreemurr’s Profile PhotoColdBlood
Igen,dohányzom 🥴 hát nekem a Marlboro touch nagyon bejött,de amióta nagyon drága lett át szoktam egy másik cigire a camelre, de abból is a világos kék Silver compact camel 🚬

Asc, I am a young teen who is suffering from bad history I've done things that I true regret And i ask allah all mighty to forgive everyday I'm just worried I might go back to my ways is there ways I can stop myself

Walikum Asalam warhmutu wabrakatuhu
Welcome to you, and thank you for your question, I am glad at what I read from you, congrats for returning to Allah..
Feeling cringed and sad about bad deeds indicates a good condition of your heart, hopefully.. Many people are dipped in sins but their conscience is too dim to remind them
But don't despairs of mercy and relief of Allah, for that He is pleased with Muslim's repentance.
Allah says (interpretation of the meaning):
"Say, "O My servants who have transgressed against themselves [by sinning], do not despair of the mercy of Allah . Indeed, Allah forgives all sins. Indeed, it is He who is the Forgiving, the Merciful."
Quran 39:53
And His prophet, Muhammad -peace be upon him- says:
"Verily, Allah is more pleased with the repentance of His slave than a person who has his camel in a waterless desert carrying his provision of food and drink and it is lost. He, having lost all hopes (to get that back), lies down in shade and is disappointed about his camel; when all of a sudden he finds that camel standing before him. He takes hold of its reins and then out of boundless joy blurts out: 'O Allah, You are my slave and I am Your Rabb (Lord)'.He commits this mistake out of extreme joy"
And to keep guarded your repentance, do not come near or approach the things that will eventually lead you to the sin itself, everything that makes it easier for you to commit the sin, try to not come near it.
The same goes for the steps of shaytaan (satan) because won't directly whisper evil to the Muslim, but he will take graduate steps Be known to you, sister, repentance erases what has passed of.. It would even turn into favors if your repentance was really true.
I invite you and encourage you to seek forgiveness from Allah, give charity and ask Allah to strengthen you and guide to the right path
Also, please do watch this:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MuWNqSy9BbQAnonymousMusl10’s Video 163426495856 MuWNqSy9BbQAnonymousMusl10’s Video 163426495856 MuWNqSy9BbQ

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AnonymousMusl10’s Video 163426495856 MuWNqSy9BbQAnonymousMusl10’s Video 163426495856 MuWNqSy9BbQ

If in desperate situations.. Let say we hv no other place to pray unless while driving in case of traffic jam ... How can i pray in car or train or plane at the sit ? What the condition? Do i need to redo the pray after come back home?

Firstly, If you are not traveling but you are in a car, And the time of the obligatory prayer has come, You can pray at any time before the time of the next obligatory prayer, You can park your car, And make Wudu if you are not on Wudu with a bottle of water, Then face The Qiblah (he can use mobile compass application), And pray the prayer.
If he is travelling with car, He can pray Al-Zhor or Al-Asr at any time of their time ( between Al-Zaher prayer's time till before Al-Maghrib prayer's time) Also Al-Maghrib And Aisha he can pray them at Any time of their time ( between Al-Maghrib prayer's time till befor Mid-night)
Also, If he started the travelling before Al Fajer time for Example,
He could park on the road and pray Al-Fajer before the sunrise,
For the plane and train
If he wants to offer a naafil prayer, then he may pray in whatever direction he is facing and he does not have to face the qiblah, because it is proven that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to pray on his camel no matter what direction it was facing,
for bligatory prayer ,
If the time for prayer comes and the plane is continuing its journey, and there is the fear that the time for prayer may end before it lands in an airport, then the scholars are unanimously agreed that it is obligatory to offer the prayer as best as one is able to, bowing, prostrating and facing the qiblah if one can, because Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
“So keep your duty to Allaah and fear Him as much as you can” [al-Taghaabun 64:16].
And the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “When I command you to do a thing, do as much of it as you can.” Narrated by Muslim (1337).
But if he knows that the plane will land before the time for the prayer ends and that he will have enough time to offer the prayer then, or if the prayer is one that may be joined with another, such as Zuhr with ‘Asr or Maghrib with ‘Isha’, or he knows that the plane will land before the end of the time for the second prayer and that he will have enough time to offer both prayers, then the majority of scholars are of the view that it is permissible to offer the prayer in the plane, because of the command to offer the prayers on time to the best of one’s ability, as stated above, and this is the correct view.
End quote.

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Mit welcher Zigarettenmarke hast du damals angefangen und welche rauchst du jetzt? Falls du heute eine andere Marke rauchst als früher, warum hast du gewechselt?

Angefangen habe ich mit keiner speziellen Marke, kam erst später da habe ich Marlboro oder Camel geraucht, aber dann umgestiegen auf Pall Mall und die rauche ich immer noch ...
Liked by: Dirk Wiesener m Malik

Куришь? (Какие сигареты? Любишь кальян, вейп и тд? Во сколько лет и из-за чего ты начал(-а) курить? Почему не бросаешь? Или уже бросил(а)?) Пьёшь? (Любимый алкогольный напиток? Стараешься ли ты не пить или пьёшь когда хочешь? Как часто пьёшь?)

курю camel с арбузом.
кальян не пробовала и не хочу, вейп - когда перепадет, но очень редко.
курить начала год назад, из-за стресса, ахахаах
не бросаю, потому что не хочу
пью, белое сухое вино. ну раньше, буквально месяц назад меня никто не спрашивал хочу я или нет, всегда тащили за собой 😂 тогда я квасила конечно очень много и недели не прошло, что бы я не пила

Masz ulubioną piosenkę/kilka ulubionych piosenek, które ostatnio lubisz słuchać? 🎧 Jak tak, to które to są? A jak nie masz takiej/takich to podasz tę, którą ostatnio słuchałeś albo tę która zapadła Ci w pamięci? 😊

BasiaToJaXD’s Profile Photoвαѕιααα ⏯
Oczywiście, że mam. Muzyka jest moją pasją podobnie jak siatkówka, więc słucham jej bardzo dużo, a cały mój gust jest mocno eklektyczny. W playliście mam i bardzo dużo muzyki metalowej, jak i klasycznej rockowej, współczesnej, a także dużo bluesa czy jazzu. Najbardziej ostatnio upodobałem sobie jednak rock progresywny, nawet nie tyle w takich stricte klasycznych zespołach jak Pink Floyd czy King Crimson. Jakbym miał podać tak z 5 piosenek to:
1. Marillion - Just for the Record
2. Camel - Lady Fantasy
3. Collage - Living in the Moonlight (polski zespół)
4. Rush - Limelight
5. Genesis - Firth of Fifth

Let’s see, probably like cats and dogs could be seen. Snakes. Camels or donkeys maybe? I’m really not sure what would be just in town while you’re walking😂

😂😂😂😂😂 Camel There is no camel this in the desert Yes, it is possible donkey or horse😂 Lol
you forgot the most important thing mice and lizards😂😂😂
but snakes yes, in Egypt snakes but in next town I think
not in my town
+17 answers in: “How are you?”

What is the difference between Islam and Muslims? What is their tradition? What is the symbol for Islam? Who started religion? Can Islamic eat everything? Do Islamic do Ramadan? If it is yes, are there differences between Muslim and Islamic?

The Muslim is the name that indicates for the person who is following Islam.
No one has invented this word rather Allah himself called us that way.
Allah named you "Muslims"
Quran 22:78
Their traditions:
We have many traditions but the most important of them is Ramadan, Eid-al-Fitr and Eid-al-Adha.
Ramadan: In the ninth month of the Muslim Calendar, it is the period of time when Muslims abstain from food and drink between the time of sunrise to sunset.
Eid al-Fitr: The celebration that marks the official end of Ramadan.
Eid-ul-Adha, the greater Eid, which follows the completion of the annual Hajj pilgrimage, at the time ofthe sacrifice to share it with people who can't afford to buy it and those who don't find anything to eat. [ The sacrificial animal must be a sheep, lamb, goat, cow, bull or a camel ]
Then the meat can then divided into three equal portions per share; one-third is for you and your family, one-third is for friends, and the final third is to be donated to those in need.
Thecrescentmoon andstarAlthough Islam has no symbol doctrinally associated with it, the symbol of thecrescentmoon andstar(hilalin Arabic) is now widely used to symbolize Islam.
Islam is not a new religion but all prophets came to teach people Islam, all came to call people to believe in one God and obey his commandments, so we consider Jesus , Moses
,Abraham etc are all Muslims including Muhammad who was not the founder of Islam but the last prophet of Islam. he came to teach people the correct pure message after it was altered and modified.
Islam is the creed that agrees with what all the prophets and messengers came with. Islam came to adjust the path of faith that went awry and it came to return people to the path of all the prophets starting with Adam, going by Noah, Salih, Job, Eber, Abraham, Moses, David, Jonah, Aaron and Jesus. All of these came with the message that their God is just one; according to the Torah and Gospel.
We can't eat or drink anything harmful.
“There should be neither harming nor reciprocating harm.”
So, You will find that Islam prohibited some types of food like: alcohol, pork... etc.
Yes, Muslims Should fast in Ramadan because it's considered one of the 5 pillars of Islam.
Islamic is an adjective attributed to anything which related to Islam. Like the Islamic Law, Islamic Countries, Islamic Trading... etc
Let me know if I understand your question probably.

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Camel azzurre. Ho passato diverse marche perchè mi stancavo, ma devo dire che sono ferma alle camel da circa 2 anni. Buone le Marlboro gold, mi piacciono. Mai provato anche le touch?

Greta_Ozzola’s Profile PhotoFeline ∆
Sii, le touch le ho fumate per un bel po', poi sono passato alle gold, le camel azzurre anche ho fumato proprio agli inizi, poi sono passato appunto alle touch per qualche anno ed ora sono circa 2 o 3 anni che fumo le gold😅
+7 answers in: “Ciao Tu fumi?”

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