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Co gdybyś mógł codziennie jeść obiad w innym kraju? Gdzie byś zaczął ? 😉 ♥️♀️😇

womanwithgoodheart’s Profile PhotoDziewczyna z Dobrym sercem ♀❥
What if you could eat lunch in a different country every day? Where would you start?
In that case, it would be too tiring for me. I choose to eat dinner at my home in Utrecht in the Netherlands or in Kórnik near Poznań in Poland.
I beg your pardon, but yesterday I wrote an answer to the question: do I heat the radiators at my place? I wrote that the building is heated, but I do not turn on the radiators when the temperature in the house is 22 degrees Celsius. My answer was deleted and I received a warning that I was breaking the rules of use - I ask with what? I live in a private tenement house, in which part of the tenement house is my private one. Someone lives above and below me, and someone also lives on the left and right. Only the windows of my house face south, so in my house the walls themselves heat, because the neighbors heat me, so currently turning on the radiators at my place does not make any sense. It would have to be very cold outside to turn on the central heating! Where do you see this as breaking the rules of use? Forgive me, but from today on, my answers will only be in English. If someone wants to censor me, let them at least censor with understanding of what they read and know the English language

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Co gdybyś mógł codziennie jeść obiad w innym kraju Gdzie byś zaczął

Ever sweat in front of your crush 🥵

I had gym class before English back when I was in high school and have walked into class being a little sweaty before. Someone who I fooled myself into thinking was interested in me also happened to be in the same class as me. I think it’s my social anxiety that usually makes me feel sweaty in public places.
Liked by: Emmagine_This Jo ΣΩ Lax

What's the best translator to develop my english .

e0w1’s Profile Photounknownperson
~ is what I use ; copy & paste ~ won't work with the ridiculous 'ask-app' though. That messes & trashes everything!
By sticking to the web-site version of ASK , one can auto translate entire pages , any language ~ that is from 'CHROME O/S' by GOOGLE , by simply double click & select 'translate to (chosen language)'
Of course no online translator can be trusted ~ just bear in mind (NOT 'bare in mind') that some crazy blunders can transpire !
Whats the best translator to develop my english

Розумієте українську мову ?

fluff3350’s Profile PhotoАллочка
Welcome to my world
Оф корс)
Несмотря на то, что большинство времени общаюсь на русском языке (не кидайтесь только протухшими овощами, please), "солов'їну мову" понимаю, как свой родной язык №2. Даже игры пытаюсь проходить на английском языке (если есть возможность) так как хочу и этот язык (English) довести до уровня свободного носителя.
And that's the bottom line, cause Stone Cold said so
Thank you and Goodbye. I hope we meet again
Date: 25/09/24
Time: 17:15
Розумієте українську мову

To kesay guzarogay apnay ye azadi k 2 din ???

rafayarslan12’s Profile Photoرافع قریشی
Okay let's see.......
1) There's a pile of English notebooks on my bed.
2) There's a sociolinguistics research idea that I have to find theories for.
3) There's a teacher's file to write weekly plans for and an attendance register where I need to correct my errors.
4) I'm also making a stationary organizer for my class.
5) There's a pile of laundry too.
6) I have to call my family too.
The weekend is just an illusion.

Wolisz American czy British English? A jaki polecasz?

Wolę amerykański akcent. Usłyszałam nawet kiedyś, że właśnie taki mam, co akurat mnie zdziwiło, bo się nad tym nie zastanawiałam.
Mówi się, że brytyjski akcent to ten najczystszy, ale... nie przepadam za Brytyjczykami ani za ich akcentem, przykro mi 🤷🏼‍♀️

-عندكو أحلام ايه عاوزين تحققوها!!؟

alaamohamed332244’s Profile Photoآلاء⁦⁦♡⁩
-اراجع القرآن كامل حفظ من تاني 🤲🤍
-اطلع امي حج ان شاءالله 🥹
-أتقن ال English واتعلم البرمجة أو التصميم والجرافيك 👌
-أنجح في شغلي وكريري لحد ما شريكة حياتي وابني يبقي فخورين بيا وعايشين في مستوي كويس
..وحاجات تانية ان شاءالله

*⠀‣⠀POZNAJMY SIĘ! - przedstaw swoją postać w dowolny dla siebie sposób (opisem, cytatem lub za pomocą innego nośnika!)

QUICK__QUESTION’s Profile Photo( ℚ. )⠀✧・゚ questions and fun
>> Hi! My name is Käärija and now I win something. I go to erm... Eurovision. I'm from Finland and it's great! It's great things, yes.
Guess I'm so sorry if you from some other country than Finland because... because I speak only finnish language and you speak english that's why is hard for you and hard for me, yes.
POZNAJMY SIĘ  przedstaw swoją postać w dowolny dla siebie sposób opisem cytatem

جماعه انا بدور علي شغل اونلاين كول سنتر خدمه عملاء وكل ال بلاقيه نصب ف نصب ف ال يقدر يساعدني بحاجا ويعرف شركات فعلا مش نصب يبعتلي ونساعد بعض وشكرا مقدما 🥹🥹

eman_omar_fcb’s Profile Photo⚖️ إِيـ عُمر ماآن ⚖️
🌟No Experience Needed🌟
🛑#English : B2
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📍Work Location : Cairo, Maddii
To apply Send Your Cv WhatsApp 👉🏻01117004715 ‼️

Do you speak English?

По безвыходному принуждению. Когда Панамцу в 5 утра показывала, где его автобус ждёт, чтоб домой отвезти после ЧМ по футболу

Would you ever choose a career that’s more of a challenge for you (for example: choosing to major in English when you’ve struggled with reading comprehension problems your whole life)?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
I have a lot of options to choose from
Id like to have a automotive restoration business and a resort business a substation consulting business all in one along with being mayor of Sioux falls 😊

ازاي بتحسنوا اللغه الانجلش بتاعكوا

هو انت جاي للشخص الغلط عموماً..😂
بس فيه كورسات ع يوتيوب زي Z American English مع شوية conversation وهتلاقي فيه تطور يعني بإذن الله..
وطبعاً أنا معملتش أي حاجة منهم😂🤝

(Happy Teacher's day !!) Who was your favourite teacher? What made them your favourite? 🏫🎒

ManWithout1plan’s Profile PhotoManWithout1Plan
My favourite teacher was my English teacher, they were strict actually but they were very polite with me, like they encouraged me to give answers in class and I felt so happy when it made sense and were right♥️😁,
Mam encouraged everyone to give answers and if there were none then there was a whole lecture on it 😂
Moreover, I joined public speaking club and they were a part of the club, it was only because of them that I got a chance to anchor an event and it was the most beautiful feeling for me as I have never really anchored an event before☺️♥️
There were two more teachers and because of both of them, I scored really good marks in their subjects 🙌😁♥️
There are 1-2 more teachers who were nice, it can be difficult to say only one teacher as my favourite 😁
Happy Teachers day  Who was your favourite teacher What made them your favourite

Have you ever made a career change or considered it?

mierplas_’s Profile PhotoMierPlas
I think that’s what will happen eventually. I’m currently trying to get my associates degree in English but am really struggling with motivation and I looked at the jobs that I can do with an associates degree in English and wasn’t really drawn to any of them. I’m considering becoming an ESL teacher but that requires four years of school at least and getting my teaching license. The one subject I would love to teach is human anatomy and physiology, even tho I’m told that I should pick another job since I have social anxiety and appreciate my alone time. I want to have more real life interactions and be really good at a subject which is why I’m considering the possibility of becoming a teacher one day.

صباح الخير ، فلنبدأ من جديد و كأننا لم نفشل قط ❤️‍.

ssoke50329’s Profile Photoغــريــب •
I only know Arabic numerals, but I don't know any letters or words in Arabic. If you want to send me questions, please write something in a European language, for example: English, Polish or Spanish, and I can even answer a question in Italian, but I don't know Arabic.
Have a nice afternoon

(Happy Teacher's day !!) Who was your favourite teacher? What made them your favourite? 🏫🎒

ManWithout1plan’s Profile PhotoManWithout1Plan
In Russia Teacher's Day is celebrated in October.
There were no favorites at school, but the university really liked the teachers in constitutional law, economics and statistics, English, psychology and sociology.

Que harías si te enteras que tu pareja tiene una doble vida ? Es decir a parte otra mujer y hasta con hijos

Unfortunately, I don't understand you.🧙‍♀️
If you want to ask me questions, ask them in English, Russian or Latvian.😊
Have a nice day!🦋

Do you ever “treat” or reward yourself for achieving goals? What motivates you?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoΣΩ
This also happens. It can be sweets, or two or three hours of watching whatever I like, necessarily Ukrainian dubbing or the English original.
If possible, I correct something, or it is as an experience, not to make similar mistakes and move on.
Of course, women's accounts are more interesting. That's what nature has decided.
Буває і таке. Це бувають солодощі, чи дві-три години перегляду що мені до вподоби, обовязково український дубляж, або англійський оригінал.
Якщо є можливість, щось виправляю, або це як досвід, щоб не робити подібних помилок і йти далі.
Звичайно жіночі акаунти більш цікаві. Так вже природа вирішила.

عبدالرحمن لو سمحت تعرف مكان كويس بيعطي كورس الbusiness English وهل هو مفيد في مجال البنوك خاصةً ولا مالوش لزوم قد كده

مساء الخير
طيب ممكن اعرف محافظة ايه وانا احاول اساعد
هو طبعا كويس ك معلومات عامة عموما و تقدم و يفيد ال cv ولكن لو كان محادثة هيكون افضل جدا هيديكوا ثقة في الانترفيو وقت المحادثة ♥️

If you have a regret in life, do you ever try to correct it or do you move on and try to live differently?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoΣΩ
(Русский перевод ниже, внизу)
""If you have a regret in life, do you ever try to correct it or do you move on and try to live differently?""
The trouble is regrets are not real . . . !
~ just flotsam , left behind by some long forgotten tide . . . but never doubt their potential hazardous toxicity . . . to destroy . Don't let them stalk you . They have little to no value as a learning aid . . . . cause it's NEVER THE SAME . Don't defame your future with past pain !
Проблема в том, что сожаления не реальны...!
~ просто обломки, оставленные какой-то давно забытой волной... но никогда не сомневайтесь в их потенциальной опасной токсичности... разрушать. Не позволяйте им преследовать вас. Они не имеют большой ценности в качестве учебного пособия... потому что оно НИКОГДА НЕ БУДЕТ ТАКИМ ЖЕ. Не порочьте свое будущее прошлой болью!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PPXiF4OdJMoigotamatch’s Video 174474450554 PPXiF4OdJMoigotamatch’s Video 174474450554 PPXiF4OdJMo

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igotamatch’s Video 174474450554 PPXiF4OdJMoigotamatch’s Video 174474450554 PPXiF4OdJMo

mam how to be consistent having one thought. like after months something happens and i pray five times with great motivation. then that motivation dissappears in few days idk why how. this happens with me most of time do you know why? How to be consistent with same thoughts and motivation for long?

There is a reason.
i have noticed as a generation we failed to build a connection with our creator.
The main culprits are our parents and this society.
They noticed this world works on a common language so they told us to learn (english), they made the private (HELL EXPENSIVE) ENGLISH MEDIUM SCHOOLS.
later in those english medium schools told us the plus points of learning more laguages so we all opted to choose b/w chinese and french. For being 1 step ahead of people of our age.
But they never made ARABIC COMPULSORY. NO SCHOOLS were made to teach kids arabic in junior classes. They all just made us parrots.
But i have realized if serious steps are not taken our next gen is going to be born kafirs.
so, i started slow, and believing i just am a newly born muslim who just knows the kalma tayebba. Nothing else.
I started listening to basic problems and their islamic solutions we face everyday,
I tried to bow without a wordly motive,
I tried to read tarjuma of duas and used to do duas in urdu. And felt my heart was involved in urdu duas not arabic ones until i know what i am saying.
I tried and promised me to open quran everyday even of its for a single word. Like we open multiple apps for hours a day.
I started listening and reading to stories of muslim heros and their life stories.
You just have to mold yourself, for the next GENERATION,
There is no instant tablet that may make you a good muslim,
You have to work on yourself. You have to fight your demons, learn to fight the bettles with in and then arround you. Dont wait for a miracle.
Namaz just isnt a tool to ask for your materialistic demands only, its a connection.
Keep the string connected.

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There any music you listen to which might be described as "niche"? 🎧🎶

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I listen to music in several languages. One of the most niche is probably folk metal lol. One of my favorite is a Finnish band called korpiklaani. Most of their music is not in English however. It is heavy metal fair warning, but with a lot of ethereal traditional instrumentals.

I like your English speaking do have a time for a little chat in English? Consider it as language practice

Salam u Alaikum! Thank you for considering me a good English speaker, I appreciate that.
Right now, I'm occupied and have a lot of work to be done. But you can text me or start a chat with me here, and I'll In Sha Allah reply as soon as I could. 🤗

Ever been terrified of anything

Something anonymous just said that i actually think and that is a lot of people on this app are on the spectrum. One person for months refused to block Jens daughter and a few others just don't act very smart, how can the one person be trilingual learning Spanish off an app, you don't have the accent so when you go to Spanish countries or territories they probably think you're a joke American trying to speak their language. Germans get a laugh from foreigners trying to speak German especially when most shop owners there speak English so they come out and say "Speak English" and make tourists look foolish

Suggest some places in Lahore for outing and refreshment.

Unaizahkhan04’s Profile PhotoUnaizah Baloch
Ambient places with good food, La Cornucopia, English Tea House, Tuscany, The Lost Tribe, Zouk, and Poala's. It's best to go there during their opening hours as it's less noisy. 10/10 experience.

If you don't mind being around so many people, Carnival, Villa (Lake City), Jade, Meat the Cheese, and Emporium💀

Seriously, I am surprised that Croatians don't understand English 😱, such a tourist destination, hmmm🤔

People are lazy.
They are not trying.
And They refuse to work on themselves.
It's not just here, it's everywhere.
Human stupidity is like cancer.
It's spreading extremely fast.

Have you ever won a contest or a competition?

Every debate competition I've ever participated in.✌😌
My juniors and seniors used to say behind my back " yaar or kisi say dar nahi lagta bas is sey dar lagta hai. Ye na hoti tou phir koi masla nahi tha."

Been English debating secretary in college.
So,Better not mess with me!😂
And my teacher used to tease me saying "Ab buhat bari debater ban gyin hai. Yaad hai wo din jab choti si thi or kehti thi. Madam meri pencil gum ho gayi hai. Merey SATH pencil nahi hai. Instead of saying PAAS. 🤦🏻‍♀️
P.s ab tou kho gaya sab kuch 😉
Saat rangon ka jahan tha mujh may. :')
And yes! I am not flexing i just get happy when i remember all that. It was golden time. That junior and senior relationships.

What wallpaper do you have on your phone?

It's Crummockwater, a lake in the English Lake District (about 9 miles from Dad's house).
It's also my laptop home screen and the one on my computer at work...
The dogs are; Izzy (the long haired) and Callie (the smooth coat). Izzy was Dad's Callie was mine. I used the past tense deliberately...
What wallpaper do  you have on your phone

Language: English