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l'll flatter you for fun and you'll take anything l say seriously and try to insult me huh.You'll know your place and learn to not take internet too seriously.

I don't take anything you say seriously. I literally don't give a flying fuck. I just find you annoying.
Liked by: Smile Demure♡

At first syd said guy number 1 is her man and she was just at his house the other day and had s3x with him and they call each other babe now last night she said that guy #2 is her man 😬😬😬😬😬😬

And the next one will be her man, and the next and the next. No one gives a flying f*ck. Honestly at her age it's not even a flex, islta a sign that she hasn't matured and still wants that childish lifestyle. It's embarrassing if anything.
And I'm tired of hearing about it, so keep it out of my inbox. I'm busy actually doing grown adult shit.
Now I gotta go help my man cook dinner so bye.

Do sounds bother you? Any specific ones? 🔊😩

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I used to answer this question that sound of mosquitos flying around my head in the night 😅, but all this summer was so hot here in my place that no mosquitos around 🤔🤷‍♀️. I am working near of hospital so we hear many times in a day sound of ambulance car 🚑. It does not bother me, I just always think: OMG, what happend again? 😲.

Idk if poor Nugget would appreciate two people she likes fighting like this though QAQ

Berith: Well, that doesn't matter right now!
Melech: -Growls-
-The fight continues-
Lestat: -After dispersing Baal's attack, I get ready to attack him but he is nowhere to be seen. My ichor eyes moving fast, looking in all directions. Their movement creates this lingering glow effect that follow my vampiric eyes. Suddenly, I see twisted spires rising from the ground, I move fast-
Baal: -Used a simple distraction as I appear next to him and slam my staff across his face, making his entire form twist. He bounces several feet away from me. I smirk and go after him to finish the attack but to my surprise I see all i hit was just some sort of blood puppet. Now, I'm the one looking for him-
Lestat: -I attack from above, screaming in rage as i come at full force, scythe blade first to the face- YOU'RE MINE!!!!!
Baal: -My glowing blue eyes dart upwards and I lift my staff. Scythe and blade colliding and making friction yet again-
Lestat: -I let out almost a dragonic like roar and my muscles boom with force, causing for more strong pressure upon baal-
Baal: -I feel my anatomy be press down against the ground, my form breaking through the floor as Lestat adds more raw power-
Lestat: -My muscles tighten and the friction made, eventually ends with my own raw strength, sending him several feet underground where you hear a loud boom from how far below I sent him-
-however, it doesn't take long for the entire floor to crack and break, as thousands of demon flies come flying out and surround me-
Lestat: -I think nothing of them until I begin to burn them all with my scythes' blade, cutting through until it causes for each fly to explode with miasma. The explosion so strong it sends me flying back, to a vacant building which I break in half due to the impact-
-Horde of flies they go after him, piling on top of where Lestat is-
Lestat: -I let out yet another dragonic like roar, spitting fire from my mouth, burning away each fly-
Baal: -Both of my hands, rise from the ground and I grab Lestat by his long legs, I drag him underneath and begin to drag him with force-
Lestat: -My active attack explodes in my own mouth, causing for yet another rumble to happen, as a huge explosion, wipes out the entire area-
Melech: -My eyes shake as this is getting worse and worse-

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Share something poetic! 🖊️✨

Egoistic_101’s Profile Photoᴶᵃ ˢⁱᵐʳᵃⁿ ˢᵉᵗ ᵈᵃ ʷᵒʳˡᵈ ᵒⁿ ᶠⁱʳᵉ
I wrote this a few days ago while struggling with insomnia...😂🤦
All my life, I tried my best.
What did I do to deserve this test?
I stood up for everyone,
Never took a rest.
I wanted to save everyone,
I had all the zest.
The will to sacrifice everything I had,
Not knowing time was passing—that was my bad.
I wanted to make it up to the ones I loved,
Never gave a second thought whenever I was called.
I made them the purpose of my life,
Now that I look, I just see an empty hive.
As the queen died, all the bees flew away,
While I was busy serving the queen night and day.
I never gathered honey for myself,
Now I'm left with just empty shelves.
All the bees moved to make another hive,
While I was wondering how I'd survive.
The family bees looked at me daily as I sat there,
They were sad for me, and now they just pity and stare.
I tried to fly for the first time in a while,
Only to realize my wings decided to decline.
I just got out and flew over the river,
Couldn't manage to fly and fell over.
As I was drowning, I saw them all flying nearby,
As if they wanted to save me, but were saying goodbye.
I drowned, thinking of where I went wrong,
My whole life started to play but didn’t last long.
An unexplainable peace started to prevail,
As it was the gift of everything I had to avail...

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How to stop being jealous? My friend is flying to Spain, her man paid for her trip, and I can't help but be jealous.. I understand that this is not good

Buy yourself a trip somewhere. Doesn’t have to be expensive, doesn’t have to be far. But start watering your own flowers rather than looking at somebody else’s.

Do you book seats when you fly on a airplane?

Shannon678900’s Profile PhotoShannon
I always used to when I used to fly.
I always booked a Window seat when I first started flying, though they always seemed to shove me under the emergency escape hatch with instructions!
Then as my health deteriorated I started going for an aisle seat, until I couldn’t manage flying at all any more.

How was your sleep? mine was fair abt 6 hrs.

i slept well… anon.
today is the second after the plane…
i flew there where my beautiful mom’s
last home … on this earth…
1’ august was three years
how my beautiful mom leave me
i prepare a lot of sweets …things for people …
and when i was flying back on the second of august…
i had seizure… on the plane…
my pulse became 130 beats per minute… and i felt…myself so bad…
like i’m dying…

Have you ever been painfully stung / bitten? Like by a wasp, fire ants etc. 🐝🐜

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Not for a while, but yes. I used to get stung by wasps SO often when I was younger. It’s kinda left me with a general waryness around bees. Like, if they are flying near me, I get a little freaked out. 😅
But I’d say some of the most painful was when I got stung on the tip of my finger, as a bee had landed in my hair and I instinctively reached up to see what it was, and happened to get stung. And then I got stung by multiple wasps at once as a child. One had stung me in the space between my index finger and thumb, one on the back of thigh, and then one crawled up my shirt without me noticing and stung me right near my belly button which was actually quite painful. 😬
Have you ever been painfully stung  bitten Like by a wasp fire ants etc
Liked by: חנה Tobbe

I believe the correct word is "gullible" not "gullable". Canadians have a much better education system than Americans, you have no excuse to be so illiterate.

I really don't give a flying fuck. I have a child I take care of all day, I'm lucky if I get 2 seconds to type something before she's trying to climb on me or wants attention, a typo is the least of my worries.

If you had to choose, would you rather fly around on the back of a giant bug or be miniaturized and trapped in a bottle on the waves of the ocean?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoΣΩ
I would not enjoy being shrunk, placed in a bottle, and thrown into the ocean. I much prefer flying. 😅
Liked by: ΣΩ Tonya Metanoia

If you had to choose, would you rather fly around on the back of a giant bug or be miniaturized and trapped in a bottle on the waves of the ocean?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoΣΩ
The freedom of flying around on a bug seems infinitely preferable to being trapped in a bottle.
In the bottle, you'd have no water, eventually no air...if someone didn't find and save you soon, you'd be done.
Assuming the bug has been "tamed" in some way, you'd have all sorts of advantages, not the least of which is being able to fly anywhere you want.
Soooo...the bug.
Liked by: Tonya Merve ΣΩ

Best trip you've been on so far?

alishapawar5’s Profile PhotoAlisha
I've been on many good trips but the one trip I'd describe as a "trip of a lifetime" was back in late 2018 when I went to Japan, Australia, Singapore and China 🇯🇵🇦🇺🇸🇬🇨🇳 Got to visit many cool cities such as Tokyo and Sydney and got to see various kinds of wildlife, kangaroos, koalas, penguins, flying lemurs... even got to swim with a wild sea turtle which had been a lifelong dream of mine, they're my favorite animals 🥹
Best trip youve been on so far

Ваш улюблений діснеївський персонаж?

lenaaa0_0’s Profile PhotoLENA
Принц Ерік певно. У тому сенсі, що він і принц, і мореплавець, і багатий, але йому мало треба. Романтично, але працює. І буква "Е" скрізь на його території. Саме там він найняв човен і карету. Взагалі мені подобаються багато персонажів. Але я хочу асоціювати себе з ним. А потім йому все-таки дісталося півцарства підводного світу через вдале одруження. Ну, здається, непогано. Загалом просто хотів скинути скріншот схожого питання і відповіді кількарічної давності. Але де ти його знайдеш? Дітько...
Пам'ятаю, в першій частині гри Відьмак була цікава гра в кубики. Десь на YouTube було відео, але лінь його шукати.
Нинішньому телефону два-три роки. Шкода, що не можу знайти одну фотографію свого старого телефону, а на задньому фоні фото з ангелом-супутником, ну те, що він літає на орбіті з технічним пристроєм. Перепробував усе, але не можу знайти. Напевно, треба все видалити до біса і не хвилюватися про це. Як деякі кажуть, точніше пишуть - хех.
Prince Eric for sure. In the sense that he is a prince, a sailor, and rich, but he doesn't need much. Romantic, but it works. And the letter "E" everywhere on its territory. It was there that he hired a boat and a carriage. In general, I like a lot of characters. But I want to associate myself with him. And then he still got half the kingdom of the underwater world through a successful marriage. Well, it seems not bad. In general, I just wanted to drop a screenshot of a similar question and answer from several years ago. But where will you find it? Baby...
I remember, in the first part of the Witcher game, there was an interesting dice game. There was a video somewhere on YouTube, but I'm too lazy to look for it.
The current phone is two or three years old. It's a pity that I can't find one photo of my old phone, and in the background there is a photo with a satellite angel, well, he is flying in orbit with a technical device. Tried everything but can't find it. Probably should just delete the hell out of it...

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Have you ever had a horrific experience while travelling?

lostineden’s Profile PhotoLost in Eden (MT)
"Horrific" might be too severe of a word to use, but I have had a couple of unpleasant and frightening experiences. Once when I was returning home from a trip to The States with my family, our plane suffered an engine failure shortly after take-off and we had to make an emergency landing.
I didn't know at the time it was happening but apparently, the fire brigade had to be called to the airport because there was a risk that the engine could've gone up in flames. That was a lot to wrap my head around, especially as a nineteen-year-old...
Everything was alright in the end though, and the experience didn't put me off flying in the future.

Mary, Mary, quite contrary How does your garden grow?

With daffodils at windowsills,
plucked from the garden below.
So should you choose to make a wish,
I’ll tell you just where to go.
Follow the grove,
Beside the hill,
When you find it, you will know.
For all men seek it,
But hide it may,
To pure hearts only, will it show.
But don’t give up,
If at first it hides,
No man is blamed for trying.
Pursue you til the dusk or dawn,
May your dreams take wing for flying.
And maybe then, you’ll find the hymn.
And settle back where you begin.
Mary Mary quite contrary
How does your garden grow

What's some small thing you recently noticed?

iWillSpamYouAsk’s Profile PhotoSpam Ask
• That birds are chirping, bobbin’ round on the ground, flying around and up earlier than 4 a.m. hour like they used to. Now, it’s like 1am.
• The transition from night to sun up actually happens above sky like a light switch. It cuts right on. Never transitions.
If you’re up and watch God do His work, it’s amazing to watch the sun trade places with the moon.
That “total eclipse” happens every morning, same time.❤️✌🏽
Whats some small thing you recently noticed

Of the following, which would you rather own? A. a magical flying carpet B. a magical mirror that lets you see anything you want C. a magical flower with healing properties when you sing a song D. a magical trident that controls the sea

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoΣΩ
Flying carpet. Wouldn't have to buy gas. We wouldn't have to pollute the air. Less damage if an accident happened. 😁
Liked by: Lex Talionis ΣΩ

Of the following, which would you rather own? A. a magical flying carpet B. a magical mirror that lets you see anything you want C. a magical flower with healing properties when you sing a song D. a magical trident that controls the sea

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoΣΩ
Hi, Marie Serendipity.
It is not entirely clear what kind of magic carpet it is. Is he just flying? What is his magic? 😄
Good. I need to think about it...
a magic flower that heals when I sing a song...Probably not. I can't sing, so I'll get sick a lot because of it.
The magic mirror 🤔 Hmm... You can only see, but you can't take it? 🤔 It 's not interesting 😄
The magic trident that rules the sea 🤔 Sounds pretty tempting, actually 😄 I think I'll choose a trident 🔱 Actually, there are a lot of interesting things to be found at the bottom of the sea 🤔😇 Quartz, silver, gold and diamonds can be found. In principle, almost all the elements of the periodic table can be found at the bottom of the sea ✨ It's great. You took a trident, got water from the bottom of the sea and collect valuable metals ✨ Beauty 😇
So, I'll choose the trident. 😇

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Of the following which would you rather own
A a magical flying carpet
B a

Of the following, which would you rather own? A. a magical flying carpet B. a magical mirror that lets you see anything you want C. a magical flower with healing properties when you sing a song D. a magical trident that controls the sea

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoΣΩ
Option C is more suitable for
I would like to heal loved ones, and only loved ones, so that the flower does not lose its healing properties🥹
Of the following which would you rather own
A a magical flying carpet
B a

Of the following, which would you rather own? A. a magical flying carpet B. a magical mirror that lets you see anything you want C. a magical flower with healing properties when you sing a song D. a magical trident that controls the sea

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoΣΩ
I already have a trident on my coat of arms. Why I am very happy. But I probably wouldn't give up a flower that heals. Because health is a very fragile thing. Especially in our climate of war, stress and a corrupt government and clown president foisted on us by the enemy in 2019. Chosen by very stupid people, of which we have many. Perhaps with the consent of the event. More precisely, headless leftists in the west. Otherwise, this bloody-"zelenyy" circus cannot be explained. Thank you for your question. You can write a fantasy based on it.
У мене вже є тризуб на гербі. Чому я дуже радий. Але я б, мабуть, не відмовився від квітки, яка лікує. Бо здоров’я – річ дуже тендітна. Особливо в нашій атмосфері війни, стресу та корупційного уряду та президента-клоуна, нав’язаного нам ворогом у 2019 році. Обраного дуже дурними людьми, яких у нас багато. Можливо, за згодою заходу. Точніше, безголових ліваків на заході. Інакше цей криваво-''зелений'' цирк не пояснити. Дякуємо за запитання. На його основі можна написати фентезі.

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Of the following, which would you rather own? A. a magical flying carpet B. a magical mirror that lets you see anything you want C. a magical flower with healing properties when you sing a song D. a magical trident that controls the sea

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoΣΩ
I’d go for B, the magical mirror that lets you see anything you want.
It would be fascinating to have that kind of knowledge and insight, plus it could be super useful in many situations.
How about you?
Of the following which would you rather own
A a magical flying carpet
B a

Of the following, which would you rather own? A. a magical flying carpet B. a magical mirror that lets you see anything you want C. a magical flower with healing properties when you sing a song D. a magical trident that controls the sea

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoΣΩ
100%-ly the healing flower! 🌺😁👍 It reminded me the time when my son was around 1 y.o. and he was willing to eat when I was singing songs to him only. 😂🎼🎵

Of the following, which would you rather own? A. a magical flying carpet B. a magical mirror that lets you see anything you want C. a magical flower with healing properties when you sing a song D. a magical trident that controls the sea

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoΣΩ
It’s either B or C but I would probably wear the flower out with my singing voice, healing all the rock wounds I get because of the singing 😂😂😂😂 let’s try B 🙏

Marne k bad foran jakay sab se phle therapy lu gi phir saray confusions k answers aur secret unlock kru gi phir flying carpet par clouds par jaon gi aur mazay kru gi

konsay khawaab e khargosh main mubtila hain aap?
uthh jayein murghay nay baang deydi hai,
din charhh gaya hai ☀️

Marne k bad foran jakay sab se phle therapy lu gi phir saray confusions k answers aur secret unlock kru gi phir flying carpet par clouds par jaon gi aur mazay kru gi

Phir subah ho jaegi, phir amma danday maar k neendh sy utha dain gi, phir nashta kar k bartan dhoun gi, phir khiyali pulao banaungi aur apna time zaya karungi

You don't get to decide someones grief. Sometimes losing a pet can be just as hard as losing a person. 🐶 🐱 💔

I agree 💔
Love this poem hope it helps 💕
Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge. When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.
There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.
All the animals who had been ill and old, are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt, or maimed are made whole and strong again. Just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.
The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing. They each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.
They all run and play together...but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers.
Suddenly...he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster, and faster.
You have been spotted.
When you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face. Your hands again caress the beloved head. You look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.
Then... you cross the Rainbow Bridge together.

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Airplane food isn't very tasty because our sense of smell and taste decrease by 20% to 50% while flying.

waleedelsayed20’s Profile PhotoWaleed Elsayed
Does even exist a person who is able to eat in the airplane? 😱.... I was taking a pill for sleeping not to feel the panic and urge to get off the plane during flying! 😅😂🤦‍♀️
Airplane food isnt very tasty because our sense of smell and taste decrease by

Why I can't be bird ? I wanna fly, I wanna see people from the sky, I wanna feel the freedom.

Well, you can't be a bird because you were not destined to be a bird. You were born human, and you have your own set of qualities and abilities that a bird does not possess. You can make a flying jet using your intelligence if you want to fly. Besides, there is no guarantee that you'd feel free just by flying. What if the sky becomes your prison? Then you'd want to be Superman, then you'd want to be Darkseid. We'll never be satisfied.

Screenshot of a funny messenger exchange, please.

A client having his monthly haircut says he was going to Rome for his holidays- why would you want to go there as it is full of Italians and is filthy- who are you flying with? -Lufthansa- they are the worst airline and have an appalling reputation and old planes- where are you staying?-the Quirinale- that is a terrible hotel and awful rooms and overpriced- and I bet you won't see the pope amongst the thousands in St Peters square.
On his return the barber asked how he went in Rome- Fantastic Lufthansa had new planes and we upgraded to first class and the Qirinale had just had a major upgrade and we ended up in the Presidential suite.
I bet you didn't see the Pope- a swiss guard tapped us on the shoulder as the Pope wanted to meet commoners.
I bet he didn't talk to you- yes he did he asked me who gave me the shitty haircut

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Is spring kicking into high gear where you live? How's that making you feel? 🌻🌿

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
It’s definitely getting to that point around here! It’s been pretty rainy, but the temperatures have honestly been fairly consistent! Like within a 10 degree margin usually. The trees have begun blooming, and there’s a lot of really beautiful flowers out and about. I’ve even seen bumblebees flying around in my backyard. 😁
I absolutely love the fact that it’s changing, and when it’s not raining, it’s sunny and blue skies. Makes me feel so motivated and just happy in general! I’m very much looking forward to getting outside more often, and hopefully having more energy to do things! ☺️
Is spring kicking into high gear where you live Hows that making you feel

Welchen Anime schaust du? 🤙🏼

Aber viele verschiedene Dinge. Ich werde mich nicht erinnern. Muss mir meine Liste ansehen. =)
1). Nagagutsu o haita neko.
2). Marine Boy.
3). Flying Phantom Ship.
1). Hans Christian Andersons The Little Mermaid.
2). Candi Candi.
3). Goldorak.
4). Captain Future.
1). Golgo 13 Professional.
2). The Dagger of Kamui.
3). California Crisis.
4). Robot Carnival - Star Light Angel.
5). Kenya Boy.
6). Roots Search.
7). Urusei Yatsura.
8). Savior of the Earth.
9). The World of the talisman.
10). Dominion Tank Police.
11). C.O.P.S.
12). Last Unicorn.
1). Mad Bull 34.
2). Alien From The Darknes.
3). Mamono Hunter Youko.
4). Kite.
5). Street Fighter II.
1). Full Metal Panic!
2). The Animatrix.
3). Golgo 13.
1). Appleseed Alpha.
2). ...
1). Urusei Yatsura.
2). ...

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