
43 people

50 posts


How do you cope when your family hurts you and doesn't understand you?

aswafatima’s Profile PhotoFatimaa shah
I can imagine that it must be incredibly difficult to feel unsupported or misunderstood by the people who are supposed to love and care for you. Personally, when I am feeling hurt or upset by someone close to me - whether it is family or friends - I try my best to communicate openly and honestly with them about how their actions have affected me. It might not always lead to an immediate resolution, but at least it creates space for understanding and empathy on both sides. At the same time, though, there may be situations where we simply can't change another person's behaviour or opinions. In those cases, all we can do is focus on taking care of ourselves and not let the circumstances affect us or our mental health. Don't let the negativity consume you. And healing from familial wounds takes time - but in my experience, cultivating self-love and compassion is one of the most important things we can do along this journey. By learning how to treat ourselves with kindness and respect even in the face of adversity, we build up resilience that helps us weather whatever challenges come our way. Sending my prayers on your way. 🌻

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- do you think people are bad intentionally?

the_wildnwise365’s Profile PhotoMourning Star
There is no such thing as "bad people" cause we all are people who did something bad intentionally or unintentionally. Sometimes our actions can unintentionally hurt others, especially if we aren't aware of how our behavior affects them. We just need to be mindful of how we treat others and strive to act with compassion and empathy. 🌻

Define “your” world?

CourtneyThomas63561’s Profile Photo“C”ing.
In my idea of a perfect world, I'd include elements such as peace, equality, sustainability and compassion 😇
I reckon they'd create a harmonious society where anybody and everybody is respected and valued ✌️
Define your world

What are some little things that matter to you?

AhmadBakheitMndo’s Profile Photo∆HMED
🌷 Seconds.... that makes up the time, which we spend on things and people.
Tear drops.... that was shed out of love, compassion, happiness and anger.
Heartbeats.... that goes slow or fast, depending on what emotion we are feeling. I like listening to it with my stethoscope.

How can we cultivate greater kindness in the world?

AhmadBakheitMndo’s Profile Photo∆HMED
I think one of the most important ways we can cultivate greater kindness in the world is by leading with empathy and compassion. It is easy to get caught up in our own lives and struggles — but taking the time to truly listen to others and understand their perspectives can go a long way towards building stronger relationships and promoting understanding. And I truly believe in small acts of kindness can have a big impact - whether it is holding open a door for someone or simply offering a smile or kind word. These gestures might seem insignificant on their own, but they add up over time and create ripples of positivity in the world around us. And just to remember that everyone is fighting their own battles behind closed doors. By approaching every interaction with kindness and understanding, we can make even just one person feel seen, heard, and valued - which has the power to change everything. 🌻

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Qu’est ce que tu voudrais envoyer comme message mais que tu n’oses pas ?

J’ose sans soucis rappeler à mes «collègues» que je me désolidarise complètement de leur équipe et que je ne reviendrai pas travailler avec eux.
Malgré l’absence de soutien à mon égard cela ne me déstabilisera pas pour la suite de mes projets.
J’avance à ma manière désormais, je n’ai pas besoin de fausse compassion style «si t’as besoin je suis là».
Je déteste certaines facettes de ce milieu, certains comportements, la passivité des institutions qui procure à ces jeunes ce sentiment de toute puissance.
Je n’accepte plus ce monde où les gens honnêtes se retrouvent sur les cibles pendant que les crapules sont dans les petits papiers des chefs et passent à chaque fois au travers du filet.
J’ai le sentiment que pour exister socialement et professionnellement il faut avoir rangé ses couilles dans le coffre de l’institution où tu travailles.
Sauf que quand tu as un sens de l’honneur et une morale, tu vis la situation très mal.
Je préfère conserver mon énergie pour des causes plus honorables avec des personnes qui me respectent un minimum et respectent mon travail.
J’ai compris beaucoup de choses ces derniers jours.
Beaucoup prétendent, peu appliquent.

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Why do people not help anyone today?

AhmadBakheitMndo’s Profile Photo∆HMED
There could be many reasons why some people may not help others as much as we would hope. The world is really cruel and heartless. Especially in today's fast-paced world people may be caught up in their own lives, feeling overwhelmed or disconnected. Additionally — societal factors such as individualism and self-interest can sometimes overshadow the desire to help others. However, it is important to remember that there are still many kind-hearted individuals who do help and make a positive impact. Be the kind one yourself. Start the kindness with yourself cause we can all strive to be that change by extending a helping hand whenever we can and fostering a culture of compassion and empathy. 🌻

Name: age: from: hobbie: sexuality: pet: height: birth month: pet peeve: fave color: tattoo: piercing: intro/extro: occupation: top 3 values:

Livi, 28, straight, two dogs, 5ft2, August, rudeness/ a lack of empathy towards others, sea blue, no tattoos, a single piercing in each ear, introvert, barista, three values are kindness, compassion, honesty :)

If you had the attention of the entire world for 30 seconds, what would you say? 👀 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ ȶɛռǟƈɨօʊֆ ȶօʍʍǟʏ™ ▩ ♚ ☻
If I had the attention of the entire world for just 30 seconds, I'd urge everyone to prioritize empathy, understanding, and cooperation. We're all in this together, and by working together with kindness and compassion, we can tackle any challenge that comes our way.
Let's build a world where everyone feels valued and supported.

Why humanity is pissed off? 😢

Why is humanity rare? Why is humanity blind? Why have humans lost their humanity, empathy and compassion towards others?
What has been happening in Palestine for 113 days + 75 years and now in Yemen, Labenon and Syria too and the fact that the whole world is just watching the show silently is the clear evidence that HUMANITY HAS DIED..!!!

What are the top three traits you feel are important for a person?

There are many traits that I consider to be very important. Every trait is special and important, in its own way. However, there are three of them that are most important to me.
Those traits are: Kindness, Compassion and Gratitude. Kindness is important because nothing good can be achieved by being mean and unhelpful. Compassion is a vital trait because we need to be sympathetic toward the less fortunate members of our human race- even if we are unable to help them out. And gratitude is important because we should be thankful for all the good things that happen to us, no matter if they are big or small. We should also enjoy the latter, because the little things are the ones that bring the most light into our lives.
Those are the traits that I value the most.

Why do you like taking care of people's pain?

maryamwaheed129912’s Profile PhotoMaryam
Individuals may find fulfillment in caring for others’ pain due to a variety of factors, such as empathy, a sense of purpose, or a desire to contribute positively to someone’s well-being. The ability to alleviate suffering can provide a deep sense of satisfaction, fostering meaningful connections and reinforcing one’s own values of compassion and altruism. Additionally, some may derive personal growth and a profound sense of meaning from the challenges and rewards inherent in helping others navigate their pain.

Why do you like taking care of people's pain?

maryamwaheed129912’s Profile PhotoMaryam
Humans need humans. I appreciate the beauty of caring for someone's pain. — it is like being a gentle rain, nourishing their soul with empathy and understanding. In the depths of their sorrow, I strive to be a comforting presence, like a soothing melody that resonates in their heart. Through acts of kindness and support, and also to be a guiding light, illuminating their path towards healing and renewal. It is a profound connection, where compassion and care intertwine, creating a tapestry of warmth and solace. 🌻

What would you say is the secret of a happy relationship? 👩‍❤️‍👨 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ ȶɛռǟƈɨօʊֆ ȶօʍʍǟʏ™ ▩ ♚ ☻
Mutual respect, honesty, trust, compassion and communication. I know that's technically 5 secrets, but they're all very important 😂 a relationship without them is never going to be happy, not really

Why you are so beatiful?

xoseph0112575’s Profile PhotoEquesTemplar ⚔️
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder , I'm not just another face in the crowd, my beauty isn’t just skin-deep like many others .
My beauty lies in my courage , my compassion , my intelligence , and my soul.
My beauty lies in the way my eyes light up when I'm passionate about something , the way my brow furrows in concentration , the way my laugh sounds when I'm truly happy , the way I smash things when I'm angry and the way I hold myself and cry when I feel lonely .
My beauty lies in my resilience , my ability to weather storms , my determination to stand tall despite the challenges .
My beauty lies in the way I move with grace as if I were a regal queen, my beauty lies in my flawless skin and sultry eyes .
I'm beautiful because I'm so in all my forms. 🎶😌💛

Qu'est ce qui est le plus important dans une relation ?

Le respect (l'écoute, la communication, le pardon, l'intérêt pour la personnalité, la compréhension, la compassion etc) et l'amour (corps, ou pas corps, mental, platonique ou non, amical ou romantique, le soutien, l'admiration) à mes yeux.
Évoluer ensemble, laisser aussi de l'espace à l'autre et comprendre qu'on ne peut pas forcément évoluer en même temps et de la même façon.
Quest ce qui est le plus important dans une relation

Вступили бы в отношения с незрячим человеком ?

id7420635676’s Profile PhotoTyumenskayaBaby
What's the point of this? relationships arise between two people with mutual sympathy, if there is no reciprocity, why try to establish a relationship with a person for whom you feel nothing but compassion, and he, in turn, will feel indifference to his partner. Such relationships are meaningless.
Вступили бы в отношения с незрячим человеком

Vous trouvez vous souvent en désaccord entre vos paroles et vos actions ?

Non ; il y a parfois de la dissonance cognitive mais honnêtement mes actions donnent naissance à mes paroles et mes paroles inspirent mes actions.
Là où je pourrais dire qu'il y aurait une forme de désaccord entre mes paroles et mes actions ce serait sur le fait de prendre soin de moi aussi bien que je le fais avec les autres et montrer autant de compassion envers moi-même qu'envers eux. Me consoler moi aussi avec des paroles réconfortantes... J'y travaille.
Vous trouvez vous souvent en désaccord entre vos paroles et vos actions

What essential personal characteristics contribute to a good life, specially between the ages of 20 and 35? how much self-love and self-centeredness are necessary for a fulfilling life during this stage?

What is a good life in the first place?
Despite any definition, climbing up to overcome misery is simply the most important realistic move to achieve any state of mind capable of enjoying and contemplating the idea of a “good” life.
However, Consciousness, discipline and hunger to climb the social hierarchy are almost always necessary between 16-35.
We are always self-centered, this is just our natural conscious state. It’s about the ability to switch your consciousness when needed and direct it towards other’s state of mind (empathy; compassion, anticipation, anger, happiness, and being part of a collective)

Feminine archetype test: https://www.wherewonderwaits.com/feminine-archetypes/#feminine-archetype-quiz

⤹ ❪ “ the mother archetype‘s ability to love is a well without a bottom and a blessing to those under her wings. she has plenty of love to spare and readily gives all of it to those around her.
her empathy, compassion and care are what also makes her a great helper. the mother archetype is often the first to help those in need and will always make sure that everyone else is taken care of before looking at herself.
feeling appreciated for her dedication is what makes her thrive. on the other hand, feeling like her well-meaning efforts are not seen or wanted can lead the mother archetype to be disappointed and disillusioned. without someone or something to take care of, she may feel empty and purposeless.
the archetypal mother possesses great generosity that reaches into all aspects of life – whether it is giving gifts, emotional support or advice and wisdom. if there is anything she can give, she will. „

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Feminine archetype test

Feminine archetype test: https://www.wherewonderwaits.com/feminine-archetypes/#feminine-archetype-quiz

`·. ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ᴀʀᴄʜᴇᴛʏᴘᴇ ★°*゚

The Mother Archetype‘s ability to love is a well without a bottom and a blessing to those under her wings. She has plenty of love to spare and readily gives all of it to those around her.
Her empathy, compassion and care are what also makes her a great helper. The Mother Archetype is often the first to help those in need and will always make sure that everyone else is taken care of before looking at herself.
Feeling appreciated for her dedication is what makes her thrive. On the other hand, feeling like her well-meaning efforts are not seen or wanted can lead the Mother Archetype to be disappointed and disillusioned. Without someone or something to take care of, she may feel empty and purposeless.
The archetypal Mother possesses great generosity that reaches into all aspects of life – whether it is giving gifts, emotional support or advice and wisdom. If there is anything she can give, she will.

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Feminine archetype test

Je crois avoir trompé ma meuf hier soir mais la fille lui ressemblait un peu et j'avais bien bu. Je suis donc pardonnable ?

Ce n'est pas à toi de décider si tu es pardonnable ou non, même avec cette circonstance. Ce n'est pas à de parfaits inconnus de décider si tu es pardonnable ou non. On n'est pas là pour te brosser dans le sens du poil pour te rassurer.
Faut grandir et assumer un peu ses actes et non pas venir chercher de la compassion ou minimiser ses actes.
Si tu ne sais pas te tenir quand tu as bu, tu ne bois pas. Simple. Basique.
Déjà tu vas prendre tes c*uilles et le dire à ta meuf et c'est à elle de décider ce qu'elle souhaite faire. Te pardonner ou non. Chacun réagit différemment et j'ai une vision de la chose bien personnelle.
Même si le choix du pardon est fait par cette fille, va falloir que tu re-gagnes sa confiance.
L'Amour peut triompher sur la haine mais frérot, t'es quand même bien un enf*iré.
L'alcool n'excuse pas tout.
Je te souhaite qu'elle ne te pardonne pas.

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{{ https://ask.fm/TruthAndJustice_/answers/176090269095 }} PIPIIIII--

TruthAndJustice_’s Profile Photo「ʀᴇᴄᴇɪᴠᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ꜱᴇᴅᴜᴄᴇ ʏᴏᴜ 」

⠀❝What about these so-called nightmares?❞
To the discomfiture of both, insistence would continue to prevail until he found a sufficient motive to dispel the existential angst. He would force the meaning of the word to his advantage - a selfish pandering only prioritizing his own problem, minimally caring what influence it would evoke in her.
The omnic felt very little compassion for humans, and this woman was to be no different.
⠀❝These dreams, what specifically do they make you feel? anger? fear? despair?❞
Ramattra continued to inquire, hungry to acquire some explanation. Be that as it may. And not that it was urgent, however, he wasn't in his best attitude to recompose himself.
He might be being impolite and insensitive.
That despair accumulated over so many years was beginning to overflow, influencing his programming. Years without answers. Years of chaos and destruction where he became a pitiful witness to an unjust massacre. Years of his prayers NOT. BE. HEARD.
The past began to blend into the present, a huge worry existed for the future; those projections of his memories simulating a real dream were frustrating.
He wanted to understand why — no, he NEEDED to understand why it created such a frightening sensation. Would there be a meaning behind it at all? Those tremors had to mean something.
⠀❝Make me understand — how terrible is the sensation you feel when you wake up? Do they possess a purpose? Are these dreams unconsciously trying to communicate something to you?❞
Mechanical hands gripped Kaitlyn's shoulders. A painful squeeze upon them demanded words.
⠀❝How do you make them stop?❞

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L'animal qui vous représente le plus?

Ariya19557’s Profile PhotoAriya19557
Le Lion.
"Sa compassion, sa fidélité et son amour pour sa famille. Il symbolise un amour inébranlable, un attachement fort, et une loyauté sans faille."
Liked by: Dylan

Often think that I’m not good enough and I don’t do enough work. I could hear people bawling their eyes out, literally bawling their eyes out. I felt pretty much nothing. And I almost felt a sense of guilt that I wasn’t feeling what maybe I should have been feeling from that.

This relationship with yourself has to be seen a very different way. I heard the line, I think it was Jack Kornfield that said, "Your compassion towards people is incomplete if it does not extend to yourself." And yet we go through life not looking after ourselves, just hating on ourselves.

Have you ever desired or longed for something, but once you got it, discovered it was overrated?

Yes... marriage.
In marriage, as in most human relationships, someone gives and someone takes. Therefore, maintaining a successful marriage requires understanding, compassion, humility and an incredible amount of tolerance and patience knowing that what you will give will often result in receiving nothing in return. That is why I categorize human relationships into two categories: (1) givers and (2) takers. The most successful relationships are those where both parties are "givers." And I would surmise that many, if not most, failed relationships are caused by the "takers."
The essential question is this: Are you a giver or are you a taker?
Have you ever desired or longed for something but once you got it discovered it

Srsly tho you need to stop posting trump. That is genuinely traumatizing for some people here who lost EVERYTHING under turdmp's rule. You are a very compassionate person. Have some compassion and consideration for these kids yes?

I won’t stop posting it if someone is being rude to me or my friend. They know it’s going to happen. They obviously want it. Put on some big boy panties. We all have problems.
Liked by: Gilbert Thomas

Do you think old people can change?

After a lifetime of experiences and learning it is probably a bit harder to shift one’s long-held perspectives in many ways. Plus there’s the issue of “does this individual need to change?” If the individual is fundamentally motivated by truth, reason, and compassion then their long-held principles should hold.

Why do people with depression always think that they’ll never get better and decide to take their life?

When someone is struggling with depression, it can be difficult for them to see beyond their current situation and imagine a better future. They may feel overwhelmed, pessimistic, and like a burden on those around them. This can lead to feelings of hopelessness, as if there is no chance of ever feeling better or being accepted. It can also make the person feel isolated and like they’re alone in their struggle, further reinforcing these thoughts. With support and compassion, it’s possible for someone struggling with depression to find hope, healing, and meaning in their life again, they just need to be willing to find that strength and courage to ask for help.

Quelle est la valeur la plus importante à vos yeux que vous voudriez inculqué à votre enfant ?

Je n'ai pas d'enfants, mais si j'en avais un jour, je pense qu'une valeur très importante que je voudrais inculquer serait l'empathie.
Apprendre à comprendre et à partager les émotions des autres, à être attentionné et à aider les gens dans le besoin, c'est quelque chose qui peut contribuer à créer un monde meilleur.
L'empathie favorise la compassion, la compréhension et des relations positives avec les autres, ce qui est essentiel pour grandir en tant que personne responsable et bienveillante.
Et toi, quelle valeur importante aimerais-tu transmettre à tes enfants ?
Quelle est la valeur la plus importante à vos yeux que vous voudriez inculqué à

Do you believe in love

Believing in love is essential because it nurtures hope, fosters connection, and brings joy. It opens doors to meaningful relationships, personal growth, and emotional fulfillment. Love inspires compassion, resilience, and the ability to navigate life’s challenges. It fuels optimism, reminding us that love’s transformative power can heal and bring beauty to our lives.

Something you love about yourself?

mahnoorshaykh’s Profile PhotoMahnoor.
•I love my heart about myself. It’s important to me to have self-love and to recognize my own worth and value. When I love myself, I’m better able to love and care for others, and to live a happy and fulfilling life. I hope to continue to nurture that love and to treat myself with kindness and compassion. I deserve to be happy, healthy, and loved, and I’m glad that I recognize that in myself. ♥️🍂

"Which ones have been here, were they together?! I hope none of them ended up facing horrors alone-" *Compassion, a trait that was probably incredibly lacking in a realm of horrors such as this, the fallen knight could feel the care the young green clad knight had for his fellows*

MrImportantHero’s Profile PhotoGreen
" The Violet one . . . And the Shadow . . . Ah yes . . . I am all too well acquainted with those . "
Suddenly, the oversized armor he was placed in began to rock with movement, ethereal black smoke starting to pour out from the neck, arms and lack of legs .
" My son . . . Know this . . . Though you may serve valiantly, and though you may face the terrible beasts of past and yet to come . . .
Bursting out of the armor, a set of limbs vaguely humanoid but way too thin, the severed hands and feet belonging to a corpse, merely being puppeted, this new body a translucent black .
" When you die . . . "
The old man's head would be lifted, by a neck of similar description, his own neck having been torn out long ago as he TOWERED over Green, far larger than him .
" No one, will ever remember you . "

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Liked by: Vio Red Shadow Green Blue

In the depths of heartbreak, we find the resilience to love even those who have hurt us. For it is in the vast expanse of pain that our capacity for forgiveness and compassion expands, reminding us that true strength lies in embracing the fragile beauty of a wounded heart. ~ A.

I mean I can't relate because I've never been in a relationship. But I personally think it's vital to have boundaries, you can only be so resilient right!🤷🏼‍♀️

What's your opinion on one sided friendships?

Shannon678900’s Profile PhotoShannon ( Birthday )
It is a delusion. . .
I feel compassion & despair for one who is trapped in such a nightmare
*glamour & despair*
("i went in search of paradise, but she took me by the hand instead . . . ")
[delay on run in]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J7WgwVAdGXkigotamatch’s Video 172500399738 J7WgwVAdGXkigotamatch’s Video 172500399738 J7WgwVAdGXk

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