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In your opinion, what is the biggest waste of money? 🙅💸

anonamouse89887’s Profile Photoanonamouse
Collecting something that costs millions. Like.. exclusive cars that never get driven, clothes, some items that no one else can afford.
Owning a private island. Houses that are huge for one person... why do you need 13 bedrooms and designer toilets & other crap? Hmmm. Multiple yachts. Or when someone owns a ship that is worth billions.

It's wild how Carrie could afford to live in an apartment in West Village and have a thousands dollars worth designer shoes collection just by being a writer. As a writer, and in one of the most expensive places on earth, you could probably barely make ends meet i the real world

They always implied she had a low rent apartment. There was also an episode where she realized how broke she was and how much she had spent on shoes. But yeah. TV is TV.

Do you think children should wear modest clothes to school if there is no dress code? By modest, I don't mean raggedy clothes. I mean clothes that aren't overly fancy, like designer, so they don't make less privileged children feel bad about themselves because their parents can't afford such tings.

Kids nowhere go into school with designers stuff..but yeah kids bully kids for wearing none brand clothes as their parents can't afford them sad really kids think they better then kids with none brand clothes..the parents ain't teaching them value of money and people have different backgrounds ..as some kids in poor countries don't even have clothes so they lucky to have some on their back designer or not..you think you are worst of look at bigger picture some are spoilt brats don't get Me wrong hate that

Do you think children should wear modest clothes to school if there is no dress code? By modest, I don't mean raggedy clothes. I mean clothes that aren't overly fancy, like designer, so they don't make less privileged children feel bad about themselves because their parents can't afford such tings.

Modest doesn't mean raggedy in the first place, it means not revealing lmao. As long as their clothes fit, are clean & aren't covered in holes or stains it really doesn't matter what they wear.

Do you think children should wear modest clothes to school if there is no dress code? By modest, I don't mean raggedy clothes. I mean clothes that aren't overly fancy, like designer, so they don't make less privileged children feel bad about themselves because their parents can't afford such tings.

Yes. It’s not about their wear, it’s more about the fact that they don’t understand the term of brand and what comes with wearing it. But society does and it will input in that child's mind that they are entitled or superior just because they wear certain clothes. The idea of a uniform it’s very good, even though I hated it when I was a kiddo I understand now that the uniform helped to make us look the same and stand out only if we were truly smart or different.

Something that our society has lost and you wish we could get it back?

osamainam96’s Profile PhotoOsama.
Simplicity, and collectivism.
The western culture has significantly influenced our society. People are just running after fashion trends because they wanna feel superior. They gotta have every new thing they see on the internet. And it would have been fine if it wasn't this extreme, but now people are looked down upon if they aren't holding an expensive bag of a particular designer brand. *smh*
And individualism has made people selfish and less empathetic.

ببقى قاعده ف أمان الله وفجأة اقول هو أنا هعيش كام مره واروح واخده اغبى قرار ف الدنيا !! 😂

nooodi632’s Profile Photoندى
بقولك اي لما حد بعد كدا يسالك انتي شغاله اي قوليله Designer وارفعي راسك وقوليله بكل فخر انا اللي صممت كل قرارتي الغلط بنفسي
ببقى قاعده ف أمان الله وفجأة اقول هو أنا هعيش كام مره واروح واخده اغبى قرار ف

Why is the world materialistic?

I think the world can sometimes feel materialistic cause we are constantly bombarded with messages and images that emphasize material possessions as symbols of success or happiness. We are told that we need to have the latest gadgets, designer clothes, or luxury cars in order to be fulfilled or respected by others. But when we take a step back and reflect on what truly matters in life - things like love, connection, creativity, and personal growth - it becomes clear that material possessions are only one piece of the puzzle. In fact, focusing too much on accumulating stuff can actually detract from our sense of well-being by creating unnecessary stress or financial burdens.
So I think it is important for us to challenge these cultural narratives about materialism and cultivate a deeper awareness of our own values and priorities. By staying connected to what truly matters to us on a soul level - whether it is through relationships, nature, art, spirituality or something else entirely- we can resist the pressures of consumer culture while also living more meaningful and fulfilling lives. 🌻

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اقترحوا حاجة اتعلمها واشتغل بيها اونلاين بجانب الدراسة بس تكونوا مجربينها وتساعدوني يا ريت 🏻

ادخلي مجال ال digital marketing
حاولي تتعلمي حاجه من الشغل اللي فيه وتتخصصي مثلا graphic designer وتحترفيه

Is Soldano perhaps an Italian company?

Soldano Custom Amplification is an American company founded by Mike Soldano in Los Angeles. At one point, he relocated to Seattle. Currently, the company is owned by B.A.D. (Boutique Amps Distribution) which is located in Los Angeles. Mike is Italian-American and as I understand, he serves B.A.D. as an adviser. Brilliant designer and one of the nicest people I've had the pleasure of meeting. His SLO-100 is my favorite amplifier. Superb clean channel, tons of gain and the lead channel roars like a lion. 👍
Is Soldano perhaps an Italian company

Therapy is so expensive. You pay hundreds for sessions. 5 sessions equal a pair of designer boots. This is not a stretch, it's a reality. I used to go twice a week years ago, and it was in the hundreds back then... now with the wild inflation it's probably even more.

Private therapy is expensive, yeah, but it's an investment into yourself, your wellbeing, your future and the impact you have on the people around you

ايوة شفته بس النظام اي يعني تفاصيل اكتر

Online course
البرنامج photoshop
هقولكم تجيبو منين البرنامج و هيكون كورس للمبتدئين
شرح واجهه البرنامج و ال tools
ازاي ابدا استخدمه و فاخر الكورس ملحق للبرامج اللي هتساعدك ك designer تجيب منها صور و فيكتورز و فونتات لتصميماتك
عدد السيشنز ٤ مرة كل اسبوع لمدة شهر واحد
ده المستوي الاول

Let’s say your favorite designer brand wanted to make you your own custom moto jacket! What would that look like? And what would you rock with it?

Black, neon pink, neon green, pastel pink, pastel purple. Spikes, patches, faux fur accents, lights up. 🤣 You wear it with a tutu skirt of the same colors and black platform boots. 💁🏻‍♀️🤣
Hey, Dolls Kill, call me. Let’s collab! 🤣

Do you own the farm or are you a labourer or what

I own one farm and my partner owns the other. But ultimately, the responsibility for the viability of both is on our shoulders. They’re both family businesses so we have to make sure there’s enough going around for everyone, if that makes sense. It’s not as chill as it sounds 😅😂
Life is half designer clothes, charity fundraisers and ancestral homes and blah blah blah - and half blood, mud, sweat and tears 😂
Do you own the farm or are you a labourer or what

Si vous aviez la possibilité de faire n'importe quel métier dans le monde, lequel choisirez-vous ?

Zlabiii’s Profile PhotoZlabiii
Je pense être très bizarre , j'avais des rêves petit, je voulais être médecin, puis veto, puis chef d'entreprise, puis dessinateur, puis désigner, puis soigneur... si j'avais la possibilité, j'aurais choisis 6 ou 7 corp de métier, soigneur animalier, agent administratif en droit, ingénieur en technologie, graphiste, mecano de super car, client Mystère en gastronomie... et masseur.

Are you studying or working somewhere?

I'm studying fashion design at the University of Design in Lisboa.And I also work as a stylist and makeup artist, and sometimes I make dishes and toys out of clay,and I also paint them,and then I sell them for various holidays when the fair opens.
I also sew and knit toys, and also sell them as designer work for the holidays. This is a designer's work, it is very beautiful, and its price is not cheap.
For example, soft and knitted toys, I sell from 10 to 15 euros. The dishes depend on what people want. For example, a teapot costs 25 euros, since it is a designer’s work, plates cost 5 euros (and different ones), salad bowls (3 euros), various clay toys (each of them has a different price).

Tell us about your character,what is it like?

I think first,and then I act.Overall a born leader.I think there is common sense in everything.I'm not afraid of difficult work.Naive, spontaneous and natural, like a child.I manage to achieve what I want without resorting to open aggressiveness.Simplicity and lightness are my life motto.
I also have superb intuition.
I'm generally a fiery person.
And very straightforward.
I prefer to absorb knowledge like a sponge. Scrupulous, wise, a little economical, prudent, realistic, responsible and disciplined. I would prefer creative work, for example, a film director or clothing designer, architect, sculptor. I don’t really like being a director or boss. Because in our family it is customary that children do not give commands.
I am taught at home that you need to be able to empathize,although I rarely manage to do this.Eloquent and business oriented.Practical and rational.I love learning,but sometimes you need to be forced to do it from childhood.I am loyal to the opinions of people around me.At school I struggled to survive.And to be honest,I survived this struggle. Same thing now.

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Porque escolheu ser especialista nesta área específica? (ESAD)

Não entendo porque escolhi a profissão específica, mas gosto muito dela?!Adoro costurar e bordar desde a escola.E naturalmente isso começou a me atrair muito.Então comecei a costurar e meus pais me perguntaram do que eu gostava? Para quem eu quero trabalhar?Eu disse que quero ser designer, gosto muito de desenhar.
Por que não posso trabalhar o que mais gosto?

Buch 📗 oder EBook? - Teil 2

normanz9761’s Profile Phototh1rsttrap
Da ich schon «Buffy» erwähnte – in den '90er Jahren gab es eine Reihe (eher mittelmäßiger) Bücher zur Sendung; eine amerikanische Ausgabe davon fiel mir vor einigen Jahren in die Hände. Die Interpretation des Textes war genial. Für die Überschriften hätte man die Buffy-Logoschrift («Kruella») verwenden können, stattdessen hat sich die Verantwortliche dafür entschieden, die Schriftart «Herculanum» zu nutzen, die 1.) im «Buffy»-Logo den Titelzusatz «The Vampire Slayer» und 2.) die Credits zu Beginn der Episode darstellte. Die für den Text verwendete Schriftfamilie war «ITC Berkeley Oldstyle», was in meinen Augen eine absolut geniale Entscheidung war. «Berkeley Oldstyle» ist eine in den '80er Jahren nachgestaltete Version einer in den '40er Jahren für die University of California Press gestalteten Schriftfamilie. Der Designer, Francis Goudy, orientierte sich nach eigenen Angaben bei der Gestaltung an Ausgaben der University of Oxford. Zeitweise wurde «Berkeley Oldstyle» auch unter dem Namen «Californian» verkauft.
Kurzum: Die Schriftfamilie ist historisch geknüpft an das akademische Studentenleben in Kalifornien, in dessen Zusammenhang «Buffy – The Vampire Slayer» spielt. In das Design der Schriftfamilie flossen viele Vorbilder aus der Renaissance, insbesondere Schriftgestaltungen des venezianischen Druckkünstlers Nicolas Jenson. Die Schriftfamilie kommuniziert zeitgleich den Coming-of-Age-Bezug Buffys, die zum Zeitpunkt des Erscheinens (4. Staffel) von der High School aufs College ging, und eine antike zeitlose Tradition, die wunderbar zum Vampirgenre passt.
Wer auch immer seinerzeit bei Simon & Schuster die typographischen Entscheidungen getroffen hat, wusste genau was sie oder er tat und war sehr wahrscheinlich (Stichwort «Herculanum») selbst Fan der Serie. Einen solchen Text stellt man nicht in fu.cking Amazon-Bookerly dar! Und außerdem liest man ihn genauso wie er gesetzt wurde – Zeile für Zeile.
Dasselbe gilt für das bereits erwähnte «Shadowhunters» - das Erscheinungsbild ist nicht nur passend (die 2001 in einer Ursprungsversion von der niederländischen Type Foundry Underware erstmals veröffentlichte «Dolly» ist prädestiniert für Young- bzw. New Adult Urban Fantasy und die Nutzung von Pterra als Logo- und Drop-Cap-Schriftart ist brillant), es ist als Ensemble Teil der Marke «Shadowhunters». Einen solchen Text überträgt man nicht in irgendeine E-Reader-Standardschrift.
Und wo wir bei dem Begriff «Marke» sind – ein noch viel eklatanteres Beispiel ist m.E. der «Diogenes»-Verlag. Ich habe überhaupt nichts dagegen, einen «Diogenes»-Text auf einem EReader oder auch auf dem Tablet zu lesen. Aber die Buchdesignentscheidungen sind bei dem «Diogenes»-Verlag so ausgeprägt, dass man hier beinahe nicht von einem Verlag im eigentlichen Sinne, sondern von einem Label sprechen kann.

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Hey boys! Ive a question, a serious one! I met this guy a year ago and now we are in love. I want to gift him smth can you guys just help me w that? I mean what should i give to him. If its perfumes or watches then what cologne and watch particularly? Assist me please

Gravity by bovlix and Faras al adham, seriously, don't miss the chance to make your man’s special day more special by giving this unique designer fragrances. 🖤
Ask me for product link.

باكيدج ميك اب وفستان فرح رينج كام معقول ؟!!

هما مش بيبقي مع بعض😂
هو في makeup artist &Hair dresser & veil designer دول ف حته ب باكدج ده غير انه مش كل ميكب ارتست بيكون معاها ڤيل ديزاينر وهير دريسير ولو معاها الباكدج بتبقي متقسمة 3 👌🏻 والفستان بقي ف حته رااابعة خالص 🤷🏻‍♀️😂😂😂
دي حاجة انت/ي ونصيبك كدة متقدريش تحطيلها بادجت معينة من غير ماتنزلي وتشوفي وتسألي
شوفي كذا حد واختاري اكتر حاجة تناسبك ♥️

الراجل اللي جاب لمراته وائل جسار دا حسسني إننا بعيد اوي

الفكرة أنه مأبهرنيش! معجبنيش اصلا..🌚
هى دى حاجه كانت نفسها فيها وهو حققهلها لما قدر يعملها (هو حتى قال دا ف الفيديو)، ف الفكرة هنا أنه قدرها و عملها حاجه كانت نفسها فيها لما بقا معاه إمكانياتها..
مش لازم اللى فرحها يفرحنى، دى حاجه كان هى نفسها فيها مش انا اللى نفسي فيها !!
يعنى كل الموضوع واحد بيقدر مراته وعاوز يفرحها بطريقتها مش اكتر ..
واكيد الشخص اللى معانا لو بيحبنا هيكون بيحاول يفرحنا ويراضينا بردو بس بأمكانياته المتاحه ليه دلوقت ..
كل دى مظاهر ومش لازم اى حاجه تحصل نبقي عاوزين ذيها! خاصه ان هم الاتنين اساسا designer و ال social و الشوو و الريتش جزء كبير من شغلهم ...

أنا قاعد ف الشغل فاضي و لما انك مش بتعرف تسأل .. ممكن تقولي اي حلمك و هدفك و نفسك في اي حالياً و مستقبلاً.. take a minute. then answer 🧁💜.

At present: graduate from CE with high GPA 👩🏻‍💻
In future: become successful fashion designer 👩🏻‍🎨

مالك مستعجلة كده ليه عايز أسالك اتعلمه ازاي و ممكن ياخد وقت اد ايه في تعليمه

لا دا انا بقولك الخلاصة يعني انت مزنوق من دلوقتي ولازم تلحق تخلص عشان عندك تسليم دا ملخص الموضوع التعلم بقى وكدا دا بيجي من حاجتين يا الجامعة ودا بيوفر عليك كتير لأن دا الاساس يا تعتمد علي الكورسات واغلبها هيعلمك تستخدم برامج مش ازاي تصمم او تبقى designer وليك نظرة دي بقى هتحتاجلها دراسة فهتدور علي كتب اسس تصميم ونظريات الالوان و وتأثيرها الخ.. تتفرج كتير علي شغل ناس و تشوف ناس بتشتغل فالمجال شغلهم عامل ازاي وقبل كدا اصلا لازم تحدد انت عايز تتعلم ايه بالظبط عشان المجال واسع اوي يعنى فمفيش حاجة اسمها وقت قد ايه انت كل يوم بتتعلم حاجة و كل حاجة بتتطور بشكل مش طبيعي فلازم تبقى بتطور نفسك و updated بالجديد واخيرا لازم تتحلى ببعض السينس يعني هي مش سبوبة وخلاص الشغل دا محتاج ابداع ومش عارفة بصراحة هل دي حاجة ممكن كل الناس تكتسبها ولا لا لأن كل واحد ليه ميول بس اي ابداع بيحتاج تمرين وفرجة كتير و شغل اكتر

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Ap fashion and textile designing field mai kun nahi ayein mere mutabik ap ko ana chahee tha

Many people did suggest me to become designer ,i am good in making design sketches
But hyderabad doesnot have any fashion design course place and my dad doesnot want me to go to Karachi and stay in uncles place and do fashion designing course so it was rejected .
Liked by: ZAKI

Du findest ein Buch, wonach du schon lange gesucht hast, aber das Cover ist grottenschlecht... Kaufst du es trotzdem? 📚 📖

Ich liebe es Bücher zu lesen und mir ist der Inhalt wichtiger als Cover oder so, ich meinen klar als Designer würde ich mich auch so ärgern wenn das Bild scheiße aussieht

Ap kia bnna chahty thy aur ap kia bn gye? 💜

Mustafa_Rajput’s Profile PhotoM U S T A F A
Mera starting say he art k sath aik khas concern raha hai school life say smajh lein k rach bus chuka hai to is leyee art n design k alwa kisi or field ka soch bhe nahi sakti thee hum dono he jesy k art or mai aik dosry k leye bohat zayda important hain phele bhe designer bany ka shock tha or ab bhe designer he hun

Do you prefer living in the city or county and why?

Country. Because I never have to drive in traffic ever in my life. Can leave in the woods and still be 10-15 minutes from any type of store you would need. I'm an outdoors person, nature is just beautiful to me. Creeks and rivers you can swim in, they're plenty out here. Ever seen the night sky out in the country compared to the city? You can see everything including the milky way going across the sky, it's beautiful.
As I grew older, and the credit I was building by my behavior was actually positive, it was nice to move to a small town. Walking into a bank where the manager knows your name, getting greeted at the post office and not going through a hassle picking up packages, etc. Once, I even had a wallet returned to me because the lady recognized my picture from church. Mind you, there are less opportunities. My wife worked as a graphic designer for a bit, and demand wasn't terribly high or lucrative. Non-city life makes it a bit easier to be a part of the community. Bedroom communities. They're small towns that are close to large cities. Most of the people that live in these towns don't actually work in these towns. You get the feel of the community of a small town, people know you, yet you still have stuff to do that isn't too far away.
I generally have much more in common with city people. I also like concerts, theater, public transportation and good restaurants, and that really only comes with cities. I like visiting the country but have no real interest in that lifestyle.
Rural within easy reach of a city is ideal for me. I live in a city currently (for university) and I really struggle with sleep because there is always light and noise coming from outside, also I hate crowds. I'm from a small village originally and much prefer the peace and quiet, and the green countryside
Rural, because I was born in it. I've problems when I'm sleeping at friend's house because I'm used to the noises of the cities(and I'm talking about small cities <30k citizens), for instance my grandma had problems sleeping because they opened a railroad that passes almost 2km from our house, but you are able to ear it in complete silence. Also the idea to have a garden or to walk outside without the traffic, I feel like I'm in a box while being in cities like Milan.
Being in a larger city can be nice sometimes, but I would never live in one. I just find it too crowded, too hectic and very weird if you are just surrounded by city. I like small towns/cities, something around the 30-60k population mark. You have enough people there that the place isn't totally empty, but it's not too crowded, the city is small enough that can easily bike everywhere and the city is just large enough that you can do some stuff in it. I grew up in a city with around 30k people living there, and I just like the feeling there.

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Post something worth reading?

we are loosing control over this life,
men .. women, childern, and old people ..
look around .. do u really know your siblings and your parents?
remember whos alergic to what?
remember whos feared of what?
remember whos in love with whom?
no, we don't know.
we have this illusionary world around us,
we tend to be what's not reality, we post what's not our reality,
like i've never seen something posted thats pretty normal ..
i get snaps of fancy foods, not desi stuff cooked daily at our houses.
i get snaps of designer & super expensive dresses, not what we wear at home.
i get snaps of luxurious cars, and hotels, not places we hang out daily on, or cars our dads own.
i get snaps of faked jaw lines, forced curves or neck lines.. not normal casual poses.
i get snaps of parties alcohol and other shit, i mean you may drink water too bitches .. why dont you capture that?
what's all this for? what's the purpose?
is being bad the new cool?
men crave for females that are easy to drag to beds,
women crave for men who are good in looks or heavy in pockets, no matter how many affairs they have.
where are we heading?
what do you ppl expect?

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Oh, Lyubochka, eu encontrei você, olá para você! Lembras-te que uma vez conversamos contigo em Lisboa, eu ainda pensava que procuravas um intérprete?

Hello my dear, oh, of course I remember you! 😁😁😁 If I saw the photo, then I would definitely remember you as a person. But unfortunately. Although, you know, yes, I remember you! But, I will answer your question, I will no longer fly to Portugal, for the reason that I decided to study in the Crimea and become a famous fashion designer. I love my job very much and learning is my thing. Did we study together by any chance? you know i don't need an interpreter at all. I am excellent at English. By the way, and you know that I have ceased to be painted at all. I don't like it, it's better to look natural. I wish you the very best! And all the best! ❤💔

Би монголд амьдардаг, орос хэл мэдэхгүй ч англи хэл мэддэг. Таныг юм оёх гэж байгаа гэж сонссон? загвар зохион бүтээгчийн ажилд өргөдөл гаргасан уу? Би чамд зөвхөн амжилт хүсье, өөр юу ч биш. Монголын ард түмэн Крым Татаруудаас мэндчилж байна. Танилцахад таатай байна!

Thank you very much for your understanding in my direction! yes, indeed, I went to study as a fashion designer in the Crimea, I really like fashion, namely, to sew something myself. Thanks a lot. And also, I like to read interesting literature, it’s just that we have 3 am in the morning without two minutes, I can’t show the video.
I understood your language a little, because it is somewhat similar to Turkic.
Unfortunately, I don't look like this girl, and if it's you, then it's nice to meet you!
My mother is a Crimean Tatar, and my own father is from a small Ukrainian town in Hutsul Ukraine, but he has Jewish roots, or in a Jewish family, I can’t say for sure.
It’s night now, and I don’t sleep much, I’m thinking how to find such friends who didn’t get drunk on January 1, but for example, they would send me something cute and plush as a gift in honor of my birthday.

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I know you love @Rike_Chubchik. Confess your feelings to him, he will like it.

Ich glaube, ich habe dir genug Text geschrieben, um dir meine Liebe zu gestehen.
Und obwohl ich im Allgemeinen kein Moldauer und im Allgemeinen nicht einmal ein Khokhlushka bin.
Aber egal, was man auch sagen mag, ich sorge mich um dich.
Ich habe sehr gute Gefühle für dich.
Und glauben Sie mir, es ist nicht nur Freundschaft.
Ja, ich bin auf die Krim gegangen, damit die Leute mich nicht beleidigen.
Aber du weißt, dass du und ich sowieso zusammen sein werden.
Und weißt du, ich habe ein kleines Problem im Leben.
Ich leide unter schweren Depressionen.
Ich nehme Medikamente und nehme Tabletten.
Endlich Bescheid wissen!
Mein ganzes Leben lang habe ich meinen Vater geliebt!
Und jetzt hat sie sich einfach in den Lvov Batyar verliebt.
Ich würde gerne mit deinen Freunden befreundet sein.
Wenn nichts klappt, dann trinke Kaffee mit einem von ihnen.
Und ich habe tatsächlich als Designer an der Universität studiert.
Und jetzt werde ich meine schönen Sachen nähen.
Vielen Dank, dass du mich motiviert hast.
Jetzt um 9 Uhr zum Lernen.
Oh, und wenn der Winter auf die Straße kommt.
Vielleicht wird die Krim also an die Ukraine zurückgegeben.
Und wir werden immer bei dir sein.
Kaffee trinken und leckere Kekse essen.

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Language: English