
75 people

50 posts


People have bucket list but what is your anti- bucket list that you wouldn't do ?

Bungee jump
Scuba diving
Maldives/Carribbean (if I'm just going to sit on the beach, which is not my sort of holiday anyway, I'll do it closer to home).

(To those I follow): Hello! 😁 How have you been doing? Is there anything new in your life that you'd love to share? Is there anything you want to talk about or vent about?

M1ssSemy’s Profile PhotoStar. i
▪️Hello 😊
▪️I been doing good but I want vacations. I don’t want to work anymore. 😅
▪️I’m going to meet a lot of new places this year and the next year.
▪️I’m going to Disneyland next year. 🤩🤩🤩
▪️I been going to concerts, in November I’m going to see Kaleo and Palaye Royale. ☺️

Holi! Me contáis cuál fue el peor viaje y cuál el mejor de vuestras vidas? Si no os apetece, también podéis usar esto como espacio libre ☺️

LyreiKeywarin’s Profile PhotoLyrei-Chan
Voy a resumir la gran historia que se redujo a cenizas, jaja. Fue cuando llevé a mi ex a Disneyland y nos subimos a un juego de agua mi "tia la enferma de histeria", mi novia y yo. Total, nos mojamos todos y culpa de los berrinches y amenazas de mi tía, desgraciadamente terminó mi noviazgo. 😢

do you always stop at landmarks when u travel ??

grandmasterqtipp2’s Profile Photonicholas
We don’t really travel much as a family but when we traveled to Florida, we went to universal studios and Disneyland. It wasn’t really fun but it was nice for a change. There weren’t as many rides as there were food places and since we didn’t get a fast pass ticket, we had to wait in line for half an hour to go on a ride that lasted about thirty seconds.

Wie schätzt du deine ferne Zukunft ein auf einer Skala von Disneyland bis "The last of us"? 🤔

simonalein_’s Profile PhotoSimona ⁽⁽⁽i⁾⁾⁾
Wie ich schon oft erklärt habe fühle ich mich und lebe schon immer wie the Last of us oder i am Legend denn es gibt niemand auf meinem Level an Wissen, Bewusstsein, Seelenalter, Komplexität und Kreativität. Lonely at the Top auf einem Berg rechts oberhalb deines Elfenbeinturms liegt mein unsichtbarer INTJ Adlerhorst. Oder die Festung der Einsamkeit oder wie immer du diese Aufsteige nennen willst.
Wie schätzt du deine ferne Zukunft ein auf einer Skala von Disneyland bis The

Ti piace viaggiare? Hai una destinazione di viaggio da sogno?

Sì, mi piace tanto tanto! In Italia vorrei visitare Verona, sono appassionata di Giulietta&Romeo e Napoli, ci sono già stata un paio di volte, ma Napoli non mi stanca mai, non ne ho mai abbastanza! All'estero vorrei vedere New York, sono appassionata alla storia della Grande Mela, una sorta di leggenda che non so se conosci, mi piace la musica jazz che, se non erro è nata in america, mi piace come città e la mentalità americana mi manda proprio in love! :) poi Parigi, per Disneyland ma anche la Cattedrale di Notre Dame o il Louvre e Monte Carlo per il casinò! Anche la Russia m'interessava, ma diciamo motivi sentimentali!

Buenas maj@ !! Cuál es tudestino o viaje soñado que hayas realizado o, por el contrario,aún no? Después de 10 años por aqui se me acaban las preguntas 😅😂. Pregúntame lo que quieras 😃

Ir a Londres con mi chico a los estudios de Harry Potter y ver la ciudad en si
Nueva York por todas las series que he visto, puntos de interés y ver Estados Unidos en general
Paris y Disneyland
Y Tokyo, por toda la cultura que tiene, todo el tema de videojuegos y animes que me gustan..
Pero siempre con mi compañero de viaje💕

Have you ever been on a working holiday?

SlimMan’s Profile PhotoBilly Walker
🎭 A number of national conferences for people in my vocational area, or at my level, in my jobs were very much like that.
🏰 I took kids with disabilities to Disneyland Paris for a week each year in one job.
🚙 I did work experience in a Mexican wheel-making factory once while I was holidaying there for a few weeks.
I’ve gigged round Europe.
🎓 And my temporary stint as a director in a US University followed by a month at college over there sometimes felt like it because I was so far away in another country. 🙂

Day 22 Sei mai stato in un parco Disney?

Ila_cre’s Profile PhotoIla♥️
Ho avuto la fortuna di divertirmi a Disneyland Paris.
Esperienza che consiglio a tutti di provare almeno una volta nella vita: non importa l'età, grandi e piccini possono divertirsi come non mai! Sogno da tempo di rimetterci piede, magari insieme al mio ragazzo... forse perché in fondo la Disney, in quanto mia infanzia, pulsa ancora forte nel mio cuore. Si ritorna bambini, si rivivono i propri sogni e la magia delle favole.
È un parco di divertimenti con la D maiuscola, unico e speciale al mondo.
Day 22 Sei mai stato in un parco Disney

Ciao Lory se tu dovessi partire per una città straniera dove vorresti trascorrerlo questo ponte festivo?

Puma30283’s Profile PhotoPuma
Ciao, non mi dispiacerebbe andare a Parigi, ma non per la città in sé, ma vuoi mettere due giorni interi a Disneyland tipo una bambina addolescente! ?
Liked by: Ynot ➳

Holiii después de 1 siglo🐼🦄 Qué tal estais? Teneis pensado iros de viaje en lo que queda de año? A dónde? Y si no importara dinero/tiempo... A dónde os gustaría ir? Que tengais un buen día y buena semana(lo que queda)❤️

Pequeitapandicornio’s Profile PhotoPequeñita Pandicornio
Holiii, estoy un poco resfriada hoy :'( ¿y tú qué tal? No tengo ningún viaje pensado, no hay medios :( Pero, si la pasta no fuera problema, me iba a cualquier lado, sea al pueblo de mi padre a ver a mi familia, a Italia, que mi madre quiere ir, Disneyland, por mi madre también, Nueva York con mi niño... No sé 🥹

Inspired by a question - Do you collect anything? What is it? Give us some "backstory" of how it started. If you don't collect anything, ignore this question. 👗👜👟

M1ssSemy’s Profile PhotoStar. i
I am collecting Pandora charms and Disney x Loungefly bags since this year!
I started collecting Pandora charms because I wanted to start wearing more jewelry. Pandora have very personal kinds of charms and they have a Disney collection, which I love!
For the Loungefly bags: I absolutely loooove their quality and design! They have such colourful bags 😍 when I went to Disneyland wearing one of them, the castmembers loooved it!
Inspired by a question  Do you  collect anything What is it Give us some

Confiesa: ¿Has pedido un autógrafo a alguien famoso?

Sí💘. Cuando fui a DisneyLand París a los 9 años, y cuando fui al concierto de Ambkor y Subze me firmaron: Ambkor su último disco y la hoja que llevaba de la entrada, y Subze su primer libro. Es que les adoro, en serio❤.
Creo que no se lo he pedido a nadie más, más que nada porque no me he topado con ninguna persona famosa más.
Liked by: Adri

Confiesa: ¿Qué has comprado que haya sido el mayor despilfarro de dinero?

Lo que se me viene a la cabeza es el peluche de Stitch, que me costó, si no recuerdo mal, 35€ en DisneyLand París cuando fui al viaje de estudios en 2017. Tenía clarísimo que no podía marcharme de allí sin él, así que me daba igual el gasto del dinero.
De otra manera, no recuerdo más despilfarros así de ese estilo.
Liked by: Adri

Sei mai andato in un parco divertimenti? Quale?

Parco divertimenti no.
Niente Disneyland, Gardaland o Mirabilandia per Davide.
Però sono andato in qualche parco acquatico.
Tre diversi.
L’ultimo appena un mese fa, quando ancora le cose mi andavano bene, avevo voglia di impegnarmi per costruirmi un futuro e avevo voglia di viverlo.
L’Aquafan di Riccione.
Ho fatto due giorni di seguito il secondo costa solo 5€, che è meno di una giornata in piscina dove abito io 😅
Vabbè, il secondo giorno era nuvole e c’era poca gente e ho svarionato con due romani con cui alla fine ci siamo scambiati le foto sull’Extreme River, che secondo me è lo scivolo più adrenalinico del parco.

¿Te gusta Halloween?

Adoro Halloweeen, es una época super divertida sobretodo si eres niño. A mi es que me encanta las decoraciones super chulis y las fiestas ambientadas. Si es que mola mucho.
Justo me voy a ir en Octubre a Disneyland Paris y estoy super emocionada😍
Liked by: Stefan Gor

best thing you did in paris x

zactc’s Profile Photozack vaughan
There are several things I did in Paris and I can’t rank them, but I really recommend doing these:
Cimetière du Père Lachaise. This is a very old graveyard. Famous people as Bugatti are buried here as well.
🖼 Louvre. The biggest art museum in Europe. In one day, you haven’t seen all of it. It holds Mona Lisa and the apartment of Napoleon.
🏛 Arc de Triomphe. Right in the middle of the roundabout which connects 12 big streets to one another in the shape of a star lies the Arc de Triomphe.
🌠 Champs-Elysées. This street is called like that “street of the stars” because of all the streets connecting to one another, causing a star shaped look from above.
🎭 Bibliothèque-musée de l'Opéra. This is architecture at it’s finest. Never seen a more beautiful interior for a theater.
🇫🇷 Eiffel Tower. Speaks for itself. I recommend booking online (make sure it’s official) if you want to get to the top. They’re almost always sold out so… from 22:00 every night every 5 minutes it lights up and sparkles. I recommends going a bit further away to have a more beautiful view!
Haven’t done these because of lack of time but:
🏰 Château de Versailles. King Louis the fourteenth his castle, but it’s more like a palace. It’s huge and very beautiful! You need a full day to explore most of it.
💀 Les Catacombes de Paris. Catacombs of Paris. Everything is covered with skulls. I recommend booking in advance if possible, because they’re easily sold out.
Also, if you’re in Paris. Disneyland Paris is quite close by. I recommend going there for two or three days to make the best out of everything. The two parks are really big, there is a lot to do and see and waiting lines are long. If you want rides + meet and greet with Disney characters, I definitely recommend going two days!
When you book a hotel there, you get lots of advantages, it’s expensive though, but not more expensive then buying regular tickets.
Try to find a hotel with a kitchen in your room, unless you don’t mind going out every night to have dinner. Expect to pay around €150 (euros) per day in Paris when eating out is included. Hotel is excluded with this price.

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best thing you did in paris x

🌸 You have a day completely to yourself, no obligations, what do you do? :)

That’s a day like today!
I’d work out in the morning, take a bath then go into the jacuzzi and read a book in the sun. After that I’ll lay in the sun to tan and read some more. In the evening I’ll cook dinner and watch something.
If I had more time and money, I’d probably actually go somewhere, like an airport to watch planes, Disneyland, Efteling or a spa. 😊
You have a day completely to yourself no obligations what do you do

Ho sempre desiderato andare in un parco divertimenti tipo Disneyland ma non ho mai trovato nessuno con cui andarci. Anche ora che sono sotto i 30 e sono sola come un cane, relazione finita,amici andati via e passo le mie giornate a piangere e scrivere come una sfigata su un social di anonimi. Odiami

Non hai bisogno necessariamenre di compagnia per fare qualcosa che ami. Vuoi andare a Disneyland? Fatti un regalo e vai anche da sola!

How is your summer going so far ?

funny_hot’s Profile PhotoMegan
Oh I've been out of school for years. But did love summer vacation as all kids do. And totally understand people getting the blues in winter...just my wires got crossed and now I get 'em in summer. But a stroll through a cemetery on a cold gray day...gives me the cozies just thinking about. Plus I love long sleeves and sport coats. Stuff I can't really wear in summer. At least here in the southeast. 😄 Motorcycles have found their purpose once again. There's a very big forest near my house where people have made some interesting tracks for enduro bikes.
It's so boring to the point that I just want to go back to school. More productive than usual. Got a remote job paying $15/hr, working on drawing, and going to college soon!
Productive, lonely, and lazy all at the same time.
I went to go see Paramore and Foster the People last Friday and Zac said it was his favourite show in the entire tour. Also, my guy friends were testing the noise levels of the concert goers. I’m currently in the middle of a D&D campaign that a good friend of mine is DMing and my character (And my party )has almost died a few times. Another close friend is also hosting a D&D campaign called the Curse of Strahd, which is the perfect opportunity to add more depth to my character’a lore. And I've spent the majority of my graduation money on VHS tapes.
But next week is my birthday and in just three weeks I'll be leaving on a trip to Austria with all my friends for a whole week! We've been there last year already and it wad SO beautiful there, I'm looking forward to it.
Pretty awesome! I've been keeping super busy. Started the summer by seeing Janelle Monae last month (SO AMAZING). Went to Disneyland a couple of days later (for free!) to celebrate me and my partner's anniversary. My son's 6th birthday party was this past Saturday--he had a total blast. Went to Pride on Sunday and saw TLC. This Saturday is Comic Con (for free!) and then seeing Crazy Ex-Girlfriend live that night. Finally winding down next month, only thing on my calendar is going to Disney's California Adventure (for free!).
It’s been kinda shitty. Sure, I got my first job, but the work has taken a toll on my back and legs, and they don’t have any resemblance of a steady schedule, and the pay is extra shitty because it’s minimum wage, except there’s also union dues, which cost me almost a quarter of what I make. And I havnt been able to get anything I wanted to do this summer done because any day I do have off I’m too tired and sore to do anything but play games. And my one and only big goal, the main reason I wanted a job in the first place, is looking less and less possible, not because of the money, but because my Mum. And also I got a concussion a few weeks ago which is still making me very dizzy some days. overall it’s just been shit.

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have you ever seen a mobile phone in your dreams?

Yes hahaha, I actually had one in a dream this morning!
I suddenly saw the Disneyland castle whilst the sun was setting, so the whole sky was purple with pink 😍. Then suddenly the fireworks started and I really wanted to record it so I can have it as a visual memory lol.
have you ever seen a mobile phone in your dreams

Wie gerne geht ihr in einem Vergnügungspark? Nenne mir den besten Freizeitpark den ihr bisher besucht habt, in Deutschland? Fahrt ihr lieber mit krassen Achterbahnen, oder lieber mit ruhigen Fachgeschäften?

Ich liebe Achterbahnen und war schon im phantasialand, Holidaypark und was nicht in Deutschland war, war im Disneyland Paris und plopsaland bei Belgien in der Nähe von Frankreich und da war die Achterbahn vom Haus Anubis die schlimmste bisher weil sie langsam runterging am Anfang und als es hochging hat die so geschossen und alles😂selbst mein Vater hat danach gesagt das die schlimm war und er musste seine Kappe + Brille sogar abgeben am Anfang und dann wussten wir warum😂🙈und ich fahre so gerne Achterbahnen🥰

What if, being a selingkuhan But, you got all the attention that you need all this time. Attention, we don’t talk money. Just attention. What do you think? Will you take the chance, or not?

What if your feeling getting deeper. But at the end, you just the second option to them. You might get all the attention and affection that you need all this time, but not for him/her. You might be their disneyland, but not their home. Me? I won't take the risk and that kind of "chance".
But talking about the attention, I wish y'all could get a sincere love from your people as you guys deserve.

What was your first trip abroad Did you like it ?

First trip abroad was to France!
It was just a long weekend. Friday and Monday were spent travelling there. The Saturday was at Disneyland, and the Sunday exploring Paris.
Unfortunately I don't remember much of it. It was before we found out that I needed glasses cuz I was horribly short sighted xD
So the whole trip was quite literally a blur xD
What was your first trip abroad Did you like it

Was haltet ihr so vom Disneyland Paris? (an die Menschen die schon vor Ort waren)

Xenlay’s Profile PhotoXenlay
Mega schön nur steht man halt für alles extrem lange an und das ist das nervige aber wenn man morgens da ist wo es noch etwas leerer ist dann gehts eig🙈Vorallem abends dann die lichtershow bei dem Schloss ist der Wahnsinn😻

Has a movie, book, show, game etc. ever made you emotional? How easily does it happen? 😄😡😥

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Disney movie can always make me bawl lol, they’re so good at hitting close to home by making it so recognizable.
Other that that, movies, shows, games, books don’t make me feel emotional easily.
What does make me emotional though are concerts, festivals, theme parks and other memorable things like vacation. Efteling and Disneyland created a soft spot in my heart. I love looking back at things or even having the realization during a moment and just be like ‘woah, I get to experience this, I get to be alive today and feel and take this all in and enjoy this moment with the people around me 🥹’
For example, this is my video I took at Disneyland, I cried for over 10 minutes looking at my videos and videos trying to find the most suitable one lol.
If you like this, I really suggest you search up on YouTube: Disneyland D-Light + Disney Illuminations 😊

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LunarHuntress’s Video 169669467356

Do you tend to remember your dreams? Maybe give an example of one you've had recently or that was particularly memorable? 😴💭

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I tend to remember vague pieces of my dreams, rarely complete stories.
Last night I dreamt of planning to go to Disneyland with my boyfriend hahaha 😂 since my trip to Disneyland I’ve had a lot of Disney related dreams lol
Do you tend to remember your dreams Maybe give an example of one youve had

Tengo que soltar algo, desahogarme.. Mi supuestamente mejor amiga me provocó un ataque de migraña tan fuerte que se mezclo con ataque de ansiedad que hizo que se me durmiera medio cuerpo y haciendo que me llevarán de urgencias en Disneyland París. Parece el típico "Storytime"de YouTube, fue horrible

Midaleah’s Profile PhotoEmily
A mí me hace algo tan fuerte como para que me ocurra algo así y, automáticamente deja de ser mi amiga.
Liked by: Stefan Gor

Tengo que soltar algo, desahogarme.. Mi supuestamente mejor amiga me provocó un ataque de migraña tan fuerte que se mezclo con ataque de ansiedad que hizo que se me durmiera medio cuerpo y haciendo que me llevarán de urgencias en Disneyland París. Parece el típico "Storytime"de YouTube, fue horrible

Midaleah’s Profile PhotoEmily
Y esa es tu mejor amiga? Amig@s como es@s las dejé yo en el contenedor de basura hace ya tiempo.... prefiero a mis enemig@s, con eso te lo digo todo.

Tengo que soltar algo, desahogarme.. Mi supuestamente mejor amiga me provocó un ataque de migraña tan fuerte que se mezclo con ataque de ansiedad que hizo que se me durmiera medio cuerpo y haciendo que me llevarán de urgencias en Disneyland París. Parece el típico "Storytime"de YouTube, fue horrible

Midaleah’s Profile PhotoEmily
Para tener amigas así mejor no tener ni una. A mí me pasó algo parecido. En un viaje a Madrid me dio un ataque de ansiedad y muchas de mis "amigas" me dijeron que eso eran tonterías y para que me ponía así, como si yo quisiera sentirme así. La única que me entendió fue mi mejor amiga.

🐟what was the highlight of your best ever holiday?

Each holiday there have been many ..
US : Alcatraz , The Food , Universal Studios , Disneyland.
Beijing : Climbing a section of The Great Wall , Tea Farm , food .
Malaysia: Temples , Penang Island , food.
Queensland : Outback Spectacular , Theme Park rides , especially the roller coasters .
Hawaii : The beaches , Volcanoes , Pearl Harbour .
NSW : Camping , horse riding , hiking .
Many more and many to still discover ;)

Milyen típusú utazást választanál most legszívesebben: tengerpart, hegyek, túrázás, kultúra, városnézés, valami extrém sportra vagy különleges tevékenységre alkalmas hely, bármi más? Konkrét helyszín ötleted van, ahová régóta vágyódsz?

egyavokado’s Profile PhotoBrandy Alexander
Nem tudok egyet mondani, ezek holtversenyesek: tengerpart, kultúra, extrém sportok.
Sok helyre vágyom eljutni, mert több, mint 10 éve nem nyaraltam, meg nem jutottam el sehová, illetve ez így pontatlan, mert kb. 5-6 évvel ezelőtt voltam pár programon, de azóta megint nem. Elvileg idén összejön, sikerült apámat rávennem és ha minden igaz, a nagynéném visz minket kocsival ide-oda, szóval társaságunk is lesz.
Vannak ötleteim, ahová régen szeretnék eljutni, de ezek megvalósíthatatlanok:
- Maldív-szigetek
- St. Maarten-sziget
- Disneyland (igen, ilyen infantilis vagyok 😆)

Language: English