
109 people

50 posts


Perfect age to get married ?

Athar_Lati’s Profile PhotoAthar Lati
When stranger aunties start staring at you from a distance, with the brightest smile on their face, eyes glued onto you for a some time, at some grocery store, shopping mall or hospital. That’s the perfect age for you to to find someone before you get into their stuck with their hopelessly romantic child.

How's the weather inside you ✨

MixhuBaloch’s Profile PhotoMixhu
I think I've been actually hitting this:
Age of mine where I am actually feeling dark isn't scary but it is peaceful~
Age where I feel people screaming, protesting and mourning while hurting themselves isn't scary but the silence and noise inside one's head is~
Age where I am no more afraid of crying but afraid of getting the emotions bottled up and not letting them out to the point they become inexpressible~
Age where I am no more afraid of feeling the pain but developing a habit of befriending it to the point that it becomes numb~
Age where I see the stars and no more wonder they are far away but think of the distance they have travelled~
So, the lesson I teach myself every single time is "When it feels scary to jump in, it is exactly the pount when you jump in! Because you cannot stay at the same place where you are forever. So just forgo the FEAR that says WHAT IF? and grab the string of FAITH that says EVEN IF!"✨

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What's your favorite mobile game other than long distance relationship? 💀

Egoistic_101’s Profile Photoᴇᴠɪʟᴏʟᴏɢɪꜱᴛ
Long distance relationships are my favourite type of comedy.
"Dikhao na"
"Hehe nahe pehlay aap dikhayen"
And the funnier thing is, even if its hard, both cant do anything about it. Literally and figuratively.

Do you the the idea of long distance friendships and/or relationships?

I’m currently sort of in one, for 4,5 years now. We live 1,5-2,5 hours apart from each other. (Which is considered a long distance in The Netherlands).
It’s so worth it if the person you’re with is your soulmate. 🥰
I also have friends that live countries far away. It’s possible!

Would you be in a phone only relationship?

I would and am willing to be in a long distance relationship if I sense that they’re “the one” for me but I haven’t came across anyone online who I happened to like and who also happened to like me back. I don’t feel comfortable talking on the phone but I will do it for the sake of letting the person hear my voice at least once and then we’ll most likely continue texting unless he doesn’t like texting that much (which could be an issue for me). After a certain point, I will want to see them in person more often but if I can’t for some time, that’s ok with me.

For those who were in a serious relationship during COVID times, both isolating together, are you still together with the same partner?

I didn't get to isolate with fella because that was when we were still long distance, I don't think it would have been an issue for us tho, we love hermitting together 😂

Do you spend a lot of time on the internet and if not, how do you avoid being online for so many hours?

I spend quite a lot of my time on the internet/online.
Part is for my work, another part is for my personal enjoyment.
I can’t avoid being online during work. I want to be online in my free time because my boyfriend and I live quite a distance apart from each other and we mostly see each other online.
I often try to be offline on social media by listening to music, gaming, reading a book, working, walking/being outside.
Do you spend a lot of time on the internet and if not how do you avoid being

My brother in law wants to build a relationship with me but divorcing my sister( no we haven’t smashed)

aliciabiscool9’s Profile PhotoRudolph B
As long as he doesn’t try making a move on you and you two were on good terms for the most part, I wouldn’t think too much of it. But, if you sense that he has an ulterior motive that you don’t agree with and it makes you uncomfortable, I’d keep my distance.

♡⁠🌙 لــَ 24 رَمَـضـــآن 🌙♡

sooosaa9’s Profile Photoʚɞ Frawla ʚɞ
“Most relationships taught me the more chances you give a person, the less they value you. They aren't scared to lose you bcoz they know no matter what, you won't walk away. Never let anybody get comfortable with disrespecting you. Love yourself & choose distance over disrespect

Have you ever experienced any paranormal activity?

HusnainShahHashmi’s Profile PhotoHUSNAIN
Yes, several times, one night at home I heard footsteps and someone calling me from a distance... but I was home alone. Another time I was home in my room with the door closed and suddenly the room got very cold and I started to feel like someone was caressing me... I had a jolt of chills all over my body... they say that when the place you are in suddenly gets cold it means that there is someone there with you. I am psychic and this kind of thing happens to me quite often...🥶👻

If your crush got you angry in things would you treat them poorly as well?

aliciabiscool9’s Profile PhotoRudolph B
I wouldn’t unless I felt like they were deliberately trying to make me mad and I’ve had enough of it. I’m not one to treat anyone poorly unless they have a habit of treating me poorly. I’ve had a crush on a guy in the past who complained about the way I smelled one day while I was sitting next to him in class and I’m thinking that it was just him trying to get on my nerves since no one else complained about the “smell”. I didn’t try picking his faults and flaws after he did that but it did make me realize his bad character and I kept my distance from him even more than I already was (since I’m a distant person in general).


HarleyQuinn_DC’s Profile Photo❖⠀⁄⁄ ᴴᵃʳˡᵉʸ Qᵘⁱⁿⁿ ❜
Diana stopped her hurried steps when she was surprised by the arrival of the clown who hugged her suddenly, without the Amazon returning the act, she peeked into the distance to make sure the same thief was still motionless on the ground when it didn't take long for a black van got close to him and one of his companions got out of the vehicle to rescue him and thus disappeared from the sight of the Amazon, who soon became irritated by their escape and broke free from Harley's arms.
— No! Did you see what you did? As always getting in the way of my duties! — Said the Amazon angrily.
— What are you doing here? I thought you had been arrested!

— Hello, Wanda. — The boy approached the witch after having seen her from a short distance.

Hawks_MHA’s Profile Photo⠀⁄ ʜᴀᴡᴋꜱ ``
The witch gifted with magical abilities walked leisurely through New York in yet another of her attempts to have what she called the "illusion of a normal life", although, deep down, she knew it was useless. She would never forget what she had done in Westview, she would never forget the horrors she could do when strong emotions like anger and grief overcame her.
Still, Wanda was willing to turn that page once and for all. While she studied her powers in depth in a deserted and silent place, at the same time, she tried to get acquainted with people who did not alter or manipulate realities. Instead of the red Scarlet Witch costume, she began to wear short black dresses and ankle boots more frequently, in a style very close to gothic.
Wanda was leaving a coffee shop when she heard a nearby voice greet her and say her name. The witch looked over her shoulder, raising her eyebrows, and stopped walking when she noticed the owner of the male voice.
— Hello...(?) — Wanda couldn't avoid the questioning tone in her voice; This boy knew her, it was obvious, Wanda was famous in almost everyone for being a member of the Avengers, but she was certain that she had never met this boy before. Her gaze became more attentive to the pair of red wings he had.

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Hello Wanda  The boy approached the witch after having seen her from a short


WonderWomann_’s Profile PhotoDiαnα Prince '
Harley, as always, went to jail, which explains why she didn't upset any heroes. With her release from jail, the blonde was walking through the streets when she came across a chase that was taking place on the other side of the street where she was. Curious, the clown ran there to find out who was being followed by who. Arriving there, Harley realized that the scene was a man running from a female silhouette that revealed itself to be Wonder Woman. Harley smiled and decided to follow the heroine to try to help her capture the thief. Soon, her surprise was so great when the Amazon took flight and her gaze followed the boy's body being thrown by her into the distance. Harley laughed and jumped a few times along with clapping as she celebrated the thief's defeat and stopped towards the woman, smiling.
— Hey! Hello, Wonder Woman "Hottie"!

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Denkst du, du könntest etwas extrem, schmerzhaft Ungerechtes jemals akzeptieren und deinen Frieden damit finden? Hast du vielleicht sogar leider eine Erfahrung damit gemacht?

Fea3li’s Profile Photochamäleonzüngiges Honigpferd
Well, einerseits ist es sehr persönlich formuliert, andererseits zu unspezifisch und allgemein gehalten. Wenn ich darauf eingehe, würde ich mich gerne auf das "schmerzhaft" begrenzen, da "Ungerechtigkeit" für mein Erleben viel zu abstrakt und individuell ist. Ich kann Dinge, die ich "falsch" finde, für andere Leute ganz gut "definieren", aber ich habe über die Jahre eine - wie ich finde recht gesunde - Distance zu Begriffen wie "gerecht" aufgebaut.
Prinzipiell halte ich sehr viel von der Kriemhildsage und halte sie für großartig, aber die allermeisten Dinge, die mir "widerfahren" sind, sind dafür viel zu banal. Und die eine andere Sache ist zu lange her und zu stark im Fluss der Zeit erstickt - etwas, das die Täte.rin - nicht ganz so symbolisch - auch gerne von mir hätte sagen wollen, was aber bedauerlicherweise nicht ganz so geklappt hat.
Was die ganz alltäglichen Verletzungen angeht, ist es tragischerweise genauso wie es Daughter in "Youth" beschrieb:
"And if you're still ble.eding, you're the lucky ones
'Cause most of our feelings, they are déad and they are gone
We're setting fire to our insides for fun
Collecting pictures from a flood that wrecked our home
It was a flood that wrecked this"
Mit der Zeit stumpft man ab, bis es gewissermaßen egal ist. Das trifft auf die ernsthaften Dinge nicht zu. Es gibt Dinge, die immer bleiben, die aber nur noch mit mir etwas zu tun haben, nicht mit der Täte.rin. Mich triggert auch nichts mehr. Als ich mit 15 das geniale Album "Holywood" gehört habe, hat mich ein Auszug aus "In The Shadow of The Valley of De.ath" ziemlich getriggert:
"She put the seeds in me
Plant this dy.ing tree
She's a burning string
And I'm just the ashes"
Das war im Original ganz anders gemeint, aber das hat mich seinerzeit (zusammen mit der vorherigen Lektüre der Satanischen Bibel) ein Vern.ichtungsritual gegen diese Person vorzunehmen - mit allen Klischeedingen, die für einen Teenager dabei eine Rolle spielen. Aber es war insofern erfolgreich, dass ich seitdem überhaupt gar keine Gefühle diesen Menschen gegenüber habe. Was geschehen ist, hat Nachwirkungen hinterlassen, die aber emotional vollkommen von dieser Person abgekoppelt sind.
Ansonsten wiegt für mich oft eher das schwerer, was ich selbst Leuten "angetan" habe - auch wenn das zu dramatisch formuliert ist. Ich schrieb Dir einmal vor langer Zeit, was das Schlimmste war, was jemand zu mir gesagt hat - und das war als Reaktion auf eine (ebenfalls banale, alltägliche) Verletzung von Gefühlen. Ich versuche so gut es geht, selbst Menschen gegenüber nicht "ungerecht" in meiner Interpretation zu sein.
Und hinsichtlich sozialer Ungleichheiten bin ich generell linker als die meisten linken Parteien - allerdings sehr exklusiv auf dieses Thema bezogen. Es gibt auch Dinge, dazu zählt evtl. auch das, was mir wiederfahren ist, für die es für mich selbst als nahezu unanständig empfände, sie zu "verzeihen". Es gibt Dinge, die man nicht verzeihen sollte.

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Have people ever made up rumors about you and their friends ended up believing those rumors and distanced themselves from you?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
Yeah I’ve had that happen. Some friends fell out but then look stupid once they saw it was just that rumors. But won’t come back around because of what they did when they believe said rumors. I’ve had whole friend groups switch up because either someone spread a ill-intent rumor or only told their part of the story to make themselves look good. Sadly, you can’t decide who they choose to believe rather if it’s true or false.
Sometimes rumors turn out to be true if you look into it. I had a acquaintance who had rumors about them and it turned to be true. When confronted they became a whole bully. So now they just look guilty and glad and thankful I was told about how they are. But you always gotta look into it yourself and make the choice on your own.
When people spread rumors about you, you gotta defend yourself or admit to it if it’s true. If they distance themselves and don’t even try to fact check, they already had suspicions about you. But if it’s just lies, just keep doing you and they’ll look stupid when they truth comes out. Hope all is well Merve!

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Liked by: Zhavia Wagner Merve

What do you think of long distance relationships?

ElsJ_’s Profile PhotoEls
They can be really hard but also very rewarding 😌 Long-distance relationships can present challenges but also provide opportunities to build a thriving, long-lasting romance 💕 it takes a lot of work and communication also a whole lot of trust but the end result when you finally close the gap between you will be worth everything you worked for

*Not that Yamai has any idea all his actions have been observed by someone, he might hear the sound of beating wings, but it's hard to make out a human in the night sky*

onryotatarigami’s Profile PhotoNova
⠀⠀【🦈】 ⠀He perceived the sound, but it was not worthy of prioritization since excused it as the fluttering of some dreaded bird. What did become a signal to retreat was the alarms of firemen and the police in the distance. The patriarch wanted nothing to do with these.
With one more crime staining his hands and dissatisfaction on his conscience, Yutaka departed far from the area with a black vehicle parked nearby. He mentally traced a discreet path, heading down an alleyway. At some point casually adjusted the rearview mirror, soon going in search of a cigarette and lighter for company.
First he had to ensure that no one was being "too" curious.

⠀(ooc) sorry for the delay, ask did not notify me ;-;

Is it wrong to be jealous because the person I like is flirting with other people if we're not even a thing?

I think jealousy just speaks to your emotions. Every heart that loves gets jealous. It’s natural and beautiful in its own way… but if you’re not a “thing,” you have to admire from a distance, because she’s not yours yet.

What's in your mind right now?🙄

AaliyaMirza’s Profile PhotoAaliya Mirza
I choose to love you in silence, for in silence I find no rejection.
I choose to love you in loneliness, for in loneliness no one owns you but me.
I choose to adore you from a distance, for distance will shield me from pain.
I chose to kiss you in the wind, for the wind is gentler than my lips.
I choose to hold you in my dreams, for in my dreams you have no end.

Have you ever been dealing with negative emotions and pushed people away at some point when deep down, you just wanted someone to show genuine interest in talking to you?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
When I feel pain, I push people away. I use the distance to heal and process my emotions. I don’t “crave” people to be interested in me because I’m an introvert. We prefer to hide because it’s more comfortable, but I genuinely love people. I always want to know them more… sometimes that’s what’s painful. Not all souls are kind and I always let my heart get too attached.
Have you ever been dealing with negative emotions and pushed people away at some

_a lot of footsteps could be heared by the distance, letting see a certain berry emerging from the nowhere_ ⚡ Mwehehe, Genooooo!!! ⚡ _with the arrival of berry, Geno could feel a strong hug coming from him_ ⚡ Hello other me!! ⚡

BerrySans’s Profile Photo⚡》Underswap!Sans [Berry]《⚡
*Wasn't expecting this*
*Geno was caught off guard cause how'd Blue get to Reapertale?*
Berry? What brings you by, we're not exactly a hot tourist spot

*The man in the thick coat caught her attention, and one of her ears flicked at his comment, making her smirk, but she was curious about the stranger. She ended up getting up, draping her towel over her shoulder as she sidled over* "You ok there buddy?"

onryotatarigami’s Profile PhotoNova
⠀⠀【🦈】 ⠀From a short distance, shivering would be seen - not constant, but present enough to be noticed. Decayed brown eyes objected in making eye contact. That question seemed awfully like a broken record to him.
⠀⠀❝I've been better,❞⠀he replied automatically, dragging out a tired sigh.⠀❝The sun still doesn't satisfy me.❞

Żałujesz jakichś niewypowiedzianych słów?

panseksualny’s Profile PhotoMaunahd Sava
PL: Tak, niektórym ludziom już na samym początku znajomości powinnam zasugerować szybkie oraz nagłe oddalenie się od mojej osoby w wybranym przez siebie kierunku. 😌
Żałuję też, że dzisiaj nie zje***am motorniczej w tramwaju, nacisnęłam guzik, że ma się zatrzymać i otworzyć drzwi, a ta, patrząc mi prosto w oczy, pojechała dalej, tępa ci**, i musiałam łazić kawał drogi jak pajac. 🤡
ENG: Yes, I should suggest to some people, at the very beginning of our relationship, that they should quickly and suddenly move away from me in the direction of their choice. 😌
I also regret that today I didn't mess up with the tram driver, I pressed the button for her to stop and open the door, and she, looking me straight in the eye, drove on, stupid b**ch, and I had to walk for a long distance like a f***ing clown. 🤡

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How do you go about keeping a good posture? 🚶‍♀️

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
That's a very good question! Let me explain it:
I don't. 😄
The last six months were so exhausting, I stopped hitting the gym and keeping track of anything that could be good for my body in any way. The only activity were the doggo-walks.
But (!) I have some exercises that I want to start doing again. For example: Pressing your back against the wall and stretching your neck, while pushing your chin down to your chest - without losing contact to the wall, of course. Tense your belly muscles while pressing against the wall and try to press as much skin against it as possible. Do it a few times during the day, hold it some time (I have no idea for how long exactly; I do it for like... a minute or sth.?) and that's it. What I did as a child: my grandma made a game out of balancing a book at the top of our heads. It worked wonders.
Another exercise is: Laying flat on your belly and holding a towel with strechted arms above your head, while facing the floor; don't move your head in any other direction. Hold the towel with both hands at a distance that your head could fit in there and then pull the towel outwards, while tensing your whole body and lifting your feet and shoulders as if there was a string attached. Keep your head facing down while doing so. Hold it for a minute. You'll feel this in your whole back. :D and the rest of your body. Hell, I felt it in every fiber when I first started it, as I was very stiff and had to start with baby steps again.
These are three very simple exercises that fit in every time schedule. I mean... i could've done all of them instead of writing this answer. 😄
Oh, and I hope that my way of explaining is understandable. I can imagine that one have absolutely no clue what I've tried to describe. Maybe I I'll find a tutorial (if necessary) that I could attach to the answer. :)
And sorry for any errors or spelling mistakes that could impede the reading flow.

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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀✠⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⃰⠀⠀⠀⠀CRUEL PAIN. ⠀⠀⠀⠀❁

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀There's darkness in the ( , distance )
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀From ,* the way that I've been livin '
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀But I know (⠀ I can't ⠀)⠀➢⠀resist it.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀My dear s i s t e r, I'm⠀ afraid of life.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀☰⠀〃⠀but i'll be your safe home. 亀
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀〘⠀⠀⠀♡ ⠀⠀⠀﹕⠀ ⠀ @illicitvfvirs ⠀⠀⠀〙
⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ⅠⅠⅠ.⠀⠀⠀ʻ*⠀⠀ ╺ ╺⠀ https://jpst.it/3ztA6


HarleyQuinn_DC’s Profile Photo❖⠀⁄⁄ ᴴᵃʳˡᵉʸ Qᵘⁱⁿⁿ ❜
On any given day, the jester walked the streets of Gotham thinking about what she could do, although boredom bothered her. Harley was so submerged in her random thoughts until she was approached by a group of guys who were henchmen of another guy, but a mobster, who ordered his henchmen to capture her due to a huge amount of money she owed him after a mission which was given to him by him to rob a bank in the city, after all, this mobster knew of the clown's exceptional skills and would like her to do this favor for him, and in the end, both of them would split the amount without any problem, but what happened was that Harley did not comply with the due agreement. She simply disappeared with the amount she stole, and this only made the mobster angry and told one of his henchmen before that it wasn't a good idea because Harley always deceived people, even the most powerful people in the city like this mobster. She owed almost everyone she got in the way of and always made up weak excuses to have to postpone the return of their belongings which never happened, everyone she owed wanted her d*ad now. She was cornered by the group into a nearby alley, they were all armed and ready to take her life right now. Harley now got into a physical fight against them to get out of there alive as soon as possible. She was trying to dodge the blows from their weapons when unfortunately she was immobilized by them, one of them who was coordinating the group, was pointing the gu*n at her head ready to shoot. It was then that her blue irises saw the silhouette of a beautiful girl in the distance who witnessed everything there, also attracting the attention of the guys. Harley screamed for her to get away from there or her life would also be taken and she wondered if the girl had understood her even though she was still standing at the entrance to that alley.

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Share your ask crush story

I remember she was sooo mean and sarcastic. Plus pretty af and goth too. Her brain was equal to 4 girls brains combined and her SoundCloud playlist is so goood. I still revisit in once a month. She's no more on ask but she was da best profile heree and my longest standing crush. I'm pretty sure we'd cringe ourselves to death if we ever talked but I'm happy as an admirer from distance :'))
Share your ask crush story

Post what makes you happy ✨️

MAIYDA’s Profile PhotoMaida Shafqat
Nature 🍃❤️
The morning breeze caresses my face, gentle whispers of dancing leaves, a chirping bird breaking the otherwise quiet atmosphere. In the stillness of the night, an old song plays in the distance as I read in my room. Dewdrops fall from leaves in the morning, butterflies gracefully hopping from one flower to another, and the wet grass energizes your soul as you walk. Nature's wonders are countless and ever-enchanting. ❤️

You look anything but poor, Mr Pirate, I don't think it'll hurt anything if you lose some yen *She then turns her back towards him when he reaches his hand out and starts walking away, She completely ignores his request* You got it wrong, by the way, I'm only trying to change things for myself~

⠀⠀【🐍】 ⠀Curious? Take it for granted. Majima was not the kind of person to settle for inconclusive answers. He loves to dig deeper, always getting into matters that dazzled intrigue. And above all, this woman had no idea who she was dealing with.
⠀❝...Heh, you see,❞⠀the peculiar girl’s steps were caught up with ease, him becoming a clear obstacle in front. A wide grin peeked out like some sort of twisted satisfaction.
⠀❝Be that as it may, ya must earn it by yer own toil n’ sweat.❞⠀He leaned into her, closing the distance between faces, just for the sake of annoyance.⠀❝People like ya... get punished. I’d throw ya off the side of the ship an’ feed ya to the sharks, but hey... how ’bout ya explain to me what yer tryin’ to do with the money, hm?❞

ما آخر شيء لاحظتَ تغيُّره في شخصيتك؟

I no longer take the random thoughts I get for granted, thinking that "anyone could come up with this". Or to assume that everyone would naturally come to the same conclusions I would if they were presented with the same data.
I thought that it would not be that special if I didn't exert much effort into it.
Now, I exploit that fact and make people believe that it's the hardest and most special discovery and that they would be idiots if they didn't worship the outcome that would "change their lives".
Sometimes, I do revert to my automatic behaviour. So to avoid slipping up, I keep some distance and some air of righteousness. I also try to keep my mouth shut and observe more than I react or speak up.
It's harder than it seems to be honest, but I have to do it, otherwise, I'd be exploited by my superiors and colleagues.

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Why is it that when I like someone, they ignore me?

liking is directly proportional to ignoring when you keep telling them how much you need them more than they deserve.
The basic rule is that liking someone is good but learning is not available every time, every moment of the day, being over expressive, being extra possessive is too boring.
learn to ignore when you dont want to, sit at a distance and maintain it and you'll see them running to fill the gaps. ❤️

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀✠⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⃰⠀⠀⠀⠀CRUEL PAIN. ⠀⠀⠀⠀❁

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀There's darkness in the ( , distance )
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀From ,* the way that I've been livin '
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀But I know (⠀ I can't ⠀)⠀➢⠀resist it.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀My dear s i s t e r, I'm⠀ afraid of life.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀☰⠀〃⠀but i'll be your safe home. 亀
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀〘⠀⠀⠀🐼 ⠀⠀⠀﹕⠀ @illicitvfvirs ⠀⠀⠀〙
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Ⅰ.⠀⠀⠀ʻ*⠀⠀ ╺ ╺⠀ https://jpst.it/3yCl3

Do you watch TV? If you do, what do you usually watch on TV (streaming platforms, live TV, movies only, etc). If you don't watch TV at all, ignore this question. 🌿

M1ssSemy’s Profile PhotoStar. i
I usually watch TV news and these days skiing and flights on ski - I was shocked that nowadays men reach the distance 240 metres in it 😱
Do you watch TV  If you do what do you usually watch on TV streaming platforms

The distance and the time between us

لول عدى ١٤ سنة على الفيديو ده كنت عندي ٩ سنين ، في الوقت ال في سني كانوا لسه بيتعلموا القراءة والكتابة كانت ماما بتحفظني دوواين شعر كاملة وقصائد بكلمات معقدة ، كنت طفل معجزة وكده " والطفل الذي لم تحتضنه القبيلة سيعود ويحرقها ليشعر بدفئها بقا "
amrrhadhoud’s Video 173103090932

Have you ever been stalked? 😨 What was your experience like?

I’ve never been stalked to the point where I was worried for my life but I have caught the eye of my neighbor back when I lived in my hometown. We took the same bus home and he stopped where I got off and looked at me from a distance, as if he wanted to say something but couldn’t find the courage to say it. I wish I looked back and spoke to him that day, rather than incessantly knocking on the door to my house and trying to go inside ASAP. Also, another time I felt I was being stalked was when I was in Turkey and this guy was following me around and kept his eye on me while we were shopping with my grandma and friend. I thought he was cute and would’ve stopped to talk to him but I knew my grandma would tell my mom about it and my parents would be more reluctant to send me off to Turkey again if I pulled a move like that so I didn’t say anything to him. He eventually left when I was inside the store for a while as I was trying on new clothes since I couldn’t see him anywhere around after I was done shopping.

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Language: English