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Jakie są szanse , że kupie bilet na fansing lub fanmeeting na BTS ? Czy szybko się wyprzedają oraz ile gdzieś tak po comebacku ogłaszają fanmeetingi ? Gdzie zazwyczaj je mają?

Bardzo małe. Bilety na fansigns wygrywa się w losowaniu i aby wziąć udział musisz kupić album BTS - im więcej ich kupisz, tym większą szanse masz na wygranie.
No i fansigns są organizowane tylko w Korei. - @lvnardoll
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Gấu ơi vẽ giúp em logo chữ Pegasus Slime đc không ạ Kiểu giống như logo slime ý Kiểu fansign ấy ạ Mấy cái doodle cute cute xí nha gấu hihi Cảm ơn gấu rất nhiều E đã bão rồi ạ E xin lỗi trước vì đã đăng nhiều lần vì e sợ gấu sẽ không thấy và không làm logo cho e hic Nếu gấu có làm thì e cám ơn trước

vleggovii’s Profile PhotoHoàngg VânAnhh

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Gấu ơi vẽ giúp em logo chữ Pegasus Slime đc không ạ Kiểu giống như logo slime ý

Hi! I loved seeing your interactions with bts! It made me smile! I am a hijabi myself and wanted to ask how they reacted to hijab? I think he boys mentioned in an interview how they respect hijabis and don’t see us any different! So I wanted to see if u felt any difference 😊

I came to the fansigns having no expectation tbh, bcs i'm used to wearing it in korea. (I didn't know people will talk about it bcs i am wearing hijab) They talked to me normally! But i can feel that they kinda held back? Like for example if u see on jhope vid jin gave me a thumbs up but instead i initiated the high five so he high fived me. But if i didnt, i dont think they would touch me at all. I can feel they're very respectful!
Liked by: syanda short.
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chào gấu!! gấu làm cho mik cái logo slime ghi Ziggy Slimey đc k ạ, màu sắc sặc sỡ chút nhé >< mik đã bão 50 likes rồi ạ! rep nhanh mik vs ạ

haruhako1412498’s Profile PhotoPtth Hoài
Logo slime là gì vậy cậu ơi? À mà cậu đã đọc ask này https://ask.fm/gaucho2811/answers/147067791164 chưa?
Chời ơi các cậu hãy đọc ask đó một lần rồi hãy ask cho Gấu. Đừng ask nội dung lộn xộn như thế nữa (╥_╥)
🐻 Zun
chào gấu gấu làm cho mik cái logo slime ghi Ziggy Slimey đc k ạ màu sắc sặc sỡ

Does Jin knows that he is your bias . In what way did he know btw your interactions with him are so cute

He knows! I went to a huge number of recordings and fansigns back in 2013 and always carried around a jin sign and wrote him letters weekly, so if he didn't know that would be quite an accomplishment on his part. Even namjoon at one point was like "You like jin right?" lol. And thank you, it's just because he's so precious ;3;

Hi Skye, is it true only by buying as many albums as possible can fans go to fansigns or they choose random? Thank you

It's a random lottery system. Logically, the more you buy the better chance you have, which is why people who buy the most generally get into the fansign. Random chance is still at play though!

Forgot your answer regarding EXO fansign expriences, who you liked the most, I remember you saying it was Chen? Or was it Kai

Jongin was the most memorable/left the strongest impression on me for my first fansign! I asked him about dancing, and what his secret to being so good at dancing was or something along those lines... and he thought about it super seriously and said you just have to enjoy it! He is younger than me, but he felt very "sunbae" in that moment haha. Later on Baekhyun and Jongdae did some things that left a stronger impression, but that was at CBX fansigns or fansigns w/ an individual member! So it's not quite the same.

if you stop being a fansite would you still travel to other countries for some concerts and still go to fansigns sometimes? i just cant imagine seeing bts so often and then suddenly stopping im sure you would miss them

I will still go to their concerts when I can but I really long to go back to the time I used to attend their events without having to care about taking photos ☺😔 that was my happiest time as a fan😀 I may be gone as WSV but I will not be gone as ARMY 💗

Hi, my girls! Respecto al MB de ayer: vi que la primera chica que subió abrazó a Taehyung y tal, pero yo siempre había pensado que no se les podía tocar "tanto" porque en los fansigns sólo te chocan los 5 y eso. Creeis que a ellos les molestan los abrazos? Me preocupa la diferencia de culturas ?

Si bien no es lo normal y es posible que se sientan levemente incómodos, ya que en Corea el contacto físico no es tan común, creo que entenderían a la perfección ese momento de júbilo por parte de dicha fan. Todo mientras no sea excesivamente efusivo al nivel de agobiarle. Yo personalmente no les abrazaría aunque tuviera la oportunidad y muchas ganas. Otra cosa diferente sería si alguno hiciera el gesto inicial del abrazo, en ese caso no veo problema.

hi miri, do you remember about how many albums is required to ~guarantee~ getting into bangtan fansigns for each era? i'm doing a sharing session about kpop fan culture and thought it would be interesting to include!

From what I recall and what my friends have told me:
2C4S: 6-8 albums
ORUL82: 8-12 albums
SLA: 15-20 albums
D&W: 25-30 albums
HYYH1: 30-36 albums
HYYH2: 50-80 albums
YF: 70-90 albums
Wings: 140-170 albums
YNWA: 80-110 albums

I've heard that the popularity of K-pop groups are quite different internationally vs in Korea. How big is BTS in Korea right now? Do ppl still have to buy over 100 up albums ot get to their fansigns or queue up overnight to get into their music show pre-recordings?

I think this kind of thing is really hard to measure objectively? Because the popularity of Kpop groups overseas is often measured in like... how fast they sell out arenas and their albums performance on iTunes, etc. which can be skewed by things like how easy it is to get kpop albums in that country, how many times they've visited that country, etc. But in general, BTS is doing really well in Korea right now. They're very popular (meaning they have a ton of fans), but they're not super famous (meaning that they don't have the same recognition among non-fans as, say, Big Bang or EXO would). During WINGS era, the number of albums that you had to buy for fansigns was hovering up around the 80s-100s, but for YNWA it dropped back down to around 60-70 for Koreans (it's always higher for foreigners). For BTS' music shows you don't have to queue overnight because all of the numbers are given on the fancafe, but usually they have ~1100 people who sign up for each music show, and around ~350 who are allowed in, which is the full capacity of the broadcasting halls.

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Bonjour ! Savez-vous si c'est vrai ? Et je me demandais, comment les ARMY's font pour leur poser des questions sur papier comme ça et ensuite les récupérer -je suppose-..? Sinon ils leur poseraient face to face non ._.. https://youtu.be/SyyHJ6y_ENk Merci beaucoup et portez vous bien !

Bonsoir, en effet, tout est vrai. Les fans sont autorisés à présenter un post-it avec une question à l’attention de chaque membre leur des séances de fansigns (de dédicace d’album) ; c’est à la fois une façon de, par exemple, poser une question que les fans en question n’oseraient pas poser à haute voix, mais surtout de garder un souvenir écrit de la rencontre avec les garçons ! Nous te faisons la même requête : porte-toi bien ! :)
Liked by: Taekooker ynnaf alice

Bonjour, je voulais savoir comment se déroule les fansigns au niveau de l'interaction entre les fans et les BTS. Est-ce que les ARMYs peuvent parler de tout avec les garçons ? Est-ce que vous savez quel type de cadeaux on peut leur offrir, combien de temps dure en moyenne l'échange etc ?

Bonsoir, pour l’essentiel, il est possible de remettre des cadeaux de petite taille, l’échange dure entre 40 secondes et 1 minute en moyenne, et les questions sur les post-its ne doivent ni être trop personnelles, ni mettre le groupe mal à l’aise !

hey Miri, I wanted to ask: does attending fansigns ever makes you really anxious? If yes, how do you deal with it? as someone who suffers from anxiety, to the point where I stop myself from doing things I really want to do, do you think it's worth powering through it?

It does make me nervous, but I don't have any kind of anxiety disorder so it's much easier for me to just "power through it" so to speak. I think it depends on your comfort level? I personally have always found the experience super rewarding, but there's a difference between "pushing through" and "not respecting your own limits," so I think you should consider that as well!

bonsoir pourquoi est ce que les coréens ont le droit au fansign durant la tournée et pas les autres pays auquel ils performeront ?

Bonjour, les promotions de l’album se déroulent exclusivement en Corée, ainsi tous les événements relatifs, fansigns inclus, s’y déroulent également !
Liked by: alice ynnaf Taekooker

Mais alors comment les fansites font pour leur offrir des cadeaux, en quoi sont-ils plus "permis" que les nôtres ;__; ?

Le cas de figure est totalement différent de la question posée précédemment, car les fansites envoient essentiellement des colis, et suivent donc la procédure d'envoi par colis, telle que réglementée par BigHit, en coréen et au cas par cas, ce qui peut prendre jusqu'à plusieurs semaines, pour que ceux-ci soient acceptés - sur une note à part, il arrive notamment que des fansites remettent leurs cadeaux aux garçons en main propre lors de fansigns !

Hola! Tengo curiosidad en saber si es muy caro ir a un meet and greet de BTS en Corea, y si es difícil conseguir una entrada. Gracias! Y siempre que os pregunto os lo digo, pero me encanta el trabajo que hacéis como fanbase ?❤️

Hola~ muchas gracias por tu apoyo ? Más que meet & greet lo que hacen los chicos son fansigns y showcases/fanmeetings. En el caso de los fansigns entrar o no depende de un sorteo, así que depende de tu suerte y el número de álbumes que compres para tener más posibilidades. Si te refieres al segundo caso, la entrada varía entre los 25 y los 40€ ^^

Bonjour, ce n'est pas vraiment une question mais.. Après cette journée de 3rd Muster (Tony Montana, So That I Love You, les jeux par équipe, les confessions des membres ect..) je suis heureuse pour ces fans mais je ne peux m'empêcher de tellement les envier ;;. Puis lors des fansigns les ARMYs [1/2]

« Bonjour, ce n'est pas vraiment une question mais.. Après cette journée de 3rd Muster (Tony Montana, So That I Love You, les jeux par équipe, les confessions des membres ect..) je suis heureuse pour ces fans mais je ne peux m'empêcher de tellement les envier ;;. Puis lors des fansigns les ARMYs les ARMYs semblent parler si naturellement avec les membres. Les tweets sont quasiment tous en coréen.. Je sais qu'ils pensent à nous et je ne leur en veux pas du tout, mais ne trouvez-vous pas que c'est quand même (très) dur pour les fans internationaux ;; ? Pardonnez le pavé, et fighting ! »
Bonsoir, il y a un point sur lequel nous te donnons notre accord : c’est parfois plus difficile d’être un fan international, qu’être un fan coréen. Et, tu fais bien de dire que, ni les garçons, ni les fans coréens, ni quiconque n’est à blâmer dans la situation. Néanmoins, si, par exemple, BANGTAN France existe, c’est pour rendre le tout plus aisé, pour que les fans francophones aiment BTS plus aisément, soutiennent BTS plus aisément, et vivent avec BTS cette aventure plus aisément ! Et, à cette fin, qui nous est chère, nous faisons au mieux pour alléger la distance entre eux et nous !

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What do you feel about vmin getting real? I could say that Tae is more into Jimin now than JK, there are so many vmin now it makes me believe that Tae had a change of heart. Expensive gift, all hearts for JM, answers on fansigns are Jimin. Do you think you could ship them now more than broship?

lmao what is this bullshit. vmin has always been "real" -- they're super close friends. maknaeline are all super close with each other.
idk how you think people irl work but just bc person A is nice to person B doesn't mean that person A suddenly stops caring about everyone else in the world. their lives are not a soap opera and you should stop comparing their relationships because they all have fundamental elements that should be valued by themselves.
you can feel free to "change heart" I really don't care just try not to project onto me mmkaayy.
I'm on the taekook ship bc I love their dynamic more than any other ship's. just because I ship taekook doesn't mean I don't value tae/kook's relationships with others. if you're one of those shippers who thinks tae/kook can only have one person in their life then you should re-evaluate your stance on what makes a healthy relationship.

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But like, if you are a regular fan without thousands of followers to garner support from for albums GO for fansign, will you think that it's unfair too? I'm asking a genuine ques btw! Not arguing or anything ^^

Probably not? Because like, honestly this sounds really weird to say from my own mouth but it's not like accounts with a large number of followers were born that way... like I didn't start Twitter and instantly have 35K followers or whatever. I gained those followers by doing lyrics and article translations, writing fanaccounts, doing orders, hosting letter projects etc.
I mean, I definitely don't want it to sound like I'm saying I deserve it or something? But I think of it like, I guess in an ideal world the reason people are willing to buy albums from me to help me get into fansigns is because they like me or they like some service that I provide them and they feel like buying albums through me is a fair trade for that. So I feel like saying "omg that's so unfair" is a little like... not silly exactly but I feel like it kind of simplifies or disregards a part of the circumstances that led to it being possible.
Also for me, on the issue of fansites, for me it's like... fansites work so fucking hard?? Going to airports and concerts and events and music shows, taking pictures, editing, making goods, maintaining camera equipment etc. like being a fansite is not easy and if the least I can do to help is buy an album to help that fansite get into a fansign and take pretty pictures for me to look at, then I'm more than happy to do that.
IDK IF THAT EVEN MAKES SENSE anyway that's just my thoughts on it!

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Liked by: Cathy she-sus 丽霞☆

i mean...i understand that it's not okay to resent karmy but you can't deny it IS easier. less costly to buy albums and merchandise and more readily available, easier to go to concerts, fansigns, etc, you save time and money. not to mention the timezone so shows, broadcasts, etc are at better times

it's never okay to pointlessly resent and be bitter about how it's easier for them, but don't deny that it's easier. because it is.
Yeah, but that wasn't the discussion being presented. The discussion being presented was "(some) k-army can see BTS whenever they want on the street" vs. "poor international fans who have to pay hundreds for a hi-touch." This is blatantly false--likely a misunderstanding, but nonetheless a misrepresentation of how easy it actually is for any fan in Korea (foreign or otherwise) to have any kind of meaningful encounter with BTS in a non-controlled way. It is actually very rare for fans to encounter BTS outside of their official schedules, and in the off-chance that you do, it's very unlikely that you'd be able to hold any kind of conversation with them whatsoever. The way that BTS interacts with their fans is very strictly controlled by their management and by the boys themselves, so no, in 99.99% of situations, any random person could not just meet BTS on the street and say whatever they want.
Furthermore, the idea that it's easy for k-army to go to concerts (when those concerts often sell out in minutes) or to fansigns (when those fansigns cost hundreds if not thousands to get into) is also a misunderstanding of the truth. Fansigns and concerts might be held in Korea but that does not by any means make them easy to get to. In fact, concerts and fansigns alike are, for a good number of fans, impossible to attend by virtue of being cost-prohibitive or too far away. School-aged fans can't attend broadcasts or even watch their shows, depending on their school and academy schedule.
There are different challenges posed to fans living in any location, but portraying one fan's experience as "easy" and one as "difficult" based on something as arbitrary as their location in the world is a vast oversimplification and unfair to both overseas fans and those living in Korea.

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Về vụ daesang của BTS e lo lắm chị ạ vì giờ vẫn chưa nghe thông tin comeback gì mà số lượng bán đĩa của young forever bây giờ vẫn không so được với nhóm kia (chắc chị hiểu ý em). Mà chị sang hàn có thấy BTS nổi không hay chỉ nổi ở nước ngoài thôi vậy ạ :(((

Trước chị cũng mong Daesang lắm nhưng nếu tình hình quý cuối năm mà Bigbang comeback với full album MADE thì càng chật đường hơn cho BTS. Cái album EX'ACT gì gì đấy của EXO lượng sales cũng khá khủng (700-800k copies) nên cả 2 mảng physical lẫn digital đều có cạnh tranh khốc liệt. Cái này là chị nói thật. Cuối năm BTS comeback thật , hi vọng bighit cho promote trước tháng 11 , Album đc sx nhiều version, tổ chức nhiều fansigns để fan chạy sales cho kịp và MADE của BB dời sang đầu năm sau thì cơ hội mới còn cao.
Còn về độ nổi tiếng của BTS ở Hàn thì đúng là nhóm đang lên thật, đã qua giai đoạn nugu nhưng độ phủ sóng chưa cao em ạ. Bạn bè chị quen bên Hàn chả ai quan tâm hay nghe nhạc của BTS cả ? Đi cf thì "I need u" với "dope" là hay phát thôi, b-side track khác hầu như chị chưa bh nghe thấy. Ngược lại vs BB hay EXO thậm chí là BEAST :((( Chưa kể sự bùng nổ của BTS bây giờ vẫn chưa thể so với ShiBeIn (SHINee-BEAST-INFINITE) mấy năm về trước được. Đúng là nhóm bây giờ được chú ý nhiều nhưng vẫn còn mang danh hậu Rising Star vì chưa có bài hát nào bật lên thành bài hát quốc dân khiến non kpop fan cũng biết. Cơ mà chưa chứ không hẳn là không thể. Còn vụ nổi ở quốc tế hơn là đúng. Sự thật bây giờ BTS thay SJ mang danh con ghẻ quốc dân con cưng quốc tế cũng không sai đâu. Tóm lại BTS còn 1 chặng đường dài để đi ^^ Hãy kì vọng vào album tới.

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Sorry if my question is a little bit much, i'm just curious. Can you tell me one by one of bap members how they for real?? Thank you ^^

Yongguk: friendly and shy; warm firm handshake / high five (one of our admins was surprised when he grabbed her hands and interlocked his fingers with hers when he did a high ten with her); gummy grin is very charming; very humble
Himchan: A diva sometimes; cute and full of aegyo mixed with occasional bursts of handsome poses; would thank people for coming for fansigns and to see B.A.P at events; generally a cheery figure. His skin is glowing and beautiful. His hands are smooth and pale.
Daehyun: Funloving person who smiles and laughs a lot. our admin said "his eye smiles are no joke! omg!" He talks quite a lot and sometimes jokes with you. The way he looks into your eyes would melt you. His hands are very pretty >_<
Youngjae: Funloving person like Daehyun; his eyes twinkle when he finds something funny; he would make jokes and laugh with you heartily; he is quite cheeky sometimes.
Jongup: quite a 4D character; he likes squinting his eyes at you and our admin said "he seems to be judging you when he does that!" ? He is serious when he speaks but you can tell that it is laced with some amusement (but we never know what he is amused about...)
Zelo: Very warm and friendly; in person, he listens to what you have to say very carefully and attentively. Our admin said "it's as if you are the only person in the universe that matters to him at that time... he is so sweet!" He would readily speak to you in English as much as he can if he knows you are not Korean.

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You must respect the event that she is on ask and try to answer us.She has a job and she cant be online all day!You must understand her after all this happens(fake profil e.t.c.) Its so kind of her doing fansigns e.t.c.We know she has many questions but dont get mad because she cant answer!Lol

Thxs 4 all of the nice coments defending me, i Wish i could answer everything but some people needs to understand that i cant and i do not live 4 it

1. I feel like Bangtan's been here a lot longer than (only?) 3 years is it just me? I came in just before "Run" & it feels like they've always been here since they release stuff everyday ahah. Their previous Vapp live I caught myself thinking "Aren't they too old for this?" and then I went "Wait..."

"2. How do you feel about the time passed? I wanted to ask since you're a longtime fan & you even attended debut era fansigns /ohwow. Thank you for reading!!"
honestly to me most of the time it feels like they haven't been around long at all? their 3rd year came along and i was like "goodness it's been 3 years already?" but i think since i became a fan at their debut i've always just been stuck in 2013 ;; which is bad in a way. they've also accomplished so much in such a little time so everything just feels extremely rushed and surreal. time is weird.
Liked by: Minnie Ryana

is there any other way to contact exo other than fanmail, it can be hard and confusing for foreigners

No; SM doesn't allow one on one communication with their artist.
The most one on one interaction I've ever seen is fansigns and fanmeets.
But those are like 1 minute or less per person.
Fanmail is you only answer. If it's the language that is the problem, some fan accounts on twitter help to translate letters during the members' birthdays. So I suggest you try and find out a bit more details from those people

U know he keeps on posting that same pic off kik say that hes real and ur not lol he so fake he needs to learn for once my fam 100% real♥♥♥

all his pics are copied from a video on you tube or the web they are so blurry and he can never do fansigns or bodysigns or videos yet hes got this imac so it would be easy to do any of those only reason he won't is cause he can't hes fake asfffff
Liked by: ≈0= Hrystal

Did you know that Sean dated another fake person called Taylor ? they both fooled each other for damn near 4 years no videos or fansigns or any proof any of them are who they say they are

everyone knows hes fake and a bully and tbh idgaf
Liked by: ≈0=

Did you know that Sean dated another fake person called Taylor ? they both fooled each other for damn near 4 years no videos or fansigns or any proof any of them are who they say they are

I feel so special, you came off anonymous just for me; meanwhile you sent this to like a hundred people with anon on.
However, I could give a f#ck, so run along little girl.

Actually im very happy that exo sales are slowing down because thats what i really hope for so that yall exo losers can stop bragging and face the reality that they wont always be kings of album sales 😜💁💅

They just beat their own record for weekly album sales within two days, and by nearly twice the amount. They sold in two days what most groups can't even sell of a singular album, without any fansigns or any other extra events to boost sales. If you need to settle for lying to hate on a group maybe you should spend more time supporting yours.

I really hope EXO promotes well this comeback, and by that I mean that they guest on shows to showcase their songs. And also fansigns, they usually only have like 2 or 3 fansigns while the majority of groups has like 10-15. I hope they at least do some more than they usually do.

A reason most groups have fansigns, aside from a chance to meet with the fans, is to boost album sales. EXO has stopped having quite as many since it hasn't been needed to raise their sales quiet as much.
Liked by: EY maydastra yes hi

hi how is the step in fansign? u write the question in a paper n they answer? and how do they know our name? should we pay for fansign? and we can do interaction like hold their hands?i see ppl like lotte that live abroad can get their fansign answer, how? and how long is the time per member?thanks

wait there's too much going on in this ask omg
1. ya u write qn on a post it and they answer
2. you also write your name and they copy
3. of course! fansigns cost a lot of money
4. yes you can hold their hands
5. some people sell signed pages and they will go to the fansign to make a member sign your name instead of theirs
6. as long as you don't clog the line it's ok

Arkaaa. Tbh, ignoring the fact that you've completely forgotten me, we were pretty close at one point. The stalking and fansign was literally how we started talking. XD you're like really helpful and you've always helped me out w my problems. Also, poppy. ?

AnishkaBiswas13’s Profile PhotoAnishka Biswas
I still remember how we used to hold conversations regarding a number of tv shows that aired sometime ago, and spam each other with a bazillion likes, make rad fansigns and above all, Kaiser, always in our hearts.
Thanks a ton. (we should totally start talking more often)

About direct kill, when she knew that jungkook was not at the fansign, she mentioned bighit saying she wants refund and then closed here fansite. Some people arw saying that she acted so immature just because jungkook is not there she doesn't want to go to the fansign anymore? Didn't she care for(1)

(2) the other 6 members. She's throwing the opportunity to talk to rest of bangtan which is a dream come true for other people just because jungkook is not there. I think that is the issue.
Honestly I don't know. Like, on the one hand I don't think that publicly tweeting Big Hit from your fansite twitter is a great way to address the issue of refunds but on the other hand, she is exclusively a Jungkook fansite and if the member she actively takes photos of is not going to be at the fansign, I can understand why she wouldn't go? Fansites are a little different than regular fans in that regard.
When Namjoon was 불참 from the fansigns during Run promotions, the staff made a post about it before the buying periods for the relevant fansigns were over, meaning that fansites could just choose not to buy for that fansign (since fansites generally buy toward the end of the buying period anyway). However, Jungkook's absence was announced literally 30 mins before the fansign started, as in they'd already set up the mic and everything for him, so the money was gone and she was already AT the fansign only to find out her member wasn't going to be there... So I can understand her frustration from that point of view.
Plus, taking into account the fact that it's not only this fansign but all fansigns and all promotions, and then BTS are basically going to be overseas until 2017... I don't think she went about it the right way at all, but I also do kind of understand where she's coming from on that front, I guess.

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hi may I know why fansites like Fortune are cancelling overseas group orders ? is it because of shipping ?

because some random egg account decided to attack fansites for trying to use fans' orders to get into fansigns or make a profit :/
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how many fansigns and can meetings have you been to unnie? and do the members know that you are the photographer of winter strawverry? 😚😚😄 fighting! your photos are very nice, thank you unnie!!! 💞💞💞

I've been to a number of fansigns and yes Taehyung knows I take photos of him 😄 thank you for liking my photos ☺❤

How do you feel about Ho Seok oppa?is he nice to you?i really want to know something about him because I love him so muchㅠㅠ

호석 is 💚💚 He has a very wonderful smile. He also does a lot of fun things at fansigns so that fans can take nice photos ☺
Liked by: 뷔용뷔용 dreammy

Language: English