
2 people

4 posts


Hi. We are bored here without your creativity! Can we share our Halloween mood with each other?

Here is a part of our holiday. Share your decorations, pumpkins, makeup or Halloween costume.
The best creatives will be rewarded with a gift from us. Send photos here https://askfm.typeform.com/to/rDvgjs8S
Hi We are bored here without your creativity
Can we share our Halloween mood

Hi. We are bored here without your creativity! Can we share our Halloween mood with each other?

ASKfm Eng
Here is a part of our holiday. Share your decorations, pumpkins, makeup or Halloween costume.
The best creatives will be rewarded with a gift from us. Send photos here https://askfm.typeform.com/to/rDvgjs8S

In his Deviantart post of Feedback's art, Dave Johnson called you a ''Show runner'', was this a mistake or u are considered a showrunner too, besides art director?

Yes, Youngberg, Matt, Charlotte and I were the showrunners. With Youngberg being the overall head of the show/head show runner.
Show runner isn’t an official title, it’s mostly just what the lead creatives are called

Language: English