
179 people

50 posts


What is your favourite month of the year? 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ тєηα¢ισυѕ тσммαу™ ▩ ♚ ☻
February, September, & December.
Feb because that's when my husband's birthday is.
September for obvi reasons 😉
And December because of how pretty the snow looks when it's untouched (I have a picture of what could be screen background on a desktop from my front yard) & because of Christmas.

*⠀‣⠀playlist that fits your character!

QUICK__QUESTION’s Profile Photomiss q.⠀❥⠀questions and fun
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ꜱᴏ⠀ʏᴏᴜɴɢ ⠀&⠀ꜱᴏ⠀ᴅᴏᴏᴍᴇᴅ.⠀ᴀ⠀ɢɪʀʟ,⠀ᴏɴʟʏ⠀17
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀──────────────⠀❴⠀⠀a ⠀p l a y l i s t⠀⠀❵
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ¹ˑ maty noyes - haunted
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ²ˑ the black ghosts - full moon
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ³ˑ florence + the machine - hardest of hearts
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ⁴ˑ chris isaak - wicked game
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ⁵ˑ gregory douglas - alibis
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ⁶ˑ grimes - oblivion
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ⁷ˑ invadable harmony - once upon a december
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ⁸ˑ grouper - poison tree
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ⁹ˑ bishop briggs - dark side
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ¹⁰ˑ wildes - bare
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ─────────────────────────────
playlist that fits your character

What are 3 non-pervy questions you're asked often, but always refuse to answer?

I don't refuse to answer anything.
People usually ask my age, if that's a picture of me (they even did that when it was the art picture) and where do you see yourself in x years?
36. I'll be 37 in December
That one can be harder to answer. I'd rather not think too far ahead. Having expectations never helped me.

Címzett: @hipotetikus

A_Bolcs_3’s Profile PhotoA_Bölcs
Szeretem a tényszerű, alapos válaszokat... és a tieid ilyenek szoktak lenni.
Most azonban, az előző válaszod, az ősz kezdetével kapcsolatban nem volt alapos.
Ugyanis: kétféle őszkezdet van (és te csak az egyiket nevezted meg a válaszodban), hivatalos mindkettő és ezért káosz alakulhatna ki, ha az országvezető hatalom valamelyiket nem minősítené elsődlegesnek, de szerencsére minősíti (függetlenül attól, hogy melyik politikai erő van hatalmon... olyan ez, mint az óra időmutatása: bármilyen politikai hatalom is vezeti az országot, az órák ugyanannyi időt mutatnak, mint az előző és az azt megelőző politikai rendszerekben ugyanabban az időben).
Van a csillagászati őszkezdet:
Szeptember 23. (azaz: a nap-éj egyenlőségtől kezdődik a csillagászati ősz) és ez az ősz december 22-ig tart (a téli napfordulóig).
Van a naptári őszkezdet:
Szeptember 1. és ez a naptári ősz november 30-ig tart.
Pontosan azért hívják naptárinak, mert az átlagember számára mindennaposan fontos naptár mutatja, mint időbeosztást, ehhez lehet és kell igazítani az életünket számtalan okból és célból (főleg az állam szabályos működése szempontjából) - ezért ez az államilag hivatalos őszkezdet.
Fontos megjegyezni, hogy amiket fentebb írtam, azok a Föld Északi féltekéjére vonatkoznak, a Déli féltekén éppen fordítottak az évszakok kezdetei és végei.
...és lám, máris ott tartunk, hogy azon a fújjjjj földrajz órán, ahol a Föld nevű bolygó részeiről és "működéséről" tanultunk, érdemes lett volna jobban figyelni (nem rólad van szó most, hanem az átlagdiákról) és máris képben lenne mindenki az évszakokkal kapcsolatban is.

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What is taken pictures/photography for you a personal use as a hobbie or to capture memories to look back on years from now ?

missygls’s Profile Photoᴳᴸメ
It's a bit of both for me! I am incredibly sentimental, and I like to capture memories so that I can look back on them, but I do also like to get a little artsy with my photography from time to time! In between the years of 2017-2019 I got really into self portraiture, both as a form of self-expression and a way of capturing memories with *me* in them, as opposed to being hidden away behind the lens.
During this time, my portable tripod and the self-timer feature on my camera were my best friends! 😂 😂😂
It was a lot more effort than just snapping a quick selfie, but I loved the results, so I kept at it for quite some time. Some of my favourite photos ever came out of that era.
(Pictured: Myself, in Prague, December 2019...)
What is taken picturesphotography for you a personal use as a hobbie or to


I know you STAY in that festive spirits Spankinator but it is August.. and a bit too soon for me I must say! Come back for more jolly Christmas festivities around December 😇 I really should build to the holiday wish 📝 I'll eventually get to it.. I haven't added on there in a while to any of them actually it's been pretty hard for me to keep up with stuff lately
I know you STAY in that festive spirits Spankinator but it is August and a bit

If you are in a relationship or married, when did you fall in love with them? 💘 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ тєηα¢ισυѕ тσммαу™ ▩ ♚ ☻
I'm married since 21.04.2023. We both share the same birthday :D (21.04.1995) and we were born at the same hospital too :D. At first we met by chance in 2015 (or the first time after birth) on a bus, where I caught his eye, so I made eye contact with him :D. He saw me too and came to sit next to me. We had a nice chat and we talked so much that he missed his stop :D. After this incident we never met again, until 2022 March, after we both had broken up from our previous relationships :).
When we met (18 March 2022), he told me he had a massive crush in me for a long time, and he wanted to have a chance with me. I at first didn't want to be in another relationship, because I was still hurt from my past experiences, so at first we just had some fun, went on dates, etc :D.
21 April 2022 when we both had our birthdays, he took me to the yard of an old hospital where we both were born, and he said he loves me for the first time. I cried. A lot. From happiness.
22. december 2022 he took me to Saaremaa island in Estonia, and that was the day he asked me to be his wife, and that was the time when I understood how strong my love for him really is. That was the time I understood that noone has ever done anything so romantic to me, and I knew that I can count on him, because he understands me like noone else ever did, and he sees his future only with me, 'til the end of our lives <3. We've been together only 2,5 years, and I know it's not a long time, but since our love story started, our love has grown so deep so fast, and he understands me on a level that no one has ever even aspired to. He healed my past traumas with his infinite love and affection for me. I've never in my life have felt so protected by someone.
I wish everyone could feel the same deep love from someone.
I added our wedding photo too :).

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If you are in a relationship or married when did you fall in love with them

Какая ваша любимая песня у Linkin Park?

Daria63994’s Profile PhotoDaria
Ооой, я вообще многие их песни обожаю, любимая группа 🥰
Наверное, самая запоминающаяся и сааамая любимая - burn it down, просто любить и обожать (именно с этой песни началось знакомство с ними, двоюродный брат её включил как-то мне я и начала их слушать потом) ❣️
Ещё numb нравится, from the inside, what i've done, leave out all the rest и my december 🖤
Какая ваша любимая песня у Linkin Park

A szinte elpusztíthatatlan pap...

A_Bolcs_3’s Profile PhotoA_Bölcs
A valós történetek alapján készített filmek elején felvillan az unalomig ismert felirat: „A történet és annak szereplői pusztán a képzelet szülöttei, a valósággal való, bárminemű egyezés a véletlen műve”.
Honnan és miért ered ez a jogi figyelmeztetés a filmek előtt?
Minden azzal kezdődött, hogy 1933-ban egy száműzött orosz herceg beperelte az MGM-et a stúdió Raszputyin-életrajzi filmje miatt, azt állítva, hogy az amerikai produkció nem pontosan ábrázolta Raszputyin meggyilkolását.
Ő már csak tudta, hiszen ő gyilkolta meg.
Az őrült papnak tartott Raszputyin a XX. század elején igen közel került az orosz cári családhoz, elsősorban azért, mert úgy hitték, kezelni tudja Alekszej herceg betegségét, a vérzékenységet.
Nem meglepő, hogy a Romanovoknál nagy befolyást szerző pap hamar sok ellenséget szerzett, végül egy merényletben vesztette életét... bár megölni nagyon nehezen sikerült csak: 1916. december 16-án Feliksz Juszupov herceg megmérgezte, majd, amikor ezzel nem ért célt, meg is lőtte.
A szerzetes azonban ezt is túlélte és kimenekült a palotából, hogy aztán Dmitrij Pavlovics nagyherceg és Vlagyimir Puriskevics botokkal megverje, majd a folyóba vesse... és onnan már nem került elő élve.
Juszupov viszonylag olcsón megúszta a dolgot, a cár őt és feleségét, Irinát, száműzte.
16 évvel később az amerikai MGM dolgozta fel a történteket Rasputin and the Empress (Raszputyin és a cárnő) című filmjében.
Az akkor már Párizsban, szegénységben élő Juszupov rágalomnak nevezte a filmet és jogi eljárást indított... hogy a jövőben ilyen eljárások ne indulhassanak, ezért jelenik meg az ominózus szöveg a filmek elején napjainkban is.

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Did you ever buy something with points instead of money ?

I earn points every time I shop with Boots, so I usually save them up until December and buy Christmas presents with them. I tend to buy a lot of makeup and skincare from Boots, so it does all add up!
Liked by: Khalid Paige Slater

December 8 · *الجديري المائي

هو عدوى فيروسية بتتنقل بلمس المكان المصاب او استخدام ادوات المريض زي المناشف وغيرها او عن طريق رذاذ المريض الملوث زي اثناء الكحة او العطس
* الفيروس المسبب للعدوى هو الفاريسيلا فيروس وهو نفس الفيروس المسبب للحزام الناري
* بيحصل غالبا في الاطفال تحت سن 10 سنوات بس ممكن يحصل كمان في الكبار
* العدوى في الكبار بتكون اشد
* فترة الحضانة للمرض من يومين لحد 3 اسابيع
* الشخص المصاب ممكن يعدي اللي حواليه من يومين قبل ظهور الطفح لحد تكون القشرة مكان الحبوب اللي ظهرت
* لما الشخص بيتعدي اول مرة بالفيروس ده بتكون الاصابة في شكل جديري مائي اللي بعمل مناعة طويلة جدا ضد الجديري لكن الفيروس بيفضل كامن في الجسم طول العمر وتحت بعض الظروف زي مثلا ضعف المناعة بيبتدي ينشط الفيروس تاني لكن الممرض في الحالة دي بييجي على هيئة الحزام الناري او مايعرف بالهربز زوستر يعني من الاخر العيان المصاب بالحزام الناري بيكون جاله جديري قبل كدة
* الجديري بيبتدي الطفح فيه الاول في الوجع والبطن والظهر وبعد كدة ممكن ينتشر في الاطراف
* بيسبق ظهور الطفح حرارة38.3 و 38.8
* بيصاحب المرض فقدان شهية الطفل
* الحبوب مابتسبش اثر الا لو حصل عدوى بكتيرية فيها او هرش شديد فيها
* ممنوع تماما ناخد الاسبرين والبروفين كخوافض للحرارة علشان متحصلش مضاعفات شديدة لاقدر الله
*ممنوع الحامل تحتك باي طفل مصاب بالعدوى لان ممكن لاقدر الله تتنقل العدوى للجنين ويحصل تشوهات
ممنوع اثناء الاستحمام حك الجلد جامد
من الممكن تهدئة الحكة بالتربيت على الجلد بفوطة مبللة بالماء البارد

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December 8  
الجديري المائي

Have you ever been in an earthquake?

In December 8, 2016, a 6.5 magnitude earthquake was recorded off the coast of Northern California, and I felt it. I also remember the July 4, 2019, earthquake with a magnitude of 6.4, as measured by seismologists, followed by an aftershock on the 5th, a magnitude 7.1 earthquake felt by millions across the state.
Liked by: Eric L Jacky C.M.

Нравится ли вам муз. группа «Linkin Park»? Какие Ваши любимые композиции этого коллектива? У меня, например, «Across the Line», «Easier To Run», «In The End», «Final Masquerade», «My December», «Powerless», «Roads Untraveled».

А чай сухой? Ну как сухой...
Блины ели? Их тоже было мало...
Ай, прошу прощения. Мои любимые песни «Linkin Park» – «Numb», «Faint», «What Out All The Rest» (захотелось пересмотреть Трансформеры), «Crawling», «Breaking The Habit», «Burn It Down», «Fighting Myself». Я слушала их ещё будучи подростком 🤔

Нравится ли вам муз. группа «Linkin Park»? Какие Ваши любимые композиции этого коллектива? У меня, например, «Across the Line», «Easier To Run», «In The End», «Final Masquerade», «My December», «Powerless», «Roads Untraveled».

Не скажу что это моя любимая группа, и толком названий песен я не знаю. Но в целом слушать мне нравится.

Нравится ли вам муз. группа «Linkin Park»? Какие Ваши любимые композиции этого коллектива? У меня, например, «Across the Line», «Easier To Run», «In The End», «Final Masquerade», «My December», «Powerless», «Roads Untraveled».

У меня - Somewhere i belong, faint, breaking the habit, bleed it out, burn it down, a light that never comes

Нравится ли вам муз. группа «Linkin Park»? Какие Ваши любимые композиции этого коллектива? У меня, например, «Across the Line», «Easier To Run», «In The End», «Final Masquerade», «My December», «Powerless», «Roads Untraveled».

нравится. это моя избранная группа. любимые песни
A Place for My Head, In the End, Forgotten и их демки. Part of Me, She Couldn't, It's Goin' Down, Reading My Eyes, Numb, Numb/Encore, What I've Done, We Made It, Across the Line, No Roads Left, Not Alone, Primo (I'll be Gone Demo), New Divide, Blackbirds, Stagelight Demos, A Light That Never Comes (и версия Рика Рубина), Darker Than Blood, весь Hunting Party, White Noise, Talking to Myself, Sharp Edges, A.06 longform demo, Issho Ni и ещё что-то из демо, что я не вспомнил. Ещё мне очень нравится хип-хоп Майкла Шиноды, как сольник, так многие песни Fort Minor

Нравится ли вам муз. группа «Linkin Park»? Какие Ваши любимые композиции этого коллектива? У меня, например, «Across the Line», «Easier To Run», «In The End», «Final Masquerade», «My December», «Powerless», «Roads Untraveled».

В детстве, во времена выхода Hybrid Theory, Reanimation и Meteora, я был пламенным фанатом, позже вообще отошел, и даже не знал, как называются новые альбомы, но периодически я возвращался к старым вещам, и они мне снова западали в душу. Финальный припев (с другой интонацией) в By Myself — навсегда в сердце.

Нравится ли вам муз. группа «Linkin Park»? Какие Ваши любимые композиции этого коллектива? У меня, например, «Across the Line», «Easier To Run», «In The End», «Final Masquerade», «My December», «Powerless», «Roads Untraveled».

Сказали тоже...Эта группа уже почти классика! ☝️😌✨
Мои любимые треки
Numb. (А так же numb/encore)
By myself.
Valentine's day. (С этим треком вообще отдельная история.Помню,купила диск как раз таки на 14-е февраля,ещё не подозревая,что там будет одноимённая композиция,а потом сидела печалилась под неё 😅)
The little things have you away.
In the end.
With you.
Points of authority.
A place for my head.
My december.
High voltage.
Да и в целом у них много хороших треков.

Нравится ли вам муз. группа «Linkin Park»? Какие Ваши любимые композиции этого коллектива? У меня, например, «Across the Line», «Easier To Run», «In The End», «Final Masquerade», «My December», «Powerless», «Roads Untraveled».

Лет в 16 сильно фанател, все их альбомы заслушал. Faint, runaway, papercut, what i've done, don't stay, a place for my head

Нравится ли вам муз. группа «Linkin Park»? Какие Ваши любимые композиции этого коллектива? У меня, например, «Across the Line», «Easier To Run», «In The End», «Final Masquerade», «My December», «Powerless», «Roads Untraveled».

Даа,оч нравится🤩❤
Вчера вот только слушала, пока убиралась🤘😁от души прям, на полную🎚🔊бедные соседи😆🤦‍♀️
А вот мой топ песен
Castle of Glass
Lost In the Echo
Somewhere I Belong
Breaking the Habit
From the Inside
In the End

I think i'm still in love with my best friend. I told him in june last year and i still feel the same (i might love him even more)... in december he told me he felt the same, but it was too complicated to go and work it out. I have never felt a heartache like i do now...

Just because its complicated it doesn't mean it isn't worth it but you do have to ask yourself if you're ready to give him up as a friend. Because once you move things into the dating territory, you can't go back. It could be better - or worse - but it will never be the same again. And it sounds like that might be his concern also so I would have a talk about how your relationship is going to change and what he's most worried about.

When was the last time you went and saw a live performance? What did you see? 🎭🎤

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Do the gigs my other half plays count? 😝 If so, then start of January. If not, then last January when I saw Epica who more than lived up to their name!
Last comedy show was in December, I saw an American comedian called Iliza Shlesinger who is hilarious, but I'm actually going to see another next weekend. Last theatre show was also in December for a Tina Turner musical for my mum's birthday and that was really cool, and we're going out next weekend as well for Mother's Day to a horror-themed circus show.

When was the last time you went and saw a live performance? What did you see? 🎭🎤

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
The last time I went to a live performance was to Andre Rieu in December last year!
It was amazing, he has such a beautiful orchestra and lots of dancers! It was so exciting to hear great pieces being made live.
There were also waltzes and it’s very common for people to just get up and dance with each other. 🥹 so here is a video of the dancers and people from the public dancing. Some dancers even chose people from the public to dance with! And they had dancers in wheelchairs!
LunarHuntress’s Video 172987702236

Who do you have feelings for? There’s definitely someone

You're right, there definitely is someone... He's currently sat next to me on the sofa while we play Pokémon coz we couldn't sleep this morning so we got up very early, and I proposed to him in December. So, you're not wrong; there's definitely someone I have feelings for, and I'm definitely not hiding it!

https://ask.fm/milamson/answers/175339694610 - For all its faults, Ask.fm is a good way to meet new people 🤪 I've been here since December 2018 👀

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ тєηα¢ισυѕ тσммαу™ ▩ ♚ ☻
Well, yes. Some of them would probably be a totally psychos, but yeah… haha
And it helps you to learn about yourself more. All this questions you would never think about..
So you are a newborn in a way haha

What was the last thing you did which was outside of your comfort zone? 😬 (Yesterday I completely dissasembled a controller in order to clean the buttons 🎮🔧)

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
On the 30th of December, my boyfriend and I went to the light safari from Beekse Bergen.
The organization was horrible, we stood completely still for more than 40 minutes at the parking lot. When we patiently waited, other people in front of us started getting into their car. In their line there were already people waiting for a long time, just like us. Instead of them driving to the end of the line, they parked their car next to the people that were already standing there for a long time.
We made sure that they didn’t get to pass through and gave enough space for the other people that waited longer to pass. Doing so we made eye contact with the a**holes. I shook ‘no’ with my head, resulting in the man being completely blown away by the fact his d**k move wasn’t accepted. 😂
Me signing no to that man was completely out of my comfort zone. My heartbeat was insanely high lol, but it had to be done.

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Kaash ye 2024 2021-22 jaisa acha ho pls pray for me i need blessings 😔

preet70822’s Profile Photopreet
As and then the page unfolds from December to January, we grace the flamboyance as the chapter begins with its first stance, here’s wishing a new beginning and a fresh start to your journey of discovery and adventure mesmerising your life !
A very very Happy New Year ❤️❤️❤️

2 ❚ graveyard; december 17, 2023 ♱ jessica ft. herself, ❛ this road goes two ways ❜

Negli occhi di lui invece baluginava confusione, ma Jessica restò tanto interdetta innanzi a quella visione da non rendersene nemmeno conto. I pochi minuti in cui si stava consumando quello scenario lei li visse come se fosse stata rinchiusa nel proprio inferno personale, costretta a fissare inerme la manifestazione fisica di tutti i suoi incubi, mentre le labbra dischiuse le venivano voracemente rosicchiate dal freddo torrido. E quando la strega sollevò mogiamente la mano e la lasciò ricadere sinuosamente lungo il braccio di Casper, percorrendolo nella sua interezza, le parve quasi di accusare dolore fisico, una fitta tremenda all’altezza del torace; al pari di una lama affilata e spessa che le si conficcava dritta nel petto, lentamente e crudelmente, proprio dove si annidava il cuore, tranciandolo di netto. Non riusciva ad udire cosa si stavano dicendo, ma lo immaginava: avrebbe anche potuto sentire se avesse voluto, in realtà, ma scelse di non farlo. Faceva già abbastanza male così. Però fu nel momento in cui Sybil gli porse il disegno che le aveva sottratto due giorni prima, e che lo raffigurava, probabilmente spacciandolo per proprio, che Jessica non ci vide più; letteralmente, poiché gli occhi si velarono appena di un leggero ed impercettibile strato di lacrime.
Era successo di nuovo, constatò con ironia e sofferenza.
Si era donata totalmente e senza riserve a qualcuno, aveva permesso che le toccasse il cuore, e proprio quando stava iniziando a crederci ecco che la realtà dei fatti ed il cinismo del mondo la riportavano coi piedi per terra, ricordandole che per lei un lieto fine non era mai stato possibile. Non importava quanto ardentemente ci sperasse. Avrebbe anche potuto confrontarla, Jess. Avrebbe potuto raggiungerli, rivendicare la proprietà del disegno, rivelare quei sentimenti che, davanti al dispiacere che stava provando, non potevano più essere negati con ostinazione e convinzione. Avrebbe potuto lottare con le unghie e con i denti per ciò che ormai sapeva di volere. Ma la paura la immobilizzò per l’ennesima volta, inghiottendo sul nascere ogni parvenza di coraggio. Se già stava facendo male così, quanto malessere le avrebbe causato se una cosa simile si fosse verificata in futuro, nel bel mezzo di una relazione stabile? Lo stomaco le si contorse al solo pensiero, serrandosi irrimediabilmente. Sapeva come ci si sentiva quando veniva preferita un’altra persona a te, c’era già passata e probabilmente non aveva le forze per correre nuovamente quel rischio. Deglutì, scoprendo la bocca arida come il deserto, e sbatté le palpebre più volte per allontanare quel debole principio di pianto. Per quanto brava a celare i suoi sentimenti, Jessica non sapeva fino a che punto sarebbe riuscita a fingere questa volta. Così, fece semplicemente un passo indietro, si tramutò in pipistrello e volò via prima che uno dei due potesse accorgersi di lei.

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2  graveyard december 17 2023  jessica ft herself  this road goes two ways

❚ graveyard; december 17, 2023 ♱ jessica ft. herself, ❛ this road goes two ways ❜

Erano passati due giorni da quando Jessica aveva avuto quel confronto con Sybil, e forse, in fin dei conti, era sembrato tale solamente a lei. Due giorni trascorsi nell’apatia più totale, in cui il soffitto della sua stanza era rimasta l’unica cosa interessante da osservare senza sosta. Le riflessioni si erano accavallate nella sua mente in maniera così disordinata da lasciarla con più domande dell’inizio, e, per la prima volta da quando aveva cominciato a frequentare Casper, quel senso di malinconia e disillusione che l’aveva da sempre caratterizzata era tornato a farle visita. Si era sentita strana. Nel profondo del suo cuore era già consapevole di quale fosse il motore fautore di tali, devastanti e negativi sentimenti, ma il suo subconscio, la parte più razionale e timorosa, si rifiutava categoricamente di accettarlo. Ne era derivato che non giungesse ad alcuna decisione concreta, convenne, assorta nell’ennesimo rimuginio mentre avanzava distrattamente in direzione della Plaza. Così che i passi compiuti lentamente dentro i pesanti anfibi sembravano causati da una forza che prescindeva dal suo corpo. Sentiva invece di non essersi mossa di un millimetro da quel bivio metaforico in cui era incappata quando Sybil le aveva sbattuto in faccia le sue intenzioni. Eppure lo sapeva bene, Jessica, cosa avrebbe voluto fare. Anche se si rifiutava di scendere totalmente a patti con la realtà, il suo animo protendeva verso una direzione specifica in maniera spontanea, quasi prepotente, in barba a tutte le paure che le davano il tormento. Forse era per tale motivo che i suoi piedi l’avevano condotta fino al cimitero, più o meno consapevolmente. La vampira sapeva che se voleva trovare Casper, quello del loro primo incontro sarebbe stato fondamentale da controllare per andare sul sicuro. Non aveva fatto alcun programma, anzi, più ci aveva provato più la situazione le era sfuggita dalle mani ed era piombata nello sconforto più totale; il suo intento era quello di andare lì e discutere a quattr’occhi con lui di quanto Sybil le aveva riferito, per capire quale fosse la sua visione in merito. E per quanto non si sentisse infusa di chissà quanta determinazione, avvertiva quantomeno l’esigenza di provarci, non importava come avrebbe fatto o come sarebbe andata. Però poi i suoi occhi cessarono di materializzare il vuoto e misero a fuoco ciò che stava accadendo a pochi passi da lei. Come il clima invernale che incombeva sulla sua figura, immobile a pochi passi dal cancello d’ingresso, il tempo parve ghiacciarsi di colpo e smettere di scorrere.
Per tutti, tranne che per lei.
Per / loro /.
Oltre le grate del pesante uscio in ferro, Jess scorse, di fianco alla stessa tomba su cui si era accomodato il ragazzo quella fatidica sera in cui tutto ebbe inizio, Sybil e Casper parlare. Lei le dava le spalle, ma alla vampira sembrò quasi di riuscire a vedere l’espressione lasciva e fintamente innocente che quasi certamente albergava sul volto di Sybil in quell’istante.

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graveyard december 17 2023  jessica ft herself  this road goes two ways

Кофе или горячий шоколад? 🍫☕

mironovaola891’s Profile PhotoЗачем НиК?
Добрый день ☀️ 30 December, 2023
Катя предпочитает кофе.
volkovihome Солнце моё, моя Балушечка @mariya_avetisyan .
Я безумно счастлива, что много лет назад ты согласилась стать моим PR-менеджером и столько для меня сделала. Твой труд и целеустремленность во всем - поражает. В параллели и очень стремительно это переросло в большую дружбу, которая мне в миллиарды раз важнее, чем работа. В нашей с тобой жизни грядут перемены, но они хорошие и правильные. Знай, я всегда рядом, и знаю, что ты всегда рядышком. В любой момент придешь на помощь, дашь мне пинка, когда нужно, и совет настоящего друга. Я желаю, чтобы твой следующий год стал таким, каким видишь его ты, и даже лучше, чтобы ты полностью погрузилась в свою профессию, в свои новые возможности, и кайфавала от них каждый день. Ты это сделаешь, ты сможешь, ты моя козерошка на 100%. Безгранично тебя люблю, обожаю.
Накидайте, пожалуйста, поздравлений одному из самых важных людей в моей жизни❤️

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Кофе или горячий шоколад

Ноутбук или компьютер?

ashdesertrosesss_’s Profile Photo꧁ꌃꍏꌗ꓄ꍟ꓄꧂
Добрый вечер ⭐ 29 December, 2023
У Кати ноутбук.
volkovihome Поделюсь лучшей новостью декабря.
Легкой пятницы! Крайней уходящего🤪
Делитесь, кто где на НГ?
Ноутбук или компьютер

What did she tell you that turned out to be untrue?

That he was ok on his own.
He isn’t ok on his own at all. I haven’t been able to do much the whole of December (visit my parents weekly and my sisters cafe) due to him not being ok on his own. We had a day trip planned out to see Santa before we even said ok to having the dog, and my best friend had to come down to have Charlie while we was gone all day.
Said he doesn’t chew up toys and is happy with his own, but took a very big liking to Leo’s doll and now the doll has no hands.
Is ok on walks, he isn’t, he pulls, he barks at every person we pass and if he sees a big dog he gets big dog syndrome.

Пельмени,хинкали,а может манты ?

Добрый вечер ⭐ 26 December, 2023
Катя предпочитает пельмени.
Сегодня что прощенное воскресенье в ленте соц сетей? Ну тогда и меня за всё простите😇👌🏼🤭
Пельменихинкалиа может манты

Did Santa ever leave you a note? 🎄 🎅 🎁 🌰 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ тєηα¢ισυѕ тσммαу™ ▩ ♚ ☻
The 6th of December we celebrate Saint Nicolaus Day so day before - the 5th of December is a Day when various Saint Nicolauses appeares in the city 😂 and we had Wedding Day on 5.12. too 👰🤵, so we met one 🎅 as below in the picture and he wished Happy Marriage to us! 💟😃👍
Did Santa ever leave you a note

Книги или просмотр фильмов?

Добрый день ☀️ 26 December, 2023
Катя чаще всего смотрит фильмы или сериалы. Книги ей удается читать только на отдыхе.
volkovihome И не смейте мне тут сказать, что не говорите еще «давай уже после нового года»….🤣🤣🤣🤣🍾
Книги или просмотр фильмов

تتفقون ان بَهجةُ الأصدقاء سَبب كافٍ لأن نُصبح سعداء جداً💛💛؟؟

26 December 2023, Tuesday ✨️
وكيف باللقاء! 🥺
وبداية صباح ومع نسايم الجو الحلو تاخذ فطور
حقيقي كما يُقال
‏" والرّوح بعد لقاء الأصدقاء تورّدت ." 💕
تتفقون ان بهجة الأصدقاء سبب كاف لأن نصبح سعداء جدا

Language: English