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Write something for your heart ❤️

AbdelrahmanRamdanSalah’s Profile PhotoRamaViç98
How can we measure the nature of time?
The strength of sunrise or tire o’ Chronos chime?
Chasing, toiling, or stretching thin?
Who weighs the force of man within?
Who determines failure or the sway of might?
Be we all Sisyphus, scorned and no right?
Or are we Atalanta, conquering fates of the Gods?
May no meter capture the luck of our odds?
Perhaps we’re all seconds, no matter or mean?
Or perhaps we’re last champion one second redeem?
To leave it all up to fate would be pity and shame,
For valor favors the strong, the witty, and those who claim—
Let us seek then to make, to weave, and tell songs,
Of the dust we created by the fates we proved wrong—
Let not man submit to defeat or to blame,
Instead let us rally, this life yet to tame.
Write something for your heart

Post something you wanna share with others. It can be anything.📍✨

Bruna_Rajoot’s Profile PhotoBruna Rajput
I saw my life branching out before me like the green fig tree in the story. From the tip of every branch, like a fat purple fig, a wonderful future beckoned and winked. One fig was a husband and a happy home and children, and another fig was a famous poet and another fig was a brilliant professor, and another fig was Ee Gee, the amazing editor, and another fig was Europe and Africa and South America, and another fig was Constantin and Socrates and Attila and a pack of other lovers with queer names and offbeat professions, and another fig was an Olympic lady crew champion, and beyond and above these figs were many more figs I couldn't quite make out. I saw myself sitting in the crotch of this fig tree, starving to death, just because I couldn't make up my mind, which of the figs I would choose. I wanted each and every one of them, but choosing one meant losing all the rest, and, as I sat there, unable to decide, the figs began to wrinkle and go black, and, one by one, they plopped to the ground at my feet.

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Personally, what would be your ultimate sacrifice?

I've hit rock bottom, and I got my sorry ass out of it. I sacrifice my world to get out of that relationship. No one can say that I am not a champion 🏆. Life is truly about evolving. My profolio evolution will blow anyone's mind.

You want to know what's nice? It might not really smell like him.. I mean it surprisingly still kinda does, but barely smells like him though I've washed it. But MaiTys champion shirt I love wearing it 😘❤️🥰 I love him

AppetizingAsh333’s Profile Photo♥future ∞ Mrs. Thick'ems♪™
That is awesome that ya still have tys shirt yet and also that was so awesome yesterday to see ya ride in a 1969 mustang and here's my 1969 mercury cougar xr7 convertible it still needs a trunk key yet 😊 hope you're having a great Friday so far 😊
You want to know whats nice It might not really smell like him I mean it

Nosisz jakieś markowe ciuszki, czy totalnie nie ma dla Ciebie różnicy, co masz na sobie ? A może masz jakąś ulubioną firmę ?

Kupuję ubrania w sieciówkach, typu Sinsay, Reserved, Cropp czy House, ale też w typowo sportowych 4F, Kaes czy Martes Sport. Natomiast buty zawsze markowe New Balance, Adidas, Puma, Fila, ostatnio z Champion.
Liked by: X ¬paperflowers°

— ❪⠀⠀⠀❛⠀⠀⠀Guilty all the same.⠀⠀╱⠀⠀part 04

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⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ❛❛⠀h̷e̷a̷r̷t̷ ̷o̷f̷ ̷a̷ ̷c̷h̷a̷m̷p̷i̷o̷n̷⠀⠀⠀⠀ ════════════╗
⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀.⠀ ⠀.⠀ ⠀.⠀ ⠀.⠀ ⠀.⠀ ⠀.⠀ ⠀.⠀ ╱⠀ @bad__habits ⠀ .
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⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀i got⠀fire⠀from⠀the⠀stone,⠀blood⠀from the⠀ice
⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀i was born to run ❪⠀ ✈⠀⠀ https://jpst.it/3KbHZ ⠀❫
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⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀to get⠀w̲h̲e̲r̲e̲ i am, ⠀to do ⠀what ⠀i've ⠀⠀d o n e.
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Guilty all the samepart 04

Grill the Grid (again! :D) nenne jeden f1 Champion. 🐞🐊⭐️🐈‍⬛ Wer schlägt sich am besten und wer verzweifelt?

milchbaer’s Profile Photomaterialki
let's gooo...grill the grid!
🐞 Wittgenstein: Leider enden die Vettel-Parallelen bei August hier - die letzten zehn, fünfzehn Jahre kriegt er hin, immerhin war er während denen im Grid, aber davor...? Er kriegt bestimmt die meisten Weltmeister zusammen, aber ihnen das passende Jahr zuordnen wird schwierig. (Seine Ausrede ist, dass er andere Sachen zu tun hat. Kinder erziehen, und sowas.)
🐊 Seneviratne: Akila hat ein etwas löschriges Hirn, wenn es um Daten geht. Die letzten paar Weltmeister kriegt er hin - immerhin kennt er die persönlich - aber ab 2018 wird's schwierig für ihn. (Ein sehr fragendes "...Ono?" bringt ihn dann doch noch zu 2017, aber da ist dann auch Schluss. Da war der mit der Formel 3 beschäftigt, okay?)
⭐ van den Heuvel: Felix liebt den Sport, bei ihm ist es wohl am wahrscheinlichsten dass er alle Fahrer inklusive Jahr zusammenkriegt. In den 60ern und 50ern wird er vielleicht stolpern, aber mindestens bis '93 muss er sowieso kommen, und den Rest kriegt er dann auch noch irgendwie hin.
🐈‍⬛ Ono: Er mag die lustigen Grill the Grid-Sachen - das Fahrer nach Größe sortieren, Nummern, Strecken auf der Weltkarte verordnen...aber Champions aufzählen? Da macht er lieber mit Absicht den Kimi - zählt bis zu seinen Titeln runter und nennt dann jemanden, von dem er ganz genau weiß dass es NICHT stimmt. ("Ach, 2011? Das war definitiv van den Heuvel...welcher? Irgendeiner.")

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c l a n c y / / part 5.

yulia_pizza’s Profile Photomøn amí
мы пришли к заключительному этапу! поздравляю всех нас с этим. последний этап будет довольно простым.
в течение двух недель (2 - 15 мая) к постам будут прикрепляться строчки - перевод песен twenty one pilots на испанский язык. ваша задача: написать эту строчку на английском языке и название песни.
для точности я думала еще прикреплять название Альбома, из которого взят трек, но тогда бы ваша задача состояла лишь в том, чтобы посмотреть переводы всех песен из данного Альбома и найти там строчку. слишком легко! поэтому в качестве подсказки я буду писать год выхода песни.
0: La vida se mueve lentamente en el fondo del océano / 2021
вводим фразу в переводчик (в моем случае это Яндекс-переводчик) и получаем перевод:
Life moves slowly at the bottom of the ocean
я знаю тексты песен, а тут как раз начало фразы на испанском точно совпадает с началом фразы на английском, но всё же проверяю песни, которые вышли в 2021 году. всё совпадает, ведь это песня Saturday! и вот строчка оригинала:
Life moves slow on the ocean floor
ответ: clancy-5 ( 0 ) : Saturday, Life moves slow on the ocean floor
ваши ответы отправляйте мне на личный профиль, ниже повторяю шаблон:
clancy-5 ( *номер задания* ) : песня, строчка оригинала на английском
присылать запросы можно в любой момент до публикации итогов.
16 мая я подведу итоги пятого тура.
к сожалению, выход Альбома Clancy перенесен на 24 мая, но финал конкурса будет как и обещала - 17 мая.
|-/ i used to be the champion of a world you can`t see.
[ no problem ]

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c l a n c y   part 5

У Вас есть любимый парфюм? Если есть, то какой?

id187519497’s Profile Photoinspiration
После того, как женился, ни разу не покупал себе парфюма. Потому что мне его дарят и чаще всего жена. Сам покупал только жене, своей матери и теще. То, что мне дарят, все любимы. Ныне пользуюсь туалетной водой, которую подарила внучка Анастасия. На пузырьке написано:
Positive Parfum - Tuareg Champion Paris Dakar
В машину, мне подарила сноха
Автопарфюм INVICTUS, ароматизатор.

And now the new undisputed heavyweight champion of the world

Why, me? 💅🏻
I’d like to thank my mum and dad, friends, family and my fans. A huge thank you to everyone who travelled today
It’s an honour

Share a story about smth u love

lost_duck’s Profile PhotoGE
When JR Capablanca was very young (like 5 years) he was watching a chess game between his uncle and his father. The pieces were accidentally hit. The young kid automatically rearranged them in perfect order. They all were awed. His father then took him to the local chess club, where he easily and surprisingly defeated Every single player. His father, very sadly, limited his chess play for some rare hours lest the young kid should neglect his studies and develop a chess obsession. This very young kid grew up to become the third world chess champion, the fastest human to play chess, and the idol that inspired thousands to love and play simple brilliant chess till TODAY.
Liked by: منة GE

*Shadow's confused, that is very clearly a corpse yes, but he could have sworn before he illuminated the tunnel that the figure was standing. Not really possible for a limbless corpse to stand, he gets closer to investigate, hands becoming clawed just in case*

forgottenfifth’s Profile PhotoShadow
There's a journal next to him.
"Day 1: heading up to Mount Silver to challenge Red and take the title of Champion! Man I'm excited... I'm bringing along Celebi, Typholosion, Cyndaquil and the Unowns as my team, hope it's enough!
Day 2: Made it to the base of Mount Silver! ...Gee, the stories really are true, there's a big snowstorm towards the peak, hope Red is okay up there, people are saying he hasn't come down yet...
Day 3: Made it to the top! The blizzard is going strong, but I dressed warm, brought enough supplies and my fire types will keep me warm. I think I see Red's cabin too! Hope he doesn't mind if I rest up a bit."
The other entries are ripped out, the leather soaked in blood. All that's eligible is a hastily scribbled note towards the back.
".............I'm going to die up here."

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Liked by: Red Blue Vio Shadow

Cuál es vuestro color favorito? El mío el azul y luego el rojo jaj os leo🤭

lauri_villenera’s Profile PhotoLaurivillenera
@lauri_villenera 🍏 Hola Lauri, buen fin de semana 🏝️
Ettoo... no tengo color fav, suelo usar negro, azul oscuro, rojo oscuro 😎
🎶 ♬ ♪ ♫
Coldplay 👉 Londres, Inglaterra 🤘 www.coldplay.com
Chris Martin (vocal, key, guitar), Jonny Buckland (guitar1, voices), Guy Berryman (bass, key, voices), Will Champion (drums).
Rock, pop, alternativo. CD 2000/2021.
Ficha: https://ask.fm/salquial/answers/127149006137
🎵 🎙️
Coldplay - Yellow (2000)
https://youtu.be/T8FZWMIfvrssalquial’s Video 171491127097 T8FZWMIfvrssalquial’s Video 171491127097 T8FZWMIfvrs
🎵 ♫
Coldplay - Speed Of Sound (2005)
https://youtu.be/FReGzcMX3posalquial’s Video 171491127097 FReGzcMX3posalquial’s Video 171491127097 FReGzcMX3po
🎵 ♬
Coldplay - Lovers In Japan (2008)
https://youtu.be/GTjWf4k0XXwsalquial’s Video 171491127097 GTjWf4k0XXwsalquial’s Video 171491127097 GTjWf4k0XXw
🎵 ♪
Coldplay - A Head Full Of Dreams (2015)
https://youtu.be/cpefiheWDqAsalquial’s Video 171491127097 cpefiheWDqAsalquial’s Video 171491127097 cpefiheWDqA
🎵 🎸
Cuál es vuestro color favorito El mío el azul y luego el rojo jaj os leo

Where do you usually buy your clothes? Any fav brands? Ever bought anything from facebook or instagram page?

Champion, Adidas, Nike, Under Armour, Victoria's Secret, Hollister, American Eagle, Rue 21. The first 5 brands I can get at Kohls or sports stores. The rest are their own stores. I don't buy clothes from Facebook or Instagram no. Don't buy anything from them.
Liked by: ♡GeorgiAnnA♡

What was the most painful thing after a break up?

The most painful thing was knowing that the future I thought we had was over in a second, and I was blocked on every social media and basically treated like I'd never even existed. That was the really hard part. Over time, what was hard were reminders that would come when I didn't want them. Somebody would ask "Are they __ now?" I had no idea what they were doing, and not only was it painful to be asked that out of the blue anyway, but also because it was a reminder of how swiftly I was cut out. Then, I'd be doing something and be reminded of them. Maybe it was a song, a similar environment, or maybe just the vibe/feeling was the same, even if the activity and place had nothing to do with them. The random reminders hurt the most because I had no control over when the emotions or memories would show up, and I didn't have the ability to just push them out. The random reminders made me feel like I'd never move on or get better. There was a long while when I couldn't even go to the upstairs part of my house, because they'd lived there for a while, so going up there felt like I was surrounded by a ghost in every room. I'm doing well now, a lot better than I was, but there are still moments when it hurts. Thankfully, it's nowhere near as often as it once was, and overall I'd say I'm making progress and finally feeling like I'm healing.
My ex was an incredibly charismatic narcissist and I was an undiagnosed autistic with ADHD ODD and anxiety disorders. He was a champion of the people and I was the embarrassing immature monster always saying and doing things that upset people (it's weird being considered a naive child and a grown master manipulator all at once). Yeah my ex had my family convinced I was the bad guy (easy to do given they had known me my whole life and already thought I was a terrible person) and tried to get my son taken off me so he could have him (which he only wanted as a means to control me he doesn't actually want any responsibilities). Those initial weeks getting through that was fucking ROUGH. The terror of knowing you need to go to work to get bills paid but knowing you could show up to daycare and your child has just disappeared into the arms of someone who only plans to use them as a pawn? I shudder to look back on it. This time last year I was devastated over the breakup of my first real relationship with my first love. I remember the unbearable pain and at the time, I thought that I would never stop feeling it and that it would just follow me around forever. Fast forward to today and I no longer feel that particular heartbreak - but as the summer comes to a close and I'm facing having to say goodbye to a guy I just fell in love with, there's another kind of heartbreak I have to endure. This kind of pain is a cycle, since everyone will inevitably leave in one way or another, and the feeling of heartbreak and loss is unavoidable once you're vulnerable enough to fall in love. It's the price you pay for a moment of happiness.

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What is something you’ve said online that people got unreasonably angry about?

GlindaBells’s Profile PhotoPumpkin Spice Glinda
I generally avoid posting controversial stuff online…except for here. It would have been something on YA GS. One female member bragged about working for a divorce lawyer who helped men. I said “Don’t confuse taking a job for a paycheck with being a champion for men’s rights.” She did not like that.
I’m sure I’ve offended you previously, but you managed your frustration well.

Es salir con universitarias la autentica ruina? El otro dia quedo con una del tinder para salir de fiesta, me cojo 50 euros y va ella y se me presenta con 6 euros. 6 euros para toda la noche!! Osea que se piensan? Que me voy a gastar el cash que gano doblando el lomo en la obra en invitarla a copas?

Porque irán a conocerte y hablar tranquilamente no ponerse hasta el culo como tu porque te piensas que de primeras vas a pinchar champion

سپریم کورٹ کے آج کے فیصلے پر کچھ کہنا چاہیں گے؟

I know it’s going to hurt a lot of sentiments but the fact is that by deciding to subvert the constitution instead of facing a perfectly constitutional process, Imran Khan put the final nail in his own coffin. The disgraced, fascist Premier; the self-proclaimed champion of Islam and patriotism who is about to be sent home in Ramadan. Down with Fascism!

Can we have intro if you dont mind if intrested question back :)

Im Maryam.
Mostly silent or boring.
Kinda like werid stuff (doesn't include drugs and alcohol).
Someone who doesn't know how to interact basically.
Needs a lot of motivation even for a minor thing.
You cannot hurt me as I'm a champion in ignoring.
Sometimes philosophical and mostly dumb.
Serial killers names in my interest list here is not bcoz i like them, it's bcz im interested in reading abt them.
I usually dont sleep at night.
I like ppl who recommend me dark and mystery containing series and books.
I like to vanish in between conversations.
If you share memes thn im your best friend

DROP IT - A Picture of Goofy-YOU - A.

King_of_Bristol’s Profile PhotoArian Henry Winston
Arian fing Annie mit seinen Armen von hinten ein, ein schiefes, schelmisches Grinsen auf den Lippen da sie seine unkluge Wortwahl kritisierte und spontan entschied, dass er so unromantisch doch lieber auf der Couch bei dem Paarungsverhalten seiner Eisbären bleiben sollte.
"Moment! Moooment, gib mir ne Chance...!"
Der Brite räusperte sich grinsend und kündigte an: "Achtung, superromantic. Hör genau zu!"
Er lehnte sich zu ihrem Ohr.
"Hörst du genau zu, Annie?"
Dabei kamen seine Lippen näher an ihr Ohr. So nahe, dass er sie fast mit jenen berührte und sie die leisen Atemzüge von ihm auf ihrer Haut fühlen konnte.
Atemzüge und Stille.
Seine Arme fest um sie mit die er sie längst eingefangen hatte.
".....BUH!" kam es völlig unerwartet von ihm.
Sie hörte wie der 38 Jährige hinter ihr anfing zu lachen, sie losließ und an ihr vorbeilief in Richtung Treppen.
"Wer zuletzt oben ist muss Vinnie die Windeln wechseln!" rief er noch on top während er lachend zwei Treppen auf einmal nahm und genau wusste dass sie preggo alleine durch den überraschungseffekt gehandicapt war.
Oben angekommen warf er sich mit einer kleinen Stunt-hechtrolle für sein nichtvorhandenes Puplikum ins Bett und streckte die Hände wortlos aber ehrvoll als Champion in die Luft und beobachtete schelmisch grinsend wie Annie durch die Tür kam.
Wesentlichen später.
Nur langsam ließ er seine Hände sinken ohne dass das grinsen auf seinen lippen wich.
"Weißt du was du an mir liebst? Dass ich vielleicht somehow ein Loser bin, wichtige Unterlagen verliere und ein talent dafür die falschen Worte zu sagen.....but somehow bin ich auf ominöseweise doch immer wieder ein Winner, Winner - Chickendinner." sein schmunzeln wurde langsam zu einem lächeln.
"....and now, steig mit mir ins Bett." winkte er sie zu sich und als sie neben ihm Platz nahm, nahm er sie in den Arm, platzierte einen Kuss auf ihre Schläfe und schloss die Augen.
Mit einem seeligen lächeln atmete er tief ein und konservierte für immer in seiner Seele.

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DROP IT  A Picture of GoofyYOU  A

Why is it important for us to uphold the truth and morality in all aspects of our life? How can you champion the truth over the prevalence of lies in today's time?

The Truth would have to be accepted, and supplant ‘beliefs’ that are suspect, unverified, and proven false.
I don’t see that ever happening as long as humans have the angels on their right shoulder and devils on their left.

Do you support sexual harassment laws ? Do you support anti_nudity laws ?

Theoretically I do, but I'm afraid that they'll be abused. We have witnessed countless examples and as we move forward, more burdensome regulations are proposed / implemented - ironically, by those who claim to champion "equity" and "social justice." The level of disconnect is truly mind-boggling.

Ma non sei rossonera? Non sei mai andata a Milanello ad ammirare le 7 Champion (oltre le Intercontinentali)?(A.B.)

Ho casa piena di cose piene dell'Inter tra cui:
il cuscino dell'inter
il tappetino del mouse dell'inter
2 capelli dell'inter
un jolly dell'inter
la maglia dell'inter
il portachiavi dell'inter
la cornice dell'inter
il cuore che mi ha regalato il mio ragazzo dell'inter
avevo anche il pigiama dell'inter
le calze dell'inter
il borsone dell'inter
e tu te ne esci con "ma non sei rossonera?"
Guarda sono interista dal 1996 e no per sfortuna non sono mai andata allo stadio e chissà se un giorno ci andrò ma poi la cosa che non capisco...

Poproszę radosne zdjęcie 🥰

ryujinpl1’s Profile Photo류진 | ITZY Poland D-1
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Champion 💪🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹

TCSeyiTC’s Profile PhotoTCSeyiTC
Deinen toten Vorfahren pisse ich aufs Grab deine Mutter soll von 100 Asylanten vergewaltigt werden dein Vater deren Spermien schlucken deine Tochter soll einem Pedophilen zum Opfer fallen mit 2 Monaten bis zu ihrem fünfzehntem Lebensjahr danach soll sie im spanischer Pisse ertrinken und du baust hoffentlich einen Unfall bei dem du Querschnittsgelähmt wirst und das alles leidend hinnehmen musst HURENSOHN

If there were an Olympics for average people, what would some of the events be? 🥇/ Als er een Olympische Spelen is voor de gemiddelde mens, wat zouden de activiteiten dan kunnen zijn? 🥇

LunarHuntress’s Profile PhotoYentl (only English and Dutch)
🥇 Spending as much as time as possible watching a channel you absolutely despise cus you can't be bothered going up to grab the remote.
🥇 Just general eating contests. Maybe you could become the world champion of "Most dammsugares eaten in 10 minutes"? 😂
If there were an Olympics for average people what would some of the events be
+1 answer Read more

Language: English