Have you ever been to therapy before? How was your experience?
Yes. I went once or twice when I was in elementary school because the teachers at the school that I went to told my parents how quiet I was and I didn’t really have friends so they were worried. When I went to see the therapist, she was surprised because I wasn’t quiet around her and wondered if they sent the right kid lol. In middle school, I saw one regularly due to dealing with OCD and being depressed and I really liked talking to my therapist until I started high school. In high school, I didn’t open up as much to my therapist anymore or listen to what she would tell me to do and she felt like she couldn’t help me anymore so I was referred to see a social worker instead. The problem was, I didn’t want to see anyone at the time and didn’t feel as comfortable talking to the social worker so not long after, I stopped seeing her too. A few years later, I moved to another place in the same state (where I currently live now) and saw a therapist who specialized in OCD but I didn’t really click with her sadly. I stopped seeing her after she asked me if our sessions were helping me and I told her that they were but they weren’t helping “enough.” I currently am not seeing anyone but I agreed with my last therapist when she said that it’s best to take a break from our sessions and see someone else for my social anxiety (which I also deal with).
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Gilbert Thomas