
46 people

50 posts


Hi Doc and happy Sunday to you. How is everything? And how are you feeling now? (Read your answer regarding the shittiest phase)

ABasit164’s Profile PhotoBasit
Hello. It's a sad Sunday and I'm not a doc ^=^
I'm doing good, shittiest phase shouldn't stop anyone, right?
Thanks for asking tho. you said it right, you're an empath.

Do you think we lose empathy over time? If yes, why?

gawnferal’s Profile Photohudیٰ
It varies from person to person. With time, you go through a lot of experiences. Good, bad, painful, healing. Time can either make you more empath and compassionate, or it can make you bitter. It all depends on your outlook.
A person who starts thinking that world is unfair and unjust, they start imposing that bitterness on people around them. And call it the "bitter reality" or "harsh truth" that everyone should have a taste of. They start thinking that they didn't have it easy, and no one else should have it easy either. Everyone should go through the hardship and pain they went through. It makes them lose empathy.
People just need to accept that whatever happens in our life, negative or positive, it's for our own good. And not everyone is gonna have the same experience as us. And if anyone is going through smth that we went through, we should just... tell them what we needed to hear at that moment, but no one told us. But now we have the power to make someone's life easy because of our prior experiences. When one accepts that things happen for the better, everything's written, and it's gonna happen one way or another, there is no bitterness.

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Do you find it easy to show your feelings? 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ ᏖᏋᏁᏗፈᎥᎧᏬᏕ ᏖᎧᎷᎷᏗᎩ™ ▩ ♚ ☻
You know this better than most Tomcat… I have the most difficult time concealing my emotions. I tend to be a very open person and I’m very much an empath. It’s not always a good thing, but when I connect with people, it’s a genuine, beautiful, and meaningful connection because I took a chance being vulnerable and it’s always worth it in my mind.
Do you find it easy to show your feelings

You're slower than duck s*** rolling up a hill I mean seriously this is so stupid I was thinking the whole time does he not know that I can see everything too cuz I'm an empath you lose where's your fun now cuz you want to see how many times somebody's coming on here and checking what you wrote blah

You actually took the time to see how fast duck sh*t rolls up hill?? Can you watch how fast my grass grows??

Do you believe that attractive women attract narcissists men especially if they’re empaths?

antisocialmermaid12103’s Profile Photoantisocialmermaid
I don’t think a narcissist is looking for someone who he’s attracted to or who attracts him because he’s too busy living in his own world and thinking that the world revolves around him, most likely to the point he barely considers the beauty of the woman he’s with (unless her beauty will benefit him someway or somehow). I do believe that a woman who is an empath and who is willing to go out of her way for him would be someone he would consider being with because she’s an “easy target” who will do as he wishes (most likely). A narcissist is hardly ever self aware and/or hardly ever takes the blame for the things he’s responsible for so whichever woman is willing to let go of his flaws, doesn’t call him out for his behavior and makes him look good in society (when they’re out together) will probably be the woman he wants to be with and chooses.

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Are “Empaths” real or just some new fad term?

it's a fad that misappropriates the very real sense of empathy most adults are able to feel. and it isn't even that new, really; my mother, a self-proclaimed empath, started calling herself one when i was a kid, like 15-20 years ago. it's just outside of those highly insulted woo-woo circles now.
i personally don't trust most people who call themselves empaths, especially the spiritualist types. including my mother, i've known many of them to be manipulative or even straight up emotionally ab*sive, then try to use "i'm an empath" as a get out of jail free card. however, being able to feel empathy doesn't automatically make you a good person, and touting somethimg like "i'm just better and more ascended than you" is not a good first step to being one.
Liked by: Captain Obvious h.

Рациональное мышление или эмоции? Чем руководствоваться по жизни?

TheContraRaptor Дзукаев
I am an empath, which means that I live by emotions, but this does not mean that I am not able to think logically and rationally. If I have to make a decision, I do it with a cool head, and not under the influence of emotions.
Рациональное мышление или эмоции Чем руководствоваться по жизни

,,Légy férfi!" ,,Viselkedj úgy, mint egy férfi!" Mit is jelent férfinek lenni? Ha a biológia nem, mi tesz minket azzá? Milyen gondolkodást, viselkedést, cselekvést, életvitelt vagy egyéb jellemzőt vársz el valakitől, hogy viselhesse ezt a címet? Vagy szerinted nem kell kiérdemelni a megnevezést?

konnycseppahomokban’s Profile PhotoNet Uddmeg
Ez egy érdekes téma, ami kapcsán biztos lesznek popular meg unpopular véleményeim is.
Először is, szerintem ezek a "Viselkedj már férfiként" benyögések eléggé toxikusak, mert egyrészt ha a férfiakhoz kötik a jól funkcionáló, normális viselkedést, akkor nem tudom, hogy milyen lehet a sztereotíp nő az ilyen társadalmi berögződések szerint, másrészt talán összefügghet a férfiak globális szinten nagyobb számú öngy*lkossága azzal, hogy míg a nők körében mentálhigiéniai szakember segítségét kérni már-már trend, a férfiak esetében ez még mindig cikinek számít, mert ugye erősnek, tehát "férfiasnak" kell lenni. Szóval ilyen szempontból eléggé rossz, hogy az egyik nemtől ennyire elvárják a lelki erősséget, meg az ötéves Pistikének is megmondják az óvodában, hogy "Ne sírj, nem vagy te kislány".
A véleményem unpopular része pedig az, hogy szerintem van feminin illetve maszkulin agy, DE ez nem vonja azt maga után, hogy gendernormatív berögződésekkel vagyok tele, vagy netán transzfób lennék, és ráadásul nem is állítom azt, hogy a feminin illetve maszkulin agy mindenképpen összefügg azzal, hogy mi van az ember lába között.
Szóval, szerintem a maszkulin agyat logikus, analitikus gondolkodás jellemzi, magasra törő, sikerorientált, nagy benne a versenyszellem, inkább reál érdeklődésű, és nem igazán empath. Ezzel szemben egy feminin típus érzelmesebb, empatikusabb, sokkal inkább közösségi ember, nem nagy benne a versenyszellem, inkább ilyen "kollektív" típus, illetve inkább humán vagy művészeti érdeklődésű.
Aztán ez vagy passzol valakinek a biológiai neméhez, vagy nem. Akinek nem passzol, annak pedig vagy vannak gender non-conforming tendenciái, vagy nem.

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Привет,дружок. Я знаю,что у тебя могут быть какие-либо проблемы,и какими бы сложными они не были,ты совсем справишься. ♥️ Если хочешь напиши мне в личные вопросы то о чем хочешь наконец-то выговориться,я с радостью тебя поддержу.

do not spam with such proposals, it looks hypocritical, firstly, and secondly, if you really wrote the truth about yourself that you are an empath, then other people's problems will drown you, especially since you are not a professional psychologist and do not know how to abstract from what you have heard.
Приветдружок Я знаючто у тебя могут быть какиелибо проблемыи какими бы сложными

كيف تتعامل مع الاشخاص السلبين اللي كل كلامهم احباط وحزن

abdoulrhman’s Profile PhotoDHM
راح أجاوب من جانبين لك و لكل من يقرأ.
*إذا كانت سلبيته تأثر عليه هو و على مجرى حياته + حدود تأثيرها عليك هو الانزعاج من وضعه فقط أو تتألم على حاله لانه عزيز عليك مثلاً
وانت قادر تساعده او تحب تساعده.
فـ حاول دائماً تنمي بداخلك شوية رحمه وتفهم تجاهه، خصوصاً إذا كان كبير في السن أو تعرض لصدمه بسبب موت عزيز أو حادث أو مرض أو خساره ماديه أو يمر بأزمه نفسيه.
إنتبه لنظامه الغذائي وصحة معدته و أمعائه وتنفسه + ضروري يتعرض للشمس.
إذا عندك طولة البال الكافيه، ناقشه في أفكاره و مخاوفه بكل لطف على شكل سوالف عاديه ولاتحتقرها او تقلل من شأن الألم اللي يمر فيه! بس لاتنهي الكلام إلا وانت مدخل في ثناياه أفكار او قصص فيها تفاؤل... إلخ.
إذا كان كبير في السن حاول قد ماتقدر ماتتركه فريسه للوحده و لمتابعة الأخبار
و مافي اي داعي كل يوم و الثاني تغثونه بمشاكلكم وتفضفضون له وهو مو لاقي احد يفضفض له!
إصنع معه ذكريات جميله شاركه في الأشياء اللي يحبها.
إقترح عليه بكل لطف، تغيير معين مثلا في ستايل ملابسه او شعره او أثاث غرفته.
*أما في حال إنو الكلام يأثر عليك إنت، اما الشخص الآخر ماشيه حياته بس شغلته ينشر طاقه سلبيه
فـ إبحث في داخلك عن أسباب كون كلام هذا الشخص بالذات يأثر فيك؟ و اسحب منه هذي الصلاحيه بـ وعي و بدون تدمير للعلاقه.
هل أنت empath أو highly sensitive person ؟ إذا تأكدت من هالشيء تعلم كيف تحمي نفسك و تكون قوي من جوا
وكل ما انتبهت لضعفك وقف مع نفسك ولملم شتاتها و بترجع أقوى من قبل.

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I'm too shy to tell you how I feel... So I'll hide behind timid smiles and soft hellos... I'm afraid... If I ask you "What do you think about me?" Your reply will be... "I don't.

Yar yeh sari baatain bohat peeche reh jani hain kitne shy ho tum kitni badtamiz hun mai kiya sitam hai hum loug mar jayen gay mujhe tou samajh nahi arahi kaabul main lougon ka ban kiya raha hai iss waqt idher mujhe soch soch ke neend nai arahi tou woh kiya kar rahe hongay like can’t even imagine what there life was like and will be like aur honestly empath koi nai hun mai itni bari lekin I’m not ready for world wars and end of the world and qayamat ka zamana IM NOT READY FOR IT

Wie reagierst du in der Regel, wenn dich jemand anschreit?

Uffelmannm’s Profile PhotoSpekulatius
Entweder ich heul los, weil ich mit der Situation komplett überfordert bin und ich einfach mit zuvielen Gefühlen nicht umgehen kann. Liegt auch daran, dass ich ein fcking Empath bin.
Oder ich bin erstaunt darueber und schildere ruhig, mit Nachdruck, dass man auch in einem normalem Ton mit mir kommunizieren kann.
There's nothing in between.

"الأنسانَ قدّ يعذبُ الأنسان لمُجرد أنه يحبه" - !؟ نسبة صحة المقولة !

الشخصيات اللي فيها narcissistic traits عندهم هاي المشكلة، خصيصا اذا ما كان اللي بيحبهم silent empath
Liked by: Omar Abood B Salma12

Lenne egy olyan kerdesem hogy szerinted letezik-e olyan hogy "empath" es ha igen, hogyan definialnad te szemely szerint vagy hol huznad meg a hatart hogy valaki mar az vagy csak siman egy empatikus ember.

nem ismertem a definíciót, de ezt talátam: “an empath is someone who understands the mental or emotional states of others in a way that defies conventional science and psychology. empaths have the ability to sense the feelings, thoughts, and energies of people, plants, animals, places, or objects. In addition to sensing, empaths absorb the energy of those around them. empaths often experience stress or illness if they are bombarded by too many negative emotions. empaths can also use their abilities to help others by imagining themselves in someone else’s situation and connecting with them on a deep level”
nekem három nem is feltétlenül különválasztható dolog jutott eszembe, feltételezve, hogy nincs valami substance hatása alatt az illető (és mondjuk akkora része az énjének a drogfogyasztó én, hogy magáénak tekinti tiszta állapotában is azon képességeit, amiket akkor tapasztal)
- empátia, mint spektrum: valaki egyszerűen könnyebben jön empátiás gerjedelembe, ha másokat szenvedni lát, ez olyasmi lehet szerintem, mint az alap érzelmi palettáink, ilyen szubjektív megélés. ennek oka lehet pl. egy magasabb alap arousal-szint, ami szerintem logikus is, olyan szempontból, hogy ugyanakkora ingerléssel, de magasabb alappal hamarabb jut el az illető oda, hogy neki is fájjon más szenvedése.
- gyerekek, akik úgy kényszerültek felnőni, hogy az alap elvárás egy ilyen durva walking on eggshells volt, és a túlélés érdekében folyamatosan monitorozták a környezetüket, így megtanulták, ki mikor hogyan merre
- testhatárokkal kapcsolatos vonalak elmosódása, meddig a másik érzelme/véleménye, honnantól az enyém
ez mind csak szerintem, meg csak más emberekre vonatkozóan, a többi felsorolt dologgal kapcsolatban passzolok. szerinted?

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Liked by: emília buborekfelho

it's hard being human and dealing with other humans. lol. XD stones are good and they can glitter on its own. xDD

Lady_Eloquent’s Profile Photoʟᴀᴅʏ ᴇʟᴏQᴜᴇɴᴄᴇ
Right?! Being an empath is too damn difficult, and most humans just aren’t worth it 🙈 Amen!! They just chill and do their thing, which is something I can get on board with 😂
+5 answers in: “Have you ever met a soulmate? Tell me a bit about them?”

- Gedankenstrich - hau den Content raus der keine Fragen beantwortet aber trotzdem gesagt werden sollte.

DieSarahx3’s Profile PhotoCalypso
Es ist scheisse, ein Empath zu sein...
Man sieht nur Menschen, denen weh getan wird und die sich selbst zu gering schätzen, weil sie von anderen klein gehalten werden und Menschen, die eigentlich kompletter Abschaum sind, aber von anderen hoch gehalten werden, weil sie sich selber für die geilsten halten.

Empaths? For crying too much? I didn't know that's what it's called. Yeah, it is heartbreaking to discover such atrocities against animals. Pls be careful and stay safe. Where I live is fine, everything's pretty much operating normally. There are parts of Australia that's affected more though :(

akciMMicka’s Profile Photo⚜️ m o n i c a ⚜️
✦ ───────────── ✦
. συт σf ρσтαтσ qυєєи
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No, not for crying too much, but feeling what others are able to feel and add it to your own kind of pain. Well, if that's not the definition of an empath then I don't know. x'D
Then I am happy you live in a safer part!
Thank you and of course, I want you to stay safe as well.
+4 answers in: “What are your strongest qualities?”

This is not true at all. You seem like either an empath or someone whose curiosity is so strong that it makes people feel honored by the extent you go to understand them. Maybe both.

I'd say I'm both. It's so strange but I can pickup on people's emotions even just through texts. It doesn't happen all the time but when it does it's so strong that I can physically feel it.
+1 answer in: “Your answers are very cold, devoid of any sympathy or human attributes.”

Mieser Montag: Ich hab mich nun wirklich lange zu diesem Thema distanziert aber irgendwann muss ich ja mal was dazu sagen uff... Aktuell wieder ganz großes Thema Polizeigewalt ich mag garnicht viel zu schreiben deswegen hier ein einfaches... Deine Gedanken zu dem aktuellen Vorfall George Floyd...

Werde ich mich nicht zu äußern.
Nicht nur, weil es hier nicht so ist und man es demzufolge gar nicht wirklich beurteilen kann (machen viele, aber eben sehr eindimensional und parteiisch). Sondern auch, weil es etwas ist, was außerhalb unseres Einflusses liegt.
Sich solidarisieren schön und gut
Aber was genau bringt es jetzt hier zu sagen ja bla Rassismus ist schlecht.
Ja wow, No Shit Sherlock.Es tut nichts an der Lage und hilft null. Man hat sich nur komplett unnötig mit etwas absolut selbstverständlichem zum moralischen Overlord und "besseren Menschen" ernannt.
Crap...von vorn bis hinten.
Die wenigsten, die jetzt alle, nun wo es medial herum geht, auf Blacklivesmatter machen, als hätte es für unser eigenes soziales Umfeld überhaupt irgendeine Relevanz, sind schon selbst an irgendeinem Punkt rassistisch oder voreingenommen gegenüber anderen gewesen und sind es auch jetzt noch.
Es ist absolut für die Tonne dazu etwas sagen zu müssen. Nicht WIR müssen etwas tun und was dazu sagen, sondern diejenigen die es wirklich betrifft und die da Einfluss haben.
Lächerlich hoch zehn auf jeden Stuss aufzuspringen und sich als größter Empath der Erde aufzuspielen. Das war das selbe wie bei Paris etc.
So lange du keinen fikk gibst, was DU tust und was vor deiner Nase jeden Tag passiert, musst du nicht im Internet über Themen die dich nicht betreffen versuchen dich moralisch zu erheben und selber zu glorifizieren.

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Liked by: Shivani RavanusaGirl

ATM, kamu tahu empath ga? Seseorang yang bisa merasakan emosional dan energi orang lain hanya dengan melihat atau bertemu sepintas orang lain. Apakah ini bisa dibilang kebetulan? Mungkinkah ini gangguan psikologis juga?

Kalau empath sebagai kemampuan membaca mental state orang seolah-olah itu paranormal, enggak, aku gak percaya.
Ketika kamu bisa baca emosi orang, itu lebih karena kamu sudah terbiasa. Kalau dia gini, maka dia lagi merasa apa dsb.
Itu mah, lebih ke kemampuan bersosialmu daripada sesuatu yang "paranormal".
+1 answer Read more

Being an empath is best as well as worst as you may be taken for a ride. That ia why the need for boundaries. 🥀👍

fragranceofsoul’s Profile PhotoNuha Sarwar
✦ ───────────── ✦
. συт σf ρσтαтσ qυєєи
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Oh yes. A well-learned lesson of my last friendship. x'D
Being an empath is best as well as worst as you may be taken for a ride That ia
+6 answers in: “What is your favorite feature about yourself?”

Aik nasehat mera naam😮

Yaar, kisi ko kabhi dhoka mat dena or jhoot mat bolna, keep your intentions pure. Kabhi jhoot bol do to maafi maang k wapis achay ban jana ye mat sochna k Allah muaaf nahi krega. Try to be an Empath and be more compassionate, be realistic, optimistic and positive.
Ye Khutba mene apnay liye bhi irshaad farmaya hai.

Haha, that’s fine, sometimes it’s nice having in depth answers to things. It’s nice to see what paths that others have walked on. I too am an empath and an old soul. Also I’m a sensitive and I see and hear things I genuinely can’t explain. Difficult to get my head around it all but I’m learning

You'll get there. It's nice to meet someone who understands and gets it. I frequently describe myself as an old soul as well. :)
Liked by: RoxxieToxxic T@N€R
+1 answer in: “When did you first realise you were an Empath?”

Was ist deine Rüstung gegen die Welt, wenn du dein Zuhause verlassen musst? Nutzt du eine Talisman oder Glücksbringer? Oder hast du bestimmte Rituale oder Verhaltensweisen?

Fruhlingspfutze’s Profile PhotoLebenstänzerin
Bei mir ist es tatsächlich mein Schmuck. Immer wenn ich der Haus verlasse lege ich zwei Armbänder um und eine Kette, die jeweils zu meiner Stimmung und meinem Mindset passt. Mit verschiedenen Anhängern verbinde ich verschiedene Gefühle und Bilder und so wähle ich das, was für mich am Besten passt. Vergesse ich einmal den Schmuck, dann fühle ich mich tatsächlich nackt und etwas schutzlos.
Die Sachen helfen mir einfach mich zu konzentrieren und mich abzuschirmen. Als Empath stürmt draußen einfach zu vieles auf mich ein, zu viele Eindrücke und Stimmungen. Da ist jedes Hilfsmittel praktisch um Ordnung im Kopf zu halten. Früher habe ich ebenfalls Musik benutzt wie so viele hier, aber dadurch war ich wiederum zu sehr abgeschnitten von der Welt und dem was um mich herum passiert. Ich brauche da schon eine Balance.
Wenn ich abends wieder heim komme wird als erstes der Schmuck abgelegt, meist gefolgt von der Hose. Dann kann ich entspannen und abschalten.

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I mean yes you’re smiling but your not happy. Looks you’ve been through a lot!! Sorry for disturbing.

I mean, my grandma just died, someone i love dearly is on hospice and we help tale care of him, they have cancer. And i take care of my 98 year old grandma who has two broken ribs.
I also jave PTSD from my ex beating the shit out of me for about 3 or more years out of the 6 we were together
And other things i dont wanna talk about but yeah, im very sensitive, and im an empath so that doesnt help
+2 answers in: “Sadness in your eyes?”

Why wouldn't you consider yourself a full empath? Just curious

Margaaria’s Profile PhotoPrincesa Margarita♡
As odd as it may seem, I believe in something so strange, I think I am the only one on this planet that believes in this, the way I do. So I hardly ever put into words, anything that I don't wish to change. To say anything is so, to brag on anything, to say something aloud, puts the kiss of death on whatever it was that was mentioned. If one says "never", within days, they are having to eat their words. An example was a friend and I, talking about the sparrows in the city, that are so car savvy, they always fly, before being hit. So we talked of it, discussed it, and we both had the same outlook. But then, on the very next day going to work, I hit 3 sparrows with my car. Simply voicing it, caused it to occur. I believe in such things, and I never try and tempt fate with my words.

How do you define a narcissist? what do you think a narcissist is like in real life? How do you deal with one?

From where I see it, narcissists are mostly self-centered people with little empathy for others. They have an unusually high opinion of themselves—which implies they're delusional in a way. They find it hard to sympathize with others, want to see others beneath them, demean others, love being in the spotlight, think the world revolves around them, and can't stand anyone commanding them. They don't see any flaws in themselves. They are good at manipulating others as well; can frame you in any situation to make it seem like it's your fault when actually it's theirs. That's just my conception which might or might not be true.
I think they're hard to deal with, and definitely not the ideal kind of people to get into relationship with, especially if you are a polite and humble empath with self-esteem issues. If you try to call them out on their eccentric behavior you'll find your name in their hit list; they won't let a chance go by without humiliating you. Personally, I keep my distance from such people, avoid being a part of the group they're in, and offer them minimum attention.

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...despite not being involved with someone emotionally one can get hurt seeing someone's misery. But it's a totally wrong argument and that something I can't explain to you. It was about myself. And read about "empaths"

w3_Shaheer’s Profile Photoشاه أحمد شَهِيْر۔
Yup agreed! An empath choosing to or just having the ability to feel someone's pain is one thing. But a person being vulnerable and willingly letting someone else have the power to make or break him/her emotionally is a completely different story.
+2 answers Read more

i'm trying to understand her pov but i'm honestly really just. not. on her page she brings up how if someone she idolized was abxsive in the past then she'd want to know which i understand and agree with but the thing is that a lot of your followers already know this. you've clearly changed and --

-- this happened years ago. i'm still trying to give her the benefit of the doubt because that's just the annoying optimistic empath in me, but something about this just doesn't sit right. it's just so random and sudden, and I can testify that even back then, she wasn't exactly innocent either lmfao
i've been very candid about the fact that i was toxic little fourteen year old. i don't think it's something to necessarily be ashamed of because quite frankly if i wasn't like that, i wouldn't be as empathetic and radiate the 'uwu' vibes i have now. like hell i've been so blatantly frank about it that my old fursona and the main representation of me to this day, despite NOT being my fursona, has pretty blatant ex-girlfriend which was heavily alluded to being the symbolism for her and i's relationship.
and i've said before that crypt was not a good person and that the relationship he had with connie was downright toxic and harmful, as seen in the one comic i drew to la dispute's "such small hands". this was a direct commentary on my own relationship with her.
hell scroll though the "my art"tag on my tumblr and you can see all the vent pieces i did while in that relationship. all of it is indicative of someone who felt trapped and forced, which is exactly. how. i. felt.
no party left that relationship unscathed. even blake (yes, THAT blake) retained damage from that relationship-- he lost his best friend (her) and had to deal with the fact that his boyfriend (me) was depressed beyond all belief.
lol i'm about to a one-off status rn too which idk food 4 thought :-)))))

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No anyone can have empathy. it's an empath. It says it might just be science fiction though but anyway do you know that you have that?

I have very high empathy buttt nah i’m not an empath exactly, others peoples moods affect me tho
Liked by: Logan Louden M Demure♡

I wanted to be here and ask you questions but as an empath I feel such negative energy on your wall..so maybe some other time

Ask is full of negative people. I literally receive so many hating questions on daily basis. IDK what the hell is wrong with people nowadays. ?
Stay positive as much as you can. ??
You can ask whatever, if you want to. ?

People expect you to be honest with them. But when you tell them every truth, share every reality, give full focus and loyalty; they leave you. Even your own siblings are nowadays very mean. Does it mean that one has to be mean, to survive in this mean world? What is your say on this?

Ahmednorthowed’s Profile PhotoAhmed Mahmood
This is so true. Well, I think we should keep in mind that everyone doesn't have the heart of an empath and in fact we should feel special if we have the ability to absorb every situation of life.. If evil is going to turn you into an evil then how will you win?
Almighty holds a test for his beloved humans. The narcissistic and empathetic human beings are both the result of pain but an empath grows through it. :)

انا عندى القدرة من خلال العالم الافتراضى انى اتحكم ف اللى حواليا وف طاقتهم ممكن تكون الطريقة ايجابية او سلبية بس مش عارفة بعمل كدا ازاى وبيكون من غير قصدى واكتشفت من فترة قريبة ان ده ليه علاقة بالاسامى اقرب حاجة قريتها عن حاجة زى دى انى Empath حد سمع عن حاجة زى كدا او قريب منها؟

لا والله مبشربش الصنف ده ?
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انا عندى القدرة من خلال العالم الافتراضى انى اتحكم ف اللى حواليا وف طاقتهم ممكن تكون الطريقة ايجابية او سلبية بس مش عارفة بعمل كدا ازاى وبيكون من غير قصدى واكتشفت من فترة قريبة ان ده ليه علاقة بالاسامى اقرب حاجة قريتها عن حاجة زى دى انى Empath حد سمع عن حاجة زى كدا او قريب منها؟

يعني انت بقيت امباث خشوفلك حل

https://youtu.be/gs_muzVSjjc Listen my sweetie صباح الفل 🌷 بمناسبة إدمان القهوة 5 key life changes an empath needs to make

مش قادرة 🙈😂
دكتوري تقريبا هو اللي هينتحر من كتر ما بيأكد ع الكلام ده .. ووالله رحت حتى لكوتش فيتنس كبير يعني وفعلا ظبط لي العادات دي بالظبط .. حتى ال mg ..مشيت شهر ونص ع العادات الصحية .. وبعدين فكست اهه بقالي شهرين مثلا 😁
انا كنت بتعذب لما اصحى اكل ٣ بيضات .. بجد حرام .. انا اخري قهوة ومكعب دارك وخلصنا .. العادة العدلة الوحيدة اللي بتعيشني هو اني بشرب ميا بهبل ..
وبعدين نوم بدري ايه بس .. ده التحليل بيحبك اصلا بالليل!! ويكمل ع الكوابيس
يعني عشان اتخلص من النرجسيين لازم انام بدري وابطل قهوة وآكل بروتين ؟ .. مود دكاترة اوي .. بس خليني اجرب لما اشوف هيحلوا عني ولا لأ .. طب اعمل ايه ف جوزي ؟ ده صعب نحله عني؟ طب الاطفال اللي عندها بوادر نرجسة ؟ انها اللعنة .. سبوني اموت ف صمت مفيش فايدة 😂

sometimes I even pity the person and feel bad that they aren't liked or accepted by my fp or people I hang out with and think their existence is a waste bc of that lmao. also since im an empath ill imagine what it feels like to be rejected by my fp like them & it'll give me anxiety & make me sad

ahh, i can't imagine that. i'm not like that at all tbh, once i cut someone out they're completely gone to me & i don't even give them a second thought. they become a number to me, not necessarily a person.
Liked by: Ashlie Albertine.

What's most important to have in common with a friend? Interests and hobbies? Life style? Similar struggles? Future goals? Core values? Political beliefs?

Interests and hobbits:
it helps if you like rodents and cats, are compassionate, write, enjoy psychology, enjoy photography, enjoy the ocean and moon, enjoy helping others, enjoy reading and are an introvert
Life style: I want more LGBTQ+ friends and friends of different cultures. Have respect for the Earth and others, including animals! Be health-conscious. Don't be dragging me to parties all the time! I will hate it and look for animals to pet! Do try to get me out of the house though. I appreciate it more than you know.
If you don't like animals, we won't vibe. Chance are it won't work out.
As far as similar struggles are concerned, it's nice to feel like you can relate but also I have my own struggles (so I prefer that you know what you want in life). My Empath self doesn't need more pain, thanks.
I would say I attract "artsy" creative types (or at least I want to!).
People who embrace being different
People who would say that they are quirky
I attract people who have known adversity
I attract people I consider emotionally strong
I attract ambitious people. at least one workaholic
I attract more liberal people probably. I am an independent.
It always works in your favor if you care about others and animals

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Liked by: Doug

اعرف ازاي النرجسي من اول او تاني قعدة قبل الفاس ما تقع في الراس ? و الشخصيات المريضة او عندها نقص او متناقضة عموماً اللي يقصفو العمر دول ?

هو إنتي مبدئيًا قبل ما نتكلم محتاجة تغيري نظرتك الأول عن الناس المريضة (إللي إنتى عارفة إنهم مرضى أهو) وإللي عندهم نقص على حد قولك.. رغم إنه أسبابه ممكن تكون حرمان عاطفي شديد في الطفولة أو تعرض لتنمر وتريقة من الأصدقاء أو تعرض لتحرش واستغلال جسدي أو أو أو ___كلها تجارب زفت ووجع
الشخصيات المريضة دي ساعات هما إللي مش بيبقوا عايزيين يتعاملوا مع ناس عادية..علشان الناس العادية بيشوفوهم زي ما إنتي شايفاهم كده بالظبط
اطمني لو انتي طبيعية 100% النرجسي مش هيحبك وإنتي مش هتطيقيه من أول قعدة وهتعرفي
النرجسي بيروح يشوف واحد اتوجع زيه بس بشكل تاني ويحبه
النرجسي يوم ما بيحب واحدة بيحب
امباث يعني شخص متعاطف، حساس جدًا، شايف الجمال إللي فيه من جوة رغم الأمراض والنقص وقصف العمر
مش عارفة فهمتيني ولا لأ.. بس اطمني هتعرفيه لو انتي سوية تماما هتحسيه تنك ومغرور ومتعجرف وشايف نفسه وبيتمنظر وقليل الذوق وبيتكلم طول الوقت عن نفسه ومعندوش مشاعر وجامد
لو الفاس وقعت في الراس هتكوني في المعتاد مش سوية تماما

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why do you do tarot readings? they are not even near to what psychic powers are. Tarot reading are just a bunch of aleatory stories you tell, moreee if youre just refering to a certain zodiac that suposdly belongs to billion people with extremely diferent life styles... :/

Tarot cards are divinatory tools that allow people to connect to source and get in better touch with their intuition. People with psychic abilities will use tarot cards to guide their intuition. The cards can mean hundreds of things and you have to figure out how best to interpret them and offer guidance. And that comes intuitively.
And yeah so what it's a general reading and I say that specifically. I also say to take it with a grain of salt. But my readings will connect with whomever they're meant to connect with and that won't be everyone.
I'm also not a clairvoyant psychic. I'm an empath secondary to being a physical medium. But the tarot cards are awakening latent clairvoyant abilities.
Liked by: Too Erin Wolf

Would you be reluctant to engage in an intimate relationship with a person who lacks empathy or feels no remorse after having wronged you? Elaborate, please.

I would say it depends on the offense or misconduct that was committed, and also on what you mean by "empathy". But a person like that, I think would best match someone as equally apathetic. That way, they can establish a professional relationship, where less emotion is likely to become involved and they rely more on their cognitive abilities and moral ethics. Likewise, they can do the same with an empathetic person, if they will. But there's just more risk to it. Not to them, but to the empath involved.
It also seems like people are forgetting that empathy exists in three types; emotional empathy, cognitive empathy and somatic empathy. Most of the time, when a person reads/hears the word "empathy", they only think of the first one. A person can have a high form of cognitive empathy, but even though they can understand people’s emotions, it doesn’t register emotionally with them — they have no emotional empathy. However, understanding one's emotions, sometimes better than the person themselves, often comes in handy.
To answer your question, if someone I'm interested in wronged me and felt no remorse due to her lack of empathy (I'm assuming, from all three types) - I'd drop her, instantly. If I see that there is no desire to change and at the very least, having no awareness of one's actions and its implications, then forget about it. If those she fails, I'd leave her. But I don't think that I'd ever get involved with such women. They don't interest me. Besides, lack (or the absence) of empathy is always associated with psychopathy, but even psychopaths can maintain decency in relationships they consider worth it.

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