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[happy holidays] *XChara’s attempt fails miserably, as @forgottenfifth intercepted the ghost boy, and being a living shadow he has no soul for the kid to fuse with. Not sure Shadow’s shadow of a Soul would be usable to Chara*

Stoicviolet’s Profile PhotoVio
XCH: WHAT THE FŲCK IS THIS!? *He looks at the shadow of a soul he tried to fuse with* What kind of soul IS THIS!? It's like a soul but not a soul at the same time! What the actual heII am I looking at here!? I can't use this garbage! Can it even shatter? *he tries to rip shadow's soul in half* WHAT IS THIS SHlT!?

Heii 🌸 Es gibt ja bisher im Steckbrief nur 'relevante Familienmitglieder'. Was ist mit Infos über aktuelle Freunde/wichtige Personen? Sollen/Dürfen die irgendwo ergänzt werden? Ich habe bisher keinen Punkt dazu gefunden - but maybe I am just blind🌸

LouanaRidwell’s Profile PhotoAleviana
ahh nope, not blind, es steht wirklich nicht drin! Ihr könnt sie natürlich gerne bei den Familienmitgliedern dazu packen 🌞

*Neo also appears scared but finds comfort being rescued by Umeko though she can't do much being stuck in a cage*

NeoTheSkrix’s Profile PhotoNeo
*The priestess runs around in circles with the little alien as the village chases the duo, the girl takes a turn past a couple wooden houses to try and lose the villagers as she dashes towards a shrine in the back of town, luck seems to be on her side today, even the archers that were getting ready to fire arrows her way, all lost track of her with the alien, she hides behind the tall shrine and frees the small alien from her wooden cage*
U: Are you alright kitty? I promise I won't hurt you!
V1: Dammit! Where the heII could they have gone!? Did she leave the village with that thing!?
V2: If she did, it'll be days before she comes back..that forest is almost impossible to get through without a guide.. why don't we have a guide?
V1: Idiot! We don't need a guide! A guide would cause us trouble! If everyone knew how to get in and out of here, we'd all be dead! Anyway, we need to make sure that idiot really left and didn't just hide in a house..start searching the village for any sign of her!
*it seems like they aren't completely safe yet*

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*When Geno walks out, it's pretty clear pretty quickly, he's not wearing a costume. He wipes some blood away from his mouth and in moments there's a fresh stream of blood seeping out* Look human I don't care who you are, but get out of here. I'm not a fan of your kind

DontcallmeSans’s Profile Photo⟥G▫e▫n▫o⟤
*The man stumbles back when he sees Genos appearance and points at him* How the heII are you doing that!? What sort of special effects is that!? That looks so f-cking real!! But that really doesn't matter right now, you and that dumba$$ can drop the Hollywood act and lose the script, I'm not part of this sh-t show even if I'm dressed like it! I'm trying to get out of this dump! I got into this movie set by accident through some bullsh-t door shaped like a portal! Now either you and that chump help me out of here or I'm kicking your a$$es!

Heii, intr-o lume in care avem la dispozitie atatea lucruri, de la fast food pana la lanturi de cafenele si alte distractii, cat de mult mai sunt apreciate in societatea actuala cofetariile clasice, cine mai savureaza o prajitura pe stil vechi, mai sunt oameni care se bucura de ele?

suntmonica_’s Profile PhotoMoni
Cred ca ultima oara am fost la cofetarie acum vreo 3 ani. Îmi cumpăr din când în când prăjituri de la cofetarie, dar nu stau sa mănânc acolo

Heii, intr-o lume in care avem la dispozitie atatea lucruri, de la fast food pana la lanturi de cafenele si alte distractii, cat de mult mai sunt apreciate in societatea actuala cofetariile clasice, cine mai savureaza o prajitura pe stil vechi, mai sunt oameni care se bucura de ele?

suntmonica_’s Profile PhotoMoni
Eu, merg cel puțin o dată pe săptămână. Îmi cumpăr ca să am acasă, dar rămân și destul de des acolo, când am companie. Iubesc cofetăriile 💛

Heii, intr-o lume in care avem la dispozitie atatea lucruri, de la fast food pana la lanturi de cafenele si alte distractii, cat de mult mai sunt apreciate in societatea actuala cofetariile clasice, cine mai savureaza o prajitura pe stil vechi, mai sunt oameni care se bucura de ele?

suntmonica_’s Profile PhotoMoni
Cel mai probabil nu.
Cum suntem practic in secolul vitezei, lucrurile se schimbă destul de repede și la fel se schimbă și obiceiurile noastre și viața.

Heii, intr-o lume in care avem la dispozitie atatea lucruri, de la fast food pana la lanturi de cafenele si alte distractii, cat de mult mai sunt apreciate in societatea actuala cofetariile clasice, cine mai savureaza o prajitura pe stil vechi, mai sunt oameni care se bucura de ele?

suntmonica_’s Profile PhotoMoni
Mie nu-mi plac prăjiturile de la cofetărie:)) mi se par grețoase când le vad cu atâta cremă și frișcă:)) eu mai mult sunt cu plăcintele, checul, de astea 😃

Heii, intr-o lume in care avem la dispozitie atatea lucruri, de la fast food pana la lanturi de cafenele si alte distractii, cat de mult mai sunt apreciate in societatea actuala cofetariile clasice, cine mai savureaza o prajitura pe stil vechi, mai sunt oameni care se bucura de ele?

suntmonica_’s Profile PhotoMoni
Mai cumpăr de la cofetărie când am poftă, ador prăjiturile de la “Codrina”, dar mai mult le fac acasă.

Still in limbo and if Reaper's gone, it's irreversible, I'm stuck in hell with YOU, this is worse than the Save Screen

DontcallmeSans’s Profile Photo⟥G▫e▫n▫o⟤
XCH: Aw, is someone upset I kiIIed their family? I haven't kiIIed your whole family yet so I would wait until they're all dead too THEN call this heII! Now what to do next, I've already sent you into despair, now to work my magic on Dream! OH CROSS! *he uses the Overwrite to have Cross pixilize in front of them and he has Geno summon a hoard of knives surrounding Cross but before he attacks him, he makes sure Dream has a front row seat and adds a little window to his metal prison @BowsOfLights *
Any last words!?
Cr: ..This isn't how we planned it! Fųck! I'm sorry Dreamy! *he takes out his dual daggers and lunges at ghost boi and Geno* for the record, now that I'm not possessed, I never had anything against you or death but when you get possessed for as long as I was, your thoughts and feelings aren't completely your own anymore
XCH: NOBODY CARES CROSS NOBODY ASKED FOR THAT SHlT I SAID LAST WORDS NOT A FULL SOB STORY! *the knives all rain down and pummel Cross to the floor, that's a heII of a way to find out he doesn't really hate you dude*

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*How about a lantern bonk? Lol.*

ExperimentTale’s Profile Photo⛥ ᴛʜᴇ ʀᴇᴍɴᴀɴᴛꜱ ⛥
/Feel free to smack them with anything you want, pitch forks, torches, lanterns/
"What the heII!? Aren't you my admin!?"
/Yes and no, I'm also Papys admin @IoserSkeleton95 in case anyone was wondering, I finally have 2 accounts now lol/
"Trust me nobody cares or was wondering at all"
/You are "sooo nice"../

Orang seperti apa yang bikin lu berfikir, "kok ada ya manusia yang kek gitu?"

cutebaby17640’s Profile Photocutebaby
karena aku fans grup kpop aku cukup geli sama fans halu denial yang menganggap idolanya ga boleh ada kesalahan dan ga menerima perbedaan opini dari fans lain. heii sadar kalo salah ya salah haha
Liked by: mango cutebaby

kadang mikir bisa gak ya aku ngejar impian aku? apakah otak aku masih mampu? okok belajar terus deh tapi kalau ternyata kematian yang duluan ngejar aku gmana ya? kok keknya gaada yg suka aku ya? semembosankan dn tidak secakep itukah aku? sorry ovt malam malam

heii bestiee, setidaknya kamu udah berjuang dan berusaha
soal rezeki, ajal dan lainnya itu urusan Tuhan, kamu hanya perlu bersyukur dalam menjalani hidup 🤗

Mau nanya,kalo misalnya kita udah rencana buat nonton sama gebetan, tapi belum dipastiin kapan nonton nya. Nah kita sebagai cewe boleh ga nanya cuma buat pastiin jadi nonton apa engga? Soalnya ini film aku pengen banget nonton nya.Tapi krn udh janji makanya nungguin dia, tapi dia ga ada nanyain lagi

heii gurl, emang yg boleh nanya dan memastikan sesuatu cuma cowo doang? ngga doong..
tanya ke dia, pastikan. biar kamu ga nunggu terlalu lama. jangan berekspektasi lebih, kalo dia gajadi, nonton sendiri lebih seru tau. u look so cool!

"Aren't ya cheery. K!lled once, sacrificed myself once, I didn't want to be dragged inta the light after my murder, but I didn't have a choice, After I gave my life, well didn't tink I'd be alive again but I'd finally done somethin good in my life."

forgottenfifth’s Profile PhotoShadow
*Mel was planning to píss off Shadow so they get into a fight and ruin his chances of befriending Ganz*
Gz: What the heII are you doing!? This kid has a story like mine! I died once by my brother remember? I'm sorry about Mel,I can't control him at all and I'm sorry about what you've dealt with
Mel: Shut up Ganzy! Don't you see this brat is trying to trick you? Watch this, I'll prove it! *he goes back to Shadow boi and bítch slaps him, dude what the fųck* Your a demon aren't you? You and your story is full of crap! By the way kid, I'm not supposed to be cheery! With a name like Melancholy,what do you expect? Me to give you milk and cookies?

"Orphan, so no, no siblings dunno if I even have real parents."

forgottenfifth’s Profile PhotoShadow
Gz: You were dealt a really shítty hand huh? But maybe it wasn't so bad, I had a father and a brother and it was complete heII, maybe you dodged a bullet
Mel: Ganzy! Can't you see this dumbaşş is trying to pull you away from me!? You don't want this kid to end up like everyone else around you, do you?
Gz: *that clamed him up and he looks at Mel with scared eyes*
Mel: If you trust anyone else, what's going to happen? They'll be kiIIed by your brother or someone else who's after you..it's not worth it now is it?
*he gives Shadow a dark grin*
Liked by: Vio Red Zelda Blue Nova Shadow

*Geno winces when they hit the ground but goes over and teleports them all home, Undyne will have to wait until Reaper's conscious to yell at him*

DontcallmeSans’s Profile Photo⟥G▫e▫n▫o⟤
Well..uh..maybe he's got it? ..If he dies, what the heII am I gonna tell Asgore? "Sorry I was p-ssed and thought your son was doing sneaky sh-t so I kiIIed him?" F-ck..now add in the fact he has a f-cking husband..who knew he would actually get married..I thought he was a heartless sh-t bag.. ..damn it..

*Geno's half melted skull is exposed as he walks over to Undyne to watch his life story with her* I still remember when my Undyne left to fight Frisk, she knew she wasn't going to return. . . Are you enjoying this Goddess of War? Witnessing the very first Genocide run from the eyes of a 'survivor'?

DontcallmeSans’s Profile Photo⟥G▫e▫n▫o⟤
..*The fish stares at Genos melted skull, there wasn't any lying about that, his skull just like in what she just saw* ..No..but..dammit.. *She let out a frustrated sigh and stares down at the ground* look, I'm sorry alright? You got dealt a real crappy deck of cards ..guess I shouldn't of thought you were lying..BUT ..HIM!? Falling in love or caring about anyone!? *She looks back at @GrimReapings * I don't believe it! I don't see how the heII you both ended up together AND I don't agree with our rules being broken! But if Asgore really approves of this..then as much as I want to punch Death in the face..I know I can't go against Asgores word.. I'll let him free from THAT only! I STILL believe he's involved in the murđer of one of our own though! *Rolling pins fall from the sky on top of Undyne-jk*

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If you're looking for Geno, you're looking at him, and yes I'm his husband. I'm not technically mortal and haven't been for an incredibly long time. Also given your Asgore has given this relationship his approval, and he's in charge, shouldn't his decision on this matter

DontcallmeSans’s Profile Photo⟥G▫e▫n▫o⟤
Wait Asgore WHAAT!? This goes against all our very rules! How could he-!? UGH!! This is p-ssing me off! Are you saying I'm in the wrong here!? We can't just let this slide! We have rules for a reason dammit!! If your not a mortal then what the heII are you!?

How is this Not my business, right you have no idea who I am, no one told you about us for this exact reason *A blaster appears between Undyne and the trapped Afterdeath family, and considering the glitch's eye light flared up red/blue when it appeared he summoned it* They're my family too Undyne

DontcallmeSans’s Profile Photo⟥G▫e▫n▫o⟤
What the heII-!? *The fish Goddess stares wide eyed at the sudden blaster that was summoned..* You..your not among the deceased!? But those wounds..how are you alive!? How can you use magic and more importantly..DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHO YOU HAVE THAT POINTED AT!? You wouldn't want to challenge me Sans! Not in that condition and especially not as a mortal! I command you to stand dow--did..did you just say family!?

*A voice speaks from behind Undyne* What the actual fuuck!? *turning around the eternally injured half dead glitch is looking at the scene in front of him in horror*

DontcallmeSans’s Profile Photo⟥G▫e▫n▫o⟤
*Yeah good luck explaining this Undyne*
*The fish Goddess turns around when she hears the sudden voice* Sh-t! Did one of the guards--huh!? Who the heII are you!? And what's with--sh-t..did you come from Lifes? Nobody with those types of wounds can be alive.. look, this is no place for a lost Soul to wander into, you need to head back outside!

*Asriel just laughs in pain, before becoming XFrisk, injured fatally in the same way he was after XChara and Cross' fight k!lled him, he weakly reaches a hand out towards XChara*

forgottenfifth’s Profile PhotoShadow
XCH: Asriel!? *ghost brat was almost in tears and hugs what he thinks is his dying best friend* How are you even here!? Aren't you dead already!? You and Frisk already.. what the heII is going on!?
Liked by: Dream Ink Vio Shadow

*though now instead of looking at Shadow, Chara seems to be alone in the darkness with XAsriel, a mortally injured XAsriel, he grips at his injury as dust begins to pour from his body, he looks at Chara with pained pleading eyes*

forgottenfifth’s Profile PhotoShadow
XCH: ASRIEL!? WHAT THE FŲCK!? THE HELL!? HOW ARE YOU HERE AND WHAT DID THAT DEMON COW DO TO YOU!? *He falls for it and flies over to his "brother" lol* HE GIVE YOU RABBIES!? I can't help as a ghost damn it!! Just hang on! I'LL SHOW HIM TO GIVE YOU RABBIES!! *what the heII dude*
Liked by: Dream Ink Vio Nova Shadow

"Well I couldn't send them to Heaven, I'm sure you know their temperament better than anyone." *she beats her wings actually taking flight, proving beyond a doubt they're real* "You can ask when they get back~"

onryotatarigami’s Profile PhotoNova
F: W-WAIT!! You really sent Chara to heII!? /The murderous child stares up at her as she takes flight/ You can't be a real angel! When is Chara coming back!?

*Though in the comic with Ganz after Geno, Reaper did take him to an amusement park* We can try

DontcallmeSans’s Profile Photo⟥G▫e▫n▫o⟤
*I forgot about that but in either case, he's only been on the ferris wheel so there's a good chance Reaper doesn't know what everything is there, it might take some explaining--*
*Reaper then teleports them both to a amusement park on the surface in the classic timeline--though he probably should have changed their clothes since once seeing the duo, about every human there that spots them takes off screaming* The heII is their problem?

Salah nggak sih kalau milih2 pekerjaan? Aku emang br mau kerja. Tp, kalau nggak sesuai passion aku, kadang banyak tekanan dan nggak aku nikmati pekerjaannya. Tp, org sekitar aku nganggep aku bodoh, krn milih pekerjaan Aku bingung... 😢

enggak, kamu enggak salah. meskipun kenyataannya hidup itu harus realistis, tapi heii, kita hidup cuma sekali kan? why not, if we do what we love? apalagi hal itu tentang kerjaan. enggak ada yang salah. justru ketika kita menikmati pekerjaan itu, meskipun dengan gaji kecil, kita bakal tetep bisa mensyukurinya. dan juga, kita bakal lebih ngerasa bahagia drpd kerja ditempat yang gajinya gede tapi bikin kita stres berat.

...Reaper, stars what am I supposed to do with you *When Reaper wasn't looking Geno tried to make the holidays enjoyable for the rest of the family*

DontcallmeSans’s Profile Photo⟥G▫e▫n▫o⟤
Give me a kiss and sat that you love me? *Reaper gives a nervous smile, he did turn Christmas into one heII of a fiasco, at least Geno tried to make it better for everyone, though I don't think he's gonna appreciate the new move the Death God did today, the Tsun spots Shino and Geha both tangled up in bubble wrap on the floor, Reaper told them if they wanted to hug their mom, they have to cover themselves in bubble wrap and it ended with both kiddos getting themselves stuck*

Like him I'm Half-Human with a Soul of Determination, The button was designed for XChara and XFrisk, but my soul can access it as well. Hybrids can do amazing, and terrible things

onryotatarigami’s Profile PhotoNova
.."Determination is one heII of a drug" *Reaper chuckled darkly* your really unlucky huh.. Determination on top of everything else has you labeled as a number one target in our multiverse..

..I'll let it go when I burn in heII~ Oh wait..I can't..I'm in a endless loop of life and death~ *Silver flashes Sorell a non threatening grin* look..let me handle this..who's the oldest brother you got in this family? Last I checked it was me..I know what's best for us right now and it's to lie low

VoidOfEmptiness’s Profile PhotoṠïḷṿëṛ
..B-but..!! I--o-okay..if..if you r-really think that's best..I'll t-try not to say a-anything else..*Sorell nervously pats his his sleeves together* I'm s-sorry.. s-should you even be u-up right now..?

*There's a loud crack from behind and a searing pain tears through Ganz's back punching out through his ribs, the bullet misses Geha, and he hears the sound of a gun being reloaded*

*Oh shít*
Mel: Ganz!? Damn it!! What the heII happened!? *he turns to see who was loading a gun*
Gz: Fųck..!!

"I think I'll call y'all whatever I damn well please. I mean my adoptive dad beat me but still taught me ta read and write." *not Undyne*

forgottenfifth’s Profile PhotoShadow
S: who and what the heII are you? You don't look like any human I've seen and..first of all, what makes you think I ever laid a hand on that idiot? Second, why are you at my house? Third, why are you even here in Snowdin? You'd think the kid would warn me if they were bringing strangers

*Reaper is nailed over the skull with another rolling pin, the injury begins to burn, the pin was covered in blood* "Maybe this will get through your thick skull."

onryotatarigami’s Profile PhotoNova
*Reaper proceeds to scream like a girl XD I may have copied a certain someone**He starts running around in a circle, covering his skull* W-what the heII!? I didn't do anything that time! *Uh..Iyou sent Goth to the Underworld and if Sorell had the guts to tell what happened to him long ago, Geno would walk out for a few days--*

*Shadow looks shaken when Reaper comes across him* "I... I actually used that magic. I haven't used mind control in years, yet it was still so natural!" *Shadow's just looking down at his grey, purple clawed hands*

forgottenfifth’s Profile PhotoShadow
Hey, kiddo, calm down a sec, what magic are you talking about? *Reaper seems worried* What the heII did I miss??

*Nova doesn't dodge, she does shield Shino with a bladed wing however, the scythe catches Nova in the exposed shoulder the blood spray from the resultant injury burns Geha where it touches her*

onryotatarigami’s Profile PhotoNova
*Geha stops in her tracks when she felt the blœd splatter actually burn? She stumbles back and starts rolling on the ground to get it off* Why the heII does it BURN!?

*Shino teleports in but cause she still doesn't know how to fully use her powers, she ends up dropping in from the sky* Oniiisaa--Uh oh--! Mummy!!

ReaperInTraining’s Profile PhotoS༙྇h༙྇i༙྇n༙྇o༙྇
..What the heII are you doing here..!? *Geha looks at @onryotatarigami then back at Shino who's dropping in at the worst time* ..dammit.. looks like I'll have to end this quick..hang on! I have to finish this first!

*she just smirks at the Ghost light enveloping her and restraining him* "don't tick off an Angel, I'm sending you back to hell for awhile" *with a wave the perv is banished, but not forever since she's only half Angel and very young*

onryotatarigami’s Profile PhotoNova
Cr: THANK YOU!! *He actually hugs her lol he hates Chara that much*
XCH: You know your still really hot like this~ I'd get sent to heII for you any day baby~ *Even when hes banished his simping knows no bounds*

*the 'star' falls towards the ground, there's no crash and when the light reaches the ground it vanishes, though a familiar figure is where the light fell*

onryotatarigami’s Profile PhotoNova
*Should I bring back Chara? This would be perfect timing*
NO DON'T DO THAT!! *He heads over to the figure ignoring the admin..jerk*
What the heII bird lady..you scared me and Dream!
Liked by: Shadow Dream Nova

Heii, es gibt ja keine Frist mehr, ich dachte aber, ich frag trotzdem mal nach dem Stand der Dinge :3 Kannst du deine ersten Gedanken schon spinnen, wie sieht es mit deiner Motivation aus und sind schon Steckbriefe angekommen? o3o

LouanaRidwell’s Profile PhotoAleviana
Hello 😊
Bisher sind keine weiteren Steckbriefe eingegangen aber meine Motivation leidet dadurch nicht 😊
Ich habe mir schon ein paar Szenen notiert, die ich einbauen möchte und überlege auch immer wieder wie ich eure Szenen am besten einbaue 😍
Momentan bin ich immer noch dabei die Lovers&Friends Seite der Homepage zu bearbeiten, also hoffentlich kommt die dann auch bald mal online 😅
Deshalb ist mir der Druck auf die Steckbriefe auch gerade nicht so wichtig 😂 Aber das heißt auch dass alle in Ruhe an ihren Steckbriefen arbeiten können und mir keiner irgendwas hin klatschen muss weil er nicht genug Zeit hatte 🙏🏻
Aber ich bin soooo gespannt 🥺🥺
Ich hoffe ihr seid auch noch immer alle so motiviert und hyped wie ich ❤️
Rabbit ❤️

Heii :3 Dachte, ich funk mal kurz durch um dir zu sagen, dass die Idee einfach mega klingt und wir jetzt schon zu dritt über möglichen Konzepten brüten und nach Faceclaims suchen x3

LouanaRidwell’s Profile PhotoAleviana
Das freut mich sehr zu hören!! Ich bin schon so so gespannt, was für Ideen bei mir eintrudeln werden hehe Ich kann es wirklich kaum abwarten😍🔥🔥

Buongiorno cari seguiti come state? 😊Oggi vi chiedo qual è il vostro dolce preferito? 😊 quale sapete far meglio e davvero amate più di ogni cosa la mondo come dolce? :D

AntonyMasso’s Profile PhotoAntony
heii, bene grazie. te?
ultimamente ho rivalutato la crostata alla marmellata (rigorosamente albicocca, ovviamente) e penso sia ridiventata quella il mio dolce preferito.
i dolci che mi vengono meglio sono due:
-i biscotti con tipo due strati di pasta frolla e uno in mezzo di marmellata/nutella.
-il tiramisù classico.

Language: English