
200 people

50 posts


There's an actual character named Nugget in Umbra? We have transcended time and space.

Nugget: ☉ ‿ ⚆ Hi! Nice to meet you too! Now, if you excuse me I have arrived at my destination! Today is a big day! It's a day of success! I am going in there and conquering the world!!!! This country girl will make everybody proud! \( ᐖ)/
-I am not at the Luciano corp nor in the arranged meeting with Lucius. I am at a hardcore Serant str1p club. I confidently enter inside only to see all these men dancing-...
Nugget: -Confused and I look at the notes I took- (。•́︿•̀。) -I look around very puzzled-
Lestat: Hey little thing, what are you looking for? A good time? -I smile and notice the way she is dressed. I have never seen a girl so... animated. Very goofy looking-
Nugget: -I keep looking at my notes- Hello there big fella. Is this the Luciano corp? My job interviews are today!
(•̯́ ^ •̯̀) I don't know if I am in the right place. I didn't know the corp had dancing employees. What an odd way to work.
Lestat: -I realize something fast about her personality, this girl is not only super naïve but she's actually an imbecile-......-I laugh loudly- ^-^ Oh ho ho ho, I know where that is but why don't you, stay here for a little while, hm? -I stroke my fur- Stay, rest a little.
Nugget: Nugget can't do that. My Sponge Bob watch is telling me I'm running late.( • ᴖ • 。) I got to leave but thank you for your kind hospitality! What a strange place! It looks like my glowing lava lamp at home! Or when I shine the flashlight for a long time into my eyes and i start seeing all these floaters and light flashes. Or the time I ate wild mushrooms. It all looked just like this! Well, I gotta go!
Lestat: Oh no no, you should stay! -I place my hand on top of her shoulders- Please, stay for a little while. -I look down at her- :}
Nugget: Idk, Nugget always taught herself to not talk to strangers for too long. I'm a professional! I'm serious! See this watch? That's how serious I am. I only wear it for very important meetings!
Lestat: Ho ho ho ho, you're such a cute little thing (imbecile) Come on! Nugget! Right? Nugget?
Nugget: The one and only! (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و
Lestat: I promise to take you to the corp directly! I just need you to... stay here for awhile. We don't get girls like you very often! ^0^

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I wasn't really trying to tempt you. It was all metaphorical I swear -i smile innocently- and sure, tell me whatever you feel like sharing

kaliaventis’s Profile Photokaliaventis
Ba'al: I'm a fly ^_^ -I say this in the silliest tone of voice possible- I go bzzzzzzzz bzzzzzzzz and steal other ppl's sugar cubes! I like sweet anything! Anything I can get my hands on! -Is unknown if I'm being serious or just goofy or both-

What was the last thing you wondered about?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoΣΩ
What kind of sandwich I should make today. I have this goofy little tradition where, after a therapy appointment, I will make myself a really nice sandwich. Because you know, therapy can be draining, and it's nice to have a treat.
I wound up settling on roasted red pepper, hummus, feta, and rocket salad. I believe rocket is called arugula in the US? Which, I won't lie, is a much prettier sounding name! A lot more fun to say, too. Aruuugggulllaaaaa! 🤣
Anyway, the therapy session was productive.
And the sandwich was super yummy.

that sounds like a good movie ngl xo

zactc’s Profile Photozack vaughan
It is! The sense of humor can be a little bit goofy and there are quite a lot of subplots to follow (mainly centering around the other characters who Amelie tries to help) but all in all, it's a very fun movie. The sort that's good to watch when you want something lighthearted with a happy ending.

What is the last thing someone did that made you laugh or smile? 😃

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoΣΩ
Earlier this afternoon, my partner was doing some chores in our living room and I thought it'd be funny to slowly open the door and do a silly pose just to see his reaction. He must've heard my footsteps though because when I opened the door, he was already standing on the other side of it... Striking a very similar goofy pose.
It was probably the hardest we've laughed all week. It wasn't the first time something like this had happened, either. In fact, it happens quite a lot... It never fails to amuse us, though!

What's your favorite memory of AskFM?

HaleyValkert’s Profile PhotoCaptain Cosmos
Joking around with @redoasis2017 on here. We stay goofy. Meeting him and other awesome people on here. I actually joined this app originally a looong time ago.. over 12 years ago to help someone. They didn't havt their mind in tbe right place and I was trying to help them think positive. Eventually I think they just disappeared and I just stuck around. Love the apo and all it's memories. Just took a big break. Needed time off. To focus on life. Life is busy. Which is a good thing. But yeah. Definitely fun times with him and @illin_ahmed and many other friends. Thanks for that yall!
Whats your favorite memory of AskFM

Have you ever imagined changing something about your personality? What would you change?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoΣΩ
I literally tried to be more serious than I normally am in reality٫ but I felt so out of my own skin I couldn't do it. I'm too goofy and enjoy being that way. 😁🤪
Liked by: Lex Talionis ΣΩ

Morivin, I know you are related by blood to Nights, but how do you feel about Candy Pop himself?

Morivin: -Currently attaching limbs onto one of his patients , pops his head up to anon-
OI! A faceless! Ahaha I'd say im busy but I can talk.... Hmmm Candy Pop. I want to squish his face, I like the jester. Its too bad he got infused with my brother. He'll always be tainted and corrupted in someway, that is if ever manages to break free from the fusion.
-He stops talking to stop the now attached limb from smacking him- SETTLE DOWN NOW! Anywho, I'd choose Candy Pop over that betrayer any day of the week. IN FACT, I'D GLADLY wish to be apart of his family, Genyrs are so cute, goofy but WOOO powerful. They could revival Serants in power. They fact, my brother tricked them before they could seal him away, says a lot. Hell Pop himself was I believe not a full strength and still managed to seal Nights. If that doesn't tell you how powerful they are.

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¿Qué película de tu infancia que casi nadie recuerda a ti te gusta y la recuerdas con cariño?

Spirit: el corcel indomable, Balto, La princesa cisne, Anastasia, La espada mágica, Pulgarcita, El guardián de las palabras, ¡Socorro, soy un pez!, Taron y el caldero mágico, Merlín el encantador, El príncipe de Egipto, El gigante de hierro, El planeta del tesoro, Atlantis, Hermano Oso, La princesa prometida, Dentro del laberinto, Cristal Oscuro, Aladdín y el rey de los ladrones, La tostadora valiente, Todos los perros van al cielo, Oliver y su pandilla, Goofy e hijo, Mars Attacks!, Robots, FernGully, La increíble pero cierta historia de Caperucita Roja, Flubber, Jumanji...
Qué película de tu infancia que casi nadie recuerda a ti te gusta y la recuerdas

Welche Serie muss man, deiner Meinung nach, gesehen haben?

mariablubb’s Profile Photoᴹᴬᴿᴵᴬ
Avatar - Der Herr der Elemente
Wohlgemerkt die Zeichentrickserie! Die Live-Action-Version hat mir persönlich aber (trotz zahlreicher Unstimmigkeiten, die ich auch verstehe) gefallen. Die Adaption war wirklich nicht einwandfrei, da so viele Aspekte ausgelassen wurden, die den Charakteren und Handlungssträngen zu der Zeit extremen Wiedererkennungswert gegeben haben. Dazu zählt beispielsweise Sokkas Chauvinismus, der durch Suki ausgehebelt wird, die Tatsache, dass goofy Kinder versuchen, die Welt zu retten und man die Intonation der Serie (die Millennials und Gen Z gleichermaßen geprägt hat) eben nicht in einen weirden Game of Thrones - Vibe umgestalten sollte, um eine "mature audience" zu gewinnen. Ich bin mature genug, ich habe die Serie als Kind geliebt und tue es bis heute noch. Ich fühle mich nicht repräsentiert.
Aaaaber es war trotzdem cool.
Man hat zwar sehr vieles nach diesem typischen Mainstream-Netflix-Rezept rekreiert, aber ich wurde doch des Öfteren nostalgisch. Ich liebe (bis auf wenige Ausnahmen) alle Schauspieler:innen, weil sie ihre Charaktere sehr gut repräsentieren, auch, wenn die schauspielerische Leistung zu wünschen übrig lässt, aber meine Güte, es sind Kids (btw, Zukos Schauspieler, uff, uff, uff).
Und es war alles in allem doch sehr unterhaltsam. Ich verstehe auch nicht, warum man sich jetzt (bis auf wirklich berechtigte Kritikpunkte) so enorm negativ über die Adaption äußern muss, so als sei es irgendwie in, alles schéiße zu finden, das nicht ans Original herankommt. Das wird es auch nie. Das wird nie irgendeine Live-Adaption, da die ursprünglichen Creator bereits sehr früh aufgrund 'kreativer Differenzen' ausgestiegen sind. Seufz. Es ist trotzdem gut gewesen. Aber schaut dennoch die Zeichentrickserie zuerst. >:( So viele schöne, lustige, weise, emotionale Augenblicke. Gott, ich liebe Avatar und werde nie müde, es zu rewatchen. Jedes verdammte Jahr.
Ach ja, reden wir bloß nicht über den Film. Der war wirklich Schmutz. xd

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Mikhail, you're saying some pretty interesting things. What? The fall of heaven?

Mikhail: *My goofy expression goes to a serious one and then a smile cracks in my lips* What a wild thing to say but you know, I have wondered how the skies would look painted in red, with the blood of those who betrayed me. *I have a dreamy spark in my third eye while it looks up*
I'm just kidding. I'm a kind soul. I'm willing to forgive *Giggles*

What's something your parents lied to you about as a child to scare you off? When we went to the beach my mom would tell me not to get into the water w/o her bc there are 'monsters' in the ocean. She probably needed a break from supervising me and interrupting her tanning sesh. I totally get her now

the only thing i can think of right this minute is to not pull goofy faces or the wind will change and it'll be stuck like that, lmao. it's such a minor thing for a child to do to put that much fear into them.

Que opinas de la relación de padre e hijo de Máx y Goofy en las dos películas de Goofy, y crees que es perfecta?

j_manzo’s Profile PhotoJosEDU Acevedo Manzo
Bueno, la relación padre e hijo de Goofy y Max me parece buenísima, conmovedora y la pongo como una de mis relaciones padre e hijo en series y películas. No, obviamente no es perfecta, pero eso no quiere decir que es mala y al final como muchos otros personajes, ambos tienen sus diferencias pero sin importar estas, tanto Goofy como Max se siguen apreciando y trabajan juntos para resolver o salir de un problema. Y esto se ve muy reflejado en la primera película, lo cual es genial y la misma les brinda un buen desarrollo donde aprenden del otro, como Max que aprende que no debe ser duro con su padre ni sentirse avergonzado de él, porque es quien más se preocupa por él y por eso, no lo dejara de amar, mientras que Goofy entiende que su hijo no siempre va a ser un niño y que en algún momento, deberá seguir su propio camino (admito que no sé si me explique bien con lo dije).
En la segunda película esta misma relación también sigue siendo buena, pero como que siento (no sé si alguien más le ha pasado) que el desarrollo de ambos se volvió a resetear y que tienen que volver a aprender lo que aprendieron en la primera película, y al punto de exagerarles la personalidad (como que Max pese a que tenga sus razones, a veces se pasaba de cruel con su padre con querer alejarse completamente de él, y al punto de que llegaba a parecer que lo odiaba, mientras que Goofy aunque también tenía sus razones, llegaba a volverse más empalagoso con no querer dejar a Max y lo seguía tratando como un niño). Con esto tampoco sé si me explique bien, y aclaro que es mi propia opinión, y respeto mucho la suya. Y a pesar de esto, la relación padre e hijo aquí sigue siendo buena como en la película anterior, y como dije, Goofy y Max vuelven a aprender de sus errores.
No será perfecta, pero si, para mí la relación padre e hijo de Goofy y Max es muy buenísima y por eso la pongo como una de mis relaciones padre e hijo en series, películas o lo que sea.

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Que opinas de la relación de padre e hijo de Máx y Goofy en las dos películas de

Veamos qué tanto sabes de Disney; ¿ Que raza de perro es Goofy ? A) doberman B) gran danés C) masti tibetano D) un coonhound

luisdemetriotoledoocana58583’s Profile PhotoLuis Demetrio Toledo Ocaña
Es un coonhound negro y bronce, es una raza canina de caza perteneciente a los sabuesos. Estas razas se les conoce como extrovertidas y amigables. Pueden trabajar en estrecha colaboración con otros perros y personas. A pesar de ser una raza de caza de gran alcance, no suelen mostrar agresividad. Y poseen un fuerte ladrido.

Nincs valami drámád?

HouseOfMalphas’s Profile PhotoHasadék
Nincs. Tetszik az asksírkert nyugodtsága és a virágok hervadozása. Az évekkel ezelőtti öntudatlanság és nélkülözöttség impulzusszegény idejét idézi, amikor még jobb ember voltam a saját szememben.
(Ja. Meg kéne írni a holocaust©️ dolgot.)
Discordon meg a goofy idiot köntöse szépen fedi a fáradt komorságot.
Liked by: Ls... Letti Lakatos

What's the biggest crowd you've done something in front of? What were you doing? 🎤👥

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I was an extra in a school performance of Pirates of Penzance that was held at a local theatre. Don’t remember what the capacity was but it was bigger than any assembly we’d ever had. And I don’t really remember much of it except that we had to show up early the night of the performance and while we were waiting til showtime they had the extras all piled into a tiny room watching A Goofy Movie on an equally tiny tv. I know that I was a pirate and that my mum drew a pirate beard on for me with an eyeliner pencil and I think I had a red and white striped bandana on my head, or I might be confusing that with another time that I was a pirate?

Te gusta Disney? Que serie o película ?

felipekanelli’s Profile Photofelipe lazo
Me gusta Disney, crecí con sus dibujos animados (antes de que fuese el gran monstruo corporativo que es hoy día, definitivamente "Walter Elias Disney" ni si quiera se hubiese podido imaginar lo que ha conseguido su empresa con tan sólo ponerle esmero, corazoncito y mucho trabajo a los dibujos animados que creó). Ni si quiera voy a entrar en tema en cuánto a la dirección que ha tomado la compañía en cuántos a las series y películas que crean.
Me gusta Disney. PUNTO.
Aunque el Ratón con Short Negro y Zapatos Rojos es el sello de Disney, no moría por ver a Mickey Mouse.
Me encantan: Las PatoAventuras (McPato el ricachón que se tenía que encargar de sus tres sobrinos que siempre acababan con toda la mansión lujosa jajajaja), Chip & Dale (ésas ardillitas me mataban de risa), La Tropa de Goofy (cada vez que Goofy y Tribilín iban a las olimpiadas jajajaja), Los Rescatadores: Bernardo y Bianca, La Bella y La Bestia, Hércules, Aladín, El Rey León, Pocahontas, El Jorobado de Notre Dame, Tarzan, Mulán, y obviamente los más actuales cuándo la empresa absorbió a Pixar, cómo: Monsters Inc, Buscando a Nemo, Ratatouille, Wall-e, Up, Valiente, Coco, entre otros.
Ya estando más grande vi: ¿Quién engañó a Roger Rabbit?, porque es muy sugerente ésa película para una niña jajaja 🤭
Pero veces me enojo con Disney, ahí te dejo una rolita: https://youtu.be/eNItgc3WroUariolyeme’s Video 172423994652 eNItgc3WroUariolyeme’s Video 172423994652 eNItgc3WroU
Es como dicen Timón y Pumba: ¡Viscosos pero sabrosos! 😌🤌🏻

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Te gusta Disney Que serie o película

Películas Favoritas de Animación 2D (Tradicional)?

sethlm’s Profile PhotoSeth Mendoza
Ya había respondido esta pregunta antes, pero la responderé de nuevo (Pero quitando a Bob Esponja: Un Héroe Fuera del Agua, debido a que esta película muestra varios estilos de animación). Tengo muchas películas de Animación 2D o Tradicional (También incluyo las que son de Anime) que son mis favoritas, pero las que mas destacaría serian las siguientes:
- Blancanieves y los Siete Enanos (1937)
- El Rey León (1994)
- Bob Esponja: La Película (2004)
- El Jorobado de Notre Dame (1996)
- Hercules (1997)
- Aladdin (1992)
- La Bella y la Bestia (1991)
- Tarzan (1999)
- Las Locuras del Emperador (2000)
- La Princesa Mononoke (1997)
- Los Simpson: La Película (2007)
- Las 12 Pruebas de Asterix (1976)
- La Leyenda de Klaus (2019)
- El Viaje de Chihiro (2001)
- Spirit: El Corcel Indomable (2002)
- My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising (2019)
- El Planeta del Tesoro (2002)
- El Increíble Castillo Vagabundo (2004)
- Asterix en America (1994)
- Invazor Zim y el Poder del Florpus (2019)
- El Principe de Egipto (1998)
- El Libro de la Selva (1967)
- Your Name (2016)
- El Tiempo Contigo (2019)
- La Vida Moderna de Rocko: Cambio de Chip (2019)
- Kiki: Entregas a Domicilio (1993)
- My Hero Academia: World Heroes Mission (2021)
- Porco Rosso (1992)
- Mulán (1998)
- Goofy: La Película (1995)
- El Camino hacia el Dorado (2000)
- Mickey Donald y Goofy: Los Tres Mosqueteros (2004)
- PatoAventuras: El Tesoro de la Lampara Perdida (1990)
- Ed Edd y Eddy: Todos contra los Ed´s (2009)
- Los Tres Caballeros (1942)
- Samurai X: La Película (1997)
- Inuyasha: Sentimientos que perduran a través del tiempo (2001)
También tengo otras que destacaría, pero no serian de mis favoritas principales, pero que igual las considero muy buenas y entretenidas, las cuales son:
- La Tortuga Roja (2016)
- Pinocho (1940)
- Lilo y Stitch (2002)
- El Rey Leon 3: Hakuna Matata (2004)
- Asterix y La Sorpresa del Cesar (1985)
- Winnie The Pooh (2011)
- Bambi (1942)
- Dumbo (1941)
- Ranma ½: Gran Aventura de Nerokon en China (1991)
- Las Trillizas de Belleville (2003)
- Don Gato y su Pandilla (2011)
- Lilo y Stitch 2: Corto Circuito (2005)
- La Gran Aventura de Billy y Mandy contra el Coco (2006)
- Ernest y Celestine (2012)
- Mi Vecino Totoro (1988)
- Asterix y Cleopatra (1961)
- My Hero Academia: Two Heroes (2018)
- Burbujas (2022)
- Una Aventura de Verano: Goodbye, Don Gless! (2022)
- Escandalosos: La Película (2020)
- El Niño y La Bestia (2015)
- Scooby Doo en la Isla de los Zombies (1998)
- José: El Rey de los Sueños (2000)
- Asterix: El Golpe del Menhir (1989)
- Extremadamente Goofy (2000)
- Bongo: Diversión y Fantasía (1947)

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Stop flirtin w @redoasis2017 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡

I'm not flirting period. If having banter is causing you to lose your marbles, you need to get help mentally. I don't flirt. I just like having a laugh with someone who's just as goofy as I am. Friendship and only friendship. You do know that you can have friends from the opposite sexes and even others from the whole spectrum of genders. But if you think that it's wrong then that is a you issue.
Stop flirtin w redoasis2017

What things do you like in a man? About appearance and personality.

Kazim Sharif
I don’t have preferences on looks, I think it’s more how somebody comes across. I like people who come across as open, friendly and humble.
I like to have a similar personality, so both funny and goofy, but also laid back and calm. Sweetness is very important to me as well!
What things do you like in a man About appearance and personality

Hi Liu. I was just having some fun with my 3 recent posts. Usually I try to control my goofy behavior but some questions beg me to respond like a 12 year old boy. lol Did you have a good day today? What was he most fun thing you did today?

Good evening to you ☺️
It doesn’t bother to write couple goofy posts, it’s fun to read 😄
Please keep doing that whenever you feel the urge 😌
I did have a great day, thanks for asking! Read one book called “The Courage to be Disliked” and did some homework as well ☺️
How about your day?
The most fun thing for me was to play with my cat. Sometimes she glances at me with the eyes like *leave me alone*, but today she was “talking” to me the whole day and begging for some attention, so it was funny and cute ☺️
How about you? 🙃
Hi Liu   I was just having some fun with my 3 recent posts  Usually I try to

Ha van olyan akkor melyik főgonosszal voltál úgy, hogy kicsik túlságosan is rezonált veled, a karaktere (ha lehet, az antihősöket zárjuk ki a képletből) Miért? Ha nincs főgonosz, akkor melyik főhős karakterét találod taszítónak?

Fú, nem tudom, én valahogy mindig olyan voltam, hogy inkább a "főgonosznak" szurkoltam, aztán persze sosem kaptam meg az elégtételt.
A legjellemzőbb szerintem az volt, hogy a Tom&Jerry-ben mindig Tomnak szurkoltam, és ott azért nagyon ritkán megcsinálták azt, hogy Jerry is pórul járt néha. :D Meg ugyan nem főgonosz, de a Macseb-ben is egyértelműen Macs egy antipatikus karakternek volt beállítva, és ugyan valamiért alapvetően mindenki seggfej volt velük, Macs indokolatlanul többet szenvedett a sorozat alatt, és engem ez mindig rohadtul bosszantott, mert igazságtalannak éreztem. xd
Ez a két példa amúgy szerintem arra eredeztethető vissza, hogy utáltam, hogy a "macska" aspektust negatív színben tüntették fel, rengeteg rajzfilmben mindig a macska volt a seggfej és ez nekem sosem tetszett. xd Itt is például hatalmas elégtétel volt a Magyar népmesékben a Kacor király története. :D
Ja meg ha már Magyar népmesék... gyerekkoromban valamiért a Kisgömbőc volt a kedvenc mesém és konkrétan élvezettel néztem mindig, hogy a gömbőc megeszi az összes embert. xd És mindig szomorú voltam a végén, hogy felvágták. :'D
Meg mai napig kedvenc sorozatom az Ed, Edd és Eddy, amiben engem valamiért melegséggel tölt el, hogy a főszereplők amúgy nem hősök, nem jobbak ők senkinél, sőt őket utálják a környék gyerekei a leginkább, de ettől függetlenül nem szenvednek jobban azért, mert "megvetnivalók" lennének.
Másik szembetűnő példa pl.: a szerencsétlen főgonoszok esete. Akik csak azért vannak, hogy röhögjön rajta mindenki, de közben a hősöknek mégis csak tartsanak valami ellenpólust, aztán eljön az, hogy őket mindenki alábecsülte, de végül nagy katarzis nem történik, mert a főgonosz végérvényesen ugyanaz a szerencsétlen, röhögséges illető. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Na ezt a fajta trope-ot, amúgy mélységesen megvetem, számomra kurva rossz értéket képvisel az a "főhős", aki képes megszégyeníteni a szerencsétlen főgonoszt, csupán a morális felsőbbrendűség miatt. Két példa jut eszembe amúgy erre, az egyik a Team Rocket a Pokemonból, akik indokolatlanul meg voltak alázva mindig, a másik meg Dr. Doofenshmirtz a Phinieas és Ferb-ből. Utóbbi sorozatból amúgy nem sokat láttam, de a goofy villian-t annyira megtestesíti az a karakter, hogy azóta én csak rá tudok asszociálni, ha ez a trope szóba kerül. xd
Taszító főhős meg, fú... Őszintén a legtöbb tipik shonen karakter ebbe a kategóriába esik. Most hirtelen Naruto meg Yoh jut eszembe a Sámán királyból.
De amúgy tiniként kb. bármilyen hős karakter idegesített, aki elhitte, hogy küzd valamiért, ami, ha kitartó, akkor sikerülni fog és majd hű de jó lesz minden. Tipikus példa, Captain America karaktere pont az, amitől kurvára falra mászok. xd

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A wide, toothy smile is upon the mask, though not an unnerving one, more festive and goofy, to promote cheer. "I am. Is it so wrong, to wish someone a good morning?"

ᴏᴠᴇʀʟᴏʀᴅ ɪᴠ
*The priestess smiles slightly at the masks expression but she looks to the ground to try and hide that she was smiling at it, it wasn't okay for her to be happy, right? At least she felt that way* S-sorry sir! I'm not..used to anyone wishing me a good morning..u-um-a-are you new here? *She sounds a little afraid to speak- she really wasn't used to having a conversation- at least none that were nice*

- To you who's the funniest here , or having good sense of humor?

Xx_Elghzal_xX’s Profile PhotoRq.
✦ ───────────── ✦
. συт σf ρσтαтσ qυєєи
✦ ───────────── ✦
a heart of gold. child of the moon. a goofy sense of humour.
You have to love her. ;3 x3 *sending hugs out sweety*
It's a while ago since she was around but has that kind of sarcasm that you will love (it's in her name, hehe)
Just followed her a short while ago and I can sense some vibes of sarcasm and irony, which I always appreciate ;)
Livi is a kind soul with a calm presence to me. But sometimes her followers are really hilarious. I love how she deals with everyone so lovely and polite...but her follows can really crack me up sometimes. x'D
Really nice memes, which often make me laugh. Some of them contain dark humour. Which are big thumps up from my side.
She has unique points of view and also I love her cute style and funny animal content and gifs :)
He has some nice memes, gifs and posts also lots of animal content that is adorable and funny.

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Serie favorita de vuestra infancia?? 🥰

Te deposito encantado una lista de algunos de los dibus que me impactaron positivamente en mi infancia, pre(-)adolescencia e adolescencia:
1. Heidi
2. El oso Yogui
3. El Pájaro Loco (alias Woody Woodpecker)
4. Los Tiny Toons/Tiny Toon Adventures
5. Los Animaniacs
6. La Pantera Rosa
7. Mortadelo y Filemón
8. La princesa Sissi
9. Barney y su pandilla
10. Los pitufos
11. La familia Addams
12. Canito y Canuto
13. Underdog
14. D'Artacán y los 3 Mosqueperros
15. Pepper Ann
16. Doraemon, el gato cósmico
17. Garfield
18. Casper
19. Mickey Mouse, el Pato Donald, Goofy y Pluto
20. Rollie Pollie Ollie
21. El oso de la Casa Azul
22. El patito feo
23. El loco mundo de Tex Avery
24. La Tropa Goofy
25. Chip y Chop: guardianes rescatadores
26. La lombriz Jim
27. Nadja Applefield/Ashita no Nadja
28. Los Picapiedra
29. Marsupilami
30. Astérix y Obélix
31. La vuelta al mundo de Willy Fog
32. Montana
33. Ojamajo Doremi/Magical Doremi
34. Digimon
35. Pokémon
36. Pretty Cure (las dos primeras temporadas)
37. Los hoobs
38. Zipi y Zape
39. Looney Tunes (Bugs Bunny, Pato Lucas, Porky, Gallo Claudio, Silvestre, Piolín, Elmer Fudd/Elmer Gruñón, Yosemite Sam, etc.)
40. Scooby Doo
41. Campeones: Oliver y Benji/Captain Tsubasa
42. Banner y Flappy
43. Jackie y Nuca
44. Vickie el vikingo
45. La banda del patio
46. Kim Possible
47. Dave el bárbaro
48. Patoaventuras
49. TaleSpin/Aventureros en el aire
50. El pato Darkwing
51. Stanley (emitida en Playhouse Disney)
52. Marco
53. Pippi Calzaslargas
54. La banda de Mozart
55. Patatas y dragones
56. Ben 10
57. Sakura: Cazadora de cartas/Cardcaptor Sakura
58. Sonic (incluyendo el anime “Sonic X”)
59. Sailor Moon (primera encarnación. Si no fuera porque no uso servicios streaming por razones de dinero, encantado vería la segunda encarnación del anime “Sailor Moon” en Netflix)
60. El autobús mágico
61. Bandolero
62. Trollz
63. Rugrats
64. Totally Spies
65. Telmo y Tula
66. American Dragon: Jake Long
67. Barrio Sésamo (incluyendo la serie “Juega conmigo Sésamo”)
68. Rantaro el ninja boy
Gracias por pasarte por mi feed.
https://youtu.be/bqOwSYqUiRsswackhumdinger32_’s Video 169867818486 bqOwSYqUiRsswackhumdinger32_’s Video 169867818486 bqOwSYqUiRs

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swackhumdinger32_’s Video 169867818486 bqOwSYqUiRsswackhumdinger32_’s Video 169867818486 bqOwSYqUiRs

Last thing that made you smile?

Whenever I don't feel good I watch old videos of Dan and Phil because they are so wholesome, funny and genuine. The last couple of days were very straining for me, on a mental level, and these two dorks just make everything better by just being goofy and sarcastic (especially Dan who has a similiar personality like mine with his self-depricating humor). I don't know how often I rewatched them by now but they are awesome. I am kind of sad that Dan quit YouTube (he uploaded a video a couple of days ago after being gone for a long time). He is best friend material.
Last thing that made you smile

You deserve healthy love. Remember that.

Sit back, grab a cup of chai because this is going to be one hell of a lengthy answer. Tbvh- I don't know what "completely being in love" looks like, but I do understand that contrary to what mainstream media has spoon-fed us, love is a process. Everyday that person is one degree closer to being indispensable. Nothing is constantly going to be rainbows and moonstones between you and him. You will have your fair share of grey, mismatched sexual drives. He'll want his space and you'll need to respect that, a pattern he will reciprocate too. Be transparent enough to share whatever and however you want to structure the dynamics of your relationship. Give them room for personal growth. You don't have to talk everyday. Realize that he or she has a career. Be their support systems instead of draining their energies like desi aunties high on antidepressants. Be goofy with each other, send boring trash to one another, just be unapologetically you. None of you have to be a doormat for the other, just try to achieve this weird but undeniably successful equilibrium in life and you'll be good, for the most part lmao.

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¿Películas que te gusten pero que mucha gente odia?

Pues tengo muchas películas que me gustan, pero mucha gente odia. Las más destacadas son:
- El Hombre Araña 3 (2007)
- Dinosaurio (2000)
- Shrek Para Siempre (2010)
- Las Aventuras del Capitán Calzoncillos: La Película (2017)
- Monsters University (2013)
- Bob Esponja: Al Rescate (2020)
- Transformers: La Venganza de los Caídos (2009)
- Angry Birds: La Película (2016)
- Looney Tunes: De Nuevo en Acción (2003)
- El Rey León 3: Hakuna Matata (2003)
- X-Men: Apocalipsis (2016)
- Luca (2021)
- Venom: Carnage Liberado (2021)
También mencionare otras películas que si bien, no están tan odiadas como las otras que mencione, si me he topado a más gente que critica u odia estas películas, y por eso a estas también las considero gustos algo culposos, y esas son:
- Goofy 2: Extremadamente Goofy (2000)
- Mickey, Donald y Goofy: Los Tres Mosqueteros (2004)
- Winnie Pooh: Su Gran Aventura (1997)
- Hércules (1997)
- Tierra de Osos (2003)
- Oye Arnold: La Película (2002)
- Transformers (2007) (la primera)
- Cars (2006)
- Cars 3 (2017)
- Los Simpson: La Película (2007)
- Una Película de Huevos (2006)
- Otra Película de Huevos y un Pollo (2009)
- Un Gallo con Muchos Huevos (2015)
- Una Noche en el Museo (2006)
- Una Noche en el Museo 2 (2009)
- El Regalo Prometido (1996)
- Scary Movie/ Una Película de Miedo (2000)
- Dragon Ball Z: La Resurrección de Freezer (2015)
- La Era de Hielo 2 (2006)
- La Era de Hielo 3 (2009)
- Madagascar 3: Los Fugitivos (2012)
- Bob Esponja: Un Héroe Fuera del Agua (2015)
- Buscando a Dory (2016)
- Iron Man 3 (2013)
- Avengers: Era de Ultron (2015)
- Thor: Ragnarok (2017)
- Spiderman: De Regreso a Casa (2017)
- Spiderman: Lejos de Casa (2019)
- Deadpool 2 (2018)
- Christopher Robin: Un Reencuentro Inolvidable (2018)
- Los Increíbles 2 (2018)
- Wifi Ralph (2018)
- Angry Birds 2: La Película (2019)
- Toy Story 4 (2019)
- Espías a Escondidas (2019)
- It: Capitulo 2 (2019)
- Unidos (2020)
- Black Widow (2021)

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What did you do that was so fun?

It was little but we hung out, and then we had to get him stuff for his his new job and then his homie came too because they are both starting. So, they were both just making me laugh. And just being goofy and nothing like him just grabbing my boob. In the store. But I didn’t even think about I just put on a sweatshirt, and it happened to be his old one. So he was like smiling really big.

What's your Yearly routine for Christmas Eve?

We don't do much during the day besides finishing up wrapping, and maybe some Christmas baking, or maybe I'll have work. Around 4/5 pm we take presents for our relatives from under the tree and load them in the car, then drive to my aunt's where we have dinner and open gifts. My cousin and I are best friends and have a "goofy Christmas Eve selfie" tradition. The food is amazing, and everything is so cozy and jolly and familial. Then, around 10/11 pm my family packs up the presents we'd received and we head home. We're met there by grandma (she spends Christmas at our house) then open one gift; always a pair of pajamas to wear that night. Then, my little brother writes a letter to Santa, we lay out the cookies, and gather together to read "The Night Before Christmas" once before bed. Christmas Eve is undoubtedly one of my favourite days of the year.
I am fortunate enough to have 4 parents equaling large quantities of family on each side. The day begins with my younger siblings sleeping over at my house to help pass the time on this long anticipated day. There is last minute wrapping and enjoying any Christmas films or specials that I have yet to watch or need to watch once more. From there I head to my mother's to help her prepare for the Annual Christmas Eve party at her house that includes my Step dad's mother's side of the family. I then head over to my dad's grandmother's house where we indulge in the most delicious chicken tortilla soup that I look forward to all year! We exchange stories and remember family who we have lost over the years, which may sound dreary but it makes everyone smile to hear stories bringing them to life yet again. We say are good byes and head back to my mother's for the latter half of the party. As we arrive the younger children are often opening their new toys from aunts and uncles and grandma and grandpa. From there we partake in the white elephant gift exchange where my family takes turns opening everyone's secret gifts and fighting over who gets to go first, because they also get to go last and pick their final present. One of my aunts crawls around placing every last bow she can find on the top of her head as my other aunt sits and laughs with my mother. Everyone enjoys each other's company and as the night continues we watch over the children as they grow anxious for Santa. Then as the party winds down and once the gifts are exchanged my siblings and I find the gift that comes every Christmas Eve. They are pajamas from Santa's Elves. They come every year and even though I am grown and no longer sleep in the house the 'elves' still manage to bring me and also my fiancé our pjs and slippers. We then say our good bye's to the family, knowing I will see my mom and step dad the next morning, and my fiancé and I head into the dark. We drive slowly on the way home so that we may enjoy the Christmas lights shining bright.

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První věc na.kterou myslíš když vstaneš ?

Brčko má dvě díry, stejně jako každá jiná dutá věc, ve které jsou dva otvory. Já vím, že s tím má @MiremelArcanus problém. Já vím, že se asi snaží na toto tvrzení aplikovat nějakou svou vědu, nebo že je prostě in his silly goofy mood, ale já si za svým tvrzením stojím.
Jednoděroví zastánci, kolik děr má tedy podle vás váza nebo sklenice? Doufám, že se shodneme na tom, že váza není jako brčko, má tedy dle vás 0,5 díry?

What makes him different then any of the others?

So when I met him years ago, we had a bond and connection that wasn’t like any of them. He saw me for Me, and he got to know me on a deeper level, and he always helped me break down those walls. He is so goofy and can always make me laugh. We both knew, and agree about the connection. We just never really did anything about those feelings Bc we weren’t in the right place at the time. We had a break from each other and I felt like I wasn’t myself. The past few years I was trying to find myself again and now having him back I feel like myself again, and ever since we started talking again, it’s stronger but on that deep level where it should have been years ago. But, he is a man, and he knows I have been hurt and broken in the past. He makes those walls come down, and he knows me. He just makes me so loved, and special. He has admitted things to me he hasn’t before and I just feel like things are a lot different, but different in a good way. He isn’t a typical guy talking to others girls. He wears his heart on his sleeve and he goes all in for love. I told him flat out I’m waiting for him to leave and he said I’m not going anywhere.

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Language: English