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نـوع برفانك أيه؟! ولا هو تش تش وخلاص 😂

Creed eventus
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Tom Ford black orchid
Tom Ford Tobacco oud
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Abrcombian fetch fierce
Hugo boss
One million
Code Guru
Jean Paul Gaultier
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Plush Fubu

مخلط عود اماراتي
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عود كلمات
عود الف ليلة و ليلة

Ti sei mai sentito davvero libero di scegliere, o di essere chi sei, senza sentire addosso il peso di una formazione che ha limitato la tua volontà di agire e di crescere, seppur sbagliando, di tanto in tanto, come è legittimo che sia nelle fasi del proprio percorso esistenziale?

NessunDio’s Profile PhotoLord Voldemort
Hey Lord..
Relativamente parlando, non saprei rispondere con certezza, diciamo che alcune volte la propria percezione mista alla propria esperienza terrestre può portare ad adottare un sistema di credenza piuttosto che un altro.. solitamente tendo a non polarizzarmi su una sponda, per tanto deduco che questa sensazione di presenza o assenza di libertà di scelta (in qualsiasi modo una persona interpreti tale libertà) possa variare con gli eventi stessi e il loro svolgimento, ad esempio, pensiero soggettivo mio: può darsi che a volte la scelta da fare non sia in sintonia con ciò che voglio io ma lo è con ciò di cui ho bisogno (questo per specificare che magari non ci sia tanta libertà in questa dinamica ma il me del futuro capirà eventualmente perché le cose abbiano dovuto svilupparsi in tal modo) e sono certo che questo processo possa avvenire indipendentemente da una formazione.
Per quanto riguarda la libertà di essere vorrei sottolineare l’importanza di conoscersi in primis.. se sai chi sei può scegliere di sentirti libero di essere, al di là di come vieni percepito esternamente o dal peso di una formazione che ti limita.. se non ci si conosce nel profondo si avrà solo l’illusione della scelta e di un controllo che non esiste.
Per concludere mi piacerebbe aggiungere che le credenze giochino un ruolo nettamente più importante rispetto alle libertà che abbiamo e questo va oltre ogni cosa esistenziale.. “puoi credere di farcela o di non farcela, in entrambi i casi hai ragione”!
Comunque io sono un cinico perso, non mi sento un guru.. ho espresso tali concetti a modo mio, e per tanto li accosto ad una mia verità interiore in linea con la mia esperienza soggettivamente esistenziale e non ad una verità assoluta 🍃

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pelajaran waktu sekolah yg paling bikin males+alesannya?

RahmaChips’s Profile Photoama
ga paham dia kek suka gt sm gue atau ntahlah ya gamau kepedean
tp gara2 tu guru tmn2 gue jd nge cie2in gue setiap lg pelajaran dia
kabur gue bolos ke kantin
Liked by: Rapunzel Ra ama

Se você pudesse bater um papo com qualquer pessoa que já existiu ou existe , quem seria?

andrebarbosa1992’s Profile PhotoAndré Barbosa
Cara, que pergunta difícil! rs
Difícil no sentido de eu não ter ídolos ou endeusar a figura de alguém assim, nem mesmo grandes personalidades.
Mas acho que se tivesse a oportunidade disso ia querer falar com Siddharta Gautama, a deusa Kuan Yin - Bodhisattva da compaixão, Guru Ram Das - o quarto dos dez gurus siques, da religião Siquismo.
Sei lá, sempre me encantou a espiritualidade oriental, a Índia antiga, a China, os caras tavam espiritualizando a humanidade bem antes da chegada de Cristo, sei lá, acredito nessas coisas, ia ser uma conversa bem proveitosa. :)

I hate shopping in the middle of the week, why do you prefer make your fridge more empty

Thisjdembowski’s Profile PhotoY'ALL BORING
People use to buy many things and then they forget what they have... and after some time they must throw old things away. 🤔 I prefer to know day or two days before what we will eat and as shopping guru in grocery in my family is my husband, I dont mind 😅 😂
I hate shopping in the middle of the week why do you prefer make your fridge

He didnt cheat but he can go all week without contact. Opinion?

If you know that he didn't cheat on you, then in my standards, he's good in my books. But if you still wonder why he doesn't contact you even if he didn't cheat... Well, you're up for a rollercoaster of a debate.
Because it is then you would have to first figure it out on "Why is he okay with not having the initiative to contact you?".
I've had my fair share of relationships that involve people that are completely fine without having to text their partner for a few weeks. But some of us (myself included) seem to be on the other end of the spectrum where we are NOT OKAY when there's no conversations between us.
To put my relationship into picture, I'm the guy that doesn't mind asking or being asked these questions constantly;
"Hey, how have you been?"
"What'cha doin' there?"
You get the rest of where I'm going here.
And my partner... Well, exes really... They were the kind of people that found these talks to be mundane, nothing special or interesting, and also very repetitive when it was being constantly asked. The next point is that "What is the point in all those questions, when the answer that I will give will almost always be the same?"
I've had two exes that have told me what they really think about these repetitive questions:
1) "I don't know what else is there to say because there's nothing else to say besides the usual stuff..."
2) "Do I have to report to you every single time that I had to go take a shower, go out to get groceries, etc.?"
I've been in the position to know that they aren't cheating at all. But me being on the spectrum where I don't mind being constantly bombarded with daily texts, somehow it doesn't apply to all my exes, and only two of them were honest enough to give me their opinions.
From what I could gather, if there is an eventful day that excites/agitates them, be they a good day or a bad day, then they would initially text you first hand.
Now, I'm not a love guru here so only take this as a reference, and not a blueprint 🤣

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Kenapa benci matematika?

sun4shine11196’s Profile Photowildan
Yang bikin ga suka justru gurunya. Makanya sebelum mengajarkan sesuatu, guru sebaiknya refleksi dulu mengenai daily plan. Setelah selesai kelas, refleksi ulang apakah yang diajarkan diterima dengan baik oleh siswa di kelas. Kalau tidak, faktornya apa. Kalau memang siswa dinilai kurang suka dengan materinya, guru cari tau cara untuk membuat siswa suka apa. Makanya guru disebut sebagai tenaga ahli. Tapi sayang kurang diapresiasi.
Liked by: PtriAndin_ Hi 5 wildan

Io ho 18 anni, lei 24. Può funzionare?

Finirete comunque per lasciarvi, anche se foste coetanei. Non ti preoccupare, ordunque; nessuno è realmente indispensabile e tutti sono sostituibili.
Come dici?
Non è quello che vorresti sentirti dire?
Oh beh, ti sto solo aiutando a non sperperare i tuoi risparmi per quei pseudo corsi di crescita personale, redatti da qualche guru dell'amore che cresce i suoi allievi con i dogmi di un culto fanatico.
Triste ma vero.

~Czego nauczyła Cię fikcja? Czy chciał(a)byś coś zmienić w fikcyjnym świecie, wprowadzić jakieś ulepszenia, czy może zostawić wszystko tak, jak jest?

valkyr_’s Profile PhotoValkyr
Nie sądzę, że mógłbym być osobą kompetentną do tego, aby wprowadzać jakiekolwiek zmiany w fikcyjnym świecie. Nie uważam się za guru na tym polu, więc podejrzewam, że cokolwiek bym nie uczynił, nie przyjęłoby się to entuzjastycznie. Wydaje mi się, że do zmian potrzeba chociaż dwojga i wtedy te zmiany zachodzą pomiędzy nimi. Fikcję można naginać do swoich potrzeb, w końcu to nasz wymysł, więc jeżeli obie strony się na coś godzą - zmieniają reguły gry. I to jest dobre. Im więcej innowacji tym lepiej, ciekawiej. Chodzi przecież o to, by nie było zastoju i nudy, prawda? A czego nauczyła mnie do tej pory fikcja? Na pewno tego, że nie zawsze dostajemy to, co byśmy dostać chcieli.

You cannot make someone like you or you cannot make someone love you ... So, what should you do if you want to make someone like or love you as much as you do?!

Well you can contact me. I'm official love guru of ask.fm. I've saved countless relationships. Helped people on how to get in good graces of their exes, crushes, fiance's. Only thing i want in return for my expertise is that you have to sell your soul to me ;)
Liked by: Micro. مصحفی Nimmz

She's created by a different god than you! She is mine! Fck trumpie and lexy! Threy should make out

She’s created by me. I’m her god. You can fck Trumpie if you want. Don’t talk about my Black Metal Guru. 😡🤣
Liked by: Gilbert Thomas

Eres mi gurú de las películas y hace mucho que no te pregunto acerca de títulos.... ¿Me darías uno? ¿Por favor?

⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀Gracias por la distinción, la confianza y
⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀preferencia. ⠀―Mᴀʟ ᴅᴇ ᴏᴊᴏ―. ⠀ Si aún no la has
⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀visto, tienes que verla.

Eres mi gurú de las películas y hace mucho que no te pregunto acerca de títulos

Assalamu'alaikum ka fatima ingin bertanya apakah seorang suami harus taat pada guru nya ke banding istri nya apakah guru ada di nomer 1 dari pada istri🙏

Waalaikumsalam warahmatullah wabarakaatuh.. suami emang ngga ada aturannya harus taat sm istri sih.. tp secara prioritas, itu kembali lagi ke hubungan kalian, dan guru yang baik tentu akan mendukung muridnya untuk menjadi suami yg baik ☺️

> goatee - 👍 > lex i guess - You spelled Leafy wrong. 🤣 Why you no goes to college? Goes to NYU and I will goes more often too. Goes meet me in lecture hall and brings rhubarb. We goes play teacher and student. Hard study, much homeworks! 🤣🤣🤣 💗

talionislexx’s Profile PhotoLex Talionis
Implying that you have a goatee? 😩😩😩
I speel Leafy rong… 😭… Yes, pleas 🐝 my teetcher and teetch mee yur wayz… black metal guru… 😍🥰🤣💗

No mundo existe aquilo que cada um atreve-se a acreditar? (Livre Interpretação.)

dz9ronin’s Profile PhotoL
Eu participei de um estudo uma vez que tinha uma parte esse tipo de questão: "por que alguém deve acreditar em alguma coisa"? Por que as pessoas acreditam naquilo que acreditam? Em sentido amplo da questão, isso pode vim de um direcionamento das seguintes categorias:
* Razões sociológicas (pais, amigos, sociedade, cultura...)
* Razões psicológicas (conforto, tranquilidade, significado, propósito, esperança, identidade...)
* Razões religiosas (guru, líder religioso, igreja, escrituras...)
* Razões filosóficas (uniformidade, coerência, inteireza - melhor explicação de todas as provas).
Muitas pessoas abraçam determinadas crenças derivadas desses fatores citados sem qualquer base "verdadeira" por mais atraentes que sejam, em si, podem se contradizer. Elas não são bases afirmativas, estão abertas para um debate e questionamentos, pois a "verdade" é importante pois um equívoco pode haver consequências (por vezes irreparáveis). É preciso darmos atenção aquilo em que decidimos acreditar, seja qual for o sentido da palavra expressa.

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How to talk to girls?

Firstly, this question isn't specific as to what the girls mean to u, what's the end goal, etc. Secondly, I am no guru of anything. Not in terms of socializing, not in terms of making someone fall for u, etc.
With that disclaimer in mind, I think that whatever the end goal is, u just have to be a friend. A simple answer, I know. But I feel like people don't really do 'be a friend' like I meant it to be. To put it into a context, this answer of mine also applies to the question "How do I find new friends?". I think if u approach with a mindset that u are a friend (a friendly individual) and that u welcome people rather than look for people to be made into friends, it's a lot easier. And, just do u. Do things. To put it in a different way, u offer something first, before u expect people to offer u anything. It makes sense in order for people to accept u, u have to have something to offer. U have to have value.
Whatever the end goal to your question is, be it in pursuit of a potential romantic partner or whatever, it should start with friendship. I feel like it's a facade, almost pretentious, for u to approach someone and 'introduce' yourself as someone who has a certain interest in a girl. I say it seems pretentious because it's almost like telling her "U don't have to know how I am as a person to everyone or anyone else; what matters is who I am to u". To a certain degree that's kinda nice but not always the case.
Besides, when u are yourself, just socializing with people, doing things, it can be THAT that makes certain people gravitate to u. See that as a medium, or a conversation starter. This also means that it's not just u trying to talk to people (i.e. girls), they may also want to talk to u because of who u are and what u do. That halves the effort. And, like-minded people tend to gravitate towards one another. Easier to find people who u would click with, rather than just trying your luck.
Again, just my non-professional two cent, but I hope it helps.

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Aku cewek umur 25, profesi sebagai guru SMA, dideketin sama siswaku sendiri, umur 17. Anaknya baik, pinter, dewasa, gak kayak teman-teman seumurannya. Awalnya sih biasa aja, tapi gatau kenapa makin kesini makin dekat, sampai dia jg berani nyatain perasaannya samaku. Please help me, what should I do?

Ke inget temenku (cowok) dulu kek gitu, eh gurunya yang selalu ngeluarin duit kalo jalan terus makan, namanya anak sekolah yaa😬 mending gakusah😅

Aku cewek umur 25, profesi sebagai guru SMA, dideketin sama siswaku sendiri, umur 17. Anaknya baik, pinter, dewasa, gak kayak teman-teman seumurannya. Awalnya sih biasa aja, tapi gatau kenapa makin kesini makin dekat, sampai dia jg berani nyatain perasaannya samaku. Please help me, what should I do?

Professional aja mbak, apa mbak g merasa bersalah dalam moral? Apakah itu hal yg pantas?
Aku yakin mbak sendiri ragu karena tahu jawabannya

Poti sa oferi cateva sfaturi din experienta persoanala legate de relatii?

Nu consider că sunt în măsură să ofer sfaturi, că nu-s vreun guru al relațiilor:))) Și în plus, fiecare face ce consideră în relația lui. Nu există un tipar anume de așa da și așa nu, bineînțeles excluzând abuzul psihic/fizic, situațiile în care ești controlat sau manipulat etc.

Di sini ada yg guru-guru muda ngga? Pada ngerasa anak-anak sekarang banyak yg ngga ada sopannya ga si:(

Kl diliat dr anak didik, pd sopan2 sih. Tp kl diliat dr adek2 kelas & tingkat gue, emg mulai pd kurang ajar sih ye (bkn ke gua tp ke guru atau dosen gt). Cm yg jenisan kyk gt, perlu dibandelin dluan sblm dibandelin mereka 👍
Liked by: Kentang balado iges

Teknik mencontek paling gila yng penah kalian lakuin? Me: nge switch lembar jawaban di depan guru tanpa ketahuan🙂 nakal yeu saia🙂🙂

Gapernah nyontek yang sampe gila sih, gapernah sampe ketauan juga soalnya paling cuma nyontek temen doang ngelirik wkwk gue ga seberani itu buat ngambil kertas orang atau nyontek buku😭tp gue ada cerita deh di saat gua difitnah xixixi. Jd gini sebelah gua kan temen gua yang gabisa ngerjain ulangan ni, terus dia mau ngambil kertas jawaban gua brou. Ya gue mah anaknya takut, jd gabisa gua kasih, tapi gua deketin kertas gua gitu loh ke dia biar dia bisa ngeliat ni gue tulis apa aja. Nah pas dideketin, ternyata tanpa sadar itu guru udah ada di depan guaa dong wkwkwk diambil lah kertas ujian gua dan temen gua terus gua dikira nyontek:) udah deh sekian, mager beud jadinya xixixixi

Di sini ada yg guru-guru muda ngga? Pada ngerasa anak-anak sekarang banyak yg ngga ada sopannya ga si:(

Cuma jadi guru les sih, tapi emang kayak gitu😃udah 3 tahun yang lalu juga anak2 banyakan yang kayak gitu. Bingung ya, pada ga diajarin sopan santun apa gimane gue juga kurang paham deh? Baru aja kemaren nyamperin temen ke tempat ngajarnya, terus ada satu murid ngomong gini "dia ngapain sih di sini?" Gue merasa itu ga sopan deh karna cara ngomongnya itu, pdahal bisa diganti sama yang lebih lembut hihi:")

Teknik mencontek paling gila yng penah kalian lakuin? Me: nge switch lembar jawaban di depan guru tanpa ketahuan🙂 nakal yeu saia🙂🙂

aku tuh paling males ulangan stenografi udahlah nyerah banget dari kelas 10-12 nyontek mulu dan itu kalau ulangan kursi nya dimajuin / pura2 minjem penghapus sambil jalan2 kalau waktunya habis langsung bikin lingkaran buat nyontek berjamaah *kangen sih masa2 gitu
Liked by: abcdefifahhh

Tanggapan kalian tentang another person yg bilang: cewek itu harus berpendidikan tinggi atau ga? kenapa juga harus berpendidikan tinggi toh ujung2nya di dapur, sumur & kasur. yg cari nafkah tetap cowok jg.

Anak yang cerdas terlahir dari ibu yang cerdas juga.
Kalo guru TK aja minimal harus S1, gimana seorang ibu yang harus membesarkan anaknya sampai besar?
Harus punya banyak ilmu untuk tetap bisa memberikan pendidikan yang terbaik bagi anak anaknya.

Buat cewek, mending kerja jadi koki (sesuai kesenangan) atau jadi guru (sesuai pendidikan) ?

febehineni7293’s Profile Photofenov
Btw gua cowok bantu jawab, Mending Ikutin Kata Hati and Follow Your Passion, tapi kalo ternyata kerjaan yg gak sesuai Passion Bayarannya/Gajinya lebih besar itu balik lagi ke lunya. Lu mau yg sesuai Passion tapi gaji let's say 5jt sebulan or Kerjaan yg lu gak suka" amat tapi Paid Better for exmpl 10-15jt sebulan. Nah lu bakalan pilih mana? Gak ada yg salah dan bener, your choice misal Money Oriented and be realistic toh Passion and hoby bisa dilakuin walau bukan Kerjaan Utama, or you Simply pengen Passion dan Hoby lu jadi kerjaan lu so you don't feel like you working tapi you accepted dengan gaji/bayaran yg udh lu tau di bidangnya lu berapa
Liked by: Cole Sprouse fenov Ann

Bagaimanakah idealnya memilih sekolah anak? Apakah menyesuaikan kemampuan atau harus yang terbaik meski ngos-ngosan?

Sesuai kemampuan dong. Jika tidak sesuai kemampuan, kamu bisa stres. Tuntutan terhadap anak mulai tidak realistis, si anak juga ikutan stres.
Tugas orang tua yang paling utama adalah menumbuhkan minat belajar anak dan menanamkan bahwa belajar itu menyenangkan. Jika minat belajarnya sudah tumbuh maka anak bisa belajar di mana saja dan belajar dari apapun. Alam terkembang jadi guru. Ini bukan memutus harapan masuk sekolah mahal dan fasilitas yang terbaik. Jika dirasa sekolah ini lebih baik ya silakan saja.

People are so disturbed these days and im talking about everyone, Whats the best way to deal with difficult situations? Tell us how you cope with that?

SyedHamzaBinFaisal’s Profile PhotoSyed Hamza Bin Faisal
There is this guru from the east called sadh guru. And he often has good points but I came across a snippet from JRE podcasts. Where he says. What others do to you is not in your control but what if you choose to be sad or miserable about it or just be fine and move on it is all in your mind. ≈ summary.
Logon nay misery dekhi nahi hoti masti say na tou its like they want to. They choose to. Ngl I do myself but only because i perform better in misery. But people just for the gigs do it. Shukar kia karo Majboor nahi ho.
Liked by: ZAKI Kinza Rizwan

Kalian sakit hati gak dibilang ortu "kamu tuh udah kerja tapi belum bisa ngasih apa2" bukannya gamau ngasih tapi gajihku sebagai guru honorer kadang suka gak cukup dan sekarang aku sedang menunggu info cpns dan semoga tahun ini lulus supaya tidak dianggap remeh terus doakan yaa 🥹🥺

sending virtual hug buat kamu . aku yakin kok someday apa yg dicita citain dengan tujuan baik pasti bakal dikabulkan. semoga tercapai yaa keinginan baik kamu, aamiin!👍🏻👍🏻

je možné na někoho kdo Vám jako člověk sedl, změnit postupem času názor ?

Tak pokud se časem ukáže, že je voličem SPD a velmi miluje svého guru Otu Nepilého a na základě jeho rad léčí svého psa inhalací a požíváním CDS2, tak sorry, i sebevětší sympatie zmizí v dál mávajíce rudým šátečkem s puntíky
je možné na někoho kdo Vám jako člověk sedl změnit postupem času názor
Liked by: Valentin 68 Smile

Perché una ragazza fidanzata dovrebbe offendersi se non mi sono fatto più sentire dopo un periodo in cui le davo attenzioni?

Raga mi fa piacere che chiedete a me 😂😂ma non sono un guru di ask 🦧 o un oracolo.. anche se effettivamente sarebbe un idea interessante 🤔 devo solo trasformarmi in un albero.. comunque visto che ci sono.. semplicemente non ci badare ok? Lasciala perdere, dovrebbe stare col suo ragazzo se è fidanzata, certo potrei buttare giù l’ipotesi che ti considera molto amico e che quindi di conseguenza ci è un pochino rimasta quando ti sei allontanato.. probabile.. ma comunque non posso saperlo per certo e ti dico di andare col piede leggero sul gas; più che altro se hai voglia dammi qui sotto 👇🏼 nel thread qualche altro dettaglio in più!

Cewe itu harus berpendidikan tinggi nga sihh?

nurhlisa___’s Profile Photolalisaa
"Buat apa sih perempuan sekolah tinggi-tinggi? Nanti bisa susah cari pasangan. Ujung-ujungnya jadi ibu rumah tangga, ngurus anak dan suami."
Ada ungkapan bahwa "seorang anak yang cerdas terlahir dari ibu yang cerdas juga." Betul sekali, karena seorang perempuan akan menjadi ibu, dan ibu akan menjadi guru pertama untuk anaknya sejak dari lahir. Ibu harus memiliki ilmu yang tinggi dan cerdas untuk mengajarkan kepada anaknya, sehingga anak juga menjadi cerdas.
Perempuan yang pintar dan cerdas akan lebih bijak kemana ia akan menentukan jalan hidupnya. Jadi para perempuan jangan ragu untuk menempuh pendidikan yang tinggi, karena perempuan dengan pendidikan tinggi akan menjadi sangat berarti.
Cewe itu harus berpendidikan tinggi nga sihh

Lu pernah nyari tau soal makna dibalik tanggal lahir, nama lu, jam lahir lu, dkk gak?

Nih asli PR buat gw ancrit karena orang”, temen, bestae, guru, dosen sampai siapapun bolak balik nanya gue mulu nderrr
Liked by: Wow N A Y 馬瑞玉

Penampilan itu penting ga sih?

Tahu istilah ini,
"Ajining raga gumantung ing busana"?
Dari sini, penilaian raga dilihat dari busana/pakaian. Bisa diartikan juga dilihat dari penampilan.
Penampilan adalah hal pertama cara kita melihat seseorang. Kita bisa tahu mana polisi atau guru dari seragamnya. Mana yang suka kerapihan atau tidak dari caranya bersolek.
Memang ada pula ungkapan "don't judge a book by its cover". Tapi tidak dapat dipungkiri lagi bahwa indera penglihatan, yang lebih dahulu peka, lebih dulu memberikan penilaian.
Jika kamu ingin memberikan kesan yang baik oleh orang baru/asing, bukankah penampilan adalah hal pertama yang perlu diperhatikan. Terkecuali kita tidak mengambil pusing POV orang-orang.
Jadi, antara penting dan tidak penting.. situasional.

Boleh shere cara belajar hal baru yang efisien menurut kalian?

Pakai tutor, guru, ikut seminar, dan semacamnya supaya hal baru yang akan dipelajari punya poin-poin gambaran lebih jelas dan terarah. Selanjutnya pasti praktekin. Makin tinggi jam terbangnya, kemampuan makin terasah.
Goodluck badut lucu...

Hp con números? Muy hot 🔥

“Una sociedad que no recuerda la muerte, que no la integra, es una sociedad psicológicamente malsana.” –Swami Satyananda Saraswati.
La muerte sigue siendo el último viaje, la gran desconocida y al mismo tiempo el mayor de los tabúes. Dominados por el materialismo huimos de ella y fingimos que no existe a nuestro alrededor, como el príncipe que se oculta tras los muros de su palacio para no ver la realidad del mundo. Pero tarde o temprano cruzamos ese umbral y nos perdemos al otro lado. Y sobre ese otro lado no existen manuales ni mapas... ¿O tal vez sí?
El «Bardo Thodol» (བར་དོ་ཐོས་གྲོལ), «la liberación por audición durante el estado intermedio», o como es conocido en occidente «El Libro Tibetano de los Muertos», es nada más y nada menos que un manual de lo que ocurre tras el último trance. Y precisamente parte de la enseñanza de que la muerte no es el final, sino un proceso más, una transición, un “estado intermedio”.
Según la tradición, el libro fue escrito por el gran gurú Padmasambhava en el siglo VIII y ocultado como un tesoro hasta el siglo XIV, cuando fue redescubierto. El maestro tántrico, al que también se le atribuía el dominio sobre los demonios, habría descrito las fases y los procedimientos que conducen a una persona de esta vida a la siguiente. Siendo interesante cómo sus teorías encajan con las experiencias cercanas a la muerte que en tiempos actuales han vivido algunas personas.
De una forma o de otra, el «Bardo Thodol» es un auténtico tesoro de sabiduría y una herramienta fundamental para explorar ese aspecto de la vida que tanto nos aterra y que tan urgentemente necesitamos volver a reintegrar: nuestra inevitable marcha de este mundo.

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Hp con números Muy hot
Liked by: Mahkah

Vi hanno mai detto che sembrate piu piccoli?

Caspita, un sacco di volte! Talvolta mi son sentita dare della signora, un appellativo che alla mia età fa scuotere le spalle, specie se in cuor proprio ci si sente ancora bambini.
Me ne rende conto in quest'ultimo periodo - o meglio, ci rifletto spesso - che tra le mie infinite sfumature esiste ancora quella personcina che, a sentir parlare di forme e colori, si risveglia e rincorre le nuvole con le dita tese per aria, in attesa che dal cielo piovano gelatine. A quella stessa personcina mi rendo conto di imporre troppi limiti, spesso, come un genitore apprensivo che da ogni spigolo limerebbe via gli angoli, e alle matite farebbe bastare una mina consumata.
Mentre osservo i bambini in quella che oramai rappresenta una routine - il mio lavoro, un mestiere di cura e tenerezze - mi accorgo che da loro si avrebbe molto da imparare. Ai bambini basta poco per stringere amicizia, e in questo li invidio abbastanza; mi ricordano che la spontaneità paga sempre, come anche l’essere se stessi a prescindere dal giudizio altrui. Nessuno sembra preoccuparsi troppo se qualcuno pensa di loro che piangano troppo, o che siano lenti nel mangiare, che vestano troppo pesante o che dovrebbero smetterla di ricercare attenzione. Loro esistono secondo regole proprie, se mai sappiano di che pasta son fatte le regole.
Torno inevitabilmente a pensare al Piccolo Principe, il mio libro preferito, e ritrovo in queste frasi il senso delle sue metafore: gli adulti dimenticano ciò che nessuno ha insegnato loro a fare: vivere a pieno la vita, a prescindere da giudizi e disappunti. Che bello, aver quella gioia nel cuore. Ne sento la mancanza.
E son due, a tal punto, i guru da cui prendere ispirazione: fiori e bambini.📌

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Language: English